Blackwell Epiphany

Blackwell Epiphany

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simple all achievements guide with minimal or no spoilers
By Liquidsnakehpks-joa
Here is the list of achievements in the game and simple description of how to get it without almost no spoilers
Achievements list

this is a story related achievement,not missable

2)Curtain Call

this is a story related achievement

3)Blowey Mallone
well this is a simple one but you might miss out blowing on someone by mistake, to avoid that from happening , have joey try to blow wind on every person you see in each screen, this should pop up near to the end of the game. If it does not then you have missed someone.
Joey will not blow on ghosts so its just every person you encounter,some like lia and father cant be blown on either so try on everyone.

[Ps spoiler, warning: came across some people missing it at the end , remember blow wind on the doc when you see him first time rambling about rosa's medical history , if you miss him and the reception guy before the explosions start, you wont be able to get the achievement.]

people list hints/location
Rosa, durkin, police officer in station, doorman, priest , Clerk at abacus, gym , people inside the bar, Dr. Quentin, reciptionist, person inside newroom , woman inside apartment

4)Move on and Listen
warning : you will have to finish the game with the commentary mode on, don't do this one the first play as it will have spoilers, you can finish the game once and do this in the second run,should pop out when you finish the game with commentary mode. i suggest to do this and the 300 steps achievement in second run.

5)Time to Move On
story related achievement cannot be missed

6)Goldfarb Digger
extremely missable , when you are in the pub have joey use the tie on goldfarb's art, should pop up when done correctly.

super missable , when rosa is possessed, talk to her before using the tie on her

8)Deception[warning has some spoilers]
Just clarified this one with dave gilbert , to get this achievement, you must lie through the whole game at every chance you get, here are some of the instances, just brief hints

A)lie during the interrogation D)lie at the bar when you are caught
B)lie to the kid E)lie at the broadcast office
C)lie at abacus F)lie to lia

Story Based achievement

Story Based achievement

Story based achievement

12) Snow Plow
This really a strange achievement as in you must make rosa walk in the areas where there is snow until joey gets annoyed at you for it.There are a total of 15 areas that have snow, walking on any 12 should make joey ask the comment to cut it out and rosa replies shes doing to keep herself warm.
PS: to make sure you don't miss this achievement do it on the first run just walk back and forth in areas where there is snow, remember joey has to comment then you can stop and move on.
PS: at police station do it when durkin is not outside.

Detailed location list for snow plow [12 areas]
1. Starting scene of the game walk in the snow
2. Police station at first you cant do it while durkin is out , come back later when not there you can walk
3. chruch
4. officer lia's apartment(outside)
5. Exeter house
6. George's apartment balcony
7. school
9.heather's apartment
10. bar
11. bar near dumpster
12. graveyard

13) Online Troll
Story Based achievement

14) Ghostly silent
The opposite achievement to deception , aka you must remain silent during the interrogation, choose silent option it should pop up when done right.

15)Dumpster Jumper
Pretty simple have to jump off the dumpster behind the bar in one go , grab the cloth from dumpster, spill coffee to melt ice and clean it off for good and then make the jump attempt or else you will fall . Just to be safe save once before jumping.

16)Laying it Bear
Super missable , just make sure to talk with aunty after getting her to agree to help you boost up, till she talks about preparing you.

17)Joined the Music
Story Based achievement , not missable

18) Softly Softly
Finish the game by taking only 300 steps, the total is shown after the credits end. There seems to be a bug getting this achievement as many have reported not to get it despite doing it in less than 300. .Fixed by Recent Patch
I would highly recommend to try this along with commentary mode in a second run, finish off all the achievements in the first run.
My tips for this
-try to use joey maximum to explore and rosa only when needed
-dont walk around unless its needed , remember you cant cancel your movement at times like clicking on exit
-do stuff directly once you know the story well , this will eliminate wasting steps looking for clues.
-dont let possessed rosa walk around and waste too many steps.

Extremely sad that this is the final blackwell game and it was great . This just a simple achievement list with no details for the story ones to avoid major spoilers and simple hints for the missable ones.

Glum Jul 15, 2017 @ 7:36pm 
Maybe Dave lied about lying every time.
alphabetsoup Dec 8, 2014 @ 11:53pm 
And doing Snow Plow with Durkin outside still works. Assuming 12 locations are necessary Durkin complaining and Joey complaining are counted separately.
alphabetsoup Dec 8, 2014 @ 11:51pm 
On my second playthrough, I've more or less confirmed that anything works with the second choice. The important part is cleaning the dumpster.
alphabetsoup Dec 7, 2014 @ 10:57pm 
Perhaps, I didn't test it out after I got the achievement with those options.
Liquidsnakehpks-joa  [author] Dec 7, 2014 @ 10:00pm 
@alphabetsoup is "jump with your arms extended " the only option that works for perfect jump? i remember using another option in my run
Liquidsnakehpks-joa  [author] Dec 7, 2014 @ 9:32pm 
i avoided putting in full details for some achievements because i wrote the guide when the game was out new , so wanted to avoid major spoilers. i guess i can add in more details to some of the achievements under a spoiler tag
alphabetsoup Dec 7, 2014 @ 8:14pm 
And Dumpster Jumper
1. Pick up rag
2. Pour coffee on dumpster
3. Wipe sludge with rag
4. Click dumpster: "Climb the Dumpster"
5. Click ladder: "Jump with your arms extended."
alphabetsoup Dec 7, 2014 @ 8:14pm 
After Flashback #2
Snow Plow 6/12 - George Ostin's apartment, balcony.
Snow Plow 7/12 - Police station, Joey complains (unsure if this is necessary).
Snow Plow 8/12 - Grace School.
Snow Plow 9/12 - Field's Gym.
Blowey Mallone 7/13 - Runner on treadmill, inside Field's Gym.
Snow Plow 10/12 - Heather's apartment.
Snow Plow 11/12 - Vantini bar.
Blowey Mallone 8/13 - Bartender, inside Vantini bar.
Blowey Mallone 9/13 - Woman, inside Vantini bar.
Snow Plow 12/12 - Vantini bar, back exit out the emergency door ('Dumpster Jump' is here).
Blowey Mallone 10/13 - Man, inside Newsroom.
Blowey Mallone 11/13 - Woman, inside Fielding's apartment.
Snow Plow 13/12 - Fielding Sr? (Greeenwood)

Blowey Mallone 12/13 - Dr. Quentin, middle door in the left corridor.
Blowey Mallone 13/13 - Receptionist, right corridor.
alphabetsoup Dec 7, 2014 @ 8:14pm 
In case anyone is still stuck these are the requirements for Blowey Mallone and Snow Plow.

Snow Plow 1/12 - Right at the beginning, after the opening conversation.
Blowey Mallone 1/13 - Rosa, right at the beginning.

After Flashback #1
Blowey Mallone 2/13 - Sam Durkin, first visit to police station.
Snow Plow 2/12 - Police station, Durkin complains.
Blowey Mallone 3/13 - Officer, police station lobby.
Blowey Mallone 4/13 - Doorman, George Ostin's apartment.
Snow Plow 3/12 - Grace Church.
Blowey Mallone 5/13 - Priest, inside Grace Church.
Snow Plow 4/12 - Lia Pierro's apartment.
Blowey Mallone 6/13 - Clerk, inside Wired Abacus.
Snow Plow 5/12 - Exeter House.
Nerces Dec 4, 2014 @ 1:04am 
@Liquidsnakehpks-joa I know it seems simple but I don't know why it is not unlocking: I'm pretty sure I walked on all the different screens with Joey nagging me. Just not unlocking... as other people have it, I guess I missed something :(