Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

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Improved Segmentata Armour
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태그: mod, Units
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1.739 MB
2021년 6월 15일 오전 9시 56분
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Improved Segmentata Armour

This improves the Segmentata armor by 5 points and gives a bonus versus missile's which was not set originally in game. Hint: Try this with my other modification improving the Scutum Marian for tougher Roman Praetorian Guards.
댓글 6
Mortarch Of Blood 2021년 12월 20일 오전 9시 08분 
Talking about mod limits, you can always load mod onto moddb etc and just advertise through discussions & your current mods.
Anyway, nice mod!
kristianmorey333  [작성자] 2021년 9월 13일 오후 4시 13분 
If you like my mods and want to learn how to make your own check out my easy tutorial here:
kristianmorey333  [작성자] 2021년 6월 22일 오전 8시 43분 
alexseferiades Armoured Legionaries Bonus VS Missiles is the name of the new mod...unfortunately this one may be my last one I make by request as CA is limiting the amount of mods in total a person can use and subsequently post (the two things are tied into ones account). Modding is super duper easy once you understand the assembly kit tool, I may set up a youtube post for how to do this. I feel like if a larger portion of the community knows how, we could get some really cool stuff; and we can also get enough people to complain about CA limiting the total mods we can use.
SirRonaldMcDonald 2021년 6월 16일 오후 6시 29분 
Hi Kristian! I think the Armoured Legionaries are the only unit with both Segmentata and Manica. I think they have a unique type, since they seem to be the only unit not affected by your changes. Since at the moment, regular Legionary Cohorts have more armour than the heavier Armoured legionaries, I think the Armoured Legionaries should be at least 110, probably 115 (since the Praetorian Guard have 105 armour and segmentata, but without manica) they should also have the exact same scutum as all the other late Roman units. If you're able to only change the Armoured Legionaries' armour and give them the same scutum as everyone else, that would be perfect. If it's not possible to update those changes in here, I still think a new mod just changing the Armoured Legionaries is needed. Please keep up the awesome work!
kristianmorey333  [작성자] 2021년 6월 16일 오후 3시 54분 
alexseferiades I agree I think there should be an extension (I'm open to input there are two ways I can do this, change armoured legions using these mods armour and shield and or I could just add a pack for the equipment they use but this means if they get it so do all others that use the same equipment as the armoured legions). Building a full new garrison is a little tougher than just unit stat editing so that may be above my pay grade, at least for the moment. If I build the skills I certainly will look into it (I use an rome archers mod but wish I could tweek that a little so its a goal of mine to get there! so 2022? lol)
SirRonaldMcDonald 2021년 6월 16일 오후 1시 24분 
Hey Kristian! Awesome new mods (including your new Better Scutum mod)! I have a request that others will probably be hoping for too: could you please also increase the Armoured Legionaries' armour and also give them the improved Scutum? They deserve to have the same increases as the other units for both of these mods.

Here's another mod idea for you: could you create a lvl 5 unique garrison main settlement building just for Rome called the "Castra Praetoria" which gives Rome a unique super Praetorian Garrison? The trade off will be that Rome is safer, but Italia won't make as much money since the income bonuses aren't as good. All the old Castra Praetoria mods are broken and out of date. If you can make it happen, it will be going straight into my new 2021 Rome mod collection, and I think it would be so cool.

Thanks for the great work!!!!!