Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves

132 ratings
Types of players you will come across In Sea Of Thieves
By Bubingi
Sea Of Thieves hides many players in her waters, some good, some bad... most bad... but this guide is here to tell you who from who!
This guide will never be 100% accurate, yes there are Pirates that wear certain things and do certain things other Pirates do, stereotypes exist for a reason.
However not everyone follows a stereotype, so just be cautious, and use a mixture of what you seen ingame and possibly this guide to help you understand what type of player you just met.

Also I'll be exaggerating with some pirates for entertainment reasons.
The Fresh Meat
This guy just got Sea Of Thieves, he's brand new, has no idea how to play and is only able to do bare bones basic stuff, like going from Island A to B, maybe digging up 1 chest, and struggling to fight skeletons.
He will ALWAYS drop anchor regardless of ships, and if he has a mic, it's constantly on with the sound of him breathing, a dog barking, a washing machine, microwave or whatever the hell is going on in the background. If he has no mic, he's 100% silent, doesn't even use commands.

All I can say is that treat these guys with respect and teach them, regardless of who you are, we were all like this once, don't be mean towards them and encourage them to do odd jobs like fishing and cooking, to make them better! You might make a friend at the end of the day.

The best way to spot these guys is if you see a Reaper Chest on the move on your ship's map and going all over an outpost to be sold, again if you're in the area, give the new guy a break and help him sell it, he will really appreciate it.
The Rotter

This guy pretends to be a Fresh Meat by disguising himself using Default and Bilge Rat clothing to trick enemies into thinking he's an easy pick, however, he's quite experienced and you can often spot them with these 4 tricks

  1. They will have the "Sailor" or "Maiden Voyager" title equipped, new players never have these titles because they don't know how to equip them, and if they do know how to, they often have a better titles equipped, like their first Gold Hoarder title or for killing a Megladon.
  2. They often accidentally have one piece of clothing or set that's too expensive for a new player or try too hard to look like a new player, for an example the guy in the picture above is using the Dirty Rotten Bilge Rat Set.
  3. They don't match their equipment to their clothing often and said equipment is something a new player won't be able to get, so you might see something cheap like a shirt that costs 1000 gold or something like that, while they have something like the Silent Barnacle weapons or something.
  4. Rotters only wear bandannas or have no hat, while Fresh Meat often wear any other type of hat because they want to look more fancy or cool

Always kill these guys on sight, they're hostile a majority of the time, and will happily swim miles to your ship to keg you, or even drive their ship into you.
The Troll
You'll only find this guy on open crews, he's not that good at the game, but he's amazing at annoying you, from using Blunderbombs to to knock you off the ship, setting everything on fire with firebombs, leaving things on the stove to burn, sneaking Chests Of Sorrows onto the ship to slowly flood it, and sneaking kegs onto the ship.
There's only 2 ways to deal with Trolls
  1. Vote to lock them up in the Brig if you're in a Galleon or Brigantine crew, however they're wasting a player slot and they're not guranteed to either leave or start to behave

  2. Leave and find a new session

Sea Of Thieves lacks a kick function, and to some of you that's dumb, but it's apart of the game, a player is free to do what they want whenever they want, and having a way to stop them outside of gameplay kinda beats the purpose of the game, so yea no matter how you feel, these guys are technically doing what the devlopers intended, another reason to do a Closed Crew sessions!
The Brawler
The Brawler is a newer Sea Of Thieves player who has hit around 10-50 hours of the game, and thinks he's got the hang of things, he's super aggressive and will challenge any ship that enters in his broadside regardless of size...
Only problem is that he's still not that good, he often shoots cannons way over you or under you, and NEVER uses Chainshots, Firebombs, Blunderbombs or Curse Cannonballs, it's normal Cannonballs or nothing, while yes does use Firebombs and Blunderbombs to throw at people, they will never enter his cannon.

In an actual fight, they can land some hits, they know what food to eat and when to throw bombs at you, and sometimes even kill you, but they're still an easy target compared to other pirates.
Don't discourage these guys by making fun of them, they're trying, teach them some tips and see them improve, remember again like with the Fresh Meat, we were all like this guy at one point.
The Fisher

These guys like to Fish for their crew, you can often find these guys in a Galleon Crew fishing Splashtails to cook for his crew, they don't like to PvP much, so they're easy targets if you decide to fight them, they also rarely go onto islands with other members of their crew so if you're boarding a ship, make sure you don't get spotted, while this guy is mute a majority of the time in the chat and voice chat, he WILL spam commands to his teammates that someone is on board.

The Fisher is also more willing to do alliances then most pirates as it means their crew now have extra hands that can help do events or bosses, while they can do what they love most, fishing.
The Master Fisher
These guys are Fishers too, however unlike their Galleon counterparts, these guys are often spotted on Sloops either with a friend or solo, and also unlike their Galleon counterparts THEY WILL fight back and are dam good at it.
Experienced Master Fishers also know when the battle is lost, and will happily portal hop to get away from you, remember their loot isn't lost when they server hop so they have nothing to lose!

Master Fishers often like to approach ships doing Forts to ask if they can fish, if one approaches you and you think it's a Master Fisher, always say yes as they want Battlegills and they're not easy to get, plus they're more then happy to help you kill bosses and help sink enemy ships.
You can often recognise Master Fisher Ships quite easily as they like to use the full Killer Whale Set which is obtained through grinding the Hunters Call.
The Whingers
Whingers are players who despise PvP, refuse to improve at most things including PvP, and constantly spams that they're friendly to anyone who approaches them and begs for alliances, however unlike other players, Whingers are mostly useless and often rely on their allies to do all the dirty work.
The Whingers will always complain when they're attacked and rarely actually fight back, they're one of the easiest players in the game to kill, but even then they rarely have any loot on them.

Outside of Sea Of Thieves they're often found on Reddit, the Rare Forums, and Steam Discussions creating and bumping every single PvE server threads possible, even with alternative private accounts to make it appear more people share their opinion.
Don't bother arguing with these guys though, they think their opinion is the best and will always argue with you till the day you die, hell I'd even expect them to whip out an Ouija board to contact you when you die to keep arguing, these guys shouldn't be taken seriously at all.

*Update 09/10/2023*

Now that Safer Seas are a thing, many of them are now Whinging that Safer Seas should be buffed to give Emissaries, higher payment, allow Reaper and Athena Emissaries... just keep ignoring these guys wherever you see them and sink them on sight as usual.
The Alliance Server Lad
Now before I say anything, I'm not against Alliance Servers, if you and other players want to do an alliance server, that's fine, Sea Of Thieves is all about the freedom to do what you want, all I ask in return is that you respect those who don't choose to join your alliance, ok? Right let's move on.

These guys are an evolved form of The Whinger, while you very rarely see them on Adventure Mode, you'll find them mostly in community Alliance Servers, wearing rare cosmetics and boasting how they have like "58 million gold, millions of doubloons and nothing to spend it all on" while yea ok bro that's cool, but the second you leave that Alliance server to play with your friends, you're dead meat.

Since these guys never do Adventure or Arena they have little to no PvP experience, you can often tell these guys from other pirates is that they're wearing rare cosmetics, but the skill doesn't match up to the standards you expected, plus they often rage in chat or voice chat whenever they die, oh also they NEVER have PvP cosmetics, like the Emissary Hats obtained by handing in Level 5 Emissary Flags as a Reaper Emissary to the Reapers Hideout or a majority of Sea Dogs cosmetics.
The Tall Taler
This guy is doing a Tall Tale either for the first time or to grab some commendations to get some cool stuff, they very rarely have any loot on them other than what's tied to the Tall Tale they're doing, they often do have a large amount of supplies raided from barrels however.
They're not really worth hassling, they will get mad, will fight back and maybe swear at you, but other than that they are really not worth your time, go sink someone else.
The Lovely Lady

Jokes aside, The Lovely Ladies is easily the most diverse of all the Pirates as she falls into multiple categories according to their crew, they often follow the same stereotypes I listed above and below this part of the guide, however there's always exceptions, like for an example...

  1. If they're in a Sloop with a male pirate, chances are it's a Boyfriend/Girlfriend Duo, they're very defensive and often will open fire when you approach too close

  2. If they're in a Brigantine with 2 male pirates, there's a large chance that the female pirate is actually a guy in a discord group with 2 other guy friends, he's not that good at the game and often relays on his crewmates to do the majority of the work, like he's ok at the game, but the second someone attacks him, he's dead, and he doesn't pay attention no where near as much as his crewmates, for an example the ship is heading to the rock, and he's on the wheel AFK

  3. If they're in a Brigantine or Galleon with at least one other female pirate, then it's a group of friends, while able to hold on their own and sink you quite easily, they're often more open to alliances, but always be careful of that one guy who might plan to backstab you later

  4. Then there's the girl who hangs out on a Galleon with "That Guy", don't know who he is? Don't worry, you already know I assure you, but if you seriously don't, he's at the end of this guide, anyhow if she is, she's often just as bad as "That Guy"

All I can say is pay attention to her crew, and you should figure out what this pirate is like.
The Fatty
Fatties are the best players in the game, don't deny it, they're often very friendly and happy to join alliances and do events with you, play instruments, use voicemod to play music ingame and other random sounds, and they're awesome at combat.
They're total meme lords but know how to play the game, also expect to hear this ingame and in your head.

Fatties also often dress up in certain ways to make fun of certain groups of people, for an example some use the Tuck Baby outfit (more on them later) despite their huge appearance making them useless at hiding, they're just the same as any other Fatty though, they know how to have a good laugh.
The Helga
Meet the rarest pirate in Sea Of Thieves, these beauties are the female versions of Fatties, however unlike Fatties who are great at PvP, these hot babes are better at PvE and doing odd jobs around the ship like cooking, bailing, fishing and other bits. However they're just as memey, funny and lovable as their male counterparts.

While I do say in a future part in this guide that I only met one player called The True Pirate Legend, I met around 2 Helgas in my 500+ hours of playing the game, these ladies are still rarer, as eventually more True Pirate Legends will appear, while Helgas will still remain super rare, mostly because not many people don't like playing as a female pirate, but also many don't like playing as a big one too.
If you're a Helga and reading this, you go girl, keep making us proud!
The Captain Sucks Bone Marrow Bootleg
This guy is a huge Pirates Of The Caribbean fan and chances are has joined the Sea Of Thieves becaue of the crossover back in Season 3 or they heard about the crossover online not too long ago, they have everything, the costume set, the entire ship set, weapons, emotes and they're not that good at the game...
Yea most Jack Sparrow Costume players aren't that good, most are new players who bought the costume because they're just huge fans of the franchise, and they also try to act like Jack with the way they move, attack, and try to dodge attacks, only for them to be shot dead instantly like a certain scene in Indiana Jones, I can't make too much fun of them, it's kinda sweet they're showing their love for the franchise this much, plus their money goes to Rare which is invested in updates and to Disney for more potential crossovers, so everyone wins regardless.
The Captain Wavey Bones Bootleg
You'd expect this to be the same as The Captain Sucks Bone Marrow Bootleg players right?
  • A new player who is a big fan of the franchise?
  • Has all the weapons?
  • Has all the ship cosmetics?
  • Maybe acts like the character in question?

No because nearly nobody wears this, this might be because this was added after the other Pirates Life stuff, but you still see people using the ship and it's parts.
Anyhow the people who use this and the ship parts are often ok at best players who can stand on their own in a fight, but can be easy to take down, they're not open to alliances and are often hostile if you approach them to closely.
The Keg Jockey
Keg Jockeys are like the Jockeys you find in Left 4 Dead 2, an absolute unstable mental lad bouncing everywhere to find what he truely desires, and while the latter Jockey wants to ride someone's back, Keg Jockeys hunt all over islands, shipwrecks, and kill all Skeleton Captains on random islands to have a chance to grab a Keg.

These are potentially the most dangerous Pirate in Sea Of Thieves, not only to the enemy, but to you too, while not aggressive themselves, they will carry as much Kegs onto the ship as possible to either sell or use against another ship, so be careful when you sword lunge, as bumping into these guys will probably result in a big boom!
They also know when to use a Keg and the best places to hide Kegs and use Kegs on enemy ships, so if one tells you to hide the Keg in a certain spot, listen to him, he knows what he's doing!

You can often tell Keg Jockeys from other players as they often have the following...

  • They have titles relating to Kegs, like Skeleton Exploder and it's variations, Collector of Legendary Black Powder and Master of Stronghold Spoils

  • Often double guns to snipe skeletons holding Kegs and shoot Kegs at a distance, also loves to carry Blunderbombs, Firebombs and Wraith Cannonballs

  • They will either have rarer cosmetics a new player won't have, or fully dedicate the look of a mad man exploder, like bilge rat clothing, ashen curse, crazy messy hair with it being black + another colour along with black face paint to make it look like they been hit by a stick of dynamite from a Tom & Jerry Cartoon, and has a peg leg and hook too

  • They prioritise Kegs over all other types of loot and often take responsibility moving them alone while someone else keeps watch or collects other loot

  • Is happy to teach newer players in the art of Kegging

  • Screams at you to not use the Harpoons to collect Kegs

  • Loves to sneak off with a Keg either swimming or using a rowboat to explode a ship attacking you or just a ship minding it's on business on a random island

  • Often comes back from the Ferry Of The Damned with a Red Flame

Treat Keg Jockeys with respect, they're nice people with a very dangerous play style, they just love to go boom and nobody is better then they are.
The Devil's Roar Explorers
These guys LOVE the Devil's Roar, you can often spot them sailing those dangerous waters wearing stuff from Scorched Forsaken Ashen, Forsaken Ashen and Ashen Dragon sets and other bits of fire related clothing, often with ship parts from those sets and either the Burning Blade Sails or Ashen Wind Sails, along with paint missing from being hit by Volcanic Rocks and Red Lantern Flames all over the ship.
These guys know the Devil's Roar like the back of their hand, they know tricks such as the Outpost being 100% safe to fish since the Volcano is dormant now, where to park on islands to hide, and often has a lot of loot not tied to World Events due to the Devil's Roar only having one World Event, a fort to that's rare to activate (It's never a Fort Of Fortune btw).

Don't bother fighting these guys, the Devil's Roar is their territory and will challenge any ship that enters their waters, and often they will come out on top.
The World Event Farmers
This guy is part of an Emissary Crew, usually Reaper or Order Of Souls, sailing from World Event to World Event to complete them for loot and achievements.
They're super defensive because they're often attacked, however they will listen if you want to do an alliance with them, and they fully expect foul play when the event is finished, if you want to remain allies, be honest, be open and talk to them often so they don't think you're pulling any tricks.

At PvP they're good because again, due to how they like to farm World Events, they're used to being attacked, so if you're not confident with dealing with them, try making friends, and just remember not to p*ss them off!
The Eventers
Just before I start, The Eventers and The World Event Farmers are NOT the same group of people, they're very different!
These guys LOVE special events, they will dress with clothing only obtainable from long gone special events, twitch drops, and battle pass items that haven't returned as of yet, like the Wailing Barnacle Jacket, Hat and Weapons or The Bonecrusher Hat, Jacket and Weapons,
You'll find them commonly during special events (duh), doing objectives to obtain the newest and hottest item, regardless of what it is or if it event fits with their outfit or not or if no one can even see them using it, like tattoos or scars being covered by jackets.

These guys are VERY open to alliances during certain special events, like if it's doing Fort Of The Damned during Halloween, or doing stuff while in an alliance like giving treasure away to other pirates like during the Flags Of Friendship Event, however outside of events they like to show off their stuff and are often very defensive on the seas, always approach them with caution if a Special Event isn't on at the moment.
The Superiority Complex Pirate
This guy has spent several hours in the Arena gamemode, and shows off by using Sea Dog Cosmetics, titles, weapons etc, while having little to no Adventure cosmetics like curses and certain bits of clothing, this guy thinks he's a PvP god just like in Arena, this can't be further from the truth, because Adventure Players are well more adapted to fights then Arena players since Adventure isn't a dead gamemode with around 5 players playing it, with numerous types of players, new and old flooding the mode causing players to get better at the game faster.

I'm not saying all Sea Dog mains are bad, but when younger me with 50 hours of Sea Of Thieves kept killing and sinking a "Master Of Arms" title player in Adventure mode numerous times along with his friend, and all the other Sea Dog players I met on my journey, I can say they're not as a big as a threat as you think, some are, but these are rare and often don't use the Sea Dogs stuff.
The Commendation Hunters

These guys come in different shapes, sizes, outfits and ships, however they all share one thing in common, all their clothing, weapons, ship cosmetics and equipment are all rewarded by achieving certain commendations, like the Soulflame Weapons, Cultured Aristocrat outfit, some type of Curse, Gold Hoarder Jacket etc, so you will often see these guy doing odd objectives, like lighting certain beacons with a flame of fate, asking people to do the Glitterbeard Event... you get the idea.

They're open to alliances if they are able to do certain commendations, like kill certain bosses, sink ghost and skeletons ships etc, and plus they often don't care about the majority of loot, however they might ask if they can have certain bits of loot to sell to specific Emissaries (Barnacle Chests to Gold Hoarders as an example) or keep certain loot to use (Ashen Wind Skull against skeletons and their ships) and if I were you, just say yes, getting certain commendations are annoying to get, plus if you do, you'll easily grab some friends in the Sea Of Thieves, these players are dedicated to their work, and happily reward those who let them do their commendations.

Lastly to mention, these guys are mostly spotted in Sloops, however commendation Galleons and Brigantines do exist too, however Sloops are easily the most common.
The Roleplayer
This guy LOVES Roleplay, and will be a fully deticated to creating a character while playing Sea Of Thieves, he's a fun guy to mess around with, however when it comes to playing the game, he's kinda useless at PvP but decent at PvE.
Roleplayers come in different shapes and sizes, keep an eye out what they're wearing like the following...

  • If he's wearing the Dandy Makeup, Grand Admiral Hair and the merchant eye patch, this guy is pretending to be a British Georgian Nobleman, he will be very pompous and will demand crates of tea and sugar, he might even trade for them if you're up for it

  • If he's wearing a lot of Bilge Rat Clothing, playing Instruments often and constantly drinking and vomiting, he's the ship's dedicated drunk and is just as useful as a crewmate locked in the brig

  • If he's a small scrawny guy with a plain white shirt, black eye patch and bandanna, he's a loyal crew mate and will often shout and scream in combat, not in a ragey way, but more like this, he's ok overall and very dedicated to this role

  • If it's Christmas, expect to see this guy to dress up as Santa and go to random ships giving them presents while having the charity sails up, tis the season after all!

Overall when encountering another crew, these guys are often the first ones you notice, trust me YOU WILL notice them first, they want your attention!
The Emissary Enjoyer
This person likes to dress up as their favourte Emissary, either by using random bits of clothing they bought or earned along their journey, or they're using the outfits you can buy at the Emissary Shops, they're often also Emissaries too and have a loot on board, they're excellent targets if you want some loot!
At the same time they're excellent to team up with since they can make a lot of money when uninterrupted.
Also they never target ships unless the enemy ship fires first, regardless whether it being a cannonball, a crew mate to talk to them, or someone's cat, they are very defensive.
The Trader
This guy is a specialised Emissary Enjoyer, these guys are always Merchant Emissaries who specialise in Commodities and Delivering Items, they don't do Lost Shipments and don't often have loot on board other than what they find on the Sea, or what they're delivering, whether it be plants, animals, spice, gemstones, tea or whatever, they buy low and sell high!

They're not aggressive, will avoid combat at all costs by fleeing as fast as possible away at any threats in the area, you can easily spot these guys with Ship Cosmetics that don't standout too much, and they often have the Merchants Costume on OR the Exclusive Merchant Eyepatch and Merchant Hook, as they're locked behind certain Commoditie Commendations.
They're often open to alliances, not only to share profits, but also knowledge that at least one ship isn't hostile and targeting them, while they're happily sailing around grabbing miles for a commendation and keeping the capitalist machine up and running.
The Reaper Pyjamas Boy
There are many things to fear on the Sea Of Thieves, Captain Flameheart's rise to power, a Skeleton fleet attacking you from all sides, a pro player destroying a Galleon while soloing a sloop, fighting a Megladon or Kraken in a Galleon while slowly running out of wood to repair.

But what about these guys? Using a clothing set for the most dangerous type of player, a Reaper Emissary, bloody thirsty and ready to steal all the server's loot.


I can tell you exactly who these players are, they're Preteens or Teens who want to look cool, badass and edgy, they act all tough despite having a voice that goes up and down more than a housefly on crack, and will spout racial slurs that will make a Klansman say "Dam bro calm down"

They're the easiest player to target in any fight and they do some really dumb stuff, like stuff a new player won't do, trust me in my hundreds of hours ingame, I've seen Reaper Pyjama Babies do the following...

  • Harpoon an enemy player onto their own ship, letting them go havoc on their teammates (that enemy player was me btw, they actually did this twice... TWICE IN THE SAME SESSION... WHY!? I soloed the whole crew twice you prat!)

  • Put kegs all over their ship... instead of... you know... hiding it in the Crow's Nest or thinking of not putting them on the ship in the first place!?

  • Ram into enemy ships and do nothing to take advantage of it like boarding enemy ships, throw fireballs etc

  • Stare blankly while their ship is on fire or teammate is dead while an enemy walks up to them and kills them instantly

  • Constantly has an open mic with literally every stereotypical sound you would hear at a Spanish or Mexican home, mom shouting, music from the TV in the background, constant chewing from eating sweets or whatever, the sound of washing machines and hoovers/vacuum cleaners, you get it, they're louder than the game itself!

  • Has "done your mom" according to him, I doubt it but ok!

Seriously these guys are the joke of Sea Of Thieves players, you have nothing to worry about, hell pro players rarely disguise as these guys to trick people, THEY'RE THAT BAD!
The Ashen Dragon Cosplayer

These guys are Reaper Pyjama Boys levelled up, after unlocking a certain amount of Ashen Chests and doing certain Tall Tales, they're now dressing up as a member of the Ashen Dragons.

They have more experience and can hold up on their own, however they're still easy to take out, they're VERY hostile and if they're doing an Emissary, it's also always guaranteed to be Reapers, however they take a very long time to rank up to level 5.
Despite their experience, they're even more mouthy and offensive then their Reaper Pyjama Boy cousins, they will throw every slur at you possible when killed, somethings never change.

Also lastly a majority of the time they're in Brigantines often and even with 2 players a lot of the time, I don't know why but they like their Brigantines, also if they're missing a part of the Ashen Dragon Set, they will always pick a replacement cosmetic that doesn't match the other items, like if they have the Ashen Dragon Hull and Sails, they'll add something like the Parrot Cannons and Ocean Crawler Figurehead... why I'll never know,
The Fart Warsh*t
This is literally an Ashen Dragons Cosplayer but is somehow even worse at the game compared to average Ashen Dragon player, other than that the main difference is that instead of working to gain those Ashen Dragon cosmetics, they got mom or dad to buy this set for them for their birthday or something.
Expect to see a full Ashen Dragon crew too on this ship as the sets do go well together.

Honestly this set is sick, I like using it once and a while especially the ship set, it's just a shame it's ruined by the people who like to wear it and giving this set such a bad reputation.
The Spinals

"Oh yea, I'm totally going to get the Skeleton Curse! Why don't I do Hourglass much then? Oh it's just because I'm not a fan of the mode, or PvP at all in Sea of Thieves! But I assure you I'll get the Skeleton Curse, I swear by it! - Every Spinal Player Ever

Unless it's Blurbs, this guy is a Sword Lord with the easiest predictable attacks and can be killed in record time, unless you shut your brain off, you got nothing to worry about against this guy.
The Ghosts
The Ghosts are the final evolution of the Reaper Pyjama boys, they're super toxic and super aggressive, they will target anyone near them regardless of ship, and betray anyone who is stupid enough to ally with them, while not impossible to sink, you need to remember these guys are experienced Pirate Legends, as certain Ghost Items can't be unlocked without commendations.

If you see a Ghost Ship approaching, prepare to fight, most will send a crew member to cause trouble.

*Update 09/10/2023*

With Pirate Legend being super easy to get now and Athena Reputation, Ghost Players are no longer as dangerous as they once were, however they're still very aggressive and will attack on sight, so still prepare of a fight if you see these guys.
The Poorat Legend
People who wear this outfit are celebrating that they became Pirate Legend, and they think wearing this makes them look like a good player right... well they're still kinda new and since nowadays becoming Pirate Legend is very easy, especially if you're carried by your crewmates, having this outfit means nothing anymore.

They're ok at combat, but they're often the first ones to die in a fight and often fall to boarders, you can trust them to do certain jobs like firing the cannons, but they're not good when it comes to like raising sails or turning the ship.

The True Pirate Legend
While these guys use Pirate Legend stuff like the Poorat Legend, there's 3 huge, and I mean HUGE differences.

  1. They're using the whole Pirate Legend Ship Set
  2. They're wearing the Pirate Legend Curse, Legendary Updo Hair OR Legendary Lengthy Hair, along with the Legendary Bound Beard, or some other kind of Legendary Hair/Beard
  3. They're using ALL the Pirate Legend Equipment

For those who don't know, all of the stuff mentioned above isn't earned by becoming Pirate Legend, some you need to do certain objectives WHILE being a Pirate Legend, and some of these can take hundreds of hours, like Sailing 1000 Miles on an Athena Voyage to get the Legendary Capstan, and the original Pirate Legend weapons needing 240 wins in Arena as Pirate Legend.
As for the Hair and Curse I mentioned, they are rewards from the first Plunderpass.
Yea these guys are brilliant at the game and possibly mad in the head as well, always treat these guys with EXTREME caution, remember they have had hundreds if not thousands of hours in the game not only in the main mode but in arena too, they're able to clap cheeks very easily.

The best way to tell these guys apart from other Pirates is mostly by their ship, if they have all the Pirate Legend stuff, get out of there or make friends ASAP.

Thankfully, these guys are super rare, I only ever encountered one, he was friendly... to me... not to anyone else and christ that guy was blood thirsty.
The Solo Slooper
While many players play Solo and often not to very much success, there's a small group of people who do Solo and are very dangerous, they either often go full default sloop because they can't be bothered to mess with ship cosmetics, or with rare cosmetics like Pirate Legend Wheel and Dark Adventurer's Sails.

The Pirate himself is very aggressive and will sink any ship on sight, will kill on sight with his Eye Of Reach or Flintlock Pistol with his aimbot levels of aim, will never accept alliances, and will happily sink ship after ship with ease, and just because his ship sunk, doesn't mean he left to go get it to fight again, this guy is more than happy to bounce around an island you're fighting on for hours on end to get what he wants.

All I can say is that if you feel like you can take this guy on, go for it, it's a super hard challenge, other than that don't bother fighting a Solo Slooper, they're way more trouble then they're worth.
The Tuck Baby

Meet literally the most boring Sea Of Thieves player of all time, like seriously these guys are super boring, he's how EVERY encounter of them happens.

  1. You do a thing
  2. They see you doing a thing
  3. They sneak on board
  4. They hide in the darkest corner of the ship, the crows nest or hide at the back of a sloop just behind the Capstan, waiting for hours and hours on end until you're done and start hauling loot
  5. They steal any important loot, and if spotted, will run away or fight and often not good at either
  6. There's a lackluster ship battle and one of you sinks
  7. Rinse and Repeat

I get it, sneaking onto an enemy ship Metal Gear Style can be fun, but I don't understand why people wait for hours just to grab one item, I know there's commendations stealing Athena Chests and selling them, but you could just, I don't know, maybe go do something else nearby WHILE waiting for them to finish THEN go in for the steal? I do that with my friend and it's often way more rewarding then sneaking on a ship and waiting several hours to do something, again it's up to you, Sea Of Thieves is all about playing the way you want to, I tried tucking a few times, and 9 times outta 10, it's brain numbingly boring.
The Soulflame Crew

You'd think these guys are super edgy tryhards who will swarm anyone who dares approach them and will fight an entire server at once right?

Shockingy, not really.

Most Soulflame Pirates are rather chill, they're Pirate Legends who do their own thing, like do Forts, Fort the Damned, Vaults etc, and don't mind having other ships join them too much, however always be on their good side, they've had to farm Fort Of The Damned to unlock this Outfit Set, so they're used to ships interrupting them, unless they did it on a Grind Server, but unless you asked them, you wouldn't know.

These guys while amazing at PvE combat, aren't amazing at PvP, they do the job, but compared to others they're lacking.
The Dark Adventurer

These guys are old players with A LOT of gold to spend, however often they're hyper aggressive and will attack players on sight, however very rarely you can make an alliance with them, this is near impossible but not impossible, if you do, you have potentially one of the best allies in the whole game, but just be ready to be betrayed if you don't show your worth.

These guys often go Reaper Emissaries and often found chasing Emissary Ships, if not, they will Portal Hop to find new prey.

*Update 09/10/2023*
Oh man this section did not age well

Back in October 2021 this was 100% true, people who owned this set were genuinely good at the game and would kick your ***
However nowadays, most of those players have either left the game, made new loadouts using the Skeleton or Ghost Curse, or just using something else entirely, while the Dark Adventurer Set is now currently used by a entirely different group of people.

Dark Adventurer players now are 95% the most useless players you will come across in Sea Of Thieves, despite being END GAME CONTENT, it's farmed relentlessly by Alliance Server Players, this isn't an attack on those types of people because I really don't care what you do in Sea Of Thieves as long as you respect other players and don't be toxic cyberbullying ****heads, but my lord at least try to learn the game in a way where you're not a total waste of a slot in the crew.

Dark Adventurer Players are mostly Sword Lords who will rage at double gunning players in chat, in the ingame voice chat, Reddit, YouTube Comments and Discord, they're braindead and don't understand how roles work as they spent 99% of their time in Alliance Servers where the only threats are Skeletons Ships, Krakens and odd "rouge ships" if you're on a Galleon with one, or hell 2 of them, GOOD LUCK! They will never helm, they will never help at attacking boarders unless you screech at them, and while the Galleon is sinking, they're either busy tap dancing around doing nothing, or repairing a Tier 1 top hole that isn't doing anything... this happened a while ago with me and another guy carrying 2 of these idiots and he still hurts my brain.

Ever since the rise of Alliance Servers, this Set's reputation is ruined, the only thing that can be a seen as a threat is the sails, but even then everyone and their grandma grinds them asap due to their amazing advantage of seeing more when on helm, so good luck guessing if it's a sweatlord or some idiot wasting Firebombs in the middle of a storm.

*Update 18/02/2023*

Bruh now their only real threat has been nerfed lmao, but chances are these guys would still use them to show how "badass and awesome" they are, have fun destroying them!
The Ferryman
This guy either bought a special controller early or spent hundreds (why?) on a DLC code for an overrated set... yea you read that right.
Anyhow these guys are often either YouTubers, Streamers or some guy who likes to give advice ingame, yes he's hostile, but he will often question bits what enemies do and to see them improve kinda like a teacher, I like that when they do this.
But regardless the Ferryman Set to me and others gives the exact same message as an Unusual Hat Wearing Sweaty Tryhard Soldier in Team Fortress 2, a guy with too much money that was spent for a virtual item that's over hyped way too much, and often thinks that he's a god at the game, and starts having a meltdown when XxX_K1LL0R_XxX manages to get a kill on them by some "noob scrublord" method.

That Guy

He's that guy... you know...

  • Always uses the Gold Curse, never wears a hat and is always shirtless?
  • Always in a Closed Crew with 3 friends with similar outfits sailing a Reaper Galleon?
  • Always Portal Hops the second they realise they scared all the other Emissaries from showing up?
  • Always say GG at the end of a fight regardless of what happens or how long the fight lasts?
  • Always uses the Eye Of Reach and Flintlock combo?
  • Always spams Blunderbombs while on cannons to stop players from repairing?
  • Always cries noob and skilless when you kill him with a sword?
  • Always complains about Hitreg not working for him or blaming his death on lag?
  • Always sounds like a prick with the way they speak ingame?
  • Always betrays any alliance he made?
  • Always happy to spawn camp with tridents even though they gain nothing out of it?
  • Almost always has a YouTube or Twitch Channel showing off their "skills" while they just bully new players over and over causing them to rage quit?

You know... THAT GUY...

Yea just don't bother engaging if these guys start spawn camping, they're just a**holes, I know not everyone is like that, but there's a reason why this stereotype exists, it happens way too often, people on Reddit, Steam, Rare Forums and more have all complained about the antics of these guys.
The Skeletons

Skeletons come in many shapes and sizes, and a lot of their cosmetics are tied to Hourglass Commendations, so my advice it to look online and learn what Cosmetics is unlocked at what level so you can understand what type of player you're dealing with when you spot them.

Firstly the basic Skeleton is someone who is fresh from getting the curse, despite having it, chances they're a total idiot and can be killed quite easily, however he tends to hit his swords are dumb ranges.

Secondly is the advanced Skeleton, they have had the curse for a while and a ton of cosmetics, whether they're Hourglass or normal Commendations while wearing the curse, this guy is a more dangerous threat, however one thing to mention is this, if they're a sword user, they're gonna get salty at everything and tend to "Gamer Rage"
The Double Gunning cousin however is a lot more chilled, they might get upset at bad hitreg sometimes, but these guys often don't care if they lose and just want to Pirate.

Third is the Gold Skeleton, abandon all hope, you're going to die.
The Ghost Curse Pirates

Like their Skeleton Cousins, this curse is tied to Hourglass, but unlike the Skeleton curse it is harder to tell what they're like ingame, there is some exceptions, so all I can say is be cautious to most Ghost Curse Players, but I can give you 3 you need to watch out for.

Fat Ghost Curse Pirates WILL kill you, just keep your distance, keep moving and hope they die before you.

If they're wearing a Skeleton Costume (Dark Warsmith, Krampus etc) you got nothing to worry about as they're a Sword Lord who either got carried or exploited to get Hourglass Rep.

Like with the Golden Skeletons, if you see a Gold Ghost, just run for your life and don't turn back unless you really want a Dark Souls level type boss.
Thanks For Reading!
This was a fun guide to make, I might update it once and a while, but it's not a high priority like my other guides! I’ll post updates in the comments like my other guides.

This guide is part of a series of guides called "In Sea Of Thieves!"

Other "In Sea Of Thieves" Guides

If you enjoyed this one please remember to give it a thumbs up and favourite it! More guides are on the way! Stay tuned!
Bubingi  [author] Oct 9, 2023 @ 12:34pm 
Update 8

As we approach the 2nd Birthday of this guide, I've done the following.

Updated "The Whinger" to mention Safer Seas
Updated "The Dark Adventurer" to mention how the Set's reputation has been ruined.
Updated "The Ghosts" to mention easier access to Pirate Legend
Added "The Spinals"
Added "The Skeletons"
Added "The Ghost Curse Pirates"

I would have added more, however due to the lack of "Standout Cosmetics" that are popular being added over the past 2 years, this guide hasn't been easy to update, I have been keeping an eye out for certain Cosmetics but the past 2 years have been lacking in this department except for 3 and most people gravitate towards older Cosmetics.
This doesn't mean the popular sister guide "What Your Title Says About You And Others In Sea Of Thieves" is effected, that will be hopefully updated later this month! I will also update this guide again later down the line as soon as more "Standout Cosmetics" are added, so stay tuned!
Ordo Jul 20, 2023 @ 5:11pm 
Read a lot of your guides, and you're very negative about your community.

Both a try hard, and on the same breath you dislike people for doing the same thing.
burningfrozenheartache Apr 19, 2023 @ 5:27pm 
"That guy" is the pyro in TF2 who backburner's conga lines "because i wanna fight people" (just go somewhere else)
Mandrake109 Feb 17, 2023 @ 11:54am 
Sadly one encounter with a Troll was enough to scuttle my desire to do open crew for a while. Wish solo players had a way to remove people from their crews.
Bubingi  [author] Feb 8, 2023 @ 9:39am 
Update 7

A new guide has been released! "Dealing With Cheaters In Sea Of Thieves" it can be found in the "Thanks for reading" section!
Bubingi  [author] Aug 25, 2022 @ 12:37pm 
Update 6

Two new mini guides have been released! "Managing Your Loot In Sea Of Thieves" and "Some Annoying Commendations Made Easier In Sea Of Thieves" both have been added to the "Thanks for reading" section
Bubingi  [author] Aug 16, 2022 @ 10:19am 
Update 5

A new guide has been released "A guide to Captaincy in Sea Of Thieves", it's been added in the "Thanks for reading!" section
Bubingi  [author] May 25, 2022 @ 3:33am 
Update 4

A new guide has been released "How To Form And Keep Alliances In Sea Of Thieves", it's been added in the "Thanks for reading!" section
Bubingi  [author] Apr 21, 2022 @ 3:36am 
Update 4

A new guide has been released! "A New Player's Basic Guide To All Event And Voyage Bosses In Sea Of Thieves", it's been added in the "Thanks For Reading!" section!
Bubingi  [author] Dec 19, 2021 @ 12:16pm 
Update 3

A new guide has been released! Called "What Your Title Says About You And Others In Sea Of Thieves", a link can be found in the "Thanks for reading! section, if you enjoyed this guide, there's a good chance you might like this one too!