Slime Rancher

Slime Rancher

30 ratings
How to totally cheese the "She's on Fire!" achievement
By nugatoryExtravagance
Ive never actually made a guide before- so i thought why not go the silly + helpful route with it. Title says everything you need to know
So im one of those kinda people who gets a kick out of getting 100% achievements in video games that have them, and honestly found it kinda funny and weird how according to steam only 2.5 people got this one (which i mean, fair,) so for sh!ts and giggles (and because i like being helpful) i thought id make a guide on how i grabbed this achievement by the balls like a kid drowning in a McDonalds ball pit
So i think the first question that should be answered here is well, where do you even get the Slimeball Hoop? and you're in luck! because it doesnt involve any poop-splosions in your pants from risky jetpack jumps to treasure pods in the middle of the fncking ocean, INSTEAD, its actually available as soon as you unlock the slime science lab for only 7,500 Newbucks!

However there is a minor setback though, and that's the crafting recipe itself which is a liiiittle expensive, i recommend making a bunch of apiaries and throwing them in The Moss Blanket and praying for some Royal Jelly, and getting some hunter slimes while you're there

The recipe requires:
Tabby Plorts
Hunter Plorts
Spiral Steam
Royal Jelly
How the game even works
Now heres a section of information i really wish i knew prior- How this damned thing even works to begin with!
The Minigame starts once the first slime goes through the hoop, after which the hoop begins a 60 second timer and slowly rises up and down and rotates, the goal is (especially for the achievement) to get as many slimes in the hoop as you can before time runs out.
only "pure slimes" work for the game however, since Largos and Tarr are too big to fit (i dont know why in gods name you'd even try playing slimeball with tarr, but just felt id mention it)

I also noticed while playing that the slimes dont seem to count towards the total if they just go straight through the hoop from above, but did if they ricochet off of the backboard into the hoop.
Now to the cheese- or at least what i recommend
One thing i highly recommend before doing this is having at least the Tank Booster III or Tank Booster Ultra upgrades, because that means you can hold at least 50 slimes- in turn making the game itself much easier

I myself used the Tank Booster Ultra though, but that was mainly because i both already had it before trying for the acheivment, and because im really suckass at aiming with the Vacpack

Another pair of upgrades i recommend to REALLY cheese it like an uncleaned foreskin is the Air Drive / Jetpack and any of the energy upgrades
i used these both in combination to prop myself up on some weird geometry in the Dry Reef so that it was a bit easier to land in the hoop because again, i eat sh!t at aiming

Speaking of the Dry Reef! since it gets pretty messy due to all the slimes, i personally recommend doing this in somewhere other than the ranch so its easier to clean up, and by clean up i mean you can just leave the slimes there without consequence

Another plus to doing this out elsewhere on the Far Far Range is that you can more easily prop yourself up on like, walls and rocks such if you need to so its a bit easier to play as well which is what i did,
the smaller coral columns on the reef make for surprisingly good "Slimeball Advantage Points" as i'll call them- be careful though because its easy to fall off of them, there's not really a consequence (other than lost time) its just kind-of annoying

I HIGHLY recommend playing the minigame inland and away from cliffs and the slime sea, due to the hoop moving while you play its easy to get a little too ambitious and end up 6 feet under (water) if you fall without thinking

Again, i reccomend the Dry Reef for this as well, since you'd have to try really hard to go flying into the ocean even during normal gameplay there honestly
And that's about it!
Thats all i really have to say here! its not too hard to pull it off even if you have no damn idea what you're doing (like me). all you need is a few upgrades and a minute or two to go find slimes and shoot some hoops with em and boom! easy achievement

Credit to The Slime Rancher Fanwiki[] for existing so i could double check a few things and get pictures for this

(And im sorry if i made any stupid writing/formatting mistakes or spelled things wrong- its not that English isn't my first language, im just a bit, uhh... lets go with ""special."")
walkingcat Jul 2, 2023 @ 11:35pm 
you grabbed a kid by the balls?
zombiedadj Jun 26, 2023 @ 3:35pm 
ive literally spent weeks figuring out how to get this achievement thank you so much:slimehappy:
bashizzle Feb 4, 2022 @ 11:25am 
Redby Feb 1, 2022 @ 8:06pm 
Awesome tutorial! Gonna try this out soon!

I agree with @thegreatestmidget lol
ChocolateCat301 Jan 30, 2022 @ 9:43am 
@SheaTheAwesome Good luck with that. I literally have two coops and yet my tabby slimes were always starving. I eventually just made them largos and started feeding them carrots, because I'm literally rolling in those.
Great guide though! :steamthumbsup:
thegreatestmidget Jan 25, 2022 @ 12:58am 
"REALLY cheese it like an uncleaned foreskin" - thanks for this; I could have done without it but thanks :steammocking:
Nosics Jan 14, 2022 @ 5:13pm 
dude freakin slimeball is is imposible without this thank you
Cheetahboi Aug 24, 2021 @ 11:11am 
bad words here :(
tristansahm11 May 27, 2021 @ 2:53pm 
SheaTheAwesome May 23, 2021 @ 4:58am 
i cant wait to try this just got buy the blueprint and acully feed my tabby slimes