Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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[BNW] Fallout Civs - New Vegas
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[BNW] Fallout Civs - New Vegas

In 2 collections by Kramer
[BNW] Sasquatch's Fallout Civs and Components
15 items
[BNW] RawSasquatch's Civs - The Complete Collection
73 items
This mod adds the enterprise of New Vegas, under the leadership of the enigmatic Mr. House, from Fallout: New Vegas, to the game! Stockpile your gold and bide your time until you unleash a Securitron army upon the wasteland! It's been a long time coming and there's still more Fallout civs to come from me yet, so hopefully it's worth the wait!

Requires Brave New World.

New Vegas - House

The House Always Wins: Generate Production based upon the amount of Gold in your treasury, split evenly between all cities. Receive a small sum of Gold when Gold buildings are constructed in cities connected to yours by Trade Route.

Securitron: Unique Machine Gun for New Vegas. Unlocked with Electronics instead of Ballistics. +1 Movement, and begins with Cover I.

Casino: Unique Stock Exchange for New Vegas. The first 4 Casinos you build grant unique Wonders that provide Tourism and other benefits. Casino Wonders can also be manually built in cities that already have one.

Includes mod support for Fallout Religions, UCI, Cultural Diversity, and JFDLC.


Creator, XML, Art: Sasquatch (AKA Kramer)
Lua: JFD
Securitron Model + Animations: Typhlomence

Music Credits
Peace Theme: "Fallout New Vegas End Theme", Inon Zur
War Theme: "Fallout New Vegas - Theme (Re)Orchestra", The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra

Buy me a coffee!

All of my mods will always be free to play, no matter what. No exceptions. So if you enjoy my mods and want to help me out, consider making a donation!
Popular Discussions View All (1)
Jun 4, 2023 @ 10:30am
Mr House Bonus
Justintrouble8 Jun 17, 2024 @ 2:11am 
To fix getting 100 production in your city before researching workshop, edit the mod document,
C:\Users\YOURPC\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Fallout Civs - New Vegas (v 1)\Lua

edit functions.lua Ctrl f "numGold = g_MathCeil(player:GetGold" put the number at 100 to give 1/3rd as much production. Might still be too strong.
Justintrouble8 Jun 17, 2024 @ 1:34am 
You could half the production bonus from gold and it would still be broken. Played on hardest difficulty, outpaced everyone very quickly.
Lucas Jun 15, 2024 @ 8:56am 
3.5% holy moly, In my head I was like I would do .5% and cap at 2000 gold and even then that's still really really really good lol. House always wins indeed.
Fnvcot Jun 11, 2023 @ 9:47pm 
Great mod, but the balancing is bad. As others have said you really run away with the game even on harder difficulties because of the bonus towards production. If you play as House, play on a harder difficulty than you normally would.
Tuki Jun 4, 2023 @ 10:11am 
I know this mod and the game are old but, in case someone finds it useful:
The bonus is 3.5% from Gold into Production split evenly on all cities.
To see current bonus use a calculator (Current gold x 0.035)

or... go to any city tab and hover over Production, it's listed as "Buildings". Just deduct anything from production buildings (Workshop, Palace, etc.)

Playing with one city only is stupidly powerful. I love it.
Tuki Jun 2, 2023 @ 1:24pm 
Plays a bit like Venice and Spain in the sense of being lucky enough to get gold early and churn out stuff.
tylerspinks11 May 1, 2023 @ 6:52pm 
I love this mod!!! would be even more amazing if there were models of the casinos and the Lucky 38 towering over the city!!
Turtle-Gal Mar 23, 2022 @ 6:39am 
Do you plan on adding models to your other fallout mods?
Cooley Slays Mar 21, 2022 @ 5:55pm 
I think this is whats crashing my game when I load my save. Great idea for a civ though
TheChinCollector Mar 16, 2022 @ 2:01pm 
I love the mod so far but I've got a bit of a balancing concern. In my first and only run as New Vegas (so far), I found El Dorado in like the first 10-15 turns and managed to churn out nearly every early game wonder in less than 10 turns of work because of the early gold boost it gave me. I just entered the Industrial age on Prince difficulty with 4x the score of the AI in second place. I produce units and buildings in 1 or 2 turns and wonders in 5-6 even with 5 cities. Even just dumping money into city states barely makes a dent in my stored up cash for very long.