Papers, Please

Papers, Please

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Papers, Please Guide: Achievements, Endings, and More!
Por Galactic
A long, accurate, organized, and complete guide that contains endings, achievements, documents, and more.
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Also most of this information is from the Papers, Please wiki. Check them out!

Hello, welcome to my guide! This guide will help you achieve all achievements, get all endings, and more! If there are any mistakes or false information, please let me know and I'll fix it ASAP. Other than that, I hope you enjoy this guide! Glory to Arstotzka!

Thanks so much for the awards!
This section includes the List of Rules, Issuing Cities, and M.O.A Seals.

List of Rules:

1. Entrant must have a passport.
- Starts on day 1, and it will be a permanent rule towards the end of the game.

2. Arstotzkan citizens only.
- It's only on day 1.

3. All documents must be current.
- It starts on day 2, and will be a permanent rule.

4. Foreigners must have an entry ticket.
- It's only on day 3.

5. Foreigners require an entry permit.
- It starts at day 4 and will be replaced by another document at day 26.

6. Arstotzkan citizens must have an ID card.
- It starts on day 4 and will be a permanent rule.

7. Workers must have a work pass.
- It starts on day 6 and will be a permanent rule.

8. No weapons or contraband.
- It starts on day 7 and will be a permanent rule. Check the weight if it is correct. If not, you have to scan them if they are carrying contraband.

9. All Kolechians must be searched.
- It's only on day 7.

10. Diplomats require authorization.
- It starts on day 8 and will be a permanent rule.

11. Foreigners require an ID supplement.
- It starts on day 13 and will be replaced by another document on day 26.

12. No entry from Impor.
- Only on day 19.

13. Asylum seekers must have a grant.
- Starts on day 21 and will be a permanent rule.

14. Confiscate Arstotzkan passports belonging to Altan residents.
- Starts at day 24, ends at day 27.

15. Entrant must have polio vaccine certificate.
- Starts on day 26 and will be a permanent rule.

16. Foreigners require an access permit.
- Starts on day 27 and will be a permanent rule.

17. Confiscate all Arstotzkan passports.
- Starts on day 28 and will be a permanent rule.

Other Rules:

• Deny all wanted criminals.
- Starts on day 14 and will be a permanent rule.

• When denying entry, you must include a reason for denial stamp.
- Starts on day 18 and will be a permanent rule.

Issuing Cities

United Federation
St. Marmero
Orvech Vonor
Yurko City
True Glorian
Great Rapid
East Grestin
Outer Grouse
West Grestin
Korista City

Arstotzka Districts
  • Altan
  • Burnton
  • Fardesto
  • Gennistora
  • Lendiforma
  • Octovalis
  • Vescillo
  • Wozenfield
M.O.A. Seals
Entry Permit Seals:

Work Pass Seals:
Documents, Discrepancies, and Citations
This section explains every document excluding the Access Permit and Entry Ticket, and their possible discrepancies.

- Passport is the main document that every entrant should have. It contains the entrant's photo, name, sex, birthday, the issuing city, the expiry date, and the passport number. There are a total of 7 passports and their respective countries in the game: Antegria, Arztotzka, Impor, Kolechia, Obristan, Republia, and United Federation.
Possible discrepancies:
• Non-matching photo
• Invalid name / gender
• Invalid issuing city
• Invalid passport number
• False date of birth.
• Expired passport
Entry Permit
- The Entry Permit is another important document that must be carried by foreigners to enter. It replaces the Entry Ticket but has more information. It contains the entrant's name, passport number, purpose of visit and duration of stay, the entry permit's seal, and expiry date. If the entrant has an entry permit, the inspector will interrogate the entrant's purpose of visit and duration of stay. The entrant's response must match the ones in the permit.
Possible discrepancies:
• Invalid name
• Invalid passport number
• Forged seal
• Incorrect purpose of visit / duration of stay
• Expired entry permit
ID Supplement and ID Card
- The Identity Supplement is a small document that must be carried by foreigners. It contains the entrant's height, weight, description, thumbprint, and expiry date.
Possible discrepancies:
• Invalid height / weight
• Invalid description (The description might not match the entrant's appearance)
• Invalid thumbprint (If you have the entrant's fingerprints and they do not match with the thumbprint)
• Expired identity supplement

- The ID Card is another small document that must be carried by all Arstotzkans. It contains the entrant's photo, name, date of birth, height, weight, and district.
Possible discrepancies:
• Non-matching photo
• Invalid name / district / height / weight
• False date of birth
Work Pass
- The Work Pass is an important document that must be carried by workers if they are planning to work in Arstotzka. It contains the entrant's name, job, the official seal, and expiry date.
Possible discrepancies:
• Invalid name
• Forged seal
• Expired work pass
Diplomatic Authorization
- The Diplomatic Authorization is an important document that foreign diplomats must require to enter in Arztotzka. It contains the entrant's name, passport number, the official seal, issuing country, and the list of countries that the entrant has access.
Possible discrepancies:
• Invalid name
• Invalid passport number
• Invalid issuing country
• Forged seal
• Access to Arstotzka
Grant of Asylum
- The Grant of Asylum is an exclusive document to asylum seekers. It contains the entrant's photo, name, nationality, date of birth, height, weight, fingerprints, passport number, the official seal, and expiry date.
Possible discrepancies:
• Non-matching photo
• Non-matching fingerprints
• Invalid name / nationality / date of birth
• Invalid height / weight
• Invalid passport number
• Forged seal
• Expired Grant of Asylum
Certificate of Vaccination
- The Certificate of Vaccination is a document that verifies that the entrant is vaccinated from polio. It includes the entrant's name, passport number, and polio vaccination date.
Possible discrepancies:
• Invalid name
• Invalid passport number
• The entrant is not vaccinated from polio
• Expired polio vaccination

. - A Citation is an item that is given to a player if they fail to detect a discrepancy. The player can only receive two citations before 5 credits are deducted from the player's salary. The total number of citations the player attains can have an effect on the plaques Dimitri will offer at days 10 and 20. Citations are commonly attained if the player accepts bribes, tokens, or to trigger an event.

Endings 1-10
This section and the next section will cover every ending, their requirements, and their text.

Ending 1/20

How to Get: The player must go into debt on any day.

Text: Arstotzka has zero tolerance for delinquency. Your family will be sent back to their village. You are under arrest until your debts are repaid. A replacement inspector will be found easily. Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 2/20

How to Get: The player must neglect paying for food, heat, and medicine. All the family members must die to get this ending.

Text: Your entire family is gone. The Ministry Of Labor focuses on Arstotzka's future growth. Workers are expected to support large healthy families. Your position will be filled with someone more appropriate. Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 3/20

How to Get: On Day 12, M. Vonel will arrive at the booth to interrogate the player about EZIC. The player must give one of the EZIC documents to him. Doing this will also unlock the "Too Honest" achievement.

Text: You are under arrest for associating with suspicious groups. The Ministry of Information will perform a full audit of your recent activities. Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 4/20

How to Get: At the end of Day 11, a strange man brings 1000 credits. The player must accept them, soon the neighbors will find out about the inspector's savings and will report him. On Day 14, an EZIC agent will arrive at the booth, decline the agent to get the ending.

Text: The Ministry of Income has discovered an anomaly in your earnings. You are under arrest pending a full audit of your recent activities. Your family will likewise be held for questioning. The border will remain open under a replacement inspector. Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 5/20

How to Get: The player must shoot an innocent in the long line at the top left of the screen with a sniper rifle. It can be possible on Day 23 as the sniper rifle is available on that day.

Text: You are under arrest for the murder of an innocent. The penalty is death. Your family will be questioned about their involvement. The border will remain open under a replacement inspector. Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 6/20

How to Get: The player must shoot another innocent using the tranquilizer gun. It can be achieved on Day 16.

Text: You are under arrest for attacking an innocent. The penalty is forced labor. Your family will be questioned about their involvement. The border will remain open under a replacement inspector. Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 7/20

How to Get: The player must shoot a guard using the sniper rifle. It can be done on Day 23.

Text: You are under arrest for the murder of an Arstotzkan official. The penalty is death. Your family will be questioned about their involvement. The border will remain open under a replacement inspector. Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 8/20

How to Get: The player must shoot a guard using the tranquilizer gun. The tranquilizer gun is available on Day 16.

Text: You are under arrest for attacking an Arstotzkan official. The penalty is death. Your family will be questioned about their involvement. The border will remain open under a replacement inspector. Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 9/20

How to Get: The player must shoot the man in red using the sniper rifle. Only on Day 23. Doing this will also unlock the "Hired Rifle" achievement.

Text: You are under arrest for the murder of an innocent. The penalty is death. Your family will be questioned about their involvement. The border will remain open under a replacement inspector. Glory to Arstotzka.
[A note appears from under the cell door]

Ending 10/20

How to Get: On Day 23, the player must shoot the man in red using a tranquilizer gun.

Text: You are under arrest for attacking an innocent. The penalty is forced labor. Your family will be questioned about their involvement. The border will remain open under a replacement inspector. Glory to Arstotzka.
[A note appears from under the cell door]

Endings 11-20
Ending 11/20

How to Get: On Day 10, when Dimitri is coming, do not take down the wall hangings. You will receive a warning. On Day 20, do the exact same thing to trigger this ending.

You are under arrest for violating direct orders. The penalty is forced labor. Your family will be sent back to their village. The border will remain open under a replacement inspector. Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 12/20

How to Get: On Day 25, the player must detain Shae Piersovska to get this ending.

Your supervisor has reported you for theft of Arstotzkan property. The penalty is forced labor. Your family will be sent back to their village. The border will remain open under a replacement inspector. Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 13/20

How to Get: First, the player must have completed only 3 or lower EZIC tasks to get this ending. Then on day 31, a terrorist attack will happen. Only shoot the terrorist that is approaching the booth, let the other one blow up the wall.

Text: The Grestin Border wall has been destroyed. You are under arrest for failure to defend the checkpoint. Your family will be sent back to their village. The border will remain open under a replacement inspector. Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 14/20

How to Get: The player must have completed 4 EZIC tasks. On Day 31, the terrorist attack will happen again. But, the player must kill the attackers and the wall must be intact to get this ending.

M. Vonel: Hello inspector. We have audited your recent activities. Your involvement with a group calling themselves THE ORDER OF THE EZIC STAR has been uncovered. Several members of this group have been arrested in Arstotzka. At least one EZIC member has confessed to receiving your help. This represents treason of the highest order. Goodbye inspector.
The execution is scheduled for tonight. Your family's safety is unknown. EZIC has been crushed. The balance of justice is restored. Glory to Arstotzka.
[A note appears from under the cell door]

Ending 15/20

How to Get: The player must have completed atleast 4 EZIC tasks. During the attack on Day 31, the player must shoot an attacker after the wall is demolished. Doing this will trigger the ending.

Text: The border has been pierced. It is a glorious day for THE ORDER OF THE EZIC STAR but you have betrayed us at the last moment. EZIC grows strong while the corrupt and greedy weaken. Your betrayal means you have chosen the wrong side. There is no place for you or your family in this revolution. Goodbye inspector. Glory to the New Arstotzka.

Ending 16/20

How to Get: At the end of Day 29, 30, or 31. The player must have 25 credits available. Once you have enough, escape to Obristan by yourself to get this ending.

Text: You leave behind everything. Your Mother-In-Law, Son, Uncle, and Wife prepare to return to Nirsk. You board the late train to the Northern Territories. It is nearly empty.
You pay for the hastily forged passport and re-entry ticket. They look terrible. You reach the border crossing at dawn. The line is immense. Six hours later.
Obristan Inspector: Your documents.
You: Here.
Obristan Inspector: You are entering alone?
You: Yes. I come to visit relatives.
Obristan Inspector: I do not care why you come. Wait here. (the shutters close) *KACHUNK*
Obristan Inspector: Welcome to Obristan. Next!
The safety of your family members is unknown.

Ending 17/20

How to Get: The player must have completed 1-3 EZIC tasks. On Day 31, the player must prevent the attackers from destroying the wall and the inspector should not escape to Obristan. If you completed those, you will get the ending.

Text: M. Vonel: Hello inspector. We have audited your recent activities. Your involvement with a group calling themselves THE ORDER OF THE EZIC STAR has been uncovered. Several members of this group have been arrested in Arstotzka. Atleast one EZIC member has confessed to receiving your help. This represents treason of the highest order. Goodbye inspector.
The execution is scheduled for tonight. Your family's safety is unknown. EZIC has been crushed. The balance of justice is restored. Glory to Arstotzka.

Endings 18/20

How to Get: The player must escape to Obristan with all family members. To get this, the player must confiscate 5 Obristan Passports from Obristan Entrants. Then, at the end of day 29, 30, or 31. The player must have 25 credits per family member alive. So the player would need 5 or 6 Obristan Passports and 125 or 150 Credits to get this ending. If the player managed to save the niece, then you will need 150 credits and 6 Obristan passports to bring your family members, including the niece (Thank you jbwjr for letting me know!). Doing this will unlock the "Snowier Pastures" achievement.

Text: You are gathering your family members to leave for Obristan. You board the late train to the Northern Territories. It is nearly empty. You pay for the hastily forged passports and re-entry tickets. They look terrible. You reach the border crossing at dawn. The line is immense. Six hours later.
Obristan Inspector: Your documents.
You: Here.
Obristan Inspector: You are entering alone?
You: No, my family as well.
Obristan Inspector: Hand over all documents now.
You: We come to visit relatives.
Obristan Inspector: I do not care why you come. Wait here.
Obristan Inspector: Welcome to Obristan. Next!
Obristan Above All

Ending 19/20

How to Get: The player must have completed atleast 4 EZIC tasks. During the attack on Day 31, the player should not kill the attackers and let them destroy the wall. The player should sleep at the end of Day 31 to get the ending. Doing this will get the "Member of the Order" achievement.

Text: Inspector! It is a glorious day! The border has been pierced. EZIC grows strong while the corrupt and greedy weaken. We are moving you and your family to a better home. Your services as an inspector are no longer required. We need agents. Follow us and and together we will complete the revolution! Glory to the New Arstotzka.

Ending 20/20

How to Get: The player must ignore all EZIC tasks. On Day 31, the player must kill the attackers and shouldn't escape to Obristan. The player should sleep at the end of Day 31 to get the ending. Doing this will also unlock the "Glory to Arstotzka" achievement.

M. Vonel: Hello inspector. We have audited your activities for the past 20 years. There are some anomalies. But you have served Arstotzka well. We will overlook these small transgressions. You have been cleared of any suspicion. Glory to Arstotzka.
A new agreement has been reached with Kolechia. Grestin Border Checkpoint will reopen soon. Return to your post on January 1st.

EZIC Tasks
All of the EZIC tasks in the game.

1. On Day 11, allow Mikhail Saratov to enter.
2. On Day 14, allow Stepheni Graire to enter.
3. On Day 17, allow Marie Escalli to enter.
4. On Day 20, poison Khaled Istom.
5. Confiscate Kordon Kallo's passport, accept his entry, and give his passport to an EZIC agent on Day 27.

Non-EZIC tasks

• Giving Corman Drex a note.
• Accepting bribes from EZIC.
• Killing the man in red on Day 23. (Doing it will trigger Ending 9)

You will know if you have completed enough tasks if the EZIC messenger is the second entrant on Day 31. If not, then you have completed 3 or lower EZIC tasks. Completing any EZIC task also prevents getting Ending 20.

Achievements - Tokens
A complete guide and list of all achievements in Papers, Please!

Antegria Token
- On Day 5, a male Antegrian entrant will be the fifth entrant. His documents are valid and allow him to enter. Then, a female Antegrian entrant will be the eighth entrant. She is the fifth entrant's wife and also allow her to enter even if she is missing an Entry Permit. You will get a citation but you will achieve the Antegria Token and achievement. If you denied the husband, then the achievement will be unachievable.
Arstotzka Token
- On Day 12, an Arstotzka entrant named Messof Anegovych will be the fourth entrant. His documents are always valid so allow him to enter. Then, he will give you 4 business cards. The player must give the cards to entrants who are planning to work engineering (The field on the entrant's work pass must be engineering). You must give all 4 cards to get the token and achievement before he returns on Day 16.
Here is a list of all engineers that you will always encounter:
• Eighth entrant on Day 12
• Seventh entrant on Day 13
• Fourth entrant on Day 14
• Fifth entrant on Day 15
Give the cards to the entrants listed above and on Day 16, Messof will return and give you 20 credits and the Arstotzka Token and achievement.
Impor Token
- On Day 4, a female Impor entrant will be the fifth entrant. She says that she is excited to see her son but has a discrepancy in her documents. Allow her to enter and you will achieve the Impor Token and achievement.
Kolechia Token
- On Day 25, a fifth entrant that only has their passport will give you a love note. Then, accept and detain the entrant. After that, a depressed Kolechian will be the seventh entrant. Give the love note to him and allow him to enter (His documents are always valid). Then, he will give you the Kolecha Token and achievement.
Obristan Token
- On Day 11, Jorji Costava will arrive at the booth with valid documents. Allow him to enter and you will acquire the Obristan Token and achievement.
Republia Token
- On Day 21, the sixth entrant named Danic Lorun will arrive at the booth, he doesn't carry and documents but he offers his watch as collateral. Allow him to enter and hold on to the watch, and don't sell it. On Day 23, Danic Lorun will return with valid documents. Give him the watch and you will receive a bribe from him. He will say that the watch is scratched and requests you to return the bribe. Allow him to enter and he will return the bribe, and give you the Republia Token and achievement.
United Federation Token
- On Day 29, a father will give you a photo of his daughter and requests you to allow Simon Wens to enter, but confiscate his passport. On Day 30, Simon Wens will be the third entrant. Confiscate his passport and allow him to enter, and do not arrest him. The father returns later in the day, give him Simon Wens' passport, allow him to enter, and return his daughter's photo. Before leaving, he will give you the United Federation Token and achievement.
Achievements - Endings
Too Honest
- On Day 12, M. Vonel will visit the booth and interrogate the player about EZIC. Then, give one of the EZIC documents to him and you will earn the achievement. (See Ending 3 at the Endings Section)
Hired Rifle
- On Day 23, shoot the man in red using the sniper rifle. (See Ending 9 at the Endings section)
Member of the Order
 - The player must have completed all 5 EZIC tasks. On Day 31, a terrorist attack will happen but don't shoot any of the attackers. Sleep at the end of the day to get the achievement. (See Ending 19 at the Endings section and also see the EZIC Tasks section)
Glory to Arstotzka
- To get this, the player must have not completed any EZIC tasks or this achievement will be impossible to get. Then on Day 31, the terrorist attack will occur again but shoot the attackers. Sleep at the end of the day to obtain this achievement. (See Ending 20 at the Endings Section).
Worker's Best
- The player must acquire the Class-5 apartment. The earliest you can get this achievement is at Day 22. You can upgrade to Class-7 at the end of Day 12. The Class-6 apartment is available at the end of Day 17. Finally, you can obtain the Class-5 apartment at Day 22.
Snowier Pastures
- The inspector and his family must escape to Obristan. The player must confiscate 5 Obristan passports and have 125 credits at the end of Day 29, 30, or 31 to get this achievement. (See Ending 17 at the Endings section)
This is the end of this guide. Thank you for stopping by, I hope this guide helped you. If you wish to, you can award this post, drop a rating, or even leave a nice comment. Glory to Arstotzka!
7 comentário(s)
jbwjr 12/ago./2021 às 20:03 
"If the player managed 5o save the niece," Managed to save. LOL your welcome.
Galactic  [autor(a)] 11/ago./2021 às 22:16 
Thank you @jbwjr for letting me know about the niece, it is now included in the guide. :D
jbwjr 11/ago./2021 às 21:28 
About the ending where your entire family flees to Obristan, 6 pass ports if you include the niece. (she does cost 5 extra bucks to feed for all that time, but she does bring her mothers money)

Otherwise PERFECT GUIDE, simple, straight and to the point, easy to read.
Skiballa 10/ago./2021 às 13:03 
✰ John ✰ 8/ago./2021 às 14:18 
Existence Is Overrated 20/jul./2021 às 9:15 
Excellent guide! You have my award :>
★nd★ 10/jul./2021 às 8:16 
A well structured guide. Too bad it hasn't gotten enough attention.