Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

49 ratings
CSGO commands list
By {=[Mor14cik]=} and 1 collaborators
CSGO commands list
How to Open Console in CS:GO?
To enter a console command, you must activate the console. This is a very simple process.

To open the console in CS:GO, press the tilde button ~ while you are playing the game.
By default, the possibility to activate the console is enabled. If the tilde doesn’t work, this is how to

enable console in CSGO:
-Enter the game Settings Menu
-Choose the Game Settings
-Select Yes near Enable Developer Console
Most of the professional players use console commands - as these allow their talent to bloom to its full power.
CSGO Radar Commands
cl_hud_radar_scale 1 - changes the value to make the radar bigger or smaller. The default value is 1. You can use numbers from 0.8 to 1.3
cl_radar_scale 0.7 - this command changes the size of objects on the radar. The possible values are 0.25 to 1
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard 0/1 - the radar becomes square when you open the scoreboard (1) or remains round (0)
cl_drawhud_force_radar -1/0/1 - conditions for showing the radar on the screen: never (-1) or when HUD is disabled (1) or enabled (0)
cl_teammate_colors_show 0/1 - to turn off/on different colors for your teammates on the radar
cl_radar_rotate 0/1 - the radar rotates with your game character (1) or it remains still (0)
cl_radar_always_centered 0/1 - the radar is centered around your character (1) or not (0)
hideradar - to remove radar
CS:GO HUD Commands
cl_hud_color 0-10 - different basic colors of the in-game interface
cl_hud_playercount_showcount 0/1 - disables/enables the player count menu as numbers of alive players. In the disabled condition, you will see Steam avatars
cl_hud_playercount_pos 0/1 - to place the player count menu to the upper side of the screen (0) or to the bottom (1)
+cl_show_team_equipment - you will see the names of your teammates and their equipment above their heads during the whole round. To return the default settings (the info only at the start), use the disabling command -cl_show_team_equipment
+showscores or +score - the game score will be always visible on the screen. To disable, use -showscores or -score
cl_drawhud_force_deathnotices -1/0/1 - info on kills never appears on the screen (-1) or it is shown when HUD is disabled (1) or enabled (0)
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar 0/1 - if you carry the bomb, its icon will appear underneath radar (1) or will be disabled (0)
cl_hud_healthammo_style 0/1 - to see info on your health and armor only as numbers (1) or as numbers and the bar (0)
cl_spec_swapplayersides - places players and teams names to the other side of the screen (1) or returns them to the default one (0). The command affects HUD for spectators
hud_scaling 0.85 - makes all the HUD elements bigger or smaller. Use the values from 0.5 to 0.95
mapoverview_icon_scale 2 - icons on the map overview become twice bigger. Return the default condition with the value 1
hud_showtargetid 0/1 - to hide/show info on opponents when you hover over them
CS:GO HUD Commands
cl_hud_color 0-10 - different basic colors of the in-game interface
cl_hud_playercount_showcount 0/1 - disables/enables the player count menu as numbers of alive players. In the disabled condition, you will see Steam avatars
cl_hud_playercount_pos 0/1 - to place the player count menu to the upper side of the screen (0) or to the bottom (1)
+cl_show_team_equipment - you will see the names of your teammates and their equipment above their heads during the whole round. To return the default settings (the info only at the start), use the disabling command -cl_show_team_equipment
+showscores or +score - the game score will be always visible on the screen. To disable, use -showscores or -score
cl_drawhud_force_deathnotices -1/0/1 - info on kills never appears on the screen (-1) or it is shown when HUD is disabled (1) or enabled (0)
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar 0/1 - if you carry the bomb, its icon will appear underneath radar (1) or will be disabled (0)
cl_hud_healthammo_style 0/1 - to see info on your health and armor only as numbers (1) or as numbers and the bar (0)
cl_spec_swapplayersides - places players and teams names to the other side of the screen (1) or returns them to the default one (0). The command affects HUD for spectators
hud_scaling 0.85 - makes all the HUD elements bigger or smaller. Use the values from 0.5 to 0.95
mapoverview_icon_scale 2 - icons on the map overview become twice bigger. Return the default condition with the value 1
hud_showtargetid 0/1 - to hide/show info on opponents when you hover over them
Commands to Reload HUD
hud_reloadscheme - the HUD will be reloaded to apply all the custom changes
cl_reload_hud - use this command to cancel all the changes to CS:GO HUD and return the default settings
Commands for Game Performance in CS:GO
r_eyemove 0, r_gloss 0 - to remove movements and shine of the game characters’ eyes
cl_disable_ragdolls 1 - no ragdolls technology
dsp_slow_cpu 1 - activates lower quality of in-game sounds
cl_downloadfilter nosounds - prevent downloading of custom sounds
CS:GO Ping Commands
It’s better to play with low ping - there is almost no delay between actions on the server and on your screen. Ping is also a significant part of the performance for multiplayer games. It can be adjusted by using this command: mm_dedicated_search_maxping 80000 - max allowed ping, where 1000 in the value is 1 second
CS:GO Graphics and Sound Commands
Most of the graphics and CS:GO sound settings are available through the usual in-game tools. Still, you might also need some console commands.

mat_monitorgamma 1.8 - brightness of the virtual world (CSGO brightness command). Usually use values from 1.6 to 2.1. Make sure that you play in a well-lit environment to decrease contrast of the monitor brightness and surrounding space
volume 1 - to set the volume of all the sounds
snd_musicvolume 1 - the music volume
snd_headphone_pan_exponent 1 - the volume of sounds from the distance
voice_enable 0 - the command with this value turns off all the voices in the chat. Set 1 to return the standard setting
voice_enable 0 - it’s how to mute everyone in CS:GO on the voice chat
voice_scale 2 - to scale the volume in the voice chat (use your value)
windows_speaker_config 1-5 - to indicate which audio device you are using. The value 2 is for a headset, 3 is using four speakers, 4 is two speakers, and 5 is for the 5.1 surround system. The value 1 is default by the computer
CS:GO Commands for In-game Elements
hud_showtargetid 0 - to disable players’ names while you’re pointing the crosshair CS GO over their characters
cl_draw_only_deathnotices 1 - to see only death notifications during the game
v_showbullethits 0 - with this command, there will be no blood in the virtual world of CS:GO
r_cleardecals - to remove all the damages and splashed blood
con_filter_enable 2->con_filter_text Damage->con_filter_text_out Player - this combination of CS:GO console commands activates showing statistics on caused damage after the death of your character
cam_idealdist 150 - how far the camera is from your character during the game
cam_idealdis csgo
cam_idealyaw 0 - determines the position of the camera in the circle around the character
cam_command 1 - activates the game view from the third person perspective
cam_idealdis csgo
cl_righthand 0-1 - to change the weapon hand (right-left).
viewmodel_presetpos 1 - the command for changing views of the weapons. The value 1 is for default, 2 is for a closed view, and 3 is the classic CS 1.6 view
viewmodel_offset_x 1 / viewmodel_offset_y 1 / viewmodel_offset_z 1 - these commands change the position of your character’s hand on x-, y-, and z-axis. The possible values are from -2 to 2.5
viewmodel_fov 33 - determines how far your character holds weapons. The allowed values are from -54 to 65
One of the fun CS:GO commands is:
hud_takesshots 0/1 - disables/enables automatic screenshots at the match end. Imagine how fun it is to share your success with online friends!
CS:GO Warm-up Commands
mp_do_warmup_period 1 - game matches will have a period for warming-up. It’s a good way to prepare for the shootouts
mp_warmuptime 180 - with this command, your warm-up periods will last for 3 minutes. Set your value in seconds to change the time
mp_warmup_start - manual start of warm-up periods. The command mp_warmup_end is the manual finish
mp_warmup_end - use this command to finish the warmup stage instantly
mp_endwarmup_player_count 7 - the warmup period continues until the specified number of people join the game (replace 7 with your number)
CS:GO Weapon Buying Commands
mp_buytime 30 - this command makes 30 second periods of purchasing weapons at the start of matches. Change the value to set a different time
mp_buy_anywhere 1 - both teams will be able to buy weapons anywhere on the map. Change the value with 2 to activate this feature only for terrorists, and with 3 – for counter-terrorists
mp_freezetime 30 - the starting time of unmoved players will be 30 seconds. Change the value for your time. This period is significant for those players who already have weapons from the previous round and don’t need to buy anything new. How long do they stay still?
Commands for Rounds and Matches
mp_roundtime 180 - the rounds will last for 3 minutes. Set your time in seconds
mp_maxrounds 36 - in matches there will be no more than 36 rounds
mp_timelimit 60 - the whole game will last not more than one hour. Set your time in minutes
mp_ignore_round_win_conditions - the game will continue the entire set time, regardless of the number of rounds won by one team
mp_round_restart_delay 9 - game rounds will restart with a delay of 9 seconds (your own value is possible as usual)
mp_restartgame - immediate restart of the game. Add numbers to this command, and they will determine time in seconds till the restart mp_restartgame 14
changelevel de_cache - the map of the match will be changed to Cache. Replace de_cache with names of other maps, such as de_inferno, de_dust, de_overpass, de_train, de_mirage, de_nuke, or de_cbble
CS:GO Commands for Teams and Players
mp_limitteams 0 - both teams will have no limit on the allowed number of players
mp_autoteambalance 0 - removes auto-balancing for the number of players in both teams
mp_fadetoblack 1 - when a character dies, this player sees a CSGO black screen
mp_forcechasecam - this command with different values activates various modes after the death of a character: for the flight mode, 1 to watch the game of teammates, 2 to observe the match from the death spot
mp_respawn_immunitytime 30 - game characters will be invulnerable for 30 seconds after the round start. Other values are acceptable (in seconds)
mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1 - the command activates respawn of counter-terrorists immediately after death. There are similar commands for terrorists (mp_respawn_on_death_t 1)
mp_randomspawn 0 - a standard spawn on the map. With the value 1 this command activates a random spawn for T and CT teams, with 2 for T, and with 3 for CT
mp_friendlyfire 1 - enables shooting at teammates
banid 0 - to ban someone by their Steam ID forever. Use other numbers in the value to set the ban time in minutes
banip 0 - a permanent ban by IP. Also, you can indicate time in minutes
kicked - to kick someone from the game by Steam ID
kick nickname - to kick someone by their nickname
kill - every character in the game dies
Commands to Give Money in CSGO
mp_startmoney 10000 - players get the specified amount of money. This CS:GO money command can be used at the start of the game
mp_maxmoney 10000 - teams can earn in the game not more than specified amount
mp_afterroundmoney 10000 - teams get the entered amount of money at the end of a round, so it’s the infinite money CS:GO command
CS:GO Bot Commands
bot_quota 4 - this command determines how many bots are acceptable for the CS:GO teams
bot_add - a bot will be added to a team with fewer players (one of the most popular Counter Strike Global Offensive bot commands)
bot_add_t - the terrorist team will get a bot
bot commands for CS:GO
bot_add_ct - the counter-terrorist team will get a bot
bot commands in CS:GO
bot_kick - that’s how to remove bots in CS:GO, all of them
bot_knives_only - bots battle with knives only
bot_pistols_only - bots battle only with pistols
bot_all_weapons - all the weapons are available for CS:GO bots
bot_dont_shoot - the bots can’t shoot
bot_stop - the bots can’t move
bot_zombie 1 - to make the bots absolutely indifferent to everything around
bot_crouch 1 - the bots are crouching
bot_mimic 1 - to make the bots copy your actions
bot_difficulty 1 - to set the bots difficulty. The possible values are from 0 to 2
bot_kill - this command mercilessly kills all the bots
Additional Commands for CS:GO
mp_death_drop_c4 0 - death of characters with the bomb will not lead to it dropping
mp_death_drop_defuser 0 - death of characters with the defuser will not lead to it dropping
mp_c4timer 30 - the bomb explosion will take 30 seconds (or your value)
ammo_grenade_limit_total 3 - players can take only three grenades. You can set your value
ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang 3 - players can get only specified number of flash grenades
mp_buy_allow_grenades 0 - this command disables the possibility to buy grenades
mp_free_armor 1 - free armor (Kevlar and Helmet) for all players at the game start
Danger Zone Commands
cl_compass_enabled 0/1 - to enable/disable the compass
cl_tablet_mapmode 1/2 - the map on your tablet will rotate with the movements (1) or will always be still (2)
sv_dz_player_max_health 120 - the amount of health for players
sv_dz_player_spawn_armor 0/1 - to disable/enable armor after spawn. By default, it’s disabled
sv_dz_player_spawn_health 120 - health after spawn
sv_dz_zone_damage 1 - damage by the danger zone
sv_dz_reset_danger_zone - to restart the game
sv_dz_team_count 5 - to set the number of players in a team
dz_shuffle_teams - to shuffle players in the teams
ui_playsettings_mode_official_dz - this command returns the default setting for the mode Danger Zone
CSGO Сheat Сommands
sv_cheats 1 - the basic command that should be entered first. Without it, all the following will not work
sv_cheats 0 - use such value to disable all cheating in your game
NoClip - it’s a CS:GO wallhack command to see and walk through walls
r_drawothermodels 2 - to see all in-game characters through the walls. Enter the value 1 to return to the standard view
sv_specnoclip 1 - this command gives extra abilities in the spectacular mode, to fly and walk through walls
sv_specspeed 1.5 - to set the speed of in-game characters in the spectacular mode
sv_maxspeed 500 - the maximum speed of your character. The default value is 350
sv_enablebunnyhopping 1 - it’s the CS:GO bunny hop command for special jumps in the virtual world
sv_staminamax 0 - to cancel limits on the energy for your character
sv_staminajumpcost 0 - jumps take no stamina away
sv_staminalandcost 0 - landing takes no stamina away
sv_staminarecoveryrate 0- no need to recover the character after jumps
sv_airaccelerate 2000 - receiving acceleration whilst in the air
sv_accelerate_use_weapon_speed 0 - bunny hops characteristics do not depend on held weapons
sv_grenade_trajectory 1 - to see trajectories of grenades and hitting spots. This command opens a good way to improve your skills of using grenades
sv_grenade_trajectory CS:GO
sv_grenade_trajectory_time 9 - grenades’ trajectories will be visible only for 9 seconds. Change the value of this command and you’ll change the time
sv_showbullethits 1 - for showing places where bullets hit game characters. This command can help to improve the accuracy of your shooting
sv_showimpacts 1 - to see places, where bullets enter various objects on the maps
sv_showimpacts_time 9 - with this value, you’ll see the impact of your bullets for 9 seconds. Set your value by changing the time
sv_infinite_ammo 1 - to have countless ammo for your weapons but with the necessity to reload them. Change the value with* **2** *to shoot without reloading
Thanks for reading
𓅃 スノ 𓅃 Feb 10 @ 7:34pm 
this isnt a complete list is it
goldorak Jul 22, 2022 @ 6:56am 
-Mizzix Mar 10, 2022 @ 11:03am 
Напишите в моём профиле "+rep <3", отвечу тем же!
-Mizzix Mar 10, 2022 @ 11:03am 
Напишите в моём профиле "+rep <3", отвечу тем же!
✨💙💚₡𝐡𝕣𝖎𝐬 Feb 17, 2022 @ 6:43pm 
RUS : Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
TR :Bunlardan birini seç profilime yapıştır bende senin profiline yapıştırıcagım
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
GER: Such dir eine Sache aus der Liste aus und schreib es unter mein Profil und ich mache es auch bei dir
+Rep best👹
+Rep killer👺
+Rep Good player 💜
+Rep Top Player 🔝
+Rep Clutch King 👑
+Rep 300 iq 🧠
+Rep ak 47 god👻
+Rep relax teammate🤤
+Rep Killing Machine 😈
+Rep AWP GOD 💢
+Rep add me pls😇
+Rep very nice and non-toxic player😈
+Rep nice flicks👽
TTcux Dec 5, 2021 @ 1:31am 
𝕱𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖝 Dec 1, 2021 @ 3:08am 
shi Nov 27, 2021 @ 12:26am 
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле. Отвечу тем же.
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile. I will do this for you too.
+rep nice
+rep спасибо за игру
+rep thx for playing
+rep the best
+rep Топ тиммейт
+rep топ
+rep GG
+rep very nice and non-toxic player
+rep Insane
+Rep relax teammate
+Clutch King
+rep awp god
+rep second s1mple
+rep ak47 god
Koyz Nov 26, 2021 @ 9:21am 
+rep thx you ^^ can you +rep my profil :csgoct:
whosmihai Nov 26, 2021 @ 9:08am 
+rep Best 👑
+rep Good player 👑
+rep Top Player 👑
+rep Clutchmeister 👑
+rep 300 iq 👑
+rep AK 47 god 👑
+rep Thx for carry 👑
+rep killing machine 👑
+rep Awp god 👑
+rep 1Tap Only 👑
+rep Add me pls 👑
+rep Epic Comeback 👑
+rep Insane peek 👑
+rep Friendly Person 👑
+rep Relax teammate 👑