Black Mesa

Black Mesa

99 ratings
Troubleshooting and fixing your game!
By Peter Brev
If you run into an issue with Black Mesa, please look at all the different solutions to self resolve the matter. Should you require additional assistance, you may open a new discussion topic or contact the developers through their Discord server.[]
Greetings scientists!

This guide regroups issues and possible fixes that are known by the community.

If your issue is not there or the fix does not work, please make sure you take a peek at this thread.

In addition, if you are subscribed to any mods, please make sure that:
  1. It is updated to the latest version of the game.
  2. You unsubscribe from all mods, delete their respective files*, and verify the integrity of games files
*Workshop files for Black Mesa are located in .\Steam\userdata\400275221\362890

Alternatively, use the game launch command +workshop_disable 1 to quickly disable every and all Workshop mods for Black Mesa.

Finally, please move out or remove your "custom" folder (if any) in Common/Black Mesa/bms to completely prevent any custom content from loading. Verify the integrity of game files before launching the game again.

For gamepad related issues and questions, see this guide below.
Table Of Contents
My Black Mesa folder has malware!
First steps to try
My saves are broken, gone or outdated. What do I do?
My game crashes at start up
Addressing performance issues, including frame-rate stutter, dips and lag
The flashlight/torch shadow doesn't cast far enough away from the player
My flashlight does not work/My game is too dark!
The controller is not working!
The controller weapon selection is on despite playing with keyboard & mouse
When I set the Sun Shadows to 'Ultra', the next time I play Black Mesa the setting has reverted back to 'High'
Why won't the 'Ludicrous' setting under Dynamic Lights Quality apply or 'stick'?
Descriptions of what each command does for the game launch options
My saves no longer work!
My game hangs up with the world "Loading" that I want removed!
I did not ask for this update/You should have warned us about an upcoming update!
I cannot bind certain keys!
MSAA seems on, but I cannot find it in the options!
The performance is terrible on my high end system!
Blood and other decals do not show up on my arms and weapons!
I am playing on an ultrawide monitor and text cuts off!
The resolution is messed up and I cannot change it in-game!
A mod from the workshop is not working!
The UI is showing in the screenshot instead of the game when manually saving!
I have an issue with an achievement!
My menu is flickering
Common phrases and terminology
There is malware detected in my Black Mesa folder!
Any time a virus protection tool picks up a threat, people panic, usually fairly so. There are times, however, where false positives happen. This is the case with Black Mesa. There is absolutely no reason for the developers to push updates that contain malware given their respectable reputation.

If you get a threat alert from your virus protection tool, be sure to report it to the developers on the forums or on Discord, so that they can work this out with the companies than run those software.

In the meantime, you have two options:
  • Wait until this issue is fixed, if you so much as do not trust the file to be safe.
  • Whitelist the files that are considered to be false positives.

TL:DR Stop being dumb. It is a false positive. Black Mesa is and will always be virus-free.
01. First steps to try
1) Check the Black Mesa Store Page for the Minimum Hardware Specifications.
As they have changed since the original MOD and Early Access releases. Integrated Graphics are NOT supported. Black Mesa has many major graphical upgrades (with the use of a brand new rendering engine), such as Dynamic Lighting and Shadows, which requires a dedicated graphics card. Please note that a strong processor is also required.

Finding Windows error logs

How to find the error logs for Black mesa:
  1. Search for "Event Viewer" in your Windows search bar.
  2. In the side navigation bar, go to Windows Logs > Application Logs.
  3. Find the error caused by bms.exe. It should be a red circle with an exclamation mark and be the most recent if you just tested trying to open bms.exe and failed.
  4. Check the text box labeled general to see if the log is about bms.exe.
  5. When you find the correct log, copy the general text box and paste it into the ticket.
02. My saves are broken, gone or outdated. What do I do?
Credits to Just Chill for providing all the following information. See the original discussion here.

Originally posted by Just Chill:
If you play the beta or you got suddenly surprised by the official Definitive Edition update, you will have issues with your save game after every update.
That was like that, when I joined the beta for Xen and it will be like that in any other update either, which contains map changes.
Simply because your save game contains data that isn't relevant anymore and rather is outdated.
The Source engine detects that and will prompt you an error.

There is a post from 2013 about Half-Life 2 having an update, which made saves invalid:

Crowbar Collective uses the Source engine too and they cannot rewrite its core.

So yeah, it's annoying but that's how Valve's engine works obviously.

If you want to continue
testing / playing the game from a specific point nearby your last save game, you simply may use the "map" command in console, with the respective map name.

map bm_c4a4a
Which will load up the Nihilanth boss fight.

Earth-bound levels:
Originally posted by
Black Mesa Inbound


Anomalous Materials


Unforeseen Consequences


Office Complex


We've Got Hostiles


Blast Pit


Power Up


On a Rail




Residue Processing


Questionable Ethics


Surface Tension


Forget About Freeman


Lambda Core


Borderworld levels, collected by myself:
Lambda Core - Teleporter


Grotto before laboratory:

Laboratory before explosive plant section:

Shortly before the big tree area, where 3 rooms have to be solved to open up the path:

Open alley before jumping down a big hole and encountering ground barnacles for the first time:

The houndeye bridge:


Area after following Gonarch and jumping down (area where you need to blow the wall with a detonator):

Area where Gonarch destroys a wall with her green goo attack (I got stuck there once in beta ^^):


After first controller fight, in the canyon:

When encountering the grates that need to get molten by green acid:

Another cave with green acid riddles:

Shortly before arriving at the factory entrance, where the first jumping Alien Grunts spawn:

Before starting the assembly line riddle:

Assembly line riddle, before controller ambush:

Assembly line riddle, before going up the flesh trampolines:

Second waste disposal area, shortly before starting the elevator section:

At the end of the elevator sequence shortly before teleporter to Nihilanth:


End Game


In addition:
Oh, thanks for pinning. :)

In addition to the "map"-command, there are either some things that might be worth mentioning, about having a "naked" Gordon, after using the map command to load a specific map:

Originally posted by Just Chill:
Ah, I feared that this might happen.
You need to get the HEV suit and probably even the longjump module + weapons.

To do so, you have to type these things after you loaded the map:

sv_cheats 1
give item_suit
give item_longjump
(use longjump cheat only for Lambda Core - Teleporter and Xen)
impulse 101
give item_suitcharger

Just to be sure: If you play earthbound before the Xen teleporter, do NOT use the long jump cheat. As you are not supposed to have that module before you enter the Lambda Core teleporter room.

You surely can use it in earthbound levels too, but be sure that any issue you'll encounter by using the long jump module in such a level is redundant.
As you are naturally not able to use that module in that level. ;)

If you want go further, you can also spawn the unique items for the achievements again:

Originally posted by BMS DIGITAL SPORTS:
You can use a console command to spawn the hat. Start Surface Tension from the "New Game" setting, and then type the following into the console:

prop_physics_create props_junk/tomabasarab_quaff.mdl

This will spawn the hat in front of you. Then, aim your crosshair at the hat, open the console, and type the following:

ent_setname quaff

This will make the hat be treated as THE ONE TRUE GOD the purple hat. You can now continue on your merry way. Sorry for the inconvenience.

For the Pizza:

prop_physics_create props_canteen\pizza_box.mdl
Aim on the spawned pizza and then use
ent_setname drhornspizza

For the gas cannister:
Originally posted by mp_Shell:
Looks like I've found the answer:
prop_physics_create props_questionableethics\qe_gas_cylinder.mdl
ent_setname gas

Not sure if it works though, that needs to be checked.

Originally posted by mp_Shell:
Checked that and can confirm that it works. However teleport will not recognize the item if you spawn it directly on the teleport. Spawn the item aside with that commands, then grab and drop on the teleport, and it will be accepted. Now you can proceed to the secret tunnel.
03. My game does not start or crashes at start up!
My game does not start
If your game does not start after clicking play and showing "Preparing to Launch," please see this support article.

My game crashes at start up!
Firstly, it is advised that you install all the Microsoft VCRedist libraries (from 2005 to 2017) to see if it helps with launching your game.

In the event that it doesn't work, install .net repair tool from here:

In the event that doesn't work either, try launching your game with -oldgameui to see if it helps.

An additional fix is to delete d3dx9_24.dll and d3dx9_42.dll from System32 and SysWOW64 folders respectively, then re-install those files using DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer from here:

If that still doesn't work, you are welcome to make a support ticket at Crowbar Collective's Discord Server, where we can assist you further.

04. Addressing performance issues, including frame-rate stutter, dips and lag
  1. Try changing your audio settings in-game to 4 Speakers (or 5.1, or 7.1).
    It would seem that playing the game set to Stereo/Headphones was causing completely random frame rate drops of 10-40 FPS across a 2-3 second period.

    As stated before, check to make sure you have the latest audio/sound card drivers installed.
    Check with Windows updates if any audio drivers are available. Please check with the manufacturer of your sound card, like Realtek, if any updates are available that Windows did not download and install.

    Crowbar collective have said that they have stressed the Source Engine's audio engine to the absolute limit.

  2. Make sure to have Motion Blur set to 'On'.
    It should help eliminate frame-rate stutter.

  3. Use Xbox Game Bar's Frame Rate Counter.
    Whilst in the game, press 'Windows Key + G' to bring up the Game Bar. Then open the performance widget. Untick all other performance metrics, so that the FPS counter is the only one selected. Close the graph and then click the pin to have the overlay stay on permanently. This trick stops FPS drops of 5-10 FPS from occurring and smooths out the frame-rate significantly.

  4. Before you start Black Mesa, add the following to the game launch options:
    +fps_max 75
    Different areas within Black Mesa can have your frame-rate go from over 200 FPS and then suddenly drop to 90 FPS or less. This stresses the GPU and causes timing related issues with the CPU. By limiting the engine frame rate to 75, while having a monitor with a refresh rate of 60, helps the GPU stay steady and more easily stay in sync with the CPU. Which in turn, helps smooth out the frame-rates.

  5. Try lowering the following in-game video settings to help reduce the amount of CPU and VRAM usage:
    - Water Reflections setting.
    For example, lowering from 'Ultra' to 'High'.
    (This SIGNIFICANTLY reduces CPU and VRAM usage. This actually has very little change on the visual quality of the water, but improves system performance drastically!).

    - Dynamic Lights setting.
    For example, lowering from 'Ultra' to 'High'.

    - God Rays setting.
    For example, lowering from 'High' to 'Low'. Or even turning them off completely.
    (There's very little difference in picture quality between High and Low. Also, some people have had success with fixing crashes by turning this setting off completely).

    Stutter may be the result of going over your Video RAM (VRAM) budget, or pushing your GPU over it's maximum threshold. Crowbar Collective haven't added any hard limits based on individual hardware within their implementation of Dynamic Lighting and Shadows, like other game engines do.

    The in-game settings have a handy information guide when you mouse over them, showing you the cost of each setting associated with GPU, CPU and VRAM.

  6. Try resetting the game settings to factory default.
    This may clear up any issues that were caused by any number of unknown reasons. To do this, add the following to the game launch options:
    -dev -novid -autoconfig -autoexec
05. The flashlight/torch shadow doesn't cast far enough away from the player
This is by design as the developers have set this setting to a default of 2. It can be changed to cast further away, though. Before you start Black Mesa, add the following to the game launch options:
+gb_flashlight_shadow_nearZ 10
You can add a higher number if you wish, but 10 is a good distance while keeping the game performant.
06. My flashlight does not work/My game is too dark!
This often happens with integrated graphics, but if it happens anyway, you can fix this with the following console commands:
  • mat_dxlevel 95
  • mat_hdr_level 2
  • mat_tonemapping_occlusion_use_stencil 1
As a last resort and only if the above are not sufficient to increasing brightness, use:
  • mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled 1

Input them all in order. They should take effect immediately upon reloading the map or a save file, but please restart the game to make sure those changes still apply. If they do not, add them to an autoexec.cfg file in .\ Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bms\cfg
Additionally, add exec autoexec.cfg in your config.cfg file in order to force the autoexec.cfg to launch.

If you have black props, especially noticeable with the rocks in Surface Tension, then input r_meshstaticlighting 0 in your console or your autoexec.cfg
Do note that if you have to use this command, it could also be a sign of an underpowered PC or integrated graphics, the latter being unsupported.
07. The controller is not working!
Use exec 360controller in the console.
08. The controller weapon selection is on despite playing with keyboard & mouse
The fix to this is hud_fastswitch 0 to the console.
09. When I set the Sun Shadows to 'Ultra', the next time I play Black Mesa the setting has reverted back to 'High'
Before you start Black Mesa, add the following to the game launch options:
+cl_csm_qualitymode 3
10. Why won't the 'Ludicrous' setting under Dynamic Lights Quality apply or 'stick'?
The 'Ludicrous' setting for Dynamic Lights Quality is currently unsupported and the 1.5 version of the game engine is hard-limited to the 'Ridiculous' setting.

The developers have hinted that this setting, that was once available during early versions of the beta, is not a development priority. Why it is still visible in the new menu UI as an option may be due to the fact that the menu is still under development; or it's quite possible that it's an inside joke among the developers that refers to a scene from the movie 'Spaceballs'.
11. Descriptions of what each command does for the game launch options:
-dev = Starts the game with no in-game menu backgrounds
-oldgameui = Starts the game with the old HL2 game UI
-windowed = Starts the game in a windowed mode
-noborder = Needs to be set with -windowed as it starts the game in a windowed mode with no border.
-autoconfig = Starts the game and resets your video resolution to default.
-dxlevel 95 = Forces the game to start in the correct DirectX version of 9 (only run this once, then remove it before the next time you start the game!)
12. My saves no longer work!
We are sorry for the inconvenience, but this is the nature of the Source engine, and it would require more work than it is worth to fix this, if possible at all. While the developers understand the frustration, they cannot be held responsible.

Saves break because maps are recompiled when major updates are rolled out. Trying to load a save from an older build will attempt to load an older version of the map which causes old kinds of issues.

Black Mesa offers you the option to revert back to an older build. To do so, right click on "Black Mesa" in your Steam library, hit properties, go to the "Betas" tab and choose the beta you would like to opt in. For example, if your saves were made when playing version 1.0., then select "black-mesa-1-0."

Note: Please note that if you were opted in the public_beta branch, we expect everyone to understand what that means and that you are subject to more updates that may break your saves frequently. If you do not want this, make sure you are opted out of any beta testing by selecting "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs."

You will need to load a new game from the chapter you were on. Alternatively, you can manually load the map you were on. Check here for a full list. If you happened to be doing the hat achievement, rest assured, you can use console commands to resume the achievement quickly. See here for the hat achievement.
13. My game hangs up with the word "Loading" that I want removed!
It is not something that can be "fixed." This is not an issue as it is built within the engine itself.
14. I did not ask for this update/You should have warned us about an upcoming update!
Updates are rolled out automatically. Steam enforces those updates: That is what it was originally designed to do and has been doing since its release. You can postpone those updates until the next launch, but you cannot prevent them. If this is an issue to you, then this is something you need to bring up in the general discussions board on Steam, and not here.
15. I cannot bind certain keys!
This has to do with the new UI. You will need to revert to the old UI in order to access to certain graphical options and bind keys (like the Enter key or the num pad keys). To do so, right click on Black Mesa in your Steam library, properties, click "Set Launch Options", and add -oldgameui. Hit OK, close the properties window and launch the game as usual.
16. MSAA seems on, but I cannot find it in the options!
MSAA is removed from the game (and subsequently removed from the options in the new UI) as it causes weird white outlines around objects and NPCs. It was replaced with FXAA.
17. The performance is terrible on my high end system!
We apologize for the inconvenience. The issue will be with the engine itself at the end of the day because of various factors, including but not limited to CPU limited engine and DirectX 9.

You can, however, aid in getting better performance by using the following launch options:
-mat_antialias 0 -mat_aaquality 0 -oldgameui +cl_csm_Enabled 0 +nr_shadow_active 0 +nr_shadow_quality 0 +np_active 0 +np_quality 0

Those commands will change the following graphical settings, mainly:
  • Turn off anti-aliasing
  • Revert to the old menu UI
  • Disable dynamic shadows cast from the outside world and reduces then number of active shadows and quality
  • Disable post processing
18. Blood and other decals do not show up on my arms and weapons!
This is because they were disabled due to performance issues. However, you can enable them again with the following console command: cl_mdldetailfx_enable 1
19. I am playing on an ultrawide monitor and text cuts off!
This is a known issue, the issue should have been fixed. Let us know if you still experience issues.
20. The resolution is messed up and I cannot change it in-game!
You can manually change the resolution through the game launch options with the following commands: -w width -h height

Use -windowed launch command if you have issues with the game in full screen (as in the game does not work properly in full screen).
21. A mod from the workshop is not working!
If hitting the subscribe button alone does not cut it, you may need to do some extra steps like creating a folder called custom within your game's directory (Black Mesa/bms/). You may need to refer to the mod's instructions if they require you to do so. Beyond that, the mod author needs to update their mod. The developers of Black Mesa have nothing to do with maintaining workshop mods up-to-date.
22. The UI is showing in the screenshot instead of the game when manually saving!
Try the following fix. Navigate to your Black Mesa folder (X.\...\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bms). Open bms_misc_dir.vpk and navigate to bms/ui. Extract file utils.qml and open it (and close the VPK folder, we do not need it anymore). Find line 88, it should be:
BlackMesaEngine.executeClientCommandUnrestricted("gameui_hide;save " + filename);
Edit this line with this new line:
BlackMesaEngine.executeClientCommandUnrestricted("gameui_hide;wait;wait;wait;wait;save " + filename);

Navigate back to your Black Mesa folder (X.\...\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bms), open (or create if it does not exist) a folder named custom and inside this folder open (or create again) a folder named bms and inside this folder, open (or create yet again) a ui folder to move utils.qml into it and you are done.
23. I have an issue with an achievement!
If you happen to have an achievement that does not unlock, reset it and try again. Here are the different achievement names to use when resetting (the console command is ACHIEVEMENT_RESET):

Brownian Motion
Caffeine Extraction
Calculated Trajectory
Centripetal Attraction
Convection Refinement
Dead Reckoning
Digital Wizardry
Ethically Questionable
Futile Resistance
Gray Matter Propulsion
Hyper Saturation Conundrum
Inflammatory Actions
Kinetic Repulsion
Mega Hertz
Nuclear Fishin'
Permeable Infrastructure
Premature Expulsion
Prophylactic Suggested
Proverbial Tinkerer
Quantum Capacitance
Rare Specimen
Remote Detonation
Resonance Procrastinator
Unified Coupling Theorum
Universal Gravitation
Prolific Popper
PhD in Pacifism
The Rarest Specimen
One Step Ahead
Stealth Technology
Xen When
Our Brains And Your Brawn
Less Than Desirable Consequences
Orbital Trajectory
Following the Rules
Doctor’s Signature
Gonad Glider
Post-Mortem Interval
The Plan
Unquestionably Ethical
Contest Propellant
Laser Immunization
Black Mesa Decathlon Winner
Anti-Matter Over Mind
Specimen GG
Late for Work
Limitless Potential
Rather an Anticlimax
Pepperoni Precipitation
24. My menu is flickering
The potential cause for it was correlated to NVIDIA drivers (happens on some while not on others). Make sure your drivers are up-to-date. If it doesn't work you can launch the game using -oldgameui instead.
25. Common phrases and terminology
= 'Game Launch Options'
Is a way to add commands via Steam to launch a game with different fixes. To get to the option to add the launch commands I reference below; Right-click Black Mesa in your Steam games list, click Properties, then under the General tab add the commands to the Set Launch Options box.

Make sure each command starts with either the 'minus' - or 'plus' + character indicated in the FAQ below; and has a space after each command.
The 'minus' - refers to an engine command and the 'plus' + refers to the developer console commands. (Example: -dev +fps_max 75)

= 'Developer Console'
Is an overlay that will drop down from the top of screen over the game that allows you to input commands to enable or disable different settings not present within the settings UI. To access this; within the game, on your keyboard press the 'tilde' ~ key and the Developer Console should appear.

If the Developer Console does not appear, you will need to enable it. Go to the in-game Options menu, then select Game, then change the developer console option to 'yes'.

= 'autoexec.cfg'
Refers to a file in the Black Mesa directory that executes developer console commands automatically without you having to type them in each time you run the game. This file is located in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bms\cfg.
It can be opened in notepad. Right-click autoexec.cfg, click Open with, then select Notepad and click OK. Each new command will need to be entered below the previous one, starting with the last one in the file (which by default is r_farz -1) and then save the file.

Please note that adding Console Commands to the 'autoexec.cfg' is no longer necessary as you can simply add the console commands to the Steam 'Game Launch Options' field instead, by adding a 'plus' + to the console command instead of a 'minus' - (For example +fps_max 75)
Final words
As always, you can use Discord to create support tickets as well!
Bonus: I find the game too hard!

kingDRUIDuk Nov 13, 2023 @ 11:25am 
I dont have a problem running the game or tweaking it. I've been around since doom and learned how to use shaders and scripts. But I seem to have a problem getting out of the train car with doctor rosenberg. The hatch wont open, whatever i throw at it! .Any ideas? Brilliant game though. Even though it's classed as a mod. Respect to the modders and mappers too.
Freeman Jul 24, 2023 @ 7:45am 
I need help with an Engine Error on Surface Tension, it says memory exhaust, something, but I put a discussion a day ago and so far no answers. Can anybody tell me if i have to uninstall some workshop addons?
Georg May 26, 2023 @ 11:53pm 
where is gpu temp?
Ninjafossil May 6, 2023 @ 6:37am 
For some reason I can't input text into the console so I can't use console commands. Any ideas what might be causing this?
Noru21 Jan 12, 2023 @ 3:52am 
Jamtine Jan 10, 2023 @ 10:01pm 
What should I do if there are no entries in the menu?
lewis Dec 29, 2022 @ 11:47pm 
Engine Error box opens during INTERLOPER GAME PLASY.
ED_Alloc:no free edicts

Playing on I7 Processor PC. With GEFORCE RTX .
Please help!!!
G-STeR46 Sep 18, 2022 @ 1:32pm 
Questions for = 06. My flashlight does not work/My game is too dark!

With all that being said above, I had this issue also on left 4 dead 2 and was able to add one command in the video.txt ["mat_tonemapping_occlusion_use_stencil" "1"] file and mark it as read only. Which was a legitimate game changer!

Would that same situation apply for black mesa? Or is it truly the fact that having Intel integrated graphics means not only am I poor and overdue for an upgrade, I'm also out of luck? If not, can i follow the same process for this game as I did in l4d2?
Noru21 Mar 31, 2022 @ 2:57pm 
You’re better off making a ticket on Discord or a thread on the forums with details for your issue.
ОШИБКА Mar 31, 2022 @ 12:42pm 
my game crashes not at startup, but during the game, randomly