Portal 2
176 次評價
Portal Story
由 Astraios 發表
Deeper look into lives of Cave Johnson, Caroline and Rat.
This guide may prove you that this game is more than just shooting portals and cubes.
Happy reading... (SPOILERS!!!)

Cave Johnson's story
Cave Johnson or " Make lemonade" guy started as a shower curtain seller... With enough money he bought old salt mines where he started his company Aperture Science.

After years of experiments including Moon rocks transformed to gels, he became sick... deadly. During this time he and his lovely assistant Caroline tried desperately to create a computer, where Johnson could upload his mind and live forever.

Unfortunately, scientists failed to achieve this task. However Caroline, who did not gave up on trying, finally came up with a computer strong and fast enough. But too late and our favorite CEO Cave Johnson is dying.

Caroline now head of the company, decided to take matter in her own hands and uploaded her mind to the computer instead.
Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System, or GLaDOS is born.

Early days of Aperture Science
Bright days for AS were expected to last forever. Company was prospering. So one day scientist decided to build Quantum Tunneling device or so called "Portal Gun".

Lot of new ideas lots of test... and final countdown of AS. With testing new gels came also problems, one of them was destroying lungs and kidneys of Cave Johnson. But he wasn't the only one affected by experimental testing. AS soon moved on testing on people...

From the start everything looked good, successful athletes, astronauts,... Best of the Best tested for money. Not all stories end great, as few of the lives of our volunteers. AS Laboratories faced charges that as well as the name, destroyed their economics.

With only a limited resources AS started hiring people of the street. For 60 bucks risking their lives, and additional 60 if they let them disassemble and reassemble them.

Cave Johnson is dying.

Early (and good) days are ending.

Era of GLaDOS
GLaDOS, created for faster testing and the bright future of AS is now functional. But not everything went as planned...

GLaDOS immediately taking control of the whole facility pumped into a room full of scientist a deadly neurotoxin killing many people. Immediately shut down, GLaDOS received new function = self control or a moral code that would stop her from killing.

Time has past and GLaDOS was put into function again. With everything going smoothly scientists thought everything was going to be fine. Few days after AS organised "Bring your daughter to work day". Where a certain girl called Chell came with her potato in a flower pot, she claimed she used her fathers special ingredient from work. Her work is still in the AS, where you can still look at it while playing the game. Only now it grew to bigger and weirder shape.

GLaDOS claimed that only thing she needed for that day to prepare a surprise, was a bit of neurotoxin. Scientists thought that it was okay and granted her access.

GLaDOS then sealed the facility and killed everyone...almost.

Rats' revenge
Story of scientist Doug Rattman.

J-cat vs the smartest computer in the world. Rat hiding in walls, sneaking around turrets, made his way to a control room. Where he found list of all testing subjects, in between them were one girl "Stubborn, never test, ever!!" as it was written next to her name...Chell. With thought she could destroy GLaDOS, he put her on the first place of testing subjects.

Rat with only limited anti-schizophrenia pills is starting to loose his mind and befriending a Companion Cube.

Chell is awake, completing cambers with no problems, driven by the idea of reward...The Cake. Last chamber is approaching, you could almost taste the cake, when suddenly GLaDOS shows her real face. Chell betrayed and almost killed by GLaDOS' trap now runs through maintenance areas hoping she would escape. Chell makes her way to the heart of AS, destroying only thing that kept her alive... GLaDOS' morality code.

Throwing that in to fire GLaDOS starts pumping the room with neurotoxin.
Chell too stubborn to die defeats GLaDOS and is blown to the parking lot. Free if not for 2 robots dragging her back to the facility.

Fortunately for her, her silent guardian and watchful protector is near. Rat with now no pills left, rushes back to facility to save his last hope... Rushing through facility corridors he chose the wrong way and got shot in the leg by a turret.

Chell unconscious is waiting for him in cryo chamber, but not for long... GLaDOS' explosion blew up main power grid and so all of the chambers are offline, leaving only minutes for Rat to save Chell. Rat is shot and his schizophrenia is coming back, now makes his way through the maintenance areas unable to remember which way to go.

Lost, not knowing what to do, Rat looses all hope. When suddenly his companion cube tells him that the only way to save her, is to put her chamber to reserve grid.

Rat with his companion cube is crooking through facility, finally making his way to control room. After pushing the button and trading his life for Chells, Doug Rattman falls as a hero, who now lives only through his messages, arrows and signs on the walls, that once helped Chell escape and may help many others.

During Transmission received, radios are making a noise after catching signal. If you transfer the sound to picture you get pictures of AS, equipment, etc,...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91LB9ssE__k (shoutout to Quadstrike)

During Ship Overboard the way takes you to an empty dock. A dock in a ship named Borealis used to be. AS created a ship that was meant to be a top secret high scale teleportation device, but the ship soon after disappeared.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drXYpVL-D7c (shoutout Skyrionn)

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