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Raven / Blade Master skill builds and suggestions
By Doko
Hi fellows, this is my first character guide for Raven in Elsword game. Whole article assumes that you have gained 70 levels with no additional skill point / special accessory in-game.

Due to lag issues when playing (I'm in Vietnam, and I play Elsword North America version), this guide based on what I have experienced through PVE (Player versus Environment) and PVP 3v3 (Player versus Player in 3 on 3 duels).
1. Raven, who is he?
From Elwiki[elwiki.net]:

" Raven is a fellow commoner from the Kingdom of Velder who rejected the idea of nobles and aristocrats. However, he was still proud of his kingdom, and thus worked hard to become the Captain of the Crow Mercenary Knights. Being a commoner in such a high-ranking position, he caused jealousy among the nobles. It was just a matter of time before he was framed and sentenced to prison. His friends, comrades, and fiancée rescued him and hid within the forest in the outskirts of Velder.

It did not take long before they were all surrounded by Velder soldiers and slaughtered one by one. Everything that Raven cared for and loved was stripped away from him, right before his very eyes. He stared at all the dead bodies around him as he slowly took what would have been his last few breaths. Just then, a Nasod figure appeared before him offered Raven a contract, for rebirth and power, he would conquer Velder and have revenge on the ones who caused his suffering, Raven agreed, then blacked out.

Raven awoke in a Nasod capsule, with devices attached to various parts of his body. Reborn with a prototype Nasod claw, he becomes the leader of the Velder Rebellion and blindly fights to destroy the kingdom he once protected. That is until he met a crew of young, ambitious heroes who reminded him of his duty to protect the people he once loved. In atonement for his sins, he decides to join Elsword and his friends on a new life adventure of finding the missing El.

TL:DR: He’s a excellent guy, nobles jealous him, cut his left arm, and he became berserk, until he met Elsword and regretted.
2. Specialties
- He excels at close-combat, using his machine arm (left arm, so-called Nasod arm with destructive power) and his blade.

- A unique system called “Anger of Raven” to aid him in battles:

+ Everytime he uses Awakening bead (Ctrl key). A core will appear behind him and pierces through enemies whenever an active or special active skill is used. This core size depends on how many hits he got / or how many hits he dealt to opponents. But there’re two interesting points: 1. It doesn’t knockdown or add knockdown counter. 2. It ignores any defensive stances and defense.

Got it? It’s very strong.
3. Job Paths
After Transformation Evolution revamp, Raven got 3 possible job paths as follow:

Raven > Sword Taker > Blade Master

Raven > Over Taker > Reckless Fist

Raven > Weapon Taker > Veteran Commander

Why do I choose Blade Master path? Well, he got handsome figure, that’s all.

Now, get to the main part, skills.
4.1: Raven (Base Job)
First of all, I dare say, BM is combo-wise. That means, skills aren't everything of him. Swordplay alone is somehow enough. But it's not interesting anymore if we do not mention about the skill system, leh?

Before everything else, I want you to look at this table:


and we can start:

4.1: Raven (base job):

Power Assault

So-so skill, aside from creating frozen scene, it doesn’t help anything else at 150 MP. Even with skill note.

PVP: 0
PVE: 0

Breaking Fist

This is where you have to choose. Use for combo-chaining with decent mana point, plus, it provides short Super Armor duration. Not so useful in PVE though.

PVP: 1/20
PVE: 0/20

Burning Rush

Same as above, but instead of punching enemies, Raven rushes foward at super armored stance. Useful when catching enemies in PVP and does require good catching skill. I will just leave it at 1/20.

PVP: 1/20
PVE: 0/20

Earth Break

Ground Impact

Get a skill note for it, would you kindly?

100 MP with decent damage and 70% of stunning instead of knocking down enemies with skill note. Good for beginners and catching in PVP. But I'd like to use Ground Impact instead.

PVP: 1/20
PVE: 0/20

Megadrill Break

2 slashes and 1 drill pierce, use for combo chaining, but well, it’s not good as truth be told.

PVP: 1/20 (Optional)
PVE: 0/20

Maximum Canon


Who is Kaika? Google it, she’s there. It doesn’t knockdown, best use with awakening mode + core. That’s all it has.

PVP: 1/20 (Optional)
PVE: 0/20

Seven Burst

Canon Blade

No, they both deal magical damage, which one useful in certain circumstances (Secret Dungeon in Elder, for example). But they both suck, believe me.

PVP: 0
PVE: 0
4.2: Sword Taker
After completing job change quests, you are now a Sword Taker with very high speed sword skill (like a ninja). In fact, Sword Taker/Blade Master is a hard job path to play due to his advanced combos and fast reactions.

Berserker Blade

If you can get skill note for it, max it. If not, don’t.

3 slashes, and ingore defense with skill note. Just like that.

PVP: 1-20/20
PVE: 1-20/20

Cut Tendon

Interesting skill for ST/BM. It prevents your enemies from running (dashing) for a period of time. I highly recommend this skill with Water Attribute. Slow movement + unable to dash = almost handicaped, isn’t it? But be careful, it’s useless in PVE.

PVP: 1/17
PVE: 0/17

Shockwave – Divider
Shockwave – Cutter

Cutter is newer version of old Divider (137 degree), which creates a sword wave goes horizontally and slash everything on its path.

Which to choose? Whatever, but max it once you make decision. Divider is for boss killing since its shape and route can piss a single boss off. Personally, I prefer Cutter because it can clear mobs very fast (even in mid-air).

PVP: 16/16 (Max)
PVE: 16/16 (Max)

Fine Swordmanship
Experienced Sword.PNG
Blade Mastery

They both increase two most important things for BM. Blade Mastery (Critical, can be stack) and Fine Swordmanship (Attack Speed + Accuracy). But I choose Blade Mastery.

PVP: 14/14 (Max)
PVE: 14/14 (Max)

Hypersonic Stab

This is where it’s hard to make decision. Hypersonic Stab is considered one of most strongest 300 MP skill in entire game. Which can deal over 13000% damage according to Elwiki. But the condition is, you must hit as many enemies as possible because total damage is based on the number of slashed enemies. On more thing, use it at NON-awakening mode if you’re sure that you are hitting 4+ enemies. Personally, I prefer this one over Bloody Accel in PVP. But in PVE, that’s an another story.

PVP: 12/12 (Max)
PVE: 0/12-12/12 (Optional)

Bloody Accel

Do you how why people think BM is one of the most durable class in game? Thanks to Bloody Accel. With his attack speed (and some skills like Sonic Slash), it drains HP from enemies like hell. I don’t have to use potions / food in dungeons at all. When you’re low in HP, activate it and see the miracle. Watch my dungeon runnings in my YouTube channel to see.

PVP: 0/12-12/12
PVE: 12/12 (Max)
4.3: Blade Master
Here we are, Sword Taker has advanced into ultimate form. He got 2 new combos (Black Hole Finisher – with the ability to make infinite combo loop; and Advanced Launcher which resets knockdown after 2nd hit,…)

But, back to the main article:

Wolf Fang.PNG
Wolf Fang

A so-so skill, useful in PVP for catching, returns 50 MP when missing. Furthermore, it sends enemies flying, and with awakening mode, the core will reset Launch Counter, make it possible to extend combos.

PVP: Max
PVE: 1

Moment Slayer.PNG
Finishing Slash

Now it’s a bit tricky to decide. in PVP, both Finishing Slash and Sonic Slash are fine. But I still prefer Finishing Slash. Why?

First. Your enemies can’t mana break from this skill (yeah, I know the duration is very short, but if your enemies are holding Z key while getting hit, it can reset the indicator to zero, hence the speed of 6 slashes). Second, it doesn’t give target much mana like Sonic Slash. Third, it can hit multiple enemies too.

PVP: Max
PVE: Max

Sonic Slash

Yes, it does have super armor. Yes, it slashes very fast. And with Bloody Accel, no boss can take you down in dungeons or fields. But in PVP, do not overuse it since it gives your opponent a lot of MP.

PVP: Max
PVE: Max

(Because you can only choose one of these).

Reversal Fighter

Trained Body

I’d like to choose Trained Body. Because no one wants their own character get low HP, right (okay, except for Veteran Commanders if Reversal Fighter is available for him). Anyway, Blade Master is one of the most durable classes in game, so it’s reasonable to choose Trained Body instead.

PVP: Max
PVE: Max

Giga Drive.PNG
Giga Drive – Limiter

- 25% damage buff.
- Nearly 2000% Ground Smash damage.
- Knockdown rate decrease.
- 1 second cooldown on active skills. (Z > Cut Tendon > Z > Cut Tendon,… or so, until your opponent’s leg is smashed like flour).

Cool, right? But only if when you get enough skill to hold enemies to make combos. Useful in both PVE and PVP. Oh wait, consider this one too:

Giga Drive – Seismic Tremor

Let’s make a simple calculation: At level 70, assuming that the target get 100% hits from this skill (and it can’t be mana break from) with no other skill enhancement:

1266 (first hit) + 542×6 (following hits) + 136% (last hit) = 4654%

The problem is, you won’t get any buff like Limiter, and you have to cast this skill when there’s vast space in front of you to deal the damage at its finest.

It can be used for the finishing strike in PVP.

PVE: Max
PVP: Max


The more I play, the more I love this skill, especially when I have to deal with lag and annoying Aisha / Rena in PVP. Combine with Shadow Step, it can make Raven lurk behind enemies in just a blink of eyes. Unlike Shadow Thrust, Shadow has Super Armor moment, and it works with Awakening Core too.

PVP: Max
PVE: Max


They blame Blade Master for this. Who? PVP-ers of course. 13% of chance at level 70 (that means, every ~10 hits you get from behind, BM flies away like a bird). But it doesn’t help much in PVE. So, now you understand why I love Shadow more?

PVP: Max
PVE: 0
5. Side Skills
Well, I decided to write about skills in 3rd column to make it easier to read. Also, I don’t want to make it long, so I will just sum up some main points here, both in PVE and PVP:

Well, I decided to write about skills in 3rd column to make it easier to read. Also, I don’t want to make it long, so I will just sum up some main points here, both in PVE and PVP:


Both should be up at 1 point only (you can leave Shadow Step as it always is). They won't help much even with more SP.

Max these two. Who doesn’t want free stat points? Also, Infinite Cause is Raven’s most important skill since he can extend combos with this passive. In contrary to Elesis’s Advanced Knight Mastery.

1 point is enough, even with skill note.

Same as above, max it, free stat points.


I don’t use this skill much, since I have got Shockwave as main mob-clear skill. But if you have trouble with flying creatures, max it out. But consider about MP it consumes (200 MP).

This is my current skill build, as I think it's suitable for both PVP and PVE:


Update (2014.09.08): This is my new build for PVP-only:

6. Afterwords
Well, thank you for reading this. I’d say this is only a quick guide for anyone wants to play BM. It takes a lot of time to practice combos with him but in general, he’s a fun character to play with. In the other hand, this is my first English guide, so it should contain many mistakes. Please leave comments for me to make it in the right way it should be.
Clover Sep 25, 2014 @ 2:55pm 
well i do have the full trancending time and space set at lvl 7 each
Clover Sep 25, 2014 @ 2:55pm 
i have tryed alll BM's skills and most of the time i aggre with you the one point being i use reversal fighter and let me say, once your oppenent has given me 300mp af beating me up alot BOOM dead in one hyper sonic slash
pochcho Sep 24, 2014 @ 7:48pm 
Thank you. This helped a lot with my ST/BM
Cxrnxc ttv May 13, 2014 @ 1:21am 
This guide is done well, having made a guide on the BM myself, it appears you've put a lot of effort into making this. Well done, and thanks.