Ultra Street Fighter IV

Ultra Street Fighter IV

58 ratings
Achievements overview & how to import them from GFWL
By Major7_ BR / @belmontegameroom
This guide contains an overview for SSFIVAE achievements, which is dedicated to new players that want to plan themselves on how to unlock them quite effortlessly. Also, for veterans It details how to easily "import" achievements that were already unlocked before the game's migration from GFWL to Steamworks. Here it its, the path to make the game quickly "remember" you have unlocked the majority of them previously.
The discovery...
Guys, before I organize all the information properly, I'll just paste here my former explanations on a recent topic. Of course, I'm doing so since the procedures were just proven right. The topic is: http://steamcommunity.com/app/45760/discussions/0/540741859501275448
Draft / Relevant quotations
If one can convert GFWL savefiles to steam format, they will probably unlock instantly, specially those related to stats. At least this is what happened to both Batman titles that came from GFWL. Others, if they are unlocked at the moment you perform a certain action, they might not unlock instantly.

(...) the secret is: if the achievements are related to stats, they have a high unlocking probability. They are there for you to see in the statistics menu. When an achievement is related to the numbers written in the stats, they are very oftenly checked by the game's achievement system, thus being unlocked anytime you perform a simple change to them. Example: you fought 370 online battles. The moment you fight 371, the achievement related to 300 will unlock.

(...) that quite often we unlock achievements in the moment we load an old save file. This is very common when people buy a DRM-free game and then acquire it on steam, too.
First boot achievements (2)
Considering you've previously beaten the game 100%, the achievements below are known to automatically unlock upon first boot on Steamworks 2014 version. Otherwise, they will take much longer to be achieved.

Fashion plate.
Unlock all the colors.

Dan, the man.
Unlock all taunts.
Quick unlocking achievements (18)
The achievements below require single or partial actions to re-unloack. That is: provided that you've already unlocked then on your old GFWL save file. If you haven't done so, procede as instructed by the game.

It Begins, New Threads, Prep Time, Replayer

TRIAL MODE: clear 1 (ONE) trial to unlock all of these at once:

Good Start, Trail of Trials, Trial Athlete.


Perform 1 (ONE) special movement, 1 (ONE) focus attack and 1 (ONE) EX movement, 1 (ONE) Super Combo, 1 (ONE) Ultra Combo. Perform 100 of them if you are a newcomer.

Achievements unlocked: Special Movement, It Takes Focus, EXtra, EXtra!, Super, Man!, Ultra, Man!.


Perform a Super Combo Finish, an Ultra Combo Finish and also reach a total of 365+ special finishes (Super or Ultra Combo Finishes). Perform 50, 50 +215 respectively, if you are a newcomer.

Achievements unlocked: Superior Super, Ultimate Ultra, Sunspotter.


Achievements unlocked: Quarter Up, Endless Lobbyist, Team Lobbyist.

Quarter Up
Fight 30 opponents via Arcade Fight Request.

Endless Lobbyist
Create 30 Endless Battle lobbies!

Team Lobbyist
Create 30 Team Battle lobbies.
Bonus Stages (2)
Yes, you have to beat the 2 bonus stages again in order to unlock the following achievements:

Oh! My Car!

Barrel of Laughs
Ranked Matches (4-10)
Thanks to Frozkna for the testmonial.

Do 'em from scratch
The following achievements require you to perform them again, as if never unlocked. Most of them are actually pleasing and a piece of cake.
Arcade mode achievements (11)
The conditions related to the achievements below have to be met once again. That is: Do 'em from scratch!

1. Beat Arcade mode under the required difficulty settings, with any character

2. Beat Arcade mode on medium difficulty or higher with Yun, Yang, Evil Ryu and Akuma.

Achievements unlocked: Just Enough, Up to Snuff, Overwhelming Power, Transcendent.

3. Meet the necessary conditions to reach the extra stages, and beat them!

Achievements unlocked: Birth of the Oni, Long Time No See & The Awakening.

Winning Streak (6/7)
It seems, as of now, that achievements related to winning streaks have to be done from scratch. Start invinting your friends for real gaming or boosting sessions.

Thanks to the user Jellophile for the feedback.

Ranked Matches

Endless Battle

MORE Coming Soon!
Jether[cn] Nov 14, 2018 @ 2:28am 
I know, Player2 must be others from Steam!!
Jether[cn] Nov 14, 2018 @ 2:27am 
I tried that, I use the right of my keyboard for player2 . and then Player1 has 31 wins, but the achievement is not unlock.
Major7_ BR / @belmontegameroom  [author] Nov 13, 2018 @ 7:44am 
Juri's achievement is called "Quarter Up". It's simple: you have to activate the 'ARCADE FIGHT REQUEST' function while playing Arcade mode. This option allows players to interrupt your arcade matches and challenge you.
Jether[cn] Nov 13, 2018 @ 1:33am 
the first one
Jether[cn] Nov 13, 2018 @ 1:32am 
How to make this achievement?
在街机模式中与 30 个对手对战。呵呵,有了合适的诱饵,一切就容易多了。

To fight with 30 characters.
[the Pic is Juri]
Xeinok Aug 12, 2014 @ 8:08am 
So what exactly do I need to have and do concerning old savefiles?
Faulkner Aug 7, 2014 @ 4:32pm 
Icons and titles achievements also unlock upon first boot.
Faulkner Aug 6, 2014 @ 3:21am 
Endless Ten anyone? Don't wanna do it fairly again.
Major7_ BR / @belmontegameroom  [author] Jul 30, 2014 @ 10:06pm 
Guide updated. Eight more achievements need to be inserted.
Further commentaries need to be added.
Layout and formatting need updating.
Major7_ BR / @belmontegameroom  [author] Jun 28, 2014 @ 9:55am 
I can help you on endless ten, Yamian!