Gunfire Reborn

Gunfire Reborn

49 ratings
(Highest Difficulty) Qing Yan Mastery Guide (29/12/2021)
By Yuta燕
This guide is focused on Qing Yan's Team and Solo version (usable up to highest difficulty). It will cover Ascensions, Gameplay tips, and General tips on weapons and occult scrolls combination. It adds on to the already excellent guide: Qing Yan Guide: Ascension Tier List and General Tips (06/18/2021).

Hello! I am now playing on Reincarnation 8 Solo or Team with Qing Yan (my main) as well as other characters. I started off using this guide Qing Yan Guide: Ascension Tier List and General Tips (06/18/2021) (Summer Update) which is an excellent and comprehensive guide. It is much better than many youtube videos so please read the guide if you are still new.

I will suggest going through the following Sections for additional tips for each section as Qing yang is my most experienced character. I will add on additional weapon and scroll tips for the highest difficulty (Reincarnation8 as of patch v1.0).

Refer to this wiki for reference of scrolls:
and weapons:
Spiritual Blessing Selection (Starting off)
Spiritual Blessings Ranked


Craftsman's Inheritor
"You can upgrade/reforge/etch/reroll weapons for free, but you can only own up to 20 scrolls."
This is actually very good for solo runs. It can help you to get your desired elemental effects (eg. Miasma effect) before you fight the Stage 1 boss, making your game incredibly easy.

"When your current HP is greater than or equal to that of an enemy, deal additional 150% DMG to them; Otherwise, take 30% less DMG from them."
Easily the one of Qing Yan's best blessing to take. It is worth to reset your Solo runs just to get this blessing. Along with Paranormality scroll and Bluff scroll, the damage boost is significant which makes earlier Acts very easy because your hp is kept at 100% (1hp).

Ultimate Gambler
"You can refresh all available ascensions once per Goblet."
Unless you are feeling lucky and choose other blessings, this can help to increase your chances of getting your desired ascensions. Now you can re-roll and choose another 3 ascensions.

Bladed Cleave
"Cleave instantly kills normal/elite enemies under 25% HP, and bosses under 15% HP."
It is another version of Final Judgement scroll. I find it decent if you are very comfortable with higher reincarnation levels and lazy to finish off the remaining hp. It is very good with Veteran or Dual-edge scrolls as it guarantees the kill. Even players with Final Judgement are not able to kill-steal. It requires some practice but once you are used to it, you will find this blessing pretty decent.

Fake Death
"Gain an extra revival."
B-tier for Solo. Not required for Team play, just get someone to revive you :). Consider only at later Acts as a form of safety measure if required.

"Get 2,000 Copper immediately. +50% all copper gained."
For additional upgrades and scrolls.

Field Proficiency
"+5% Lucky Shot Chance and -5% active skill cooldown every time you kill an elite monster/boss."
This becomes more useful as the game progresses due to many elites and bosses.

"After killing an enhanced monster, you obtain their enhanced effect, which lasts for some time. Different enhanced effects will apply at the same time while the same effect will have its duration refreshed."
I would prefer this more than Painkiller. Each enhancement lasts 30 seconds and allows you to kill very fast in solo mode. You have to be the one dealing the final blow to obtain the effects. Reincarnation 8 provides some portion of stages with Copycat effect so can consider Painkiller instead.

"Convert all elemental effects applied to the hero to buffs with opposite effect."
Defensive spiritual blessing. Immune to Burning, Shock and Decay effects. And you get the benefits similar to the Enthusiast scrolls. Enthusiast scrolls provide opposite effects which make good investments. Better in Reincarnation 8 since many monsters have elemental effects.

"+300% weapon and skill DMG. -5% weapon and skill DMG for every owned scroll (including cursed scroll); -20% weapon and skill DMG for every activated ascension. (DMG penalty won't exceed -300%)"
The damage is decent to start off the game strong. As the game progresses, you can take in better scrolls along with better weapons. A decent balance although I dont usually take this.

Royal Guard
"Guarantees an elite monster at the end of a pre-BOSS stage."
When the game becomes too easy and you want extra scrolls or talents. Or when you have Elite Assassin scroll or Field Proficiency.

Supreme Craftsman
"You can reroll all inscriptions of a weapon at the craftsman. Each craftsman can reroll up to 3 times."
Too expensive. Unless we are allowed to choose the inscriptions, it is pretty bad.

Occult Booster
"There is a 20% chance for any scroll to become their enhanced version when obtained."
I dont really get this as the % is too low for my liking.

Completely Useless Spiritual Blessings
Unstoppable Momentum
"+100% base DMG for the next Leap when you hit an enemy with Leap (up to 10 stacks). Remove all stacks on a miss."
For leap builds in easier game modes. With energy storage, magic watch, Terrific Crossfire and leap ascensions, you can leap forever. Fun to play, but damage is not very scalable for higher reincarnations.

A Good Man
"Reviving a teammate or being revived grants you +2%/s HP recovery, +20% movement speed, and +30% weapon and skill DMG for 60s. (Stackable, up to 3 times)."

Eye of Providence
"Vaults and Peculiar Chests are visible on the minimap."
Exactly who created this? Most useless spiritual blessing ever existed. If this is suppose to help new players, put it as a default setting for easier game modes.

Ultimate Firearm
"There's a 40% chance to drop an enhanced weapon."
Pure luck. The % is higher now but I prefer selecting from Phantom Peddler.

Skill Freak
"The secondary skill deals double DMG."
Unless you are playing Fatal Wings ascension. Secondary skill damage become progressively useless in late game for Bird. More useful for other heroes such as Dog or Cat.

Steady Profit
"Upon gaining or consuming Soul Essence, obtain double the amount as copper."
Might as well get jackpot. You will need to collect or spend 1000 Soul Essence to get 2000 coppers... Even worse with the upgraded version for Jackpot due to +50% copper gain.

Endless Assault
"Gain a secondary skill use every 3s."
There will be sufficient amount to use. More useful for other heroes such as Dog or Cat.

Gemini Inscriptions / Etching
Weapon 1 & 2 share their elemental effect (Element correlation applied, chances to activate calculated respectively) with the other weapon.
Nothing is more powerful than elemental fusions in Solo play, which is why Crown Prince and Lei Luo have much easier time in destroying higher reincarnation.
S-tier for Solo play. A-tier for Team play, because you need to look at what your team already have. Miasma (Shock + Decay) damage is insane right now.

Weapon 1&2 share CritX bonus but -50% stability.
Decent damage boost.

Weapon 1&2 magazine capacity become the sum of both weapon's magazine capacity, and RoF +25%.
Most useful for weapons which benefit from magazine, such as Wild Hunt. Sometimes Illusion (with a SMG). A-tier if you get this with Wild Hunt or Illusion. Not as useful if you have magazine scrolls such as Advanced Depot and Against the Flow.

Not necessary
Plant a spore on the target when hitting enemy and create an explosion when the spore from different weapon meets together.
There are plenty of inscriptions better than this in solo play. When you are using shotguns such as Wild Hunt and Illusions, you will not want to switch weapons. More useful for Dog.

Killing an enemy with the held weapon increases the base DMG of the next shot from the off-hand weapon by 50%. (Up to 10 shots will be affected.)
Another inscription that is making us waste more money on re-rolls.
Ascension Tier List
Solo Play

The image is just a rough guide. It depends on weapons and style of playing. Please read on.

Generic ascension priority: Regen Hit (or Defensive Cleave) > Red / Blue Ascensions / Death Mark > Yellow Ascensions

  • Regen hit or Defensive Cleave is a must for Solo play. It depends on personal preference. Regen Hit has to wait for Primary Skill cooldown while Defensive Cleave requires charges. Sometimes, if I have scrolls such as No Retreat, I do not add Defensive Cleave. For Regen Hit, just get it to level 2 as soon as possible (since you may not get it later). For higher reincarnation levels, I may even go for level 3 if there are no better choices. This is to secure my 100% armour and survivability against bosses. Why 3 levels? You purposely leap into air and not hitting anything. If Leap doesn't hit any enemies, the cooldown is reduced by 50%. With spiritual blessings such as Field Proficiency, the cooldown is extremely low for leap.

  • Level 3 Regen Hit talent is a B+ (subjective) compared to level 1 or 2 of the other talents. Not that the S tier level 2 Regen Hit will drop to B+ tier after adding. Regen hit is only for survivability. At level 2, you already get 100% armour back. At level 3, the marginal returns for the regen hit is low. Suppose that you are not standing too far like Tiger, it is almost guaranteed that you will hit some boxes or enemies and get 100% armour back. You can add damage talents instead.

  • After which, depends on your level of comfort, the ascensions are essentially split into Blue (Defensive), Red (Offensive), Yellow (also known as useless). When deciding between blue and red, add Blue if you are not comfortable with Solo play yet and add Red for more damage.

  • Note: There is another style which I like -> Maxing Last Stand. Once your armour breaks, your damage output per second (DPS) will be extremely high. Last Stand + All or Nothing guarantees high damage output after leaping. Although it will also be good to add Regen Hit or Defensive Cleave so that you can gain some armour back.

  • Level 2 Regen Hit + All or Nothing will break your armour and gain 100% back instantly.

  • Hail of Bullets is generally more useful for shotguns or weapons that require frequent reloads (eg. snipers). Else, can consider taking other talents such as Last Stand.

  • Read below for Victory Rush and Close Combat.

  • Until they make additional debuffs for cleave, it does not scale very well in higher reincarnation levels. They are fun to try but it requires quite a bit of luck in scrolls, blessings and ascensions to play Leap and Cleave build in higher reincarnations. The damage is still decent even in high reincarnation levels but generally not as high as weapon DPS.

Team Play

Generic ascension priority: Red Ascensions > Blue Ascensions > Yellow Ascensions

  • Notice many Blue (i.e. Leap) ascensions have decreased in ranking. Since you have teammates to save you, the more comfortable you are or the stronger you team is, the focus gravitates more towards Red (i.e. Damage) ascensions.

  • Sometimes if I can potentially deal very high damage, I may not even bother to add Regen hit or Defensive Cleave or simply add 1 level to opt for a glass cannon build.

  • In the event you are going all-out damage build, you can take Last Stand over Steel Armour etc. Other than Regen hit, you practically do not need any Blue or Yellow ascensions.

  • If you are not used to using Death Mark, then do not add any Yellow Ascensions.

  • Gigantic Explosion lowers Leap cooldown if you like leaping to save your teammates or regen your armour faster.

  • Hail of Bullets is extremely strong with inscriptions such as "Magazine Capacity becomes 2. When the first shot kills the enemy, recovers 1 ammo to the magazine. Otherwise, +200% Lucky Shot Chance to the second shot.". When the magazine capacity becomes 2, shoot 1 bullet, change to Foundary and shoot and reload. You will now have the Hail of Bullets charge. Change to the main weapon and you have 5 shots of extreme high damage with lucky shots. It is fun to try out in Team play but not as fun to do in Solo. However, this will become useless with Advanced Depot scroll, which I generally still prefer.

  • Victory Rush is extremely powerful for shotguns build. Not useful for swords. Take note that if you have Fish or Bear Paw, you can Victory Rush for many more weapons. Also note that if your single output can deal multiple instances of damage such as the secondary skill of Crimson Firescale or AOE lightning effect of Thunderclap Gloves, the Victory Rush will also be activated.

  • Close Combat is an all-rounder. Useful for both shotguns and swords. However, with an end-game shotgun, you can add Victory Rush instead since the damage scaling is faster.
Occult Scrolls tips
  • Spirit Feline is the best solo play scroll. Adding it with Triple Comeback, you have to best chance of surviving a Solo run. Be cautious though, Damage Over Time skills such as poison will deplete your Spirit Feline very quickly since each instance of damage is fixed.
  • Advanced Depot + inscription "+10% Lucky Shot Chance for every 10% ammo consumed in the total magazine capacity (Max 100%, reset after reload)." or Demonlore is game winning combination for any character. Drop the Advanced Depot and shoot until your magazine becomes 1. Pick the scroll back and your damage will be at its strongest. Along with scrolls such as Dormant Bullet, try not to lose the game :).
  • Paranormality + Bluff / Reinforced Eggshell is very strong combination.
  • Heavy Shield is good on Qing yan because of the relatively fast movement speed.
  • Paranormality is definitely preferred over veteran (unlike some youtube guide). I rather play with armour than hp. Sometimes it is also okay to take Veteran and give Paranormality to Crown Prince or take Paranormality and give Veteran to Ao Bai.
  • Bloody Ammo is okay on Qingyan because when you fire to minus armour but you gain back the armour each hit due to Qing yan's default abilities. Bloody Ammo + Against the Flow = Infinite Shooting.

  • Against the Flow is good for Illusions and SMGs.
  • No Retreat is pretty decent considering you just need to spam finish all your secondary skill for no reason and get permanent 50% damage increase.

Examples of scrolls to give your teammates:
  • Flesh and Bones (this will make you armourless)

    Shield related scrolls such as:
  • Silver Medal
  • Overwhelming Shield
  • Abundant Vitality

    All Secondary Skills related scrolls such as:
  • Double Exhilaration (dont really need to double the capacity even with Death Mark. I will hold this sometimes so I can spam faster with No Retreat. Idea.)
  • Energy Sandals
  • Skill Booster

Weapon tips
Of course, feel free to try out any weapon build. I have tried many weapons eg. cannon and bow until final act just for fun during team play.

My favourite:
  • Starting weapons: Crimson firescale / Fire tower / Illusion / Poisonous Ghost / Pupil / Flowing Light.

  • Miasma effect of lightning and poison. For example, Thunderclap Gloves and any poison weapon (preferably those that has % elemental chance such as Aura of Venom and Poisonous Ghost, also not bad for early game). The damage is consistent and insane for solo play.

  • Lightning Glove also triggers Victory Rush which is an extremely strong damage ascension.

  • Fire tower deals extremely high damage. You need to be comfortable dodging, jumping and leaping around.

  • End game weapons: Shotguns, preferably Illusions. Swords are fun but usually for team play as it is challenging to fight bosses with swords. Weapons with Inscriptions with (+10% Lucky Shot Chance for every 10% ammo consumed in the total magazine capacity (Max 100%, reset after reload).

  • Wild Hunt + Advanced Depot (with lucky shot scrolls and ammo scrolls) is extremely strong and fun.

  • Wild hunt's ammo runs out extremely fast. Good to have ammo scrolls include Against the Flow, Ammo Belt, Genesis, Bloody Ammo etc.

  • Strongest illusion I have seen?
    Projectiles +3, Effective Range +80%.
    + 65% DMG vs any elemental effect
    + 50% damage if enemy is affected by certain elemental damage especially decay (with Crown Prince)

    Bosses die under 10 seconds. With lucky shot chances, ascensions and what not, things can go insane. However, it is not easy to have all these stars align, but I guess that is the point of this game hahah.

    My average damage ranges around 50 to 100million (end of Act 3), peaked at 130+ million before the v1.0 update and ranges around 430+ million (end of Act 4, still testing). Feel free to comment below if there are advices on dealing even higher damages on Qing Yan. I would love to know and try them out.

Final Tip

  • Do not leap just to kill. This is not Nightmare mode anymore. Do not waste it for no reason. Your leap deals insignificant damage UNLESS it is first few maps of Act 1 which is very easy to kill with 1 leap.
  • Leap to regen armour. Try to hold it for as long as possible. You will need some experience (in terms of understanding each enemies' damage output) with this.
  • Leap to dodge shots that can KO you. Such as from bosses or from finishing blow arrow or shotguns. Otherwise just use dash to dodge. You are invulnerable during leap, so the some of the boss moves should not even deal damage to you if done properly.
Closing Words
Feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts and additional character, scroll or weapon tips which I can learn from too :).
Heymelon Feb 23, 2023 @ 2:36am 
Hey thx for the guide. I think spore is updated or smth, I'm new players but getting spores and when used right it seems like the best gemini by far and just wins you the run automatically. As long as you don't get one shot or whatever ofc
飞天咩酱 May 9, 2022 @ 2:46pm 
very nice!~:cupup:
Yuta燕  [author] Dec 22, 2021 @ 6:27pm 
Hahah thanks for sharing. No worries, happy to discuss anything related to the hero. :steamhappy:
kozz Dec 22, 2021 @ 6:22pm 
ohhhh alright then, that makes sense

also sorry if that original comment seemed like, angry or upset or something lol
Yuta燕  [author] Dec 22, 2021 @ 6:11pm 
What I meant was that level 3 Regen Hit talent is a B+ (subjective) compared to level 1 or 2 of the other talents. Not that the S tier level 2 Regen Hit will drop to B+ tier after adding.
Yuta燕  [author] Dec 22, 2021 @ 6:09pm 
Hi! Regen hit is only for survivability. At level 2, you already get 100% armour back. At level 3, the marginal returns for the regen hit is low. Suppose that you are not standing too far like Tiger, it is almost guaranteed that you will hit some boxes or enemies and get 100% armour back. You can add damage talents instead. Nonetheless, I also mentioned that "For higher reincarnation levels, I may even go for level 3 if there are no better choices. This is to secure my 100% armour and survivability against bosses. Why 3 levels? You purposely leap into air and not hitting anything. If Leap doesn't hit any enemies, the cooldown is reduced by 50%."
kozz Dec 20, 2021 @ 6:18pm 
how does regen hit get downgraded 2 letter grades if it's level 3??? that's literally 100% armor back every single time you press e, you don't even have to hit anything. how is that worse??
NeloDante Dec 9, 2021 @ 6:07pm 
Typo on "Occult Scroll tips" section. "Flash" should be "flesh".

Good guide though, love playing this character.
Yuta燕  [author] Dec 3, 2021 @ 5:58am 
I see. I suppose fan scrolls meaning enthusiast scrolls? I forget about the synergy of painkiller with enthusiast scrolls. Since the monsters have more special effects in reincarnation 8, it is a pretty good blessing. And to confirm, corrosion is +50% movement speed, lightning is -10% DMG taken and fire is continuously add armour/shield? (what is the opposite of taking continuous DMG, or is it just no damage taken) Thanks, always good to learn more. Will try it more often especially since corrosive agile/defensive/blah blah monsters are so irritating in reincarnation 8.
Yuta燕  [author] Aug 12, 2021 @ 6:36am 
Thank you DUENDE_V3RDE and Cartography Dee. I pretty much followed your guide all the way till max level hahah and testing some stuff out. Agree, I really like the new Ultimate Gambler. The craftsman is so expensive.. they should allow changing of individual rows at 300 coins. I was hoping the Fall Update could come out faster so as to update together. As an INTP, I do have the urge to be pedantic too hahah. Cleave build will require quite a few things to happen to play it consistently and with more players, it is less efficient, be it higher hp or killed by someone else or doesnt provide any bonus effect unless with Death Mark. I really hope they can scale the secondary skill of Ao Bai and Qing Yan better, such as adding elemental effect, some form of debuffs or percentage based scaling(eg. adding % of weapon damage).