70 Bewertungen
Ivalice UI
Von neonsquare
Ivalice UI is a mod that reduces the HUD size, adds dynamic overhead HP bars, and includes other UI related features for an immersive experience.
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Ivalice UI is a mod that reduces the HUD size, adds dynamic overhead HP bars, and includes other UI related features for an immersive experience.

This is a work in progress mod, and it will develop over time. This initial early release contains the following features:

  • 16:9 HUD resized and repositioned
  • 16:9 immersive HUD that removes most non-essential gameplay UI elements
  • multiple minimap sizes
  • Playstation gamepad icons when using xinput
  • Resized overhead status effect icons
  • Resized overhead health bars, which can be set to automatically hide when full

Currently the mod only supports the game when using English language, but future releases will be compatible with all languages.

For discussion about development, please use this thread: Ivalice UI - Development


16:9 Small HUD:

16:9 Immersive HUD:


Download current release -> Ivalice UI 0.1.0[]

Download update -> Ivalice UI 0.1.0 Fixes (Small)[]

The update includes the following changes:
  • Neater and less intrusive Combat Log
  • Scaled and repositioned Magick Field icons
  • Scaled and repositioned "Chain Level!" animation
  • Repositioned Battle Chain
  • Scaled and repositoned Chocobo HUD
  • Boss HP Bar, Target Info, and Combat Log are now aligned
  • Repositioned Pause Menu options

  • This update is just a small set of fixes to make the current experience a bit nicer. There's still no foreign language support or other big features, such as text scaling.

  • The update is intended to be applied over the 'Small' HUD setting of Ivalice UI. It will also override your minimap settings and set the minimap to the 'Small' option. All other custom settings are untouched by the update.


Install the update after installing Ivalice UI. When Vortex alerts you to the conflict, click 'More' in the top right orange box, then choose 'Show', and then set the update to be applied 'after' and the main Ivalice UI mod to 'before'.

Install Guide


The mod is designed to be installed with the Vortex mod manager, which can be found here: Vortex[]

Once Vortex is installed, select Final Fantasy 12 from the game list and download the Final Fantasy 12 Extension. During this process you will be prompted to download the External File Loader[] and the LUA Loader[].

Once the previous steps are completed, simply drag and drop the Ivalice UI 7zip onto the 'Drop File(s)' section of the Vortex Mods menu.

An installation prompt will pop up in the top right corner. Click it and choose your mod settings in the fomod menu.

Once you are finished, make sure you click the 'Deploy' notification in the top right corner. If the mod isn't deployed, the files won't be moved to the game's mod folder.

Do not start the game through Vortex as this can sometimes cause issues. Instead, close Vortex after installing the mod, and then start the game through Steam or a desktop shortcut.

Manually Installing Mod Files

To manually install the mod with the External File Loader, put the files/section files from these folders into their respective directories:

\mods\<your_mod_folder>\ff12data\ps2data\image\ff12\myoshiok\us\packfiles\mrppack_ys. bin. dir\

\mods\<your_mod_folder>\ff12data\ps2data\image\ff12\myoshiok\us\packfiles\tex2pack_ys. bin. dir\

\mods\<your_mod_folder>\ff12data\ps2data\image\ff12\myoshiok\us\packfiles\texpack_ys. bin. dir\


Note: Spaces are added after the periods to prevent the directories from being automatically formatted into web links.

Recommended Mods

Ivalice UI works great in combination with The Insurgent's Vision[]


This mod would not have been possible without the hard work of others, those are:

ffgriever[] - Added support for loading unpacked files to the FF12 External File Loader[].

Xeavin[] - Added new features to The Insurgent's Toolkit[] and wrote test scripts.

FFXII modding community discord server: Sky Pirate's Den[]

44 Kommentare
neonsquare  [Autor] 20. März um 11:01 
@AndrssNig If you do this, just be aware that some of the files are language specific so you might end up with unexpected issues. For example, the asian languages won't display all the characters when fleeing.
AndrssNig 19. März um 16:18 
Okay, I just figured out how to use it in other languages, in my case, Spanish.

First, I stalled the mod with Vortex and also the update for this. Once installed in the folder you have for the mods with Vortex, just look for this directory:


Next, you need to create another folder with the initials of your language, in my case, "ES.".

Once you have that folder, you will copy all the files you have in myoshiok\us:

packfiles\mrppack_ys. bin. dir\

Repeat these exact steps in the folder of the update, "Ivalice UI 0.1.0 Fixes (Small)," and there you go.
neonsquare  [Autor] 14. Dez. 2023 um 17:27 
@VanishingClimax You're not tripping. The creator of The Insurgent's Vision added a custom camera zoom to the L2 trigger + right stick. It really improves the game and makes it feel a lot more modern.
VanishingClimax 14. Dez. 2023 um 16:15 
@neonsquare I was struggling to find the DROP FILES SECTION, I was failing to make FFXII Active on Vortex to manage mods(I wasn't use to Vortex yet), it's gotta show the FFXII picture on the top left corner on Vortex and then I was able to drop Ivalice UI zip into the drop files section and picked the small UI options. External file loader, LUA, and Insurgents Vision are all installed too.

I did notice a small camera change or am I just tripping is that Insurgent doing that Like the camera extends out more and seems more clear to see everything. I think the vanilla camera would get clunked up on walls in some enclosed areas right?
neonsquare  [Autor] 14. Dez. 2023 um 14:53 
@VanishingClimax Np! Glad you figure it out.
neonsquare  [Autor] 14. Dez. 2023 um 14:52 
I've updated the Install Guide section with the directories to manually install the mod files. Extract the .7zip and put whatever combination of files you want into those directories. If you need help manually modding the game, join the FFXII modding discord server. This link will take you to a write up with more details about manually setting up the External File Loader:
VanishingClimax 14. Dez. 2023 um 14:52 
I already figured it out days ago. its all good! thanks though
neonsquare  [Autor] 14. Dez. 2023 um 14:09 
@RockGodOne Vortex should be pretty much plug and play as long as you follow the setup instructions and don't have software running on your computer that might prevent Vortex from working correctly. If you haven't already, you can try changing from symlink deployment to hardlink deployment. You'll have to set the Vortex deployment folder to be on the same drive as the game.

As for alternative mod managers, ffgriever recently worked on a MO2 alternative, but it's not released yet as there were some issues with the game reading files installed with it. I'd imagine it's still WIP, but it's not a priority as he's working on other things such as the compiler/decompiler.

There's no ETA for the 1.0.0 version, and I'm currently taking a break from working on it, mainly due to a bit of burn out, but I'll be back to it soon. Rather than loading from modified files, the next version is written in Lua and loads custom values from preset files.
neonsquare  [Autor] 14. Dez. 2023 um 14:09 
@VanishingClimax Sorry to hear that you are having trouble. The most common issues with vortex are from the External File Loader/Lua Loader not being installed/deployed correctly, the mod not being installed/deployed correctly, or file permission issues, possibly due to either strict permission settings or an antivirus program.When installing mods with Vortex, you need to accept the notifications in the top right corner or mods aren't deployed.

If none of those are the issue, try switching to hardlink deployment, and if that still doesn't work, manually install the mod with the External File Loader by placing the files in \x64\mods\deploy or creating a custom mod folder and adding it to Paths in the EFL config file in \x64\modules\config
RockGodOne 14. Dez. 2023 um 0:15 
Do we have to use Vortex to use this mod? I hate Vortex. I've never got it to work with any game and every game I've played has a better mod manager. Skyrim? Mod Organizer 2. Dragon Age Inquisition? Frosty Mod Manager. Baldur's Gate 3? BG3MM. Sure Vortex *can* be used with all 3 but it's almost never recommended to use it by the very mod authors themselves. I tried to use Vortex once and got so frustrated after wasting a whole day trying to get it to do things other mod managers could do that I just gave up. Not to mention all the stories I've heard from people who insist on using it and end up having problems because of it.

Is there a way we can install this manually? Or at least literally any other way besides Vortex? Also you mentioned way back in May (I think) about a future version being easier to install on Steam Deck. How is that coming along?