Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

138 ratings
Type: Game
Game Category: Board Games
Complexity: Medium Complexity
Number of Players: 3, 4, 5, 6
Language: English
File Size
541.974 KB
Oct 6, 2021 @ 11:41am
Jul 26, 2023 @ 5:35pm
16 Change Notes ( view )

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Unfathomable is FFG's update of the classic Battlestar Galactica semi co-op game. 3-6 players evade Lovecraftian horrors in an attempt to get their steamer ship to America. However, one or more of them are deep ones, secretly thwarting the voyage.

Players: 3-6
Time: 2-4 hours

Scripting includes:
- 3-6p player automated start
- Chaos deck handling
- Skill check calculator
- Passenger placement
- Improved resource dials
- Character tokens with 3 states (human, hybrid, cultist)

Feel free to report any issues or suggestions in the comments below. Please buy this amazing game when it is available.

Of course, this mod is indebted to the game makers. We do not own any of this license. If the publishers wish to remove this, we will do so. But I hope they consider the value of showing people this amazing game so gamers can later buy their own physical copy.

3D models courtesy of Ziggy Stardust
BattleYak Jul 27, 2023 @ 1:58pm 
Confirmed fixed on my end.
Thanks for the speedy turn around, and the awesome work you've done on this worksho.
LobstersArentImmortal  [author] Jul 26, 2023 @ 5:36pm 
How has that gone unreported for so long lol, it should be fixed now the return false was just in the wrong place. Thanks for the report.
BattleYak Jul 26, 2023 @ 2:30pm 
Hey there is a potentially a bug in the script.
Specifically the `onChat` command is filtering out any `player.admin` from talking.
I understand you were using it to trigger a function, but if that isn't the exact message the player said, I believe you need to `return true` inside the function to allow the chat message to go through.
LobstersArentImmortal  [author] Mar 10, 2023 @ 1:05am 
Send me a DM on discord (LobstersArentImmortal#8348) and I can help you easier.
13Li Mar 10, 2023 @ 12:25am 
I understood, yes, I thought that it was somehow copied wrong. I've already corrected it. The skill decks have earned the calculator counts everything correctly, great! Now I want to translate the deck of roles and the playing field (ship). I translated the cards and the picture, but I don't really understand how to access the role cards and the field. The field seems to be blocked and combined with the table into one model.. and about the role cards, I was able to find their guid to remake my deck to insert my guid there, but now the Setup is full of errors) somewhere else something needs to be changed so that he would distribute my deck of roles..
LobstersArentImmortal  [author] Mar 9, 2023 @ 10:38pm 
The version on the workshop doesn't have that bug, I'm not sure why it's like that in your code. It should be correct if you reload the workshop version. You can also just fix that line in your code so you don't reset your work, but yeah that bug doesn't exist on my end.
13Li Mar 9, 2023 @ 9:38pm 
Hi, I think I found a small bug in your code , I noticed when on some characters, when clicking on the distribution script, I was given the wrong cards)
13Li Mar 9, 2023 @ 3:34am 
Many thanks, this is just a step-by-step guide to the missing parts for translation, because I have already translated everything and uploaded it to the cloud and in steam, everything turned out and works :D The main trouble was that I didn't know about the black GM color and didn't understand where to get the strength number of the cards, so we played without a calculator haha, now everything will change. If suddenly something is completely unclear again, I will write again, but I think I will figure it out now completely.:steamthumbsup:
LobstersArentImmortal  [author] Mar 8, 2023 @ 2:48am 
Sure I don't mind. For setting the skill value for your translated cards you'll have to into the GM notes of your card and just put its value in there (go into GM notes by sitting in black, right clicking on a card and it's below the description). For translating you'll also have to into the scripting and look for Mythos.lua and change the English names in the nameToSkill table to whatever your cards are named (you don't have to change the stuff like influence, strength, will, etc since that's all script side only).

You'll also have to update some GUIDs when you import translated decks (get GUID of an object with right click > scripting > GUID), I keep all GUIDs in script at the top of a file so just look through them and update them. That should be all you need to change in the script to get it functioning but you will of course also have to translate the various text that's printed out or displayed in XML.
13Li Mar 7, 2023 @ 11:28am 
LobstersArentImmortal Hi. I've started translating your version into another language, I hope you don't mind. I have a couple of questions about the json and id cards in the skill decks, I can't figure out how to quickly ask the ID of each card without going into the notepad outside the game. I found how to register the "tag" of the name so that the cards would return to their decks after counting. But with the transferred cards, the scoring itself does not go. Because every card in my language does not have a scoring number attached to it (