Hood: Outlaws & Legends

Hood: Outlaws & Legends

Marianne's Bushwacker Guide
由 Skrytociemny 發表
After the update many mariannes struggle with removal of the quickscope. This guide comes from marianne player that mains veiled menace perk wich forces a bush centerd playstyle perfect to deal with the massive meta chnage (I AM GOING TO UPDATE THIS GUIDE WITH NEW MAP EVERY DAY OR 2 I CANT DO THIS IN ONE DAY)
Veiled Menace Perk Details
Veiled Menace is a perk slot 2 perk that provides buffs when crouching in a bush
1. Faster ability meter fill up when crouching in a bush. This brings the ability cooldown from 300 seconds down to 100 seconds if you crouch in the bush the entire time
2. Bigger damage from crossbow bolts when crouching in a bush. This actualy doubles your ranged damage and allows you to kill every player with one headshot if the damage fall off doesnt kick in

If you want to know if game conciders you to be in a bush you need to look at your charakter if you are in a bush you will have a gray outline around your charakter model

During combat you should almost always try to manouver yourself into a bush cuz in open combat bush damage buff is one of the only things that can save you

If you are setting a trap along an impartant route try to position yourself in such way that enemies will be running straight at you it will be much easier to hit

The rest of this guide will be about usefull spots where you can sit and wait for your pray to come to you

And remember playng viled menace isnt about stayng in one place its about changing bushes around the map depending on situation and even when you do stay in one space you should change the bush you are in once in a while so that enemies never know your exact location
Graveyard Gwydions Rest
This is my favorite map for marianne cuz it has the biggest amount of bushes and the most predictable routes enemies will take

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2537298128 1. This place between C point and C side home spawn provides excelent place to hide and wait for enemies. You should only sit here if enemy team is spawning on the C side home spawn and if you have both A and C point and if the chest is going twoards the docks. The little wall perfectly hides you from the enemies

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2537298847 2. This is the place along bushes between A and the other home spawn. Its perfect to hide there and wait for enemy team in the exact same situation as with the spot nr1 but if the enemy teams home spawn is on the other side. The tomb stone will provide perfect cover

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2537299755 3. Here we have a bush on A point perfect for when C is capped, enemy spawn is on the A point side and you are certain you cant make it to A before enemies respawn

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2537300171 4. This is a bush right outside of A point it has the same function as nr3 but it has a lot larger sight line and you cant see people comming from A point side home spawn so sit here if you have home spawn on the A point side

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2537300665 5. In this spot you have a sight line on the way from A point to C point and you are protected by cover of wall most people will run right past you giving you option to assassiante or shoot them in the back from the bush

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2537301054 6. This point has same function as nr4 but it protects C point and it doesn't allow you to guard the route from C point side home spawn to C point

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2537301768 7. This is a spot covering the portcullis and corridor on the A side between A point and winch point on Docks

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2537302724 8. This spot is same as nr7 but for C side

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2537322884 9. This bush covers the portcollis and way above the wall right outside of A side home spawn. Enemies will always go thru that place when they dont have B point and when the chest is on Garden winch spot. Killing people going thru is especialy easy if you wait for them to start climbing the ladder going over the wall of the garden. Litteraly everyone just sprints to climb it every time

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2537323802 10. This bush serves same function as bush in nr9 but for C side Home spawn
Marshland Newton Abbas
This map is filled with big patches of bushes but the map is so open that its hard to keep an eye on every direction and places with tight spaces have next to no bushes so asume that on each screenshot i am pointing in the most important direction but you should realy turn around sometimes cuz there is always an easy flank on this map no matter where you are

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539076699 1. This is a bush on the way between Wetlands home spawn and Wetlands Winch point. You can sit here when the chest is on the wetlands winch, enemy home spawn is on wetlands and you have all other points capped.

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539119847 2. This spot has same function as nr1 but its usefull for when enemies go for the way below bridge insted of the fastest way. Its very usefull when enemy has a very skilled robin that snipes from below the bridge you can cut his path short.

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539078792 3. This spot covers one of possible spawn locations for c point there is not many situations where you want to just sit there but the size of bush makes it worth to include. Use this spot when enemy home spawn is on Wetlands and when you have all points capped but not when the chest is close to any winch point.

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539080867 5. This is a spot on one of the possible places where B point can spawn you can watch a big patch of land going next to the wall. You can also watch portcoullis and rope going from the wall and shoot enemies when they run straight at you. You should use this spot when enemy teams spawn is on Wetlands and when they dont own A point. Watch out for when C point gets capped cuz that way you can be ready for point capper going to you.

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539081433 6. This spot gives you a big sight line for the way from home spawn in Sunken Village to b point. Its usefull when enemies home spawn in on Marshland, you are guarding b and enemies dont have any other points.

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539082133 7. This spot gives you sight line on the only way from a to b that makes sense (unless a is on the far back of the church). You have perfect sight line for a tight way thru the door but you can be sniped from above the wall.

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539082580 8. This spot is the reverse of spot nr7. You use this spot to guard a point if enemies have b and there home spawn is on Wetlands (unless the a point is on the far back of the church).

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539083013 9. This spot protects the way thru portcollis and ladder from the wall. You can protect a point from here if enemies dont have b or c point and if there home spawn is on Sunken Village.

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539083835 10. This spot gives you way to observe one of the variants of a point and gives you a very good protection in form of a small wall but its not the most usefull spot beyond that.