She Will Punish Them
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She Will Punish Them

140 oy
In-game Cheat Menu
LuckyStrike tarafından
This guide will explain how to open the built-in cheat menu, which cheats are available per default and some stuff related to modifying the cheat menu itself .
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This is just for reference. I do not take any responsibility for whatsoever.
If you get punished, get headache, break your game installation or get frustrated that is your problem. :)
Most information in this guide can be found by searching the internet so i would not necessarily say that i'm the original creator. However the guide itself is written by myself from scratch.

I do not encourage cheating, but as this is a single player game I don't see any problem here, because no one else is getting harmed and you're not getting any advantage over other players.
Opening the Cheat Menu
Load up your save game from main menu, wait for the game to render completely and press

Version 0.800 and below
End + Page Up
(Depending on the keyboard, keys might be labeled different)

Version 0.801 and above
(Depending on the keyboard)
To close it press the button again.
Available built-in cheats
  • ADD 5000 EXP
  • ADD 1000000 GOLD
  • ADD 5000 GOLD
Custom Cheats
It is possible to modify the cheat menu and to use with own commands.
To do so you will need to download dnSpy 6.1.8 32-Bit release from Github.
This will allow you to modify Assembly-CSharp.dll which can be found in the steam installation folder of the game in my case:
K:\GameLibrarys\steamapps\common\She Will Punish Them\She Will Punish Them_Data\Managed

Devs have given permission to modify source files for personal use.
As you are modifying files, you should probably backup the original *.dll(s) you want to modify and also keep in mind that with new updates things might just work different - for this reason i won't post any line numbers because that can be inaccurate with the next patch. Also i will not update this with every new patch - if you really want to make code changes you should be smart enough to adapt this tutorial to the current patch.

Its recommended that you only do this if you have at least a little bit of coding knowledge.

Okay enough boring stuff.. let's do some magic.

  • Unzip dnSpy 6.8.1 32-bit
  • Switch to unzipped folder
  • Right click on dnSpy.exe and launch as administrator - if you have the UAC (User access control - some Windows "feature") enabled - confirm it
  • Click on
    and then on
    Close All
  • Click on
    and then on
  • Navigate to your installation folder and into the sub-directory "\She Will Punish Them_Data\Managed"
    For example:
    K:\GameLibrarys\steamapps\common\She Will Punish Them\She Will Punish Them_Data\Managed
  • Select
  • You will now see a tree structure in the left side of dnSpy
  • click on
    { } -
  • scroll down to
    and click on it
  • click once in the editor on the right and press
    CTRL + F
    to open up the search bar
  • search for
    - you might find multiple results, just press enter until you find something where the line before uicheat says
    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.End) && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.PageUp))

    So know we've found the keybinds for the cheat menu and could basically change them to whatever we wan't - for example only to one key. But however i do not recommend it, as its not really helpful and you would have to patch that after every game update again - just stick with the default bind for cheat menu - it doesn't harm you to press 2 keys at once..probably... and you got less code to maintain.

    That was the easy part of the magic, to make custom cheats you will need to dig deeper into the code to know which variables and functions exist. For example instead of clicking on
    you could scroll down until you find
    and replace some of the existing cheats with new ones. For some cheats you would also have to modify other parts of the code to add the required functions. So depending on the cheat, there might be a lot of other dependencies and code changes to do - which you would have to reproduce after every game update.
    It's not recommended to add new cheats but rather replace existing - unused - ones. Otherwise you might break the UI design.
    If you did make a change which is compiling but the game refuses to start then you're probably missing some dependency somewhere. A small crash reporter will open for a few seconds in that case.

    To make changes to the code right click on the class and select
    Edit Class C#
    - when done choose
    - This will also throw out some errors in case there are any. Even if it is not showing any error, it might not work afterwards because something else is somewhere missing. In case the game won't start anymore restore your *.dll backup or verify game files via steam. It is probably also a good idea, that once you have a working code, you create a backup from that as well so that updates won't patch away all your hard work.

Run cheatmenu without home button
In case you don't have a "HOME" button, you can create a small little .hta script which will provide a GUI to send the "HOME" key to the game.
Open notepad, paste text below

<head> <title>SWPT OCM</title> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript"> 'Set window dimentions loaded here to prevent flicker, method (c) M. Harris window.resizeto 220,140 window.moveto 900,200 </SCRIPT> <HTA:APPLICATION APPLICATIONNAME="SWPT_OCM" border = "normal" borderStyle = "normal" innerborder = "no" caption = "yes" contextmenu = "yes" maximizebutton = "no" minimizebutton = "no" scroll = "no" navigable = "yes" SINGLEINSTANCE = "yes" showintaskbar = "yes" version = "0.01" WINDOWSTATE = "normal" Author = "" Date = "09.04.2023" > </head> <script language="VBScript"> Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Sub CheatMenu WshShell.AppActivate ("She Will Punish Them") WshShell.SendKeys "{HOME}" End Sub Function onkeydown() 'F1 to If window.event.keyCode = 112 Then CheatMenu() End If 'F2 to If window.event.keyCode = 113 Then self.close() End If End Function </script> <body onkeydown="onkeydown"> <body style="background-color:#696969;"> <input type="button" value="Toggle Cheat Menu" name="run_button" onClick="CheatMenu"><p> <center><input type="button" value="Close" name="exit_button" onClick="self.close()"></center><p> </body>
Save the file with the .hta fileextension

Double click to open - run with Microsoft (R) HTML Application Host
Click on" Toggle Cheat Menu" to bring up in-game cheat menu
Click again to close, alternatively you can use F1 to open/close (only while GUI is in focus - use alt + tab to switch between game and GUI)
Use "Close" or F2 to close the GUI.
14 Yorum
Life is a journey, not a destination. i know people like the feeling of progress and accomplishing things they dont remember doing, but life tends to repeat and recycle itself.

so evil always remains evil, good always lives in a good way...until it decides to do the opposite. if i may offer some perspective on your actions.... the meaning of life we see in all lifeforms is that they seek pleasure and survival, so if this guide and game helped you survive another day and pleased you with all of it's happenings, then there is no reason to feel sad, i get that endings and beginnings are painful, but the journey was what you bargained for, not a game without cheats. :pvztaco:
LuckyStrike  [yaratıcı] 3 Nis 2023 @ 8:33 
No one forces you to use any kind of cheats in any game. I'm pretty sure there are cheats out there for almost every game you have ever played. Just because you know about it doesn't mean you have to use it. Also the game is still in development. it makes no sense to implement an escape button for a bug that will be fixed later on anyway. So idk what you trying to say but it sounds more like a "you" problem then a game problem. You can cheat in every single unity-based game if you know how to.
Kholek 2 Nis 2023 @ 15:26 
This ruined the game for me. I was happy with the fact that i had to work for what i had. "grind" the levels and get the gear.

I encountered a glitch where at the last area after killing everything. nothing would happened. it wouldn't complete. Maybe an escape option or anything would have been better.

I actually stumbled across the cheat menu after pushing every button on my keyboard, yeah it helped me get out. But once I seen and what it offered, all my efforts and time seemed wasted
and i haven't returned to it since :(
七海あさみ大好き 12 Eki 2022 @ 20:14 
Ph3phl35 6 Oca 2022 @ 15:00 
pressing the home key works for me so if pressing end+pgup wont work try the home key
misakam208 30 Eki 2021 @ 0:33 
I just wish there was a cheat to respawn after the game spawns you in an off-map location...
LuckyStrike  [yaratıcı] 23 Tem 2021 @ 15:55 
You can check if your end and pgup keys work correctly and use the default function by just pressing those keys while you are reading this page

(e.g. press pg up and see if its scrolls up, then press end and check if its bringing you to the end of this page)

If that works then your keys are configured correctly and it should work in-game too.
LuckyStrike  [yaratıcı] 23 Tem 2021 @ 15:42 
I have just tested it five minutes ago and its still working with END+PGUP.
They haven't patched anything related to the cheat menu.
Note: Cheat menu only works when you are in-game, it does not open up in the main menu you have to load your save game first. If it's then still not working something on your side is wrong.

There is also a mod available on nexus to change the keybind to F5
Spicy_Mage 23 Tem 2021 @ 15:25 
its not working for me at all. I've tried end+pgup, end+pgdn, pgup+pgdn, end+pgdn, and all with FN and wthout. they might have patched it or my computer is just fucked.
LuckyStrike  [yaratıcı] 12 Tem 2021 @ 8:46 
Depending on the notebook it might be possible to switch the FN keys to always on.
Some notebooks allow this per software in the os, others with a bios setting.
If you don't have a secondary function of pgup then fn + pgdn + pgup should work.
And you could also probably use a makro function. If you have a gaming mouse then this should be possible.