Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

38 ratings
Malhya - Demo (4U/LBDJ) [EN][FR][SCRIPTED]
Type: Game
Complexity: Medium Complexity
Number of Players: 4
Play Time: 120 minutes
File Size
676.914 KB
Feb 13, 2022 @ 11:57am
Mar 20, 2022 @ 2:51pm
34 Change Notes ( view )

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Malhya - Demo (4U/LBDJ) [EN][FR][SCRIPTED]

Malhya – lands of legends, is an adventure game that simulates a RPG campaign.
You play as the “Awakens”, a group of heroes with incredible abilities, combat skills and talents. Masters of the Aura, source of all magic, you’ll try to fight the evil forces that lurk in the shadows, putting all of Malhya in danger. During your travels, you’ll be the master of your destiny, and everyone of your choices will alter your journey. But be aware of the consequences as you’ll have to face them as your quest goes on. Will you succeed, or fail in the trials that await ?

Malhya is a 1 to 5 players cooperative and narrative game.
You will play 9 chapters of a narrative campaign spreading over more than 100 hours.

This mod offers you the opportunity to play the demo scenario (prototype sent to reviewers and also playable during convention like Cannes International Games Festival)
Final box will include many more content and material !
Rulebook is Work In Progress (and limited to the demo content), any typo should be fixed in the final version.

Kickstarter (March 15, 2022) :

La Boite de Jeu Web Site :

Malhya, Land of Legends (4 Univers) Facebook :

La Boite de Jeu Facebook :

Note :
I am not employed by 4 Univers or La Boite de Jeu.
I discovered the game during french "Paris est Ludique" festival back in 2019 and offered 4 Univers to create a TTS mod to allow more people to test this awesome game.
Then, in 2021, came the partnership between 4 Univers and La Boite de Jeu who gave me access to the new artworks and also gave its permission to this mod publication.


Malhya – lands of legends est un jeu d’aventure narratif.
Vous y incarnez un groupe de héros : les Eveillés, qui grâce à la maitrise de l’Aura, source de toute magie, et leurs divers talents de combattants et de stratèges, tenteront de repousser les forces obscures qui cherchent à prendre le contrôle des terres de Malhya. Tout au long de votre aventure vous serez maître de votre destin, et vous devrez prendre des décisions et faire des choix qui changeront le chemin de votre voyage. Mais il faudra aussi vous confronter aux conséquences de vos choix passés et aux répercussions de ceux-ci sur la suite de votre quête. Serez-vous à la hauteur de votre mission ?

Malhya est un jeu coopératif d’aventure de 1 à 5 joueurs où vous allez parcourir 9 chapitres d’une campagne narrative de plus de 100 heures de jeu.

Ce mod vous offre la possibilité de jouer au scénario de démo (prototype envoyé aux reviewers et également jouable lors de convention telles que le Festival International du Jeu de Cannes)
Cela ne représente qu'un échantillon du contenu final du jeu !

Kickstarter (15 mars 2022) :

La Boite de Jeu Site Web :

Malhya, Land of Legends (4 Univers) Facebook :

La Boite de Jeu Facebook :

Note :
Je ne suis pas employé par 4 Univers ou La Boite de Jeu
J'ai découvert le jeu au cours du festival "Paris est Ludique" en 2019 et j'ai proposé à 4 Univers de créer ce mod TTS pour permettre à davantage de joueurs de pouvoir tester ce fantastique jeu.
En 2021, 4 Univers s'est associé avec La Boite de Jeu qui m'a donné accès aux nouveaux design des éléments de jeu et m'a également donné la permission pour la publication de ce mod.

vvedge  [author] Apr 8, 2022 @ 12:04am 
thank you for your feedback :)
unfortunately the backpack card preview is not an easy fix : this is due to how TTS handle multi state objects, when changing state you keep the previous state orientation.
For the standee/card to show face front when put in the backpack, I had to invert front and back images in standee used as state 2
collateral damage : when you preview, you see the back image :(
Nevertheless you can still use ALT+SHIFT to see the other side of the card
Paulie Apr 7, 2022 @ 1:35pm 
Hi vvedge. When previewing cards in the backpack (using ALT key) they show only the "back" of the card. Is that easy to fix? Thank you.
Paulie Apr 7, 2022 @ 1:28pm 
Phenomenal mod.

The quality of scripting, care and attention to detail to ensure a smooth user experience is exceptional - and as good as anything I've seen on TTS.

Thank you and well done! 👏
vvedge  [author] Mar 11, 2022 @ 1:28pm 
@opiated : in fact I don't press T at the same time (by doing so, snap points don't trigger) but I put the card anywhere flat on table and then grab it again to slide it under the board.
The card shouldn't raise if taken from the table level (if nothing is above it) and you should be able to slide it under the board.
...and I just realize that's only because I have set the lift height to the minimum (weightlifter icon left to the rotation degrees setting) !!!
Anyway, I'm glad you found a workaround, and I learned a new keyboard shortcut thanks to you (I didn't knew about T, although I knew about right click which I find not very practical ;))
You could also toggle auto-raise off but then the card will collide with any other content at table level
I'm happy to read that you like the mod and the game :)
opiated Mar 11, 2022 @ 9:02am 
Took me a fair bit of time to figure out how you were able to slide the card under the hero board, because every time I grabbed a card it would be raised, so it always went over the hero board. I figure if I pressed T at the same time as I grabbed the card then it would stay down and I could slide it under.
Excellent mod by the way. And the game looks absolutely fantastic.
vvedge  [author] Mar 11, 2022 @ 1:02am 
The hero board is locked and slightly surelevated, you should be able to slide cards under.
There are snap points that should "magnet" card into the right position.
I just added an animated gif to show how to tuck the hero card under the hero board, it works the same for weapons, talents and artifacts.
To place armor under weapon card or talent under other talent, just put the card over and press U (see other animated gif).
U doesn't work to put card under hero board because it is locked
opiated Mar 10, 2022 @ 2:37pm 
How do I tuck cards (talents, artifacts, etc) under the hero board?
vvedge  [author] Mar 10, 2022 @ 2:24pm 
Thanks :)
AeroDynamicMilk Mar 10, 2022 @ 6:44am 
This mod is approved by Big Chungus!
vvedge  [author] Mar 8, 2022 @ 1:44pm 
Thanks, I made this mod to give as many people as possible the opportunity to test the game.
If you like it, keep an eye out for the upcoming Kickstarter : March 15 is just in a few days ;)
This is only a demo mod.
I asked 4 Univers & La Boite De Jeu the authorization to create this mod and they kindly gave me access to the digital equivalent of the content of the prototype, this is why the initiative track isn't in the mod.
The mod reflects the content of the prototype sent to the reviewers... which doesn't include the initiative track either.
Kickstarter physical version will have many more content : more heroes, more enemies, resource gathering and crafting, ... and of course more scenario booklets :)