62 평점
100% Achievement Guide with Video
Ruke 님이 작성
A detailed how to guide on completing all the Achievements for The Corridor. Includes videos for each Achievement.
즐겨찾기 해제
Reverse Psychology
Reverse PsychologyReverse Psychology
Resist temptation.
Have a peek. Why not?
Why'd You Do It?
Why'd You Do It?
Push one hundred and fifty six fake buttons.
Doctor Who?
Doctor Who?
Go to the edge.
Well Done On Not Shooting That Guy
Well Done On Not Shooting That Guy
(Don't) take the shot.
Good Thinkin'
Good Thinkin'
It can't always be *me* closing the game, right? Pull your weight.
(Just leave the game without pushing the button)
Good Listener
Good Listener
Do as you are told.
The Fox's Lament
The Fox's Lament
I prefer red grapes, personally.
One Last Thing, I Got No Switch Off Button
One Last Thing
No really, thank you.
(Don't pull the save plug, listen to the narrator until the end)

I Got No Switch Off Button
Obtain all other achievements.
댓글 4
N1xDragon 2024년 4월 14일 오전 8시 45분 
>Süti< Allen the Leader 2023년 3월 2일 오전 1시 32분 
Settings - Reset progress.

I hope it helps :8bitheart:
Dracarian 2023년 1월 25일 오후 4시 22분 
How do I reset the game? stuck on dancing cardboard on the humble bundle games version
Fendi 2022년 8월 26일 오전 11시 54분 
I suspected there would be an achievement for pushing every last button in that room but wow lol