Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer

Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer

40 ratings
Trying to help you people
By Darkey' ®
Now if you're always wondering how did that guy know I was there. How did he wallbang me what this guy is clearly a cheater and should be crucified.
Let me introduce my self
I have been playing cod since late 2006 I got on the tail end of the cod2 days. Then moved into playing cod4 which was extremely good the community was great. This is the main thing the community was great they taught me everything I know about the broken cod engine. Since cod4 I have played all the cods on various platforms I have played in numerous competitive teams for each cod.
Onto the guide
Now I touched it very briefly in the first part of the guide about the broken cod engine. Now you’re probably wondering what is this guy on about.
Well read below and you will find out:
First of all wall running is the single most important thing in the cod franchise especially if you play SnD you will be able to get to whatever spot you want to a lot quicker.
How to Wall run:

So simple it’s crazy if the wall is on your left hold W,A keys if the wall is on your left and sprint , if it’s on your right it’s W,D keys than you just need to slightly place your crosshairs on wall your running with and presto you are wall running. Now it only works if the wall is flat perfect example would be raid, if you spawn kitchen side you can wall run on that wall to your left and go to poolside of the map and continue to wall run. If you do it right you can reach those double stairs before 98% of people and if it’s TDM just wallbang that wall for victory

Second thing would be what FPS you have.

Now the cod engine has always had a set FPS where you get a slight advantage from playing on it , ie 125 FPS allows you to jump longer and have a higher rate of fire on your gun , 250Fps allows you to jump higher and have higher rate of fire than 125fps and 333fps gives you the best of both worlds.

With blops 2 public matches are locked at 200Fps cap so 120fps is the next big thing a AMD card automatically pushes it to 125fps whilst for some reason Nvida locks it at 120 (teach you to buy overpriced garbage). Now I have a good Pc I can run the game with everything on maxed settings and still achieve 125fps. But I don’t because everything on maxed makes the game look great but you’re there to pew pew pixels not look how pretty the game is, so these are the settings I use

Game Sense
Onto the last part that probably gives most players reason to call average to good players hackers. Game sense is the single biggest asset you can have in cod if you’re playing TDM knowing when the spawns will flip and where they will flip to is very helpful to get quick and easy picks.
For example standoff has a total of 4 main areas where you will respawn, two are where both teams spawn in at the start, the other two are petrol station and where that box is that looks into B bomb if you play SnD.

If you know the areas where people are going to spawn you can just pre aim those areas and that’s where a lot of hackusations come from pre-aiming is such a good thing to do most maps you can get a feel of where most people run around. Pre-aim those areas and you will find you can win a lot more gunfights than if you just run around like headless bird.

Now with pre-aiming there is also pre-firing if you’re shooting at somebody and they duck around a corner to run after them stay where you are and just slowly tap your mouse pause and 9 times out of 10 they will re poke that corner and you can get the kill.

Wallbanging is also a good thing to understand if somebody ducks behind a wall and they are tagged keep shooting that wall all the Ar’s do damage through a wall without Fmj so most times you will get a really easy kill with the wallbang and you can reap the rewards of being called a 1337 hacker.
I don’t consider myself the best player I would say I’m average and on a good day I’m good

Big thanks to the people who took the time to teach me everything I know back in the day of playing cod2 PAM and cod4 promod. Huge shoutout to all the players who have called hacks on me in the past really gives me a laugh so kudos thank you all.

This guide is not the be all and end all these are just some things I have learnt over the years of playing this FPS

And some pics of my combat record becasue that seems what all the kids do these days.

In closing the new cod community is complete trash when I first started the better players helped out the not so good and lifted the general skill level. Now it’s the good players are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ which rightly so due to the amount of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ they have to put up with on a day to day basis
Alexdre Dec 27, 2022 @ 8:24am 
thank you i didnt use but thanks
franquito May 22, 2021 @ 3:49pm 
ta weno
Killyourselfroy May 22, 2021 @ 6:23am 
didnt ask
SemiDutch Jul 5, 2014 @ 7:42pm 
ps: dont rly understand why you use high depth of field but I'm sure you have your reasons.
SemiDutch Jul 5, 2014 @ 7:39pm 
Looks good. nice to see something from a fellow pam/promod player +Rate

Only disagree with the amd vs nvidia but thats just personal.

Good stuff :Pizza:
HYBRID$UICIDE † Jul 3, 2014 @ 6:03pm 
yep youre right but i dont like the textures at low looks like minecraft and also it was just my opinion :)
Darkey' ®  [author] Jul 3, 2014 @ 5:50pm 
No point playing on unlimited FPS like I said you get no benfit for the engine of playing at the FPS cap which is 200 in public games.With res it's a personal thing I prefer playing at 1920x1080 whilst some others play at 1280x720 just all in the feel. At the end of the day it's just a general guide these are the same settings I have played on since cod2 chuck everything low so you get rid of all the extra shit that the devs like to put in so you can just foucs on the guy you're trying to kill
HYBRID$UICIDE † Jul 3, 2014 @ 4:38pm 
O ye almost forgot.For those who dont yet use 90 field of View USE IT.its super helpfull and good.
HYBRID$UICIDE † Jul 3, 2014 @ 4:31pm 
+with these exact settings i got my nuclear.
HYBRID$UICIDE † Jul 3, 2014 @ 4:24pm 
yo dude no offense but youre settings are bad.With youre settings and everything i have 50 FPS but with this settings 1440x800,shadows OFF,ragdoll Disabled,Extra Quality(High also works really well),Low texture filtering,2xMSAA,FXAA OFF,ambient occlusion OFF,and the most important cause of low FPS (in my opinion)DEPTH OF FIELD Has to be low,Sncy every frame no,and max FPS is unlimited.And this in my opinion (Obviosly theres someone settings out there that are better I dont know)this is the best settings.Also it all depends on youre Graphic card and monitor :)