Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

2,118 人が評価
Yama (Finale Fixed)
Game Content: Campaigns
Game Modes: Co-op, Versus, Scavenge, Survival
697.906 MB
2021年5月26日 19時28分
2023年1月30日 20時08分
8 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Yama (Finale Fixed)

Yama is a campaign set in Japan, starting out in Tokyo with the survivors escaping west to Kyoto's Kiyomizu temple, before moving further into the mountains the next morning. This includes the finale fix by "RF" (the recycle bin) which Orthopedic Surgeon officially approved. This item merges that with the author's original upload for users who prefer a single download.
Copyright 2020 [Trunten and RF and the0rthopaedicsurgeon]
This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under our Steam accounts
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2023年11月11日 15時20分
Yama (Finale Fixed). Quality: 9/10, Difficulty: 7/10, Length: Long. Played On Expert.
121 件のコメント
lyzstart2002 5月16日 11時40分 
very jdm
Táiga Rivers 5月15日 14時43分 
Playthrough in "Realism — Expert"/Прохождение на «Реализм — Эксперт»: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3gUnH3uX6Y
Dr.Blume 4月16日 21時02分 
Good map, pretty map even when i set my games page pool memory to low, but the finale made it not the best...it tried to be "dead center atrium" but forget that the "generator" is in the center of the map and the gas is scattered all around the map, in this version the "generator" is at the top and the only way to go down is very tight corridors not as open as the atrium map, and the layout is just confusing as hell especially when the helicopter arrived, honestly i wouldnt even know that the helicopter would spawn at the bottom if i didnt notice the odd placement of a ramp, cause if i didnt i would probably be searching where the damn helicopter would be...and also the generator should be near the "Exit" and not make us traverse all the way down the confusing layout of the building with i guess infinite spawning tanks

8.5/10 = The Atmosphere saved this map
露崎真昼 4月15日 8時11分 
too hard in the part5
Who the fuck 3月4日 11時54分 
11Eleven 1月30日 15時53分 
Good map but its very long for its own good, so at some points of the map its a little boring due of its length. Sometimes its confusing with its directions. Its design is very good for a custom map so worth a shot if you have freetime
Triangluar564 1月26日 16時31分 
Very good map !
Trunten  [作成者] 2023年12月15日 18時22分 
If you own the game on Steam there shouldn't be any problems
JohnWickFromTemu 2023年12月15日 18時18分 
everyone uses this version now so yama doesnt work for me without somehow preordering l4d2