Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Yama (Finale Fixed)
Warhawk Nov 11, 2023 @ 3:20pm
Yama (Finale Fixed). Quality: 9/10, Difficulty: 7/10, Length: Long. Played On Expert.
Yama is a very well-crafted map with a lot of variety in terms of its locations, scenery, and set pieces. It’s set in Tokyo, Japan and a nearby town and its outskirts, and it feels very authentic to the locale overall.

There are tons of nooks and crannies to explore for items, especially in the city and town you traverse through; making the map a sheer delight for scavengers. It has a good amount of different crescendo and Moderate Gauntlet events that keep the map from feeling too easy, despite the massive amount of consumables it provides you with. Tanks weren’t too much of an issue, other than at the start of Chapter 1 & 4, when one spawned just outside of the safe room/area. There were many Witches in the level, but there were also plenty of Molotovs to burn them with.

The Finale is a pretty basic Scavenge-Tank, and should be rather easy if everyone splits up/moves in pairs and juggles/carries two cans at a time back to the generator, before filling it up with all of them at once whilst under the effects of Adrenaline. The Tank is pretty easy to defeat on the roof/upper floor area, and should be dealt with there before going back to scavenging/pouring the remaining cans. The Finale building is a little bit labyrinthine, but overall we didn’t have too much trouble navigating through it to get/pour the cans, nor to reach the evacuation helicopter at the ground level.

For more Expert Custom Map Reviews and ratings, see my full Collection here. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2252724380
Last edited by Warhawk; Dec 17, 2023 @ 10:29pm