82 rating
the whole story
Oleh rarestMeow
the whole in-game plot, with all dialogs, quotes, scroll entries and explanation of all twists in a chronological order ("Nightfall" DLC included)
Batalkan favorit
master Tsuyoshi was one of the Five Sages - a group of individuals who mastered the usage of essence who have tried to learn more about Life essence, its effect on immortality and reincarnation

Tsuyoshi will play a critical role in teaching The Generals (Ryo, Hikari, Sora, Yuki) a Forbidden Technique to entrap Yamiko. he also put a part of his soul inside a raven - Kibo - which help Aragami/Ryo to combat Yamiko later

another key member of the Five Sages - The Soul Alchemist (real name - Futashita) - will later help Hikari and Sora to ease Yuki's pain, but his true intentions, unknown for The Generals, were egoistically-malicious

below, Tsuyoshi explains what "the essence" is. mind the mentioning of "hybrid elements" - mixing both light essence and dark essence is what helped Aragami/Ryo to defeat Yamiko at the end
Tsuyoshi's Notes
The "Vital Essence," or simply "essence," is what we call the energy that flows inside any living being, just like blood. I’ve studied it for so many years, and yet so much is still unknown.

In the same way that the heart pumps red sap through our veins, essence also has a circulatory system and a center, although it is more like a river than a pump. It generates its own motion, it generates its own existence. That center, as well as the essence, is known by many names depending on where in the world you are, but here we call it the soul.

When the Fire adept lights a bonfire with their bare hands, or when an Earth adept cracks the ground they stand upon with the tiniest of movements, essence is being emitted from their bodies and channeled into the world through an element. As far as we know, there are seven pure elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, Darkness (or Shadow), and Life. Then there are the hybrid elements, born from a mixture of pure elements, but I’ll leave those for another time.

More than once I’ve been asked if an adept of a certain element is born or made. Well, it’s true that you can be born with an innate inclination towards one element, but this only means it will be easier for you to use it if you decide to study it. It will still not come naturally. It is like a canvas: when you are born your soul is blank, and it is you who decides which color to paint it. From Fire-red, to Water-blue, to Shadow-black. The more you paint the canvas, the more powerful you become.

There are those who think that the essence an adept picks defines who he or she is: Light for the good, Darkness for the bad, Fire for the brave... Based on my vast experience I can say that essence has no bearing on personality. It’s based on pure chance. Guilds who worship a specific element aren’t necessarily better than sects who worship a god or gods. I’ve met sects that paid respect to their gods without harming anyone, and guilds that destroyed others just because they could
Year28: Dakudaga Guild
Hyo's Notes
~July 2, Year 28 of the Fifth Age
Shadow. Strength. Honor. Leadership. The four symbols of Dakudaga shine on my chest.

I’ve been waiting for this moment since the day master Fu-kuro placed the dark dagger on my upturned palms. Today, as well as giving me his rank and position, he gave me his medallion.

Master Fu-kuro told me about the story of the guild, about how it has all worked for decades.

Since it was founded generations ago, Dakudaga has been well known across the continent, almost mythological in status. The best Shadow assassins in the known world stand in our ranks. We are invisible and lethal. Our income depends on the contracts we accept - espionage, theft, assassination. But we always reserve the right to refuse a contract that conflicts or interferes with our interests. This country hasn’t experienced any true internal conflict since Dakudaga was founded, and that’s because the guild itself has cut down any sprout of corruption or tyranny in the government at the very first sign of it.

And yet we remain invisible. The shadow lingering by the feet of society. Dakudaga was created to be amorphous and nomadic. We have four leaders who lead the four disparate groups of our guild, each spread around the country ensuring that the organs of power and command do not rot into dictatorship.

I am now one of this great guild’s four leaders. I will follow in my master’s steps with pride. As long as Dakudaga remains vigilant, peace and stability is assured across the nation. My heart swells with pride at the thought that I am one of this great guild’s four leaders.

I saw Inari during the ceremony. It’s been ages since we last spoke. We chatted about our adventures - so long ago now, yet it feels like they happened yesterday. He’s probably one of the most trustworthy and honorable men, both on and off the battlefield, that I’ve ever met. Together we made history as one of the best teams Dakudaga had ever seen. He was promoted to a leader of the guild two years ago. He’s always been two steps ahead of me... But now here we are. On equal footing again.

Dakudaga Guild is a most-well known and hidden guild of shadow adepts (users of shadow essence). they are, basically, a private military corp that completes various dangerous espionage routines and assassinations in favor of various contractors. they have their own code and set of rules, like not engaging in any corrupt government activities - and they believe that their activity maintains a balance of power in the land

Dakudaga symbol and HQ:

Hyo has become one of four Dakudaga Guild leaders (what he is proud of), while his old friend - Inari - has been a leader for two years already

(for some reason the word F-U-K-U-R-O is censored in Steam, so that's why I added unnecessary hyphen, Fu-kuro)
Year29: Yamiko's birthday
Hyo's Notes
~February 12, Year 29 of the Fifth Age
It turns out paperwork is the great destroyer of a leader’s time. I miss the old days, Inari and I picking routes into impenetrable fortresses, collecting secret information, slitting the throats of our enemies. I miss the vitality. The living.

At least now that we’re both leaders of the guild I see more of him than ever.

~March 9, Year 29 of the Fifth Age
I have to pull myself together.

Today after one of our meetings, Inari introduced me to his fiancée, Mitsuki. Their engagement was only announced recently. He told me that she’s a member of the ancient and famous Shirokitsu clan. When she entered the room, it was as if time stopped. That long white hair. Those blue eyes. Like a bright full moon appearing through dark clouds of night.

I am ashamed at my thoughts. I must put her out of mind. I won’t be able to look at Inari’s face anymore otherwise. What was he thinking anyway, bringing a woman to the leaders’ meeting?

~December 26, Year 29 of the Fifth Age
Yesterday Mitsuki gave birth to a baby girl: Yamiko. I received a letter from Inari talking about her: that she has Mitsuki’s eyes, that she is the most beautiful thing in the world, that she... the list goes on.

I could hardly even recognize Inari in the letter. No sign of the ruthless, sharp, and cunning man I once knew. Perhaps he is under the same enchantment I felt when I saw Mitsuki. That sensation of safety and invincibility she exudes. Not something I’d want, personally. I’d never abandon my post for such banal reasons.

Hyo's old friend - Inari - got married to a beautiful woman Mitsuki and introduced her to Hyo. much to the latter's shame Hyo realized that he is in love with Mitsuki (or at least has a really strong affection towards her)

that feeling will be a prime reason of his strong bond and deep care of Yamiko (the daughter of Inari and Mitsuki) and will be a catalyst of his ruthless regime later
Year33: Saigosen Guild
Hyo's Notes
~August 21, Year 29 of the Fifth Age
For years we’ve been holding the threats to the guild at bay. But now one of them seems to be gaining strength. A Light guild called Saigosen. I’ve heard rumors about its leaders: two brothers, powerful Light adepts that use techniques no one has never seen before.

People like to exaggerate. Still, this guild seems to be causing problems in our neighboring countries. I’ve sent some men to gather information. I don’t think Saigosen would dare set foot on our land, but it never hurts to have an ear to the ground.

~August 1, Year 33 of the Fifth Age
Four years after their first appearance, Saigosen has decided to cross our borders without permission. I can’t understand why they would dare to do this. Maybe all the time they spent assaulting and killing farmers has made them feel invincible. We’ll show them what happens when you stir up the hornet’s nest.
Hyo's Letter to Inari

As I am sure you know we have located Saigosen's main camp. We depart tomorrow. Justice shall be brought upon the filth.

I find it hard to believe still that you decided against joining us. Will you heed my request and bring Mitsuki and Yamiko to the city? Betwixt these walls they will not require your protection day and night. You will be able to act like a leader for Dakudaga once again.

Cultivating a family has made you weak, my old friend. You had best not lower your guard.
Hyo's Notes
~October 18, Year 33 of the Fifth Age
It took longer to travel to the Saigosen camp than it took to win the entire war. The night after we found them, we broke into their leaders’ tents and put an end to their lives. I didn’t expect a long battle, but this was just disappointing. "Two great brothers of Light," they said, "who from great distance can blind you and pierce your heart in the blink of an eye..." I actually expected something from them. But it was barely worth coming. Certainly not two of us with our best soldiers.

I’m sure Inari was glad when we said he could stay at home with his beloved wife and daughter... The old Inari wouldn’t be happy unless his sword was the first to taste our prey’s blood.

it never explicitly told in the game, but it is assumed that various Light Guilds were harassing Shadow Guilds for a long-long time and there was intense struggle between the two adepts. for example characters say:
Yamiko: ...For eons these lands have been assaulted by Light brotherhoods. Taiharo, Saigosen, Kaiho... one after another. [...] In the end they’re all the same. Merciless murderers. Callous killers of young and old alike
Hyo: We would be an eternal night, in place to protect those afflicted by the cruel forces of Light [...] No more arrogant Light brotherhoods to take advantage of Shadow followers,
it is unknown, however, were these words true, or just part of indoctrination / propaganda / bias

one thing is for sure, that Saigosen Guild (of light adepts) was dealing a lot of trouble for Dakudaga. they started from slaying the innocent farmers, but now established a full-power army and crossed Dakudaga's borders

in the retaliation, Dakudaga killed their leaders (or at least they thought like this)
Year34: the murder of Inari & his family
Hyo's Notes
~January 9, Year 34 of the Fifth Age
I’ve never felt this before. A sense of... of shortcoming. Of failure. I’ve never felt anger like it, as though my insides have been clawed out. A burning anger remains. I’ve lost friends in the line of duty many times, I thought I was used to it...

The Saigosen leaders killed Inari three days ago. They also killed Mitsuki... and Yamiko. Our sources confirm that the Light adepts didn’t leave a shred of their bodies intact. Wiped from existence in the blink of an eye, our sources say. The Light soldiers also attacked most of the village. How could Inari let this happen? My most trusted agent reported that the Saigosen leaders were present during celebrations at their capital... They made us believe we had killed them, that they had surrendered... Perhaps the Saigosen are something else after all. A true nemesis.

But why Inari? Why his family? Was he just the first? Is this an open declaration of war?

I told Inari to bring his family here, to our largest encampment... I told him, but he didn’t want his daughter to grow up in a place like this. He should have listened to me.

~May 28, Year 37 of the Fifth Age
Thirty-eight months have passed since the day we began our expedition to Rashomon Valley where Inari and Mitsuki lived. Each and every day I imagine myself making the Light brothers suffer. Making them pay for what they did. But now that we’re finally here, it’s empty – the death of our spies during the attack filled us with more trepidation than usual. We had no insight into what we would find.

Sure enough, we found nothing. What they said was true: Saigosen left no trace of Inari, Mitsuki, or Yamiko. The only thing we found were the bells Inari’s father left him. Our tracking also led us to some sort of mineshaft where the locals had been mining for small traces of a strange mineral. Did Inari find this?

~ March 14, Year 39 of the Fifth Age
We examined the strange minerals further. I can safely say that this mineral was Saigosen’s reason for attacking Inari’s village. They could have struck anywhere else after their strike, but they didn’t. They disappeared into the wilderness immediately after the attack. We have yet to find anything that would indicate their whereabouts.

We’ve taken a fishing village east of the Great Forest and south of Sanzen Kozui Lake. Some villagers seem to know about Saigosen, but refuse to say anything. We’ll need to persuade them.

Saigosen deceived Dakudaga into thinking they were just a small guild, they secretly were building a huge force to become a dominant power in the region. they have discovered that miners have found a rare material that can absorb a natural light and unleash it like a weapon - a Hikalcum - and wanted to get their hands on that material

in order to claim that material and seize the shaft they provoked Dakudaga into attacking them first, which gave them a jurisdiction ("a casus belli") to attack and raid the mineshaft and obtain Hikalcum, while killing all witnesses at place, including Inari, his wife Mitsuki and daughter Yamiko

Inari's destroyed house:

unknowingly for Hyo, Yamiko had survived and started living a feral life in the forest
Year39: Yamiko's return
Hyo's Notes
~March 18, Year 39 of the Fifth Age

Sometimes I wonder whether someone or something really is in charge of our destinies.

This morning one of my men came to me with a prisoner. A villager that had returned home after hunting in the forest for several days. I asked what he had for me, and he gave me a doll. A small ragdoll, crafted with care but very worn. It was an effigy of a woman with white hair and blue eyes. On her vestments was a motif: the Dakudaga symbol.

I seized the villager and demanded to know where he had found it. He said it was on the ground in the middle of the forest. I dragged the man back to my office and wringed every last drop of information I could out of him. This is the only clue we’ve had about Inari’s family for years. Perhaps one of them survived after escaping in the forest?

Then the real wonder. The real coincidence. The person I wasn’t sure even existed, the person who had survived Inari’s name, found me. While I held a candle to the man’s face, a small creature leaped from the shadows armed with a knife. It struck like lightning, almost catching me unguarded. As it threw a flurry of attacks at me, I eventually managed to get a good look at its white hair, which shone with the light of the rising sun. It didn’t stop swinging until the moment I Shadow leaped behind it. Then it stopped and stared at me with those blue eyes... The same impression I had years ago of those eyes piercing through my very soul traveled down my spine once again.

I struggle to think of the last time I was this amazed – this delighted – by life’s surprises.

That little girl, dressed in a rough coat made of fur and armed with a knife made from the bone of a beast, was the living picture of Mitsuki. With all the peace and friendliness I could muster, I said, "Yamiko?" For a moment her eyes widened, but she quickly recovered herself, stepped away, and raised her guard, growling at me like an animal. I was taken aback too. I realized that in front of me was a child who had spent five years alone in the Great Forest of Rashomon – probably after watching Saigosen Light adepts kill her parents... I’m almost certain she had avoided human contact since then. Perhaps she didn’t understand words anymore. But if she had avoided humans, I wondered, why had she attacked me in the village?

The answer, rather obviously, was the doll. I slowly took it out of my pocket and placed my sword on the ground. The little girl stared at the doll without blinking. Then, I took my Dakudaga pendant with my other hand and put it by the doll’s side. It worked. Showing the little girl the Dakudaga symbol on both objects stopped her in her tracks. She lowered her knife slowly. I Shadow leaped to her side and gave her the doll. That stare she gave me... I promised to myself that I would protect her with my life for the rest of my days.

~September 18, Year 39 of the Fifth Age
In the end, the only clue we found about Saigosen is that they fled to the south after striking Inari’s village. Not much to go on, but at least fate rewarded us with Yamiko, who survived their attack somehow. We decided to go back to our new base of operations in the city of Kyuryu. We have called off our search for Saigosen... for now.

it explains in great details how Hyo met Yamiko and what feeling he had towards her

but it also highlights that Dakudaga moved their HQ into the city of Kyuryu and became less hidden and more active it their foreign policy. now cause of them being officially in the war with a foreign party (Saigosen) having a full-time fortress to manage their operations was crucial
Year40: Yamiko's training
Hyo's Notes
~September 18, Year 39 of the Fifth Age
Children can be challenging. Yamiko is difficult with everyone in the clan except me. I’m a Shadow assassin, not a nanny! At least Yamiko is gifted. She is far from normal, displaying skills with stealth and Shadow essence already on par with those of my best men. It has made things easier in her training, but other aspects of her education have been far more challenging. I’m just glad we found her before it was too late. Before her mind had lost all semblance of humanity.

Somehow we have given Yamiko a place in society again as a member of Dakudaga. Since arriving here with us, her skills have improved considerably. She has even begun behaving like a human being again. I’m certain we shall be presenting her with the dark dagger in no time. She will be one of our greatest agents.

~December 7, Year 40 of the Fifth Age
Yamiko is the fourth woman to ever enter Dakudaga’s ranks. And among the few female members, she is also the youngest. Some of my men find it hard to swallow, especially the ones that Yamiko beat to the dark dagger ceremony. The worst thing is when they try to hurt her – physically and mentally. They end up either unconscious or in pain for days. Over and over again. I can’t help but laugh. In Dakudaga, it doesn’t matter who you are, but what you can do. She is testament to that fact.

This year, two more members with unusual abilities joined the guild: Orochi, from the Hebi clan, and Ryuta, from the Ryu clan. Both clans have worked this land for eons, and the two boys seem to be at the peak of their abilities.

I teamed them up with Yamiko. She didn’t like the idea to begin with, but she has learnt to trust them. I can see it building, like a chain forged with unbreakable iron. Dakudaga has never witnessed a team so young yet so powerful. I even like their motif, which is the result of putting their family symbols together: the fox from Yamiko, the snake from Orochi, and the dragon from Ryuta.

It is my duty as a leader to be impartial about all of my soldiers... but that isn’t easy with three truly special students under your wing.

Yamiko is said to develop her skills and a usage of essence much faster than anyone Hyo's ever seen before and at some point it even terrifies him. he is extremely proud of her progress

she is teamed with two partners - Orochi and Ryuta - and three of them have formed extremely effective team much to Hyo's pleasure. he is slowly developing his feeling towards Yamiko from simple "honoring Inari memories" to "accepting Yamiko as my own daughter"

Orochi (left) & Ryuta (right) and team's insignia (snake / fox / dragon)
Year45: The Five Sages #1
Tsuyoshi's Notes
~April 6, Year 45 of the Fifth Age
The soul is a canvas you can paint with whichever element you want. You learn how to assimilate an element from the environment, you blend your soul’s essence with it, and you emit the result in the form of a technique.

But what if you cast your essence without channeling it into an element first? This was the question which led to the discovery of Life essence. Life is the only element you can summon from within yourself, and it is still the most challenging to master.

We, the five sages, have decided to study this great essence together. Each of us are entering this endeavor as Masters. Now it is time to combine our efforts, discover how far we can push the limits, and document the results. We plan to found our own brotherhood. Eventually, we might even begin teaching its use. A bright future awaits... I hope.

~May 10, Year 45 of the Fifth Age
The old manuscripts tell us there’s a delicate synergy between body and soul... Surely breaking this balance means defying nature itself. What would happen, then, to a body containing more "soul" than it should? Indeed, what would happen if the soul was divided or shattered? As far as we know, these questions have never been asked. Until now.

The soul transferring technique, which we are the first to develop, creates a link between the summoner’s soul and the target’s. The summoner can transfer part of their soul to the target, or vice versa. Receiving a part of a soul leads to an increase in your Life essence, which means an initial boost of power. Furthermore, since the other person’s essence has been merged with your own, it immediately becomes possible to channel elements your target was attuned to.

The challenge is that sustaining this link is exhausting. We’ve experienced different symptoms after short periods of usage, but it seems that once canceled, the technique returns everything to the way it was and there are no consequences. Still, this marks a great advance in our research. I wonder what the next step will reveal.

~July 21, Year 45 of the Fifth Age
Something strange happened today. A man from the village nearby came asking for help. He said a lunatic, a powerful Fire adept, keeps coming to his village and attacking its people and cattle, apparently for no reason.

We can’t stand by and let this happen.

~August 17, Year 45 of the Fifth Age
The next time the mad Fire adept emerged to attack, we were waiting for him. He was powerful indeed. Some cultures form entire sects around adepts who hold such power and follow them like gods. Luckily this man had no sect.

It was pointless parleying with him. He attacked on sight, a frenzy behind his eyes. It wasn’t long before our battle began to damage the town – then we came up with an idea. One of us held guard, while two others used the soul transferring technique on the man – but this time we did it inversely, taking part of his soul.

The effects were immediate: his power decreased to nothing. He was paralyzed. The man couldn’t do anything but watch as we cut the flow of his essence.

Another powerful use for Life essence has revealed itself to us... And now of course we will never go hungry. The villagers shower us with offerings.

~August 20, Year 45 of the Fifth Age
It was clear that the soul transfer technique was a powerful tool for weakening enemies. Nevertheless, a substantial drawback is that the summoner needs to stay perfectly still and very focused, otherwise the link will break and the technique will be cancelled... We must experiment further.

~September 9, Year 45 of the Fifth Age
We’ve done it! I myself performed the experiment with one of the other masters. We broke the Life link while the transfer technique was active, locking a small part of his soul in my body. The very instant it was sealed within me, I felt his essence emanating through my chest and limbs. The limits of my power have increased, and conversely his have decreased proportionately, as with the soul transferring technique. What is different here is that this transfer now lasts until I make a link between us, unsealing his soul from within me. We have decided to stay like this for a few hours and document any effects in the short term. This could be a revolution!

it explains in good details what experiments The Five Sages have completed. the most important thing they have learned is that a soul always returns into the default body

that piece of information also shows that the god-like figures with the great essence usage is not of something special

as it was told, a fire adept whom Tsuyoshi and his colleagues have defeated, had enormous power and pose a great amount of threat to everyone. in other words, there is nothing exceptionally special in Yamiko becoming a Goddess of Shadow, and given that her birth had started a new, Sixth Age, it quite possible that some of the previous five ages have been started with some other powerful deities too

it also shows that The Five Sages managed to defeat a fire adept with their new sealing technique, something that The Four Generals will use against Yamiko herself
Year46: The Five Sages #2
Tsuyoshi's Notes
~September 11, Year 45 of the Fifth Age
Two days have passed, and the seal persists. It has taken so little time to gather so much important data.

It seems that, although a soul is divided, an imperceptible connection remains between its parts. I can feel my partner’s precise presence through the part of his soul inside me. He can feel where I am too. This connection seems independent of distance. We’ve done some tests: no matter how far away or obscured we were, one of us was always able to find the other in no time.

~September 12, Year 45 of the Fifth Age
Last night I heard my partner’s screams while I slept. I woke with a start, thinking the nightmare was in my own mind. The second time his scream reached me I rushed to his room immediately.

He was lying on his bed, asleep. Evidently uncomfortable, but not in any pain. I realized nobody else had heard him. Then another scream, louder than the others. Covering my ears didn’t help.

I woke him, and the screaming stopped. He was having a nightmare. I could hear his dreams.

~October 5, Year 45 of the Fifth Age
Each of us have performed the sealing technique with each other and released the link after a few days. The results are conclusive: telepathy is possible between subjects who share soul fragments. One can communicate with the other, and the link can even transfer memories and feelings.

The downside is that the research has revealed more side effects, which vary depending on the subject, but seem to show common signs depending on how the technique has affected your soul. If part of your soul was transferred to someone else, you present certain side effects; if part of someone else’s soul was sealed with yours, you present different ones. The technique’s strengths and weaknesses both disappear once the connection is cut and the soul fragments are returned to their owners.

We keep iterating the process, resting between longer transfer sessions. Having your soul shattered, corrupted by another, certainly impacts the physical body. A sort of stress on the fibers of your being. Accumulating too much of this could be dangerous.

~November 23, Year 45 of the Fifth Age
We conceived of this technique as a tool to weaken dangerous enemies indefinitely. Yet after two months, we are still discovering new uses for it.

Once part of somebody else’s soul is sealed with yours, it’s possible to transfer this fragment to yet another subject. All of it, or just part. This means that it’s possible for the summoner to lighten the burden of the foreign soul. Lighten the malaise. This clearly made a difference when we tested it. The stress was the technique’s main drawback.

It also means that a soul can be split into more than two parts. Depending on the summoner’s capabilities, the other person’s soul can be fragmented into as many parts as the summoner wishes.

I’ve left the best for last. We have discovered that it’s possible to seal soul parts not only in humans, but in animals too. Although they cannot carry as much soul as a human body, the link works in exactly the same way. Some of us have now begun documenting how it feels to see the world as a rat, or a dog...

~December 27, Year 45 of the Fifth Age
Fascinating. Utterly fascinating.

Yesterday morning we found Sohtho, our dog, dead. I sealed part of his soul within me a week ago. This is unprecedented. While I’m certain he didn’t die from natural causes or any external injuries, the cause still remains unclear.

Then I realized this was the first time we’d had the opportunity to observe any interactions between the sealing technique and death. When Sohtho died, his soul should have left his body and become one with nature, as it has since the beginning of time. But the part of his soul that I took was still there, sealed within me. I could feel it. Does this mean his soul couldn’t leave the world of the living? Was he trapped on this mortal ♥♥♥♥?

Then I had one of the most drastic ideas I’ve had in my life. Using the unbreakable connection between parts of a being’s soul, I commanded Sohtho’s other soul part, the main one, to return to me. Once it drew near – who knows where from – I directed it telepathically into Sohtho’s body. We all watched, speechless, as Sohtho’s body stood up and started running around the room.

We may have discovered immortality.

~January 30, Year 46 of the Fifth Age
Despite what we did with Sohtho, we have not been able to progress further. It is impossible without harming animals, and we aren’t here for that. Hopefully we’ll find a method in time.

Besides that, however, we’ve made another amazing discovery. Animals are now forbidden, but it has transpired that soul fragments can be sealed in objects. Until now we thought that soul transference required a soul on both sides of the transaction – but once again our research has borne new marvels.

A shortcoming of this technique is that we can’t seal a soul fragment in any random object. It seems to be more complex than that. The summoner needs to have a strong sentimental connection with the object of transference. Precisely how this relationship works is still a mystery to us, but we can guess that a channel for Life essence is built within any object of someone’s affection. The size of the fragment you can transfer is far smaller than that of animals, but unlike animals an inanimate object doesn’t die naturally... Based on previous studies, an adept who could seal small parts of his soul into objects like this would be immortal as long as someone was available to put his soul back into his body...

Maybe we are not far away from the path to immortality after all.

The Five Sages have learned that by exchanging the soul parts two people can form a symbiotic bond allowing them to share each others' whereabouts, feelings and memories. which is exactly what will happen with Yamiko and Aragami/Ryo later and allowed them to see each other memories

furthermore, The Five Sages have found that one can can entrap (cage) a person's (or his own) soul into the animals or objects that bear a significance for that person ("the trinkets"). that exactly what The Soul Alchemist and The Generals will so later by entrapping Yamiko's soul into various trinkets

master Tsuyoshi, later, will put part of his life into his raven - Kibo

and the final important discovery is that, for as long as one has at least a part of person's soul, - summoner can summon his whole soul (from whatever eternal plane) and place it into its original body for as long as it is not permanently destroyed. that's why Yamiko used shadow essence to cage her body from The Four Generals into the orb, ensuring that they will not physically kill her. for as long as her body is intact she has a chance to return back by collecting/releasing the parts of her souls
Year46: Yamiko is getting stronger
Hyo's Notes
~December 25, Year 45 of the Fifth Age
Yamiko turned sixteen today. I can see Inari’s will behind her eyes, but on the outside... every day she reminds me more of her mother. I realized last week that she has become a woman. It was one of those fleeting moments when you see something or someone familiar in a completely new light, as though you’d never seen them before.

Today, she, Orochi, and Ryuta were presented with a medal etched with their team’s crest in honor of their great work during these past few years. They have carried out every contract with unprecedented efficiency, conviction, and talent. When I gave Yamiko her medal and she looked at me... I felt the same feeling of protection, of safety, that I felt all those years ago when I first saw her mother. I shivered. Hopefully not visibly.

I don’t know how to assimilate this feeling. I heard, a long time ago, that certain women of the Shirokitsu clan were gifted with a great power. A power of command. Yamiko’s mother hailed from Shirokitsu. I’ve always been skeptical about legends like these, but Yamiko’s effect is just too powerful. It can’t be anything else. She’s like a daughter to me.

~February 10, Year 46 of the Fifth Age
Yamiko’s team is the best. The best under my command at the moment. The best I have ever seen. Their teamwork has become perfect, a flawless self-sustaining machine. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of her true power, and it is terrifying. She could be more powerful than I am. We must be careful with her. Normally an adept finds their limits after they come of age, and their power level stabilizes. That day has yet to come for Yamiko.
Year46: The Five Sages's apprentice
Tsuyoshi’s notes
~April 6, Year 46 of the Fifth Age
It’s been a year since we five sages came together to study Life essence. Now we are known as "The Sealing Brotherhood." So many adepts came asking for apprenticeships, and eventually we decided that it’s time to accept one. His name is Maelsha. He has a pure heart and shows great potential for using Life essence.

~April 28, Year 46 of the Fifth Age
Maelsha is doing well. In just a few weeks he has begun using the sealing technique, which is advanced. At this rate, I am certain he will become a sage, an heir to our order. The first of a brand new generation.

~May 25, Year 46 of the Fifth Age
Lately, Maelsha has begun making simple mistakes – even in basic routines and drills. Something is interfering with his concentration. He says he will come back stronger, but I’m worried something is truly wrong.

~May 28, Year 46 of the Fifth Age
Apparently Maelsha abandoned his training for the last three days because of a love affair. We don’t tolerate this, but we have been forced to go easier on Maelsha than we usually would. The woman he has loved for many years has a very rare disease. I’ve decided to visit him before he does something he regrets. He is fully aware of the power of the Life essence.

~May 29, Year 46 of the Fifth Age
I was right. In disgrace, I was right. By the time I reached Maelsha’s home it was too late.

His beloved must have been on her deathbed. He tried to retain her soul using the sealing technique, but his body couldn’t withstand it. It was foolish to show him such an advanced and perilous technique in the first months of his training. I’m certain he was well aware of the risks, and did it with the best of intentions, but now... now his death weighs heavily on our shoulders.

The incident made it clear: we’ve been playing god long enough. The sealing technique is now marked as "forbidden". We have dissolved the brotherhood. Indefinitely. In this way we will give ourselves time to think about the past, the present, and the future. We each used the seali... the forbidden technique on each other so we can stay in touch regardless of the distance between us.

Maelsha always wanted to visit the arid lands. Maybe that’s a good place for a new start.

that piece of information shows the negative consequences of ill-performed The Sealing Technique (now dubbed "The Forbidden Technique"): if a caster drains more soul from another person that his body can sustain of, then it may lead to a caster's death (and drained soul will return back to the original body)

later, The Soul Alchemist will be surprised to learn that Ryo managed to drain more of Yamiko's soul and died because of it, but instead of returning back to Yamiko - her soul was trapped in Ryo's one. in other words, Ryo somehow managed to entrap Yamiko's soul and didn't allow it to return back into her body even after his own demise

The Soul Alchemist blames Tsuyoshi for his disbanding of The Five Sages, because otherwise they could have found a way to develop the same technique Ryo managed to
Year46: Tsuyoshi, Kibo and The Four Generals
Tsuyoshi’s notes
~August 23, Year 46 of the Fifth Age
I arrived in the arid lands some weeks ago. Rumors were right about the weather. I have never sweated so much – and never completely run out of sweat – like I have here. Luckily I found a good place to live. Up in the mountains, situated not far from a small village full of Light adepts. The way they use Light in their worship is inspiring... Whenever I feel a particular longing for human contact, I’ll go visit them.

With everything that has happened... the forbidden technique, Sohtho, Maelsha... I can’t stop thinking about reincarnation. I’ve heard so much superstition about it from so many different cultures, but never actual facts or methods. We never even thought of looking into it further. It was nothing but a fantasy... and then I saw Sohtho come back to life. The gap where his soul should be filled up again like a goblet at a feast. He recognized us too, just like before. What would have happened if I had put the dog’s soul into a different body? Would he still have been able to recognize us? Probably not – memories lie in the brain, not the soul itself... But does the soul carry an imprint of its body, of the body’s memories? Are they etched into the soul like stains in glass? If I had put a different soul into the dog’s corpse, would Sohtho still be Sohtho? I don’t think so. The soul is an important part of our identity.

I just wonder... What if I put Maelsha’s soul into another body? Would he himself be present in the body, living or dead? Would he come back?

I have to stop thinking about it.

~September 9, Year 46 of the Fifth Age
I’ve been taking care of a bird’s egg I found on the ground. It must have been knocked out of a nest. A miracle it survived. Today it cracked and a raven chick emerged. Perhaps this will help make my days slightly less lonely. I think I’ll name him Kibo.

later Tsuyoshi will entrap part of his soul into the Kibo's body

Tsuyoshi’s notes
~September 20, Year 46 of the Fifth Age
At last I made contact with the people in the village, albeit in a rather unexpected way. A few days ago on the way back to my camp, I heard some children. They seemed worried, so I decided to approach them. It turned out that one of them had injured his leg. I healed him without a second thought. Of course, to these villagers Life essence is completely newfangled. The expression on their faces when the child stood up as if nothing had happened... It’s been a while since I actually had fun with something.

I helped them back to their homes. Since then, the villagers have allowed me within their walls whenever I want. It’s rare to find sects like this one, both peaceful and with great skill in an element.
Yuki’s notes
Everything was easier back then. All we had to worry about were the ceremonies held for Amaterasu, our Sun Goddess. Our only contact with the outside world was the merchants who stopped by our gates from time to time. The gates of that isolated village out near the mountains.

I used to wonder how it would feel to travel the world, learn about different cultures, meet people adept in different essences... We used to grab adventure where we could. The four of us used to sneak out, climb the blacksmith’s hut, and hop down the other side of the village walls. A drip of adventure that would quench our thirst for days. Our parents always found out, of course. And we were always punished. But it was worth it.

My father used to say that as you get older the lure of adventure ebbs away. That you begin to appreciate what you have in front of your nose, rather than what’s beyond the horizon. I never relished that thought as a child. But I could never have predicted the appearance of Master Tsuyoshi. Or how much he would change everything.

I remember it as if it were yesterday. We’d played outside too late and were rushing back home, making a game of it. Hikaru tried to leap over a pile of rocks, but didn’t make the jump. We saw his leg slip through the rubble, heard his leg crunch. We watched him turn whiter than the moon. We tried to get him out, but he almost fainted from the pain. It was nearly night time. We had never stayed out beyond the village walls that late before. We heard tell of desert creatures who would drag you back to their lairs – vicious giant birds and scorpions with huge tails like scythes.

Then it appeared. A tall figure with a long beard and green vestments, holding a staff and walking slowly toward us. Our blood froze. By the time we noticed the shape, it was already at Hikaru’s side, pointing its withered staff at the wrenched leg. It said in a calm voice, breaking a long silence, "Stand up".

I got a closer look at the person while he addressed Hikaru. The figure was an old man, and he wasn’t scary at all. In fact, he emanated an aura of utter tranquility. We almost didn’t notice when Hikaru stood up as if nothing had happened to his leg. The four of us were staring at the old man. With a kind smile, he broke the silence again and said, "Shall I take you home?"

Master Tsuyoshi’s arrival in our village was disruptive. We hadn’t had an outsider stay with us for decades. Having a stranger in our midst, and one who wasn’t a Light adept, put everyone on edge. He was granted entry, but almost everyone just tried to avoid him... the same way they avoided everything new and different. But Master Tsuyoshi never took offense. He just focused on our rituals and studied our Light practices, which he found fascinating. The Master said he had been living in the mountains nearby, not far from where he had found us on our doomed adventure. It was part of his pilgrimage, he said.

After a few months, everyone else in the village began to accept him too. Bit by bit, even the most resentful and intolerant couldn’t deny how valuable he was: he brought true healing and new wisdom to our ways. Tolerance built like muscle on bone, and eventually acceptance blossomed in the hearts of the other villagers.

young Hikari, Sora and Yuki:
Year47: Goddess of Shadow
Hyo's notes
~March 1, Year 47 of the Fifth Age
At last. Our spies have found them. We received a message detailing the location of the Saigosen guild’s capital. Far south, north of the arid lands, a fortress city was spotted flying the Saigosen flag. Spies infiltrated the fortress and found the base of their power. Their leaders, their resources, their plans.

While waiting for the winter’s end, the other three leaders and I have been preparing a full reconnaissance mission with our best teams. We need to know what the Saigosen have been preparing all these years. After we found Yamiko, our best scientific minds discovered that the mineral Saigosen extracted from the mines near Inari’s home had some kind of compatibility with Light essence. We have to expect the unexpected.

I told Yamiko about the mission. Her team is without a doubt the best we have, even among the other leaders’ platoons. I didn’t want to leave them behind... but I didn’t tell Yamiko the city was a Saigosen stronghold. She doesn’t seem to remember their flag, so I decided not to mention it at all. This is a recon mission: we can’t reveal our blade before we are ready to strike. We’re going there to find out how powerful they’ve become and prepare our attack. If Yamiko knew she was going where her parents’ killers were based... She is intelligent and trustworthy, but her anger is a force to be reckoned with.

We depart next week.

~April 18, Year 47 of the Fifth Age
I am struggling to believe what I have seen. An unbelievable sight, an unbelievable fact.

The recon mission was going well. We got all the information we needed to plan an attack, and we were preparing to leave. At the agreed time, all the teams gathered at the meeting spot in the forest outside the city gates... except Yamiko’s.

Every minute we waited for her, Ryuta, and Orochi was torture. If Yamiko found out that she was in Saigosen’s headquarters, she would lose her mind. If she decided to fight – which she would – she’d sabotage our only good chance at crippling Saigosen for good, as well as putting herself in great danger. The Light mechanisms they had developed, the defenses we saw, made them far more dangerous than any force we knew of.

Suddenly, a loud explosion echoed across the sky. The top floor of the castle at the heart of the fortress burst into flames while we stared, mouths agape. We jumped onto the guard towers to get a better look, and what we saw left us even more speechless than before.

Something was moving at high speed through the fortress, avoiding the Saigosen soldiers’ attacks before destroying each and every one of them with huge, sweeping blades of darkness. Within minutes, the figure shrouded in a dark fog had destroyed the entire fortress. Eventually silence fell, and the shape made for us.

Unable to say a word, we waited for the door to open. To see what kind of monster would be our certain end. The door opened slowly, and emerging from the impenetrable shroud of shadow was Yamiko’s silhouette.

We were unable to speak as we watched Yamiko walk out of the city she had just destroyed. Ruined buildings, bodies, and dust were left in her wake. A lifeless gaze had fixed in her eyes. She stopped in front of us. No one could move. I waited for her to say something. What had just happened? What had triggered this... this phenomenon? But her mouth didn’t open, not even for a moment. She just stood there. Gradually, the others started to bend their knees. In fear, no doubt. But I felt no fear. My concern for Yamiko’s safety outweighed every other feeling. Then it struck me: she was alone. In a small voice I asked her, "Orochi and Ryuta?" She looked at me with glassy eyes, and slowly shook her head. I ran to embrace her.
Hyo's notes
~April 19, Year 47 of the Fifth Age
Yamiko woke up this morning after being unconscious for two days. I finally asked her what had happened. As I’d feared, she had realized she was in Saigosen’s fortress, and was overcome with vengeance. Saigosen’s leaders had a secret weapon – a new defensive device – that allowed them to kill Orochi and Ryuta effortlessly. Just as they activated the device, empowering themselves tenfold, Yamiko’s sheer anger awakened the evidently bottomless well of latent power within her.

We have to proceed carefully. This situation will be difficult. Saigosen is no more, but now we must work out what to do with Yamiko, as half of Dakudaga now consider her a goddess.

"a secret weapon" Yamiko was talking about is based on Hikalcum material that was harvested near Inari's village 13 years ago. it is probably a variation of light orbs that player find during the game
Year01: the Sixth Age, Nisshoku Sect
Hyo's notes
~June 9, Year 47 of the Fifth Age
We, the four leaders, spent an entire week discussing what to do with Yamiko. She hasn’t come to terms with her friends’ deaths yet, and spends hours in their mausoleums. Meanwhile, people who were affected by Saigosen’s oppression and assaults, entire brotherhoods of Shadow, keep visiting our city’s doors, offering thanks to the "goddess" who freed them. It’s only a matter of time before this rumor about the "goddess" reaches other countries.

I tried to convince the other leaders that we must take hold of the situation. Dakudaga has always watched over this country and its government from the shadows... but now there is a power vacuum. We ourselves can seize government, especially now that we can no longer live in the shadows with Yamiko drawing attention like a dark sun. Hordes of people come to our gates every day. This could be the beginning of an empire, for better or worse. The city of Kyuryu is practically a fortress already. It could be our headquarters. And our biggest threat, Saigosen, was destroyed two months ago. We can grow strong without anyone to contest our reign. Just picturing our power makes me shiver.

If we did this, we wouldn’t be Dakudaga anymore. We would be Yamiko’s empire. The empire of the Shadow Empress. We would be an eternal night, in place to protect those afflicted by the cruel forces of Light. We would be Nisshoku.

~June 27, Year 1 of the Sixth Age
I’ve managed to help Yamiko see things from my perspective. We have within arm’s reach the power to prevent anyone suffering like she did every again. No more arrogant Light brotherhoods to take advantage of Shadow followers, like they have for generations. Yamiko has agreed to be our empress, but she’s so young. She doesn’t have the knowledge or the experience necessary to rule. For this reason, we have agreed that I’ll be her right hand. I’ll stand by her side and give her my counsel.

A new age begins. The age of the Shadow Empress.

~July 4, Year 1 of the Sixth Age
We’ve declared ourselves the sect of Nisshoku. Our ruler, the Shadow Empress. Two of Dakudaga’s other leaders have also agreed to become councilors for the Empress. The third leader... has abandoned us. A traitor. The country’s governor sent a letter describing his displeasure with our actions. Dakudaga was the largest military force in the land, and for the most part it has transformed into Nisshoku. If the government has something to say, we will wait with bated breath.

that little episode has a lot to tell. destruction of Saigosen Guild created a power vacuum in the region - now two things inevitably happen: 1) various guilds and sects will fight with each other to get the upper hand and a power control, 2) they will target Dakudaga because of their fear of Yamiko and as a vengeance for Saigosen Guild

Hyo believed that the only way to survive in those circumstances is to create an empire under Yamiko's regime and seize the control over the land for themselves. in other words he believed it is better to attack first not waiting until they being attacked

for starters Hyo considered that they should first destroy all light adepts (mass-genocide) for multiple reasons: 1) they will retaliate for Saigosen sooner or later, 2) they were harassing shadow adepts for a long time already and Hyo had it

Hyo was also driven by protection for Yamiko. knowing how unstable her power is and how she suffered from light adepts twice (first her family, then her friends) - he just couldn't afford anyone to hurt her anymore. from his point of view, Yamiko will be safe when there will be no more light adepts left

Yamiko was completely non-interested in governing a new empire and the whole leadership was in Hyo's hands, Yamiko was just a poster girl for that new government, no more no less. Hyo was a true mastermind behind all important decisions, massacre and killings. in fact later it even says that part of Yamiko's soul died when she became a Goddess and for now she just follows the stream

those changes in Dakudaga were met with a criticism by some authorities, like one of ex-leaders escaped and didn't want to participate in any of this
Year01: assault on village
Tsuyoshi’s notes
~November 16, Year 47 of the Fifth Age
I have to leave for a while. My partners contacted me using their soul fragments. They talked of a sect called Nisshoku, of great numbers ruled by an empress. Apparently she is considered a goddess. Nisshoku are sweeping through the land, massacring many. My command of Life is needed. The other sages believe this is the beginning of a new era...
Yuki’s notes
We enjoyed Master Tsuyoshi’s company for a long time. Eventually, he said he had to return to his guild – they needed him for an assignment. He left us a stronger clan than we were before. Wiser, more capable. It felt like we could handle anything.

Two months after Master Tsuyoshi’s departure, a group of around thirty men appeared. Their leader said they were humble nomads crossing the steppe. They wanted to stop for provisions, offered us trade... Before Master Tsuyoshi came, the village would never have accepted trade with strangers like that, but now things were different.

They attacked the moment they realized we didn’t use Light essence for combat. It was the third night after they arrived. A massacre ensued. My people didn’t stand a chance. Hikaru, Ryo, Sora, and I were outside during the attack, on one of our escapades. We ran back the moment we saw the smoke... Until we heard the screams.

And then we saw him, beneath the Nisshoku flag. The man with the patch over one eye. His sword dripping with blood. His face impassive but for a slight tug at the corners of his lips. He noticed us immediately and commanded a man to come and kill us. We tried to escape, but the man cast shadows ahead of himself and slipped through them, reaching us in seconds.

As the commander’s henchman reached for Hikaru, Sora shut her eyes and cast a Light barrier around us. We’d never applied Light essence in combat before, but it only took Sora’s sharp mind a moment to seize the opportunity. Then our pursuer began to laugh... He knew her barrier would save us for a few seconds at most. But just as the barrier began to fade, Ryo struck at the man with all his soul. We’d never seen anything like it. He threw a powerful flash which sent the man reeling backwards, and gave us time to start running.

We survived. He couldn’t have recovered before we made it to the forest. But now we were alone, in the middle of a vast emptiness. The mountain and the village were the only places we knew in the entire world. At first we felt... an emptiness. After days – painful days – of trudging on in silence, the emptiness gave way to melancholy. We sobbed. We were the clan’s only survivors. Hikaru’s sorrow came out in boar-like grunting and groaning. Sora would stay silent for hours, then unleash a single, long scream like a banshee. Ryo’s face turned bright red and his features twisted into a permanent, silent grimace.

Ultimately, however, the melancholy soured... into thirst. A thirst for revenge. They were all dead. We alone bore the clan’s name. We would work together to do to these men what they had done to us.
Hyo’s notes
...One of our biggest concerns in the beginning was keeping watch for any potential Light brotherhoods looking for revenge. I myself led some of the recon missions, but what we found was harmless, almost absurd. The only one that was of note was based in the arid lands. Peasants who were incredibly skillful with Light essence. But they were peaceful cowards, without a single theory on combat. It almost made me laugh to learn they were pacifists.

a drastic contrast between Yuki's and Hyo's recollections of those events
Year02: revenge
Yuki's notes
Ryo saved us. We might have died in that desert had it not been for him. He helped us see that we had potential within us, a potential none of us had seen until that point. He recalled what he had seen in Sora and himself that night, when we were on the cusp of death. We knew how to use Light essence. We just had to think laterally, to apply our thinking to battle instead of faith and tilling soil. We talked about retaking our home. We thought that perhaps some of our clan were being held as prisoners.

It took six months. We trained without rest, using rudimentary weapons I prepared in the evenings. Every time the sun set, the likelihood of seeing our families grew ever smaller... Our first step was to go and scout our village.

It had become a Nisshoku camp. It was guarded by at most ten men. Taking it would be risky, but we had waited too long. Anger was burning in our eyes, a molten metal flowing from furnaces in our skulls. We crept in by daylight at noon, when the Shadow essence would be at its weakest. Our first priority was to look for survivors.

After scouting the village, we noticed that the temple to Amaterasu was boarded up and locked. Its door destroyed, blocking any entry. Sora noticed this stood out from the rest of the village, so we decided to investigate.

Squeezing through the cracks in the rubble, we were struck by a foul stench. Besides Amaterasu’s great statue, nothing was visible in the darkness. We could feel the fumes, the rot, permeating our skin.

Eventually our eyes got used to the dark. In the shade were bodies. Strewn at random, or in piles, or shackled to the walls. The ones that had survived the Nisshoku attack were here, but they weren’t survivors. Family, friends, colleagues... all stuffed, rotting, into the very building where we paid respects to our goddess. In coming years we would discover that Nisshoku’s men had performed horrible experiments on the prisoners they took. "Research" into what made our command of the Light essence so powerful.

The emptiness we felt in the mountains after the attack returned. Words, language, meaning left us. We felt everything and nothing. Ryo and Hikaru couldn’t stop watching the corpses. I didn’t dare. I could feel my mind fraying at the seams.

Sitting with my eyes shut tight, suddenly there was an explosion. Sora and I turned to find Ryo and Hikaru gone. The temple’s buckled entrance was blown open.

We left the temple immediately and caught a glimpse of Ryo and Hikaru’s figures leaping across the rooftops. The Nisshoku guards came running. Ryo and Hikaru... I’ve never seen men fight like that – before or since. They went berserk, leaping on Nisshoku soldiers like tigers, tearing out throats, faces, chests. Sora and I ran after them, trying to keep up, but they were inhumanly fast. The Nisshoku men didn’t stand a chance. They didn’t expect any sort of attack, let alone a full-frontal assault, in plain daylight, in an isolated village, from four kids.

After a few minutes we realized they were all dead. All of the Nisshoku men. And that was it. The moment we all had been dreaming of for almost a year. The moment we took control and avenged our village.

But it didn’t feel like we had imagined it. Not at all. We were lost again. But unlike our lonely journey into the wild, we were safe at home – where our lives and history were in rotting tatters. Defeating our village’s attackers resulted in the same outcome: loneliness... But now with the weight of those dead men weighing heavily upon us.

We almost didn’t notice when Kibo appeared in the skies. His broad, black form was like the very embodiment of Amaterasu’s messenger, bringing us hope.

Master Tsuyoshi had sent Kibo to check on the village. The sage had created a link between his soul and the bird, so we knew following Kibo on his long flight home would be a safe decision. We set off, without speaking a word between us, walking just behind his shadow.

As we walked, our eyes opened. More and more, hour upon hour, day upon day. We realized a vast world was in front of us. We didn’t trust, or even speak to, anyone to begin with. But every new place and culture we encountered fascinated us. Weeks later, we understood our place in a bigger picture. In a larger conflict.

Year05: Kaiho
Yuki's notes
The more we travelled, the more we saw, the more we learned... the more we realized how deep and broad the scars left by Nisshoku were. Across the entire continent. They said Nisshoku were born from an ancient guild of assassins. A sect with hundreds of followers. Their leader, whom they called the "Shadow Empress," was considered a goddess. They said her power was extraordinary. Her objective was apparently nothing less than the destruction of all Light brotherhoods they could find... but they made no distinctions. Any non-Darkness guild would fall at their feet.

On the road we met one broken family after another. Entire cultures that had met the same fate as our own. But we met people who wanted to fight back too. People that wanted to avenge their loved ones, people who wanted their lives back, people who wanted to live without fear. They had the will, but lacked the guidance. They needed a common leader.

Eighteen months had passed since our journey began. Seeing the wreckage left in Nisshoku’s wake, we grew in strength and wisdom, and learned just how much damage Nisshoku had caused.

Eventually, after following Kibo for months, he began descending rapidly, rushing to his final destination. As we reached where Kibo had landed, we were greeted by the bright smile of Master Tsuyoshi. Meeting him again almost felt like coming home.

We talked. We talked for a long time. About the past few months. About what Nisshoku had done to the world. The Master had seen their work first hand too. In fact, he had left us because his brotherhood had given him a mission: teaching the command of Life essence to all brotherhoods under Nisshoku attack. Just to give them a slightly better chance. But licking wounds wasn’t the solution. Sooner or later someone had to do something, and the Master knew it. When we told him that we were determined to lead a counterattack, he hardly looked surprised. After a short pause, he said, "Well. Your classes start tomorrow."

Master Tsuyoshi taught us the basics of manipulating Life essence. I had read legends about it, but still the countless uses Master Tsuyoshi revealed amazed me. He taught us how to control our inner peace. How to block the inner peace of others. How to heal any wound. There was little wonder why he was considered a sage.

For a Light adept like me, using another essence was like trying to write with the wrong hand (I must say, however, that yours truly was the first to attune to it – and with ease). This new essence took the form of a green flame when summoned. It felt like spring water rippling through your soul. Peaceful... That is, until the Master taught us how to apply it in combat.

Applied to combat, Life essence allows one to heal wounds at incredible speed. But it doesn’t end there. Certain techniques allow you to transfer part of your own soul to someone else, or vice versa, temporarily. You can empower yourself with another’s soul, and drain their own essence. But this technique is difficult to control. Breaking the body–soul balance like that... The potential consequences were terrifying.

And just when we thought we had learned all we could, when we thought Master Tsuyoshi’s teaching was slowing down... he gave us one last piece of wisdom. "The technique I’m going to show you now was branded as forbidden long ago", he said. "It is risky. Dangerous. It should only be used as a last resort. If all else fails... it could help you defeat the Shadow Empress".

Once we finished training with Master Tsuyoshi, we started recruiting. We already had allies from the various villages and cities we had passed through, and after reaching out to those we met, the word spread and others started to come to us. There were adepts from all the clans, of various essences and practices – even people who weren’t adepts. Not all of them were ready to fight, but most of them had potential.

Only one thing was missing from our preparations: Light. Teaching people to use Light, our best offense against Nisshoku’s Shadow, would take years we didn’t have. We only had time for the basics, and that wouldn’t be enough... Then I came up with an idea.

During our travels we had found huge veins of a rare mineral called Hikalcum, which can store and emit Light essence. If we could infuse our army’s weapons with Hikalcum, it would barely matter how inept a soldier was with Light essence... Our Light "charge" would empower them. I tested it, and it proved successful. I even infused our four weapons with the mineral as well. This simple action would make the difference in the war to come.

After six months of preparation, our army was ready. With Ryo, Hikaru, Sora, and I as its leaders, our newly formed brotherhood was ready to put an end to Nisshoku’s reign. Kaiho was born.
Hyo’s notes
~November 29, Year 5 of the Sixth Age
Fortune, fame, and power. Since the birth of Nisshoku, these three roots of success haven’t stopped growing and becoming stronger, feeding us with their nectar.

~December 25, Year 5 of the Sixth Age
Yamiko turns 22 today. We let the citizens come into the temple grounds to honor her name in celebration. Her image, standing there in front of hundreds of people worshiping her, is always inspiring. She looks so imposing, so powerful... yet still so sad. I wonder what she is feeling inside. I keep asking her if she’s happy to be our empress, and she says she is fine. I think a part of her died when Orochi and Ryuta were taken from us. I wonder if I’ll be able to make her happy again.

The Four Generals were sure that all orders come directly from Shadow Empress herself, but in reality it was the Hyo's ordeal. Hyo's recollections show that Yamiko didn't care at all. it also seems to be that Hyo's took his ruthless uncompromising approach to a new level, by destroying every single group that can pose any, even hypothetical thread to Yamiko

Tsuyoshi taught The Four Generals everything he knew about life essence and even showed them a "The Forbidden Technique", which later will be used against Yamiko

Saigosen Guild's experiments with Hikalcum were taken as the weaponry against Nisshoku
Year09: final preparations
Hyo's notes
~June 28, Year 9 of the Sixth Age
A rumor gave me pause today. One of our spies – in the guise of a friendly merchant traveling south with eastern pottery – said he saw unusual activity in a southern brotherhood. Named Kaiho, they were growing in number and gaining strength day by day. The brotherhood is mainly composed of Light adepts, but masters of all essences are in their ranks, from Shadow to Fire. The spy said they might even be planning an attack, the movements seemed so organized. The lips of their adepts were tightly sealed.

I told one of the other councilors about my concerns, but he laughed it off. He said that Nisshoku is so huge and magnificent that they couldn’t even see it from their tiny territory. Like a fly attacking a bear. Even if they had some strength, we have the Shadow Empress on our side. He’s right, of course.
Yuki's notes
~March 20, Year 10 of the Sixth Age
The last preparations have been made. We depart next week.

I hardly can sleep. My heart is in my throat. This is the moment we all have been waiting for. At least recalling these memories, all that we have achieved, has calmed me a little. Looking back, the change within us gives me strength – from children living blissfully ignorant of how big the world was, to leaders of an army.

The men are anxious. I can hear them pacing in their tents nearby. They are fed not by water or food, but by a passion for revenge. To destroy Nisshoku. Even Master Tsuyoshi is going to fight, despite his age. He has learned how to use Light essence almost as well as us native adepts.

I wonder how I’ll feel once I see the high walls of Kyuryu, Nisshoku’s capital. I wonder how I will feel when the Shadow Empress shows herself to us... They say her power is such that she can kill dozens of men in the blink of an eye. But we won’t hesitate. We’ve come this far. Our Sun Goddess lights our path. We will win.
Hyo's notes
~May 30, Year 10 of the Sixth Age
They were smart. My commanders’ pursed lips when we met this morning made it clear that we have been outwitted. The upstart Kaiho brotherhood crippled villages and towns along our key supply routes and sabotaged our barracks and recruitment bases – less than a year after we were made aware of their existence.

This city is a fortress. Normally I wouldn’t be worried about an upstart brotherhood who had gained some numbers, but this isn’t just one brotherhood – this is a myriad of them. Light adepts, Fire adepts, Life adepts... The biggest problem is the Earth adepts. My spies tell me they’re positioned at the rear of the Kaiho army. They're planning to send shockwaves beneath the battlefield to undermine the foundations of our walls. Our fortifications don’t stand a chance against this.

Flow and adapt. The field of battle is the vessel – you must be the water. I have decided the best approach is to bring the fight to their vanguard. We must leave the city walls and face them. The Shadow Empress will be our last resort.
Year10: entrapment of Yamiko
Nisshoku report
~June 1, Year 10 of the Sixth Age
- The Kaiho attack.
- Known Nisshoku survivors: 13.
Hyo's notes
We were losing. Earth essence attacks battered the city’s outer walls. Our men were pushed back to the limits. There was only one thing for it. I called her. She emerged from the city gates to end the cowards. But Kaiho’s four leaders, the most powerful masters in their army, were waiting for her. They pressed the Empress back into the city. Cornered her.
Yamiko was not a warrior or a mercenary, she was a protector of Nisshoku empire and her people. she suffered so much from light adepts, that when she was told that more light adepts came to kill her followers - she became furious. she didn't care that much for the battle itself, but she couldn't let light adepts to harm her and her people anymore. in fact, in retrospective, if Kaiho didn't strike, Yamiko wouldn't care about them at all

the oddest thing in all this, is Yamiko was completely unaware why all those people suddenly attacked her (again). from her perspective, her empire and herself did nothing wrong. it was Hyo who orchestrated genocide and massacre, not Yamiko, the latter was unaware of all this, or was aware to the lowest esteem. she considered that fight as an another example of malicious light adepts trying to destroy everything she loves

Hyo's notes
...they were waiting for something. They were holding back. Then I saw him, the old man. They called his name – Tsuyoshi. He was making straight for Yamiko. I intercepted him, but before I could land a single strike his hand rose and my limbs failed me. My energy drained away like water from a sliced bamboo shoot. The leaders pressed Yamiko back to her temple, and the old man turned his attention to her – I watched the vitality leave her face. I saw my chance, and plunged my blade deep into his flank. As he fell, he grasped my arm just above my sword hand... I’ll never forget the pain. A thousand fires burned from his fingers. I fell with him.

Still, a ray of fortune shone on me: a handful of my men happened upon me during their retreat, and shouldered me to safety. One of them said the Empress had managed to kill at least one of Kaiho’s leaders. As they dragged me towards our escape route, I watched the flags burn above our city. The Empress was defeated. Nisshoku had fallen.
The Soul Alchemist' notes
The fools have achieved so much more than I predicted.
When I heard that the four self-proclaimed "generals", leading an army of blacksmiths and peasants, could defeat the tyrant Shadow Empress of Nisshoku...

According to the scant answers they gave me today, half a decade ago they managed to execute the Forbidden Technique perfectly. They split the Empress's soul into five fragments and locked four of them away within themselves.
The Soul Alchemist' notes
Sensing her impending defeat, the Empress enclosed herself in a negative vortex. An inert orb, devoid of essence and time, which rendered her invincible but trapped.
The Soul Alchemist' notes
Their leader, Ryo, took his fragment to the grave. Ryo was crucial to the Empress's downfall. They say the soul fragment he collected from her was so enormous that his own body was destroyed during the transference.

Many consider him a hero. They were in awe of how he pushed the Forbidden Technique to such limits. I certainly empathize with them. How did he keep a fragment of the Empress sealed within his soul, even after he died? I didn't think it was possible.

If this is what he achieved, and my theory is correct, then Ryo's soul is now unable to leave this world. It is still here, carrying Yamiko's soul fragment. It is somewhere in this city, invisible, imperceptible. Waiting for someone to release it... or place it in a new host.
Yuki's notes
~June 3, Year 10 of the Sixth Age
It shouldn’t have ended like this.

True victory was almost within reach. Just beyond our grasp. But even after Ryo... Even then, we couldn’t stretch that last inch.

The rumors about the Shadow Empress were true. They didn’t exaggerate one bit. In the end we had to use the Forbidden Technique to trap her, and now we suffer the consequences. I can feel her in my chest. It gets worse if we are close together, so we have hardly seen each other since... I hope the talismans serve us well...

Some say that we won. Indeed, perhaps we decimated Nisshoku’s forces. Perhaps we trapped their empress. But it didn’t feel like a victory. Not at all. This is only a temporary peace. She’ll do anything within her power to free herself. We have to avoid that at all costs. So we will guard this place. All the sacrifices we’ve made won’t be in vain.
Year10: aftermatch
Shinobu's notes
~June 4, Year 10 of the Sixth Age
I finally managed to stabilize Hyo. Three days of struggling to keep breath in his chest. Never seen a wound like this. The man who did it, Tsuyoshi... I've heard he mastered Life essence like none before. I have to gather all the information I can about this. I won't let it kill you, Hyo.
Shinobu is a Nisshoku lieutenant and a right hand of Hyo. she is not only a shadow adept, but also has advanced learning in life and fire essences
Hyo's notes
~June 4, Year 10 of the Sixth Age
They did it. They were more powerful than we knew. They didn’t even show a hint of their true power until now. My limbs tingle with anger. Anger at what they did to her.

~June 12, Year 10 of the Sixth Age
My men tell me that the Empress isn’t dead. She is being held captive by the Kaiho in... in our old capital. In Kyuryu. They have used a rare technique to entrap her. Apparently she is catatonic, unresponsive. As if her soul itself had been captured, not just her body. I don’t know what this means, but in any case she is clearly past the point of helping herself. We will have to look for an opportunity.

The old man must have helped them learn this technique. Curse the fool. My muscles still twitch where he touched me that day. I can barely hold a sword. I don’t think the aching in my bones will ever heal.
Nisshoku's report
~June 12, Year 10 of the Sixth Age
- Empress is alive but imprisoned. As a result of the magic seal used by the Kaiho captains (the "Forbidden Technique") she is now both impossible to reach and unconscious.
- Death of Kaiho's leader, Ryo, confirmed.
- Death of the Sage who wounded Hyo, Tsuyoshi, also confirmed.
- Known Nisshoku survivors: 37.
Year15: next five years
Shinobu's notes
~May 18, Year 11 of the Sixth Age
Life essence isn't easy to conjure, let alone shape. No wonder so few practice the art. I've learnt enough to reduce Hyo's pain, but it's just a bandage. The wound keeps... spreading. Like a poison. I'll heal him every time pain comes back for as long as necessary, but I have to find a cure. Even if it means relinquishing Fire essence for good.
Hyo killed Tsuyoshi, but the latter managed to attack Hyo before his demise. that attack constantly deals enormous pain to Hyo. Shinobu left to learn the usage left essence and use her new skills to stabilize his condition. a true loyal companion and... maybe a love interest?

Hyo's notes
~May 30, Year 12 of the Sixth Age
An enormous, disgusting building has been built in honor of Kaiho’s dead. Well, there is a place for Nisshoku’s fallen too... In the catacombs.

To commemorate the anniversary of their victory, they have activated some infernal Light device which casts an endless beam of light into the sky.

Curse them. We will have our revenge. My men train every day. Our camp slowly grows. We will avenge or even, if we can, free the Empress.
Nisshoku report
~May 30, Year 12 of the Sixth Age
- Kaiho have completed a giant construction: a temple honoring those who fell during the war.
- The body of Kaiho's force has returned to their lands. Only Light adepts remain.
- Known Nisshoku survivors: 9.

at the Year15 of the Sixth Age Yuki got much worse. the Yamiko's soul inside him has started to destroy him from the inside. Sora and Hikari started to looking for any help, because they knew - they will be the next. when all three of them will die Yamiko will be released

The Soul Alchemist learnt about The Four Generals's issues, and contacted Sora with an offer of help
Sora's letter to Hikaru

We may have received a ray of hope. A letter arrived this morning from a man who signs as the "Soul Alchemist". He offers his hand to our cause.

I've heard rumors about him. Some say he performs miracles with Life essence while others say he undertakes terrible experiments in the name of his art. Either way, he may be our only option. At this rate, we'll be dead before we find another and the Shadow Empress will rise again. We can't fail Ryo like this.

Meet me outside at the hour of the Horse.


The Soul Alchemist meet Sora, Hikari and Yuki and proposed to pass a part of Yamiko's soul from Yuki's body to Kibo (Tsuyoshi's raven). because of Kibo having a part of Tsuyoshi's soul inside him, his vitality, dexterity and longevity is much bigger than any other animals. but still it is just an animal and they have to find a different container for a Yamiko's soul

The Soul Alchemist's notes
(about KIbo after infusing it with Yamiko's soul)

State: stable. Subject has endured soul corruption but remains unable to move. No previous specimen lasted this long. Must be the work of Tsuyoshi. Needs further research.
Yuki's notes
~March 10, Year 15 of the Sixth Age
This pain is becoming unbearable. Master Tsuyoshi once described what having a corrupted soul felt like, but I could never have imagined it would be this extreme... I wish he was still with us. He and Ryo.

It gets worse every day. "Pain" doesn’t even come close: it’s in my soul. I feel it every minute, every second... I hear her voice in my head telling me to give up. Imploring me. There’s no way I can sleep. Passing some of it to Kibo barely alleviated my pain, and now he has part of her within him. We have to keep him confined.

I contacted Hikaru and Sora. They will help me pass another part to another adept. It’s risky, but I can’t hold on anymore. If only I were stronger.
Hyo's notes
~March 15, Year 15 of the Sixth Age
Finally. One of our new spies, established in the thick of the Kaiho nation, met with success. He managed to read a private letter between two senior Kaiho captains. The technique those accursed Kaiho generals used to seal Yamiko has side effects. Their remaining captains, Sora, Hikaru and Yuki, are weakened by it. Each of the three remaining Kaiho leaders are bound by some sort of affliction. One of them in particular – Yuki – can barely stand it. They say he has become weaker and weaker ever since they captured the Empress. He has to be our target.

Sources confirm that they don't have a solution and haven't yet found a way to even reach Yamiko. She isn't dead but she isn't quite alive.

This could be our moment to attack. Perhaps we can find out how they are holding the Empress captive. We need to get her back. I won’t let this chance slip away.

Nisshoku's return may be but a matter of time. Shadow prevails.

~April 3, Year 15 of the Sixth Age
I have felt this pain since that day. The day they crushed us.

Five years of dishonour. Outcasts in our own land.

Five years of burning pain. Branded by the hand of Kaiho... This damned wound. Five years of feeling my life drain away inch by inch.

Five years without Yamiko. She waits, trapped, just beyond our fingers' stretch.

This has to end.

Hikaru and Sora five years later,
Nightfall, 1
Hyo meet Shinobu after her recon-mission
SHINOBU: Commander.
HYO: Shinobu. Safe journey?
SHINOBU: Nothing untoward.
HYO: Did your reconnoitre bear any fruit?
SHINOBU: A Kaiho squadron is nearby. Its men looking for us. We'd best relocate before they find this place.
HYO: And miss another chance to gather information? Let's see what we can learn from them.
SHINOBU: Very well. Has the wound worsened, sensei? Hyo, the infection is accelerating.
HYO: I can manage for now. We have other priorities. This squadron may carry clues about Yamiko's condition. Five years of waiting is enough, Shinobu. We need her back. We cannot waste this opportunity.
SHINOBU: Very well, sir
HYO: Good
SHINOBU: Kaiho like hounds with a scent
HYO: Kaiho have numbers, if not skill against us
SHINOBU:We'd sweep the floor with them if we had but half the old force...
HYO: We have only ourselves to rely on

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: Damn this neverending winter:
KAIHO #2: Let us hope there is truth to the rumors. I could do with slaying a Nisshoku captain
KAIHO #1: That devil Hyo has certainly caused enough trouble for us
KAIHO #2: True as the Sun

Hyo & Shinobu near Kaiho camp
SHINOBU: Yonder is the village. Patrols will become more dense.
HYO: If a platoon bedded down here, we must find all the information we can. We know little of Kaiho's machinations. Comb for intel then rendezvous just beyond the village
SHINOBU: Understood

they have obtained Kaiho intel
HYO: Who is this "Soul Alchemist'? A Kaiho lieutenant?
SHINOBU: I read about him during my studies. The Alchemist was one of the Five Sages. He helped develop the Forbidden Technique. He's a master of Life essence. I thought he disappeared years ago, but... wait... Hyo, you have to see this.
HYO: Tell me
SHINOBU: It says he left the city to find something. Something that could... finish Yamiko once and for all.
HYO: What?
SHINOBU: He left for Genten... What does he want from Yamiko's home town? It is days' travel from Kyuryu
HYO: If anyone knows how to release Yamiko, it will be him. This could be our chance. We're going to Genten.
SHINOBU:We can't rush into this
HYO: You know the pressure we're under here. This could be our last chance
SHINOBU:And what's that chance worth when it gets us killed?
HYO: There's no choice, Shinobu. End of discussion. Let's go
Nightfall, 2

Hyo and Shinobu have infiltrated Kaiho camp and found elevator up
HYO: Our priority is to locate this... "Alchemist". Find out what he is looking for. That elevator is the way.
SHINOBU: Are you certain? They might see us.
HYO: They won't. Perhaps this place holds the key to Yamiko's freedom. Perhaps that is why the Alchemist is here.
SHINOBU: I know you don't want to hear it, Hyo, but we should call for support. Or at least take another day to scout. Formulate a plan.
HYO: We've been over this. She might be dead in that time.
SHINOBU: She might be dead now.
HYO: Enough.

they came across the old house
SHINOBU: Quite a house.
HYO:This was where she lived as a child.
SHINOBU:This was... Yamiko's home?
HYO:How many years has it been since I last walked these chambers. Twenty five? Thirty?
SHINOBU:'Tis a grand place. This is where Saigosen killed Master Inari?
HYO:Indeed. And it appears that those of the Light have desecrated it once again.

Hyo checks footprints and then have a spasm
HYO:These are recent. What were they—
SHINOBU:Sensei! Keep still. My training isn't advanced enough to manage this, Hyo. The wound worsens every time.
HYO: They Alchemist must have been looking for something here. We must find him.

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: According to the reports, five Nisshoku survivors remain. Give or take.
KAIHO #2: And one of them is Hyo. He's like a cockroach, scuttling away from beneath your heel. We have enough to handle with the damned Shadow Empress.
KAIHO #1: I'd wager they've been dealt with already. We dispatched an expedition to their last known hiding place but a week ago.
KAIHO #2: Oh. That's good news. Now imagine that cretin's face when our brothers catch him

Hyo and Shinobu found The Soul Alchemist. he is talking with Hikaru
SHINOBU: That must be him. The Alchemist. Let's watch.
HIKARU: Futashita.
ALCHEMIST: Ah, Master Hikaru. I have something for you. Exploring her childhood home proved very fruitful. I have now honed techniques to identify those objects most valuable to the Empress.
HIKARU: I don't have time for your games, Alchemist. What good are these trinkets?
ALCHEMIST: These trinkets are resonant with Yamiko. They are rooted in her formative experiences. Entrapping Yamiko in a person is difficult; entrapping her in an object is impossible. Unless... the object is something she herself imbued with Life essence. We all do this, unintentionally, to the things we cherish. With these "trinkets" we can collect her more easily. Fragment her more safely.
HIKARU: Hm. Good. Can you use these to help Yuki?
ALCHEMIST: I am confident, but cannot be entirely certain until I test them.
HIKARU: Explain
ALCHEMIST: Theory comes first, Master Hikaru. Practice is nothing without theory; action is nothing without preparation
HIKARU: I told you to stop playing games.
ALCHEMIST: The piece of Yamiko's soul that you carry within you... I can test my theory on that before we try to save Yuki. Let me take a small trace of the soul fragment you hold and seal it within one of these objects. Then we will know if I can ensure your partner's recovery. It will take but a moment...
HIKARU: You are straining my patience, foreigner.
ALCHEMIST: Master Hikaru, if we do not test the method, this entire endeavour may have been a waste. Master Yuki is not long for the world in his present state.
HIKARU: If it works, we've wasted time. If it doesn't work, we've wasted time. Yuki and Sora are waiting in Kyuryu this very moment. We shall leave for your quarters in the city with all haste.
ALCHEMIST: Very well

The Soul Alchemist and Hikaru quit the room
HYO: What were they nattering about?
SHINOBU: Do you remember the "soul ague'? The rare and strange ailment the Kaiho captains contracted when they used the Forbidden Technique to entrap Yamiko? Yuki must be the first to have succumbed to the condition. It's only a matter of time before the same fate befalls Hikaru and Sora.
HYO: And this slime has found a way to cure it, using Yamiko's belongings?
The Soul Alchemist proposed an idea to entrap Yamiko's soul in various trinkets - her belongings - something that he was doing while being in The Five Sages. he didn't however explain that no object is enough to store the whole Yamiko's soul - and all that ordeal will not ultimately help them to defeat Yamiko. in fact he doesn't care about their struggle with Yamiko at all...

The Soul Alchemist's true motivation is never truly explained in the game, but one thing is for sure, he wants Yamiko's soul for himself. that's why he is so eager to "test" his idea with Yamiko's soul inside Hikari first, but the general snapped him, feeling dishonesty or some trick (he was right all along)
Nightfall, 3
Hyo and Shinobu have found The Soul Alchemist's lair, that looks like a huge tree
HYO: How dare they allow this monstrosity to grow in our city...
SHINOBU: Whatever it is, it oozes Life essence... How did the Alchemist create this?
HYO: We must find that miserable... Find him, interrogate him. If we can, kill him.
SHINOBU: If we can

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: Then, just hours after Captain Sora handed the place over to him, that tree was just... there.
KAIHO #2: Don't like him one bit. You see what the tree has done to everything? It's all dead...
KAIHO #1: I think... I think it absorbs Life essence for his experiments. Or something like that.
KAIHO #2: Let us hope this old man can kill the Shadow Empress once and for all. Then perhaps we can go back home.
KAIHO #1: May the Sun be listening.

inside the tree they found The Soul Alchemist's notes
The Soul Alchemist's notes
Half a decade ago they managed to execute the Forbidden Technique perfectly. Five years hence, it is but a matter of time before the foreign soul in the captains' bodies destroys them and returns to the original host. Yuki will be the first to break.

Ryo's fragment is nowhere to be found, but I am positive that returning the other three would be enough to liberate the Shadow Empress.

And yet... Perhaps but one fragment is enough. Enough to give the Empress lucidity within the void. She would still be trapped but I am certain she would pose a threat.

If only the Sages hadn't disbanded... We could have achieved anything. Damn Tsuyoshi and his minuscule vision. The Forbidden Technique was but the beginning!
it explains that by returning back to Yamiko even a single part of her soul will be enough for her to pose a threat to other people. in the near time, Hyo kill Yuki and will release a Yumiko's soul from his body and this will be enough for her to summon Aragami a bit later

HYO: It's settled. We must kill Yuki, Hikari and Sora That is how we free Yamiko. Can you locate the agued one — Yuki?
SHINOBU: Yuki is being kept in the infirmary. Very nearby. And well guarded...
HYO: Excellent. Let's find him

Hyo and Shinobu have found the infirmary with Yuki, and saw how The Soul Alchemist successfully transferred part of Yamiko's soul from Yuki's body into the comb, but failed to transfer it into the bells
SORA: Stop he is dying
ALCHEMIST: The comb now carries a tiny part of Yamiko's soul, but there is a problem with the bells. Perhaps their connection to Yamiko isn't as strong as I thought.
SORA: Do something else, then.
ALCHEMIST: Perhaps I can sustain a fragment more comfortably than Yuki... or any of you. However, being so close to Yamiko may make this more difficult than need be. Let us retreat from the city where I will remove the entire fragment from him and sustain it myself. Kyuryu Forest should be an appropriate distance.
SORA: Is that absolutely necessary?
ALCHEMIST: The risks are too great otherwise.
SORA: Very well.
The Soul Alchemist was lying to Sora and Hikari, he deliberately failed the process to make them think that the bells are not appropriate

what he actually wanted to do is to make them to allow him to entrap Yamiko's soul inside himself ("Perhaps *I* can sustain a fragment more comfortably than Yuki"). Generals agreed with that without realizing ill-intentions of The Soul Alchemist

SHINOBU: Doesn't make sense... When he attempted the transfer with the bells... Something wasn't right.
HYO: It failed
SHINOBU: I can't help but wonder... Perhaps he wants Yamiko's soul fragments for himself? He could be luring them somewhere more isolated...
HYO: What could he want with her soul... Yamiko is in danger either way. I think I know where they're going.
SHINOBU: Let's steal the comb. It contains a sliver of Yamiko's soul. It's not enough to bring her back... but perhaps we can use it to make the captains vulnerable. Perhaps then we'll stand a chance.
HYO: Hm... We can't waste any more time. We shall take that comb.
Shinobu, however, managed to see through The Soul Alchemist's sham and understood that his is not playing the generals' fiddle

meanwhile, Shinobu and Hyo successfully retrieved the comb and moved ahead
Nightfall, 4
Hyo and Shinobu followed the group and have found that they started a ritual and protect themself behind the barrier

HYO: They are entrenched. We'd best attack from above. I know a good spot. Once we are in position, you do what you need to with the comb. I will then strike Yuki. And hopefully the others.

(Hyo got another spasm)
SHINOBU: Hyo! This is too much. We're making a mistake.
HYO: They are... they are about to finish their work. We don't even know what the — hng — what the Alchemist will do after harvesting Yamiko's soul fragment... We must... We must attack now.
SHINOBU: Hyo, you are on the brink. You think you stand a chance? You think I stand a chance with you? This was a fool's errand from the beginning. We don't need Yamiko to become great again. Enough sacrifices have been made for her already.
HYO: Don't you say that... Hnng... Don't you dare. Bringing her back is... is the only way.
SHINOBU: The only way for you, maybe, Hyo. Nisshoku died with Yamiko's capture. It's time to forget about this. It's time to reinstate Dakudaga.
HYO: I'm going to finish this, whether you come or not.
SHINOBU: Understood, sir

they proceed to the point of attack
SHINOBU: We cannot take them all at once. It is certain death. But... if we co-ordinate our strikes, perhaps we can kill Yuki. The Alchemist too, if we're lucky.
HYO: ...
SHINOBU: But we draw the line there. We make the attack. We flee. We regroup. Remember what the Alchemist said: releasing but one of Yamiko's soul fragments could unshackle her.
HYO: We've got no time for this, Shinobu.
SHINOBU: Promise me!
HYO: I'm glad you stayed with me, Shinobu.

(Hyo jumps at the enemies, Shinobu removes their light barrier. during a showdown Hyo killed Yuki, while Shinodu killed The Soul Alchemist. Hikari, in retaliation, killed Hyo, and Sora shoot Shinobu with her bow; the latter fell down into the water, but the game didn't explicate shown her demise)

it took at least a month between the ending of Nightfall and the beginning of the game, because in that time the death of Yuki was announced to the Kaiho troops, Sora and Hikari performed new sealing ritual with the trinkets and hide them in various locations and put soldiers to guard them. also Hyo's body was buried and some arrangements were made for more secure guarding of Yamiko

the part of Yamiko's soul that was entrapped in Yuki's body was released and now Hikari and Sora understood that Yamiko will become became more powerful and pose a threat. they decided to copy The Soul Alchemist's ritual and entrap their parts of Yamiko's soul in various trinkets and they were successful (maybe with the help of other characters)

they entrapped Yamiko's souls in the following items:
  • Yamiko's bells (father's gift)
  • Yamiko's doll (it helped her to survive in a wilderness)
  • Yamiko's bone-like sword (that she used during her feral years)
  • Yamiko's Dakudaga amulet (Ryo's gift)
  • Yamiko's dark dagger (a sign of initiation in Dakudaga guild)
  • Yamiko's team insignia (an amulet with her, Orochi, and Ryuta symbols)

Yuki's part of soul entered back to Yamiko. it took a while for Yamiko to consider what shall she do next. after learning that Ryo's soul with her soul inside is still roaming the world, Yamiko decided to create a blank shadow-like body and put Ryo's soul inside it, as Aragami

while creating Aragami she unintentionally created a hodgepodge of Inari, Hyo, Ryo, Ryuta and Orochi. it happened because her and Ryo's souls were connected for so long, she unavoidably filled his body with the her memories and feelings
  • Aragami's shadow kills have the forms of either snake or dragon (both of which are Orochi and Ryuta's clan animals),
  • he uses Orochi sword,
  • has Ryuta's outfit,
  • has Ryo's memories and sense of justice/vengeance
  • and has Inari/Hyo's deep caring of Yamiko
in short, Aragami is a product of Yamiko's troubled feelings and memories of her dear friends and family. she created a person that shares traits of father-figure (Inari/Hyo), has skills of her team (Orochi/Ryo), has its own mind and memory (Ryo) and deeply connected with Yamiko herself because of their soul bond

it all happened unknowingly to her and she was as amazed and surprised as Aragami/Ryo himself (especially when he used Ryuta's dragon skill in a their final showdown)

overly, her goal was simple - to collect all trinkets with her soul, find Kibo, kill both generals (Sora and Hikari), and kill Ryo at the end (all they have parts of their soul). the comb with her soul (that The Soul Alchemist made) is never mentioned in the game, probably because it was far away and they didn't have enough time to collect it

Aragami, 1-2
Yamiko summons Aragami
YAMIKO: Aragami, Come here...It worked! The ritual worked! A real Aragami... I really did it! My name is Yamiko. I’m the one who invoked you. What is your name? How do you feel?
YAMIKO: I guess an Aragami really is a blank slate...
ARAGAMI: Aragami?
YAMIKO: Sorry, am I going too fast? You are an Aragami, a vengeful spirit summoned through an ancient ritual. I wasn’t sure it would work...
ARAGAMI: ...Vengeful?
YAMIKO: Yes. A clan called Kaiho, they... they killed my people. They took our land. They have destroyed everything. We lost the war and they razed it all.
ARAGAMI: Kaiho...
YAMIKO: I’m one of the few who survived their attacks. They imprisoned me far away in the city’s temple. What you’re looking at now is just a projection. I don’t know how long they’ll keep me for, or if they’ll let me live... You are my only hope, Aragami.
oddly Yamiko doesn't lie or manipulate Aragami here - it is exactly how she feels - "Kaiho killed my people, took our land and destroyed everything". from her point of view that is exactly what happened

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: Town is miles away... Why as us to guard a damned village of ghosts? Do you even know why we're here?
KAIHO #2: ....Captain Yuki's murder. That's what started this mess. Come on, you know this. He was ambushed in the forest. Remember? Killed by an enemy assassin. It could have happened here —l it could happen right now, right where you're standing.
ARAGAMI: What was that about?
YAMIKO: I don't know

Aragami has a memory flashback
ARAGAMI: This again... Yamiko? I saw something. A vision.
YAMIKO: I... I saw it too. The ritual must have created some kind of connection between us.
ARAGAMI: And I had another when I woke up. Just before I met you. What does it mean?
YAMIKO: Who knows. There aren’t many writings about the ritual I used to invoke you. Hopefully we’ll find out soon. Let’s get moving. Can’t have you evaporating at dawn.
ARAGAMI: Okay — wait, what?
YAMIKO: Oh! Didn’t I tell you? Your body is made of shadows. If a ray of sunlight touches it...
ARAGAMI: At this point I’m just glad you told me at all.
YAMIKO: See that temple? That’s where we’re headed.
YAMIKO: I heard they’re keeping an animal there that may be able to help us.
ARAGAMI: An animal?
YAMIKO: Yes. Apparently it has something to do with magic they used to entrap me. You have to find it, Aragami. By the way, is it okay if I call you Aragami?
ARAGAMI: ...I suppose.
Yamiko truly stunned and amazed by realization that Aragami has the flashbacks, she can see them and later Aragami can see her memory and feelings. it all happened because of their soul-bond

Yamiko feels that the part of her soul is entrapped in a raven (Kibo), and since he is nearby she decided to grab him first

KAIHO #1: Guard a talisman, guard a bird, guard this door, guard that door... Guard, guard, guard. When will we see some action?
KAIHO #2: Those are Captain Hikaru’s orders. I don’t like it any more than you do.
KAIHO #1: I don’t get why he’s worrying so much about a caged bird, that’s all. Tempted to go have a look.
KAIHO #2: Just... don’t. The captain will come the second you leave your post. You know it. You don’t want to see him angry.
KAIHO #1: Have you ever see him angry?
KAIHO #2: I was there when that snake Hyo gathered his men and ambushed Captain Yuki right when he was most vulnerable. When Captain Hikaru saw Captain Yuki dead... You’d understand if you saw that.
KAIHO #1: …
KAIHO #2: But more importantly, it was me who trapped that damn bird. Don’t touch it!
KAIHO #1: Okay, okay, I’ll drop it, I’ll drop it.
no, the Kaiho soldier didn't trap that bird (Kibo) it is just a bravado. Hikari and Sora knew that Kibo has a part of Yamiko's soul inside him (due to The Soul Alchemist ritual) and they have commanded to guard the bird

ARAGAMI: Yamiko. Why did they keep this raven locked up?
YAMIKO: Maybe they didn’t want it falling into the wrong hands... like ours.
ARAGAMI: Why didn’t they just...
YAMIKO: Kill it? Who knows. But it’s a relief they didn’t.
ARAGAMI: Indeed…
they didn't kill it because the otherwise the soul will return back to Yamiko. because Kibo has a part of Tsuyoshi soul inside him - his lifespan and vitality is increased. it allows to store Yamiko's soul inside him for some time, but they still need to find a better vessel

Aragami has another flashback
ARAGAMI: These visions... What do they mean?
YAMIKO: I don’t know.
ARAGAMI: It felt like I was there... I think I was using... Is it Light essence?
YAMIKO: If you already use Shadow essence, you can’t be a Light adept too. And you were born this evening, remember?
ARAGAMI: But if I’m not seeing memories... Then what am I seeing? Whose visions are these?
YAMIKO: I’m sorry. I don’t know... Maybe we can figure it out on the way to the city.
ARAGAMI: Right. And how can the raven help us?
YAMIKO: He has been keeping an eye on Kaiho’s activities. He should be able to lead us to the talismans.
ARAGAMI: Talismans?
YAMIKO: The magic seal that the Kaiho used to imprison me takes its power from six talismans. We need them all to break it.
ARAGAMI: So we have to get all of them before rescuing you?
YAMIKO: Yes. And thanks to this raven, it won’t take all night to find them. Hopefully.
Yamiko was trying to confuse Aragami by not telling him a truth, but she wasn't entire correct - the user of Shadow essence cannot use Light essence, because of how different they are - but Aragami proved her wrong in the end
Aragami, 3-4
they follow ahead
YAMIKO: Hey, listen! Aragami! We’re reaching the cemetery’s entrance. Or the exit, as the case may be... Kurosu says the first talisman is here. There are five left after this.
ARAGAMI: Kurosu?
YAMIKO: The raven. I’ve decided to call him ‘Kurosu’. Suits him, right?
ARAGAMI: ...It doesn't feel right...
YAMIKO: What was that?
ARAGAMI: Nothing...

a patrol chatter
YAMIKO: I’ve always liked foxes. My mother used to sing a song about them when I was a child.
KAIHO #1: I wonder what all these fox statues mean.
KAIHO #2: Isn’t the fox the symbol of Kyuryu’s royal family?
KAIHO #1: Maybe you’re right. That means this is the royal crypt... We could be standing on the graves of Nisshoku’s leaders, the ones responsible for the deaths of thousands!
KAIHO #2: Probably. What are you thinking?
KAIHO #1: I’m thinking I better pick a grave to take a dump on. Ha!
YAMIKO: How dare they...

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: How long has it been since we got here?
KAIHO #2: I don’t even want to know. Feels like decades. I bet my family don’t even remember what I look like.
KAIHO #1: If you have people waiting back home... Why didn’t you go back after the war?
KAIHO #2: When the Nisshoku empire wiped the Light brotherhoods off the map, we came back stronger. But can’t you see this peace is tenuous? One slip and the conflict could begin again. We can’t let that happen.
KAIHO #1: If only we all had your determination...

they found the first trinket and witnessed Yamiko's memories
YAMIKO: So this is where they put it...
ARAGAMI: This again... It felt different this time.
YAMIKO: Definitely different... That was my childhood.
ARAGAMI: Your childhood?
YAMIKO: I didn’t expect this. It must be another side effect of the ritual.
ARAGAMI: So that girl... it was you?
YAMIKO: Yes... Those bells were my father’s. You just watched him and my mother being murdered by Light adepts.
ARAGAMI: Light adepts? From the Kaiho army?
YAMIKO: No... This was before Kaiho. For eons these lands have been assaulted by Light brotherhoods. Taiharo, Saigosen, Kaiho... one after another. We always managed to hold them back... until the day Kaiho came. In the end they’re all the same. Merciless murderers. Callous killers of young and old alike.
ARAGAMI: ...Yamiko?
YAMIKO: Ah... I’m sorry. This shrine was built to honor my mother and father, whose bodies were never found. Those men, those killers, didn’t leave a shred of them behind. Nothing but these bells.
ARAGAMI: That memory... I felt the fear... the pain... I’m sorry for your loss, Yamiko.
YAMIKO: Thank you, Aragami... We have to press on. Try wearing the bells like a bangle. You might find them useful.
ARAGAMI: Right. But I’ll give them back when I find you.
YAMIKO: Thank you!
YAMIKO: Kurosu says they keep the next talisman in a cave deep in the forest... Be careful. I’ve heard many ghost stories about these woods.
Yamiko was surprised when Aragami was able to see her memories, she didn't expect this at all. also, worth mentioning that Aragami during this scenes acts like a father-figure to Yamiko, cherish and cares about her

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: Have you ever seen that thing... uh... the talisman?
KAIHO #2: No. Don’t much care to.
KAIHO #1: How come?
KAIHO #2: I heard the general and captains used some rare magic to create them. The same magic that’s affecting their health, even now... Gives me chills just thinking about it.
KAIHO #1: Aren’t you even a little curious, though?
KAIHO #2: You heard what happened to Captain Yuki, right? He was killed because the magic made him vulnerable. Nobody wants to be near those things.
KAIHO #1: Wow... I still wonder what it looks like, though.

they found the second trinket and witnessed Yamiko's memories
YAMIKO: That... That’s my precious doll. The only memento I have of my mother. She made it for me. It’s an effigy of an ancient heroine from her clan, the Shirokitsu. It inspired me to keep going, no matter what. Even through all the years I spent in this place.
ARAGAMI: You... lived here?
YAMIKO: Unfortunately. After the attack I was too afraid to go back to town. They might have been waiting for me. I had nowhere else to go... I thought I’d never trust anyone ever again. ...Handle the doll with care, will you?
ARAGAMI: I will. Yamiko...
ARAGAMI: These talismans... Why are they being guarded so carefully? You said Kaiho used them to imprison you – I’ve seen tens of guards so far and we have just two talismans. Why are they throwing men at this?
YAMIKO: You see... I was very close to the Empress. I was with her when the Kaiho attacked. She’s strong – many considered her a goddess because of her immense power.
ARAGAMI: A goddess...
YAMIKO: Yes. Remember when I said there are others imprisoned here with me? The Empress herself is one of them. Kaiho underestimated her when they attacked. Their leaders had to use this filthy talisman magic to seal the temple... And now they’re guarding the whole place, afraid someone might release her. Even though they couldn’t destroy the Empress back then, they’ve been looking for ways to do so ever since they captured her. This is just one of the reasons we need to hurry.
ARAGAMI: You’re right. We’ve wasted enough time already.

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: Do you know how these orbs work?
KAIHO #2: I heard something about it once... Captain Yuki was the one that created them.
KAIHO #1: Really? How do they create Light essence like that?
KAIHO #2: Create? The orbs don’t create it. They’re made of a rare mineral that absorbs Light essence during the day. During the night that essence produces the glow you see.
KAIHO #1: A mineral? I thought they were just... magic crystal balls or something.
KAIHO #2: This is basic stuff, man. It’s the same mineral our weapons are made of. Even those with barely any Light experience can command it with ease.
KAIHO #1: I see... Wait, what? My sword?
KAIHO #2: Please swap my shift, Captain Hikaru...
they were talking about Hikalcum - and yes it was indeed Yuki's idea to use them

YAMIKO: Aragami, news from Kurosu. We’re almost at Sanzen Kozui Lake where the next talisman is. They say that long ago, this lands’ farmers came here to pray to the gods for rain... Kaiho certainly love desecrating sacred places.
ARAGAMI: Where was Kurosu? I didn’t see him.
YAMIKO: In this form I have a telepathic bond with him. Don’t you wonder how my apparition speaks to you without any lungs?
ARAGAMI: ...Point taken.
Yamiko is able to have a telepathic bond with Kurosu (Kibo) because he bears a part of her soul inside him. for the same reason she can talk with Aragami
Aragami, 5-6
YAMIKO: They placed it on the lake’s torii... A good spot, I’ll give them that. We’ll need to take a little detour. Let’s go.
ARAGAMI: Wait a second, Yamiko.
ARAGAMI: I’ve been thinking... What will happen after I rescue you?
YAMIKO: When you free me, the Empress will be free too. She’ll destroy their general in no time, you can count on that. These barbarians aren’t very smart. They need someone to tell them what to do all the time. Without the Kaiho general, the tides will turn for our people at last.
ARAGAMI: No, I meant... what will happen to me?
ARAGAMI: You summoned me to rescue you and your people, but what happens once I finish the task? Will I just... vanish?
YAMIKO: To be honest... I never thought about it. The ancient texts I have read didn’t mention your fate, except that the touch of sunlight releases an aragami from the corporeal realm. Don’t worry, the legends didn’t say anything bad will happen. I’ll figure something out. I did invoke you after all, right?
ARAGAMI: Right. Sorry.
YAMIKO: It will be okay, I promise. I need you focused, Aragami. The fate of my people depends on it.

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: You know this is the farthest they could possibly station us from the city?
KAIHO #1: I know. It’s great, right?
KAIHO #1: Great? I’ve never been this bored in my life. I joined Kaiho for action. To fight evil. Make some heads literally roll. What’s the point of walking in circles all day and all night?
KAIHO #1: Chopping off heads isn’t Kaiho’s main objective, you know? Whatever you say, this is the best place to guard. No one will come here. Ever.
KAIHO #1: Ugh.

they found the third trinket and witnessed Yamiko's memories
ARAGAMI: What did I just see?
YAMIKO: How embarrassing...
ARAGAMI: That was you hunting, right?
YAMIKO: I was in this forest for years. I didn’t think I could return to society. I lived hand to mouth, hunting and rooting about for shelter... Nature is cruel, you know? Those years changed me for good.
ARAGAMI: You’re tougher than you look.
YAMIKO: What did you expect? A helpless princess in a castle? Well... I guess I am pretty helpless now... but just wait till you see me out of this damned prison!
ARAGAMI: If you say so. By the way, isn’t it strange that all the talismans are... well, yours?
YAMIKO: It is. And I can assure you that I don’t like it one bit. Especially those Kaiho brutes touching my things...
YAMIKO: I’ll try not to think about it. According to Kurosu there’s only one more talisman to gather before we need to make for the city. I wonder where they put it...

they proceed to the mausoleum
ARAGAMI: What’s that place?
YAMIKO: What the... I don’t know what it is, but my people didn’t build it, that’s for sure.
ARAGAMI: Then who did? The Kaiho?
YAMIKO: Most likely. Building an ugly thing like that in front of my city... What were they thinking?
ARAGAMI: But it’s huge... If this wasn’t here before the war, how long have you been in captivity for?
YAMIKO: I wish I could say... The dirty magic they used has kept us all asleep for... a long time, I suppose.
ARAGAMI: Well... Hopefully we’ll find out sooner rather than later.
Yamiko was actually surprised to see a mausoleum here. she has been in captivity for five years

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: So. You helped build it? The mausoleum?
KAIHO #2: Yep. A whole bunch of us worked on it a couple of years back. Wanted to pay our respects to the guys we lost in the war. We barely laid a brick compared to those Earth adepts, though. Those guys knew how to build. I remember looking at the Kaiho army back then. It was an impressive sight. All the adepts of different elements, different guilds all coming together. We were there when history was made, my friend. Let’s drink to that later.

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: Have you ever seen the Pillar of Light?
KAIHO #2: Of course. Every year I save up some leave and go see it with family. Not something you forget in a hurry. Like those that fell in the war... How does it work, anyway? That huge ray of Light... A mechanism in the central tower, I think. Apparently it takes weeks to charge it.
KAIHO #1: Wow... Must be dangerous in there while it’s active...
KAIHO #2: Indeed. That’s why the general decided to put... “it” inside there.
KAIHO #1: Right.

they found the fourth trinket and witnessed Yamiko's memories
YAMIKO: This... This is when I met Hyo for the first time. I lost my doll in the forest, and he found it. I tried to confront him, but he... He was one of Dakudaga’s leaders. Just like my father. My life changed again that day. I joined Dakudaga and Hyo became like a second father to me.
YAMIKO: What was that?
ARAGAMI: Nevermind. He... He looked strong.
YAMIKO: Oh, he was. Hyo faced the Kaiho invasion on the front lines. I heard he survived the war, but that he later faced two Kaiho captains at once... I don’t know if he made it.
she heard it from random patrol chatter - she obviously doesn't know anything about his fate

Aragami sees a huge stone tablet with text written on it explaining the events of the war between Nisshoku and Kaiho
YAMIKO: Aragami, what are you...
ARAGAMI: This is...

(he has intense flashback)
ARAGAMI: Argh... My head...
YAMIKO: What is it?
ARAGAMI: The war, Nisshoku and Kaiho, the way it all ended...
YAMIKO: Aragami... What are you talking about?
ARAGAMI: There must be a reason for all this. The visions are revealing something important about the war. But I can’t understand what...
YAMIKO: The war?
ARAGAMI: Yes, the... the war, that’s what I said, right? Those memories were about the war. About these lands! They must be from someone else’s past. Just like I see your memories, but these belong to... Who could...
YAMIKO: I can make a guess.
ARAGAMI: You can?
YAMIKO: Kaiho’s general. The leader of the Kaiho army.
ARAGAMI: Kaiho’s general...
YAMIKO: I saw Hyo in that vision. He was on the front line. Just like I told you. It makes sense... You’re an aragami, after all.
ARAGAMI: Yamiko?
YAMIKO: You’re a being of revenge, Aragami. The moment I performed the summoning ritual, I prayed for someone who would seek vengeance for my people. Your spirit heard my call, so you were bound to me... but you were also bound to someone else. Kaiho’s general was the man who brought desolation upon us during the war. He ruined me, ruined my people. He is the target of my revenge... Our revenge.
ARAGAMI: The target... So the memories are his? I am bound to him, too? Does this mean... my purpose isn’t to save you... but to kill him?
YAMIKO: ...I believe so.

ironically she didn't lie a bit here - he told Aragami the truth, he sees the memory of some Kaihi general (Ryo's) and he is bound to kill him (himself) at the end to release Yamiko (because he still has the part of her soul inside)
Aragami, 7-8
they follow ahead and sees Hikari and soldiers around him
YAMIKO: ...Are you all right?
ARAGAMI: That vision... The Kaiho general’s memory... it’s still echoing in my head.
YAMIKO: We’re lucky we found that mural. It’s a shame Kaiho were on our tail. Kurosu. What is it? Aragami! Over there!
KAIHO: Captain Hikaru, sir! The talisman in the Mausoleum of the Fallen has been taken, sir! Awaiting orders.
KAIHO: ...Sir?
HIKARU: Stay here. That’s not the first talisman they have taken, and the only ones left are within the city walls. The intruder will be headed there.
KAIHO: But...
HIKARU: I thought we took care of all the stragglers... but at least one remains. And they know what they’re doing. She is getting stronger. I can feel it. Hold your ground. Stay alert. The enemy could be here soon. They’re making for the city.
KAIHO: Y-Yes, sir!!
HIKARU: I’ll return to my station within the walls. There’s no time to lose. Go!
YAMIKO: That was Hikaru. Kaiho’s last living captain... Not too impressive, huh?
ARAGAMI: He’s in the general’s memories... He might have some information we can use.
YAMIKO: What are you thinking, Aragami?
ARAGAMI: Nothing. Let’s go.

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: Can you believe it? This is where it all started...
KAIHO #2: Doesn’t exactly fill you with confidence. No wonder Captain Yuki was ambushed here. It’s as foggy as etched glass.
KAIHO #3: Soldiers! Keep your eyes open! The intruder must not enter the city!
KAIHO #2: ...Even with my eyes peeled like potatoes I can hardly see my own nose...
KAIHO #3: Soldiers! The Mausoleum of the Fallen is not far from here. The enemy is approaching. Don’t let your guard down!

they have found a Hyo's grave
ARAGAMI: What’s this?
YAMIKO: Could it be...?
ARAGAMI: Another memory from the general... Was he escaping? Seems like this was a long time ago. That man with the patch over one eye... And that sword...
YAMIKO: There’s no doubt... So it’s true. Hyo is... dead. I knew it... in the bottom of my heart, I knew... but I refused to believe... Again and again, the forces of Light take away those I care about. Mother... Father... Hyo... They will pay. Who do they think they are, tearing the ground out from beneath me? In my own home!
ARAGAMI: Yamiko...
YAMIKO: S-sorry... I lost my temper...
ARAGAMI: Hyo will be avenged. All of them will be.
YAMIKO: ...What?
ARAGAMI: I’m a vengeful spirit, after all.
YAMIKO: Aragami...

they entered Kyuryu city
YAMIKO: Kyuryu, at last! Feels like decades since I was last here.
ARAGAMI: How far until the next talisman?
YAMIKO: This is the outer wall... Kurosu says the next one is near the inner walls. We’ve some way to go yet.

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: Have you seen Captain Hikaru lately? He’s always been intimidating, but lately... I don’t know. He’s even worse.
KAIHO #2: Yeah, I heard the rumors. Someone said that the magic Hikaru and the others used to imprison the Shadow Empress is taking its toll. Just like it did with Captain Yuki.
KAIHO #1: It was different with Captain Yuki, though. He became weak. Captain Hikaru has just become... intense. Sinister. Not entirely himself. He used to have a sense of justice, of honor. But now... I just pity whoever crosses his path

they inside Kyuryu city
YAMIKO: We’re getting closer to the inner walls. Are you aware what is beyond them, Aragami? Hikaru. He’s waiting for us. Kurosu has seen him as well.
ARAGAMI: He’ll pay for his part in Hyo’s death. In all of it.
YAMIKO: Aragami... If we make it through tonight... I’ll make sure the Empress compensates you for everything you have done.
she is lying, she is going to kill him after all that ordeal

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: They say that someone took all the talismans outside the walls... Who could do that so quickly?
KAIHO #2: It doesn’t matter how fast they are. They’ll find Captain Hikaru waiting for them through those doors. No intruder will reach the inner walls. Ever.
KAIHO #1: ...Will he be OK?
KAIHO #2: Hikaru? He used to dispatch four Nisshoku scum with one blow. He even faced the Shadow Empress and lived to tell the tale. Worry about yourself, not him.

they found Tsuyoshi's grave
YAMIKO: Is that a gravestone? What happened here?
ARAGAMI: “Essence flows from the soul. Soulless beings will never generate or command it.”
YAMIKO: Aragami... Are you all right? Did the vision do something to you?
ARAGAMI: That was Master Tsuyoshi, the one who taught Kaiho’s leaders the technique which let them capture you and your empress. Those words are his.
YAMIKO: How do you...?
ARAGAMI: I just know. Like in the Mausoleum. It must be the general’s memories. Even though Tsuyoshi was an enemy of Nisshoku, his wisdom was real. He taught Kaiho’s leaders a lot about essence, and... those words... Do you think I have a soul? Do you remember anything in your ancient scrolls about aragami’s souls?
YAMIKO: I... don’t think so. Does it matter?
ARAGAMI: Of course it matters. Don’t you understand? My Shadow essence... It isn’t part of the ritual which summoned me. It flows from a soul. If I had no soul, I’d have no essence. But whose soul? Where did it come from? I’m not human. Souls don’t just appear out of thin air... What if I’m... somebody... reincarnated. I use Shadow essence and the sword as if they’re second nature to me. Is that because I’m an aragami, or because part of my being is someone’s soul – someone who could wield the sword, could control Shadow essence, before they died? What if-
YAMIKO: Aragami, slow down for a second. Please. What are you saying?
ARAGAMI: I’m sorry... Having someone else’s memories jostling in my head... I just want to know who I am. I feel like I’m missing something.
YAMIKO: It’s fine... I understand. You must think I’m a terrible summoner. I invoked you but I can’t even answer a simple question about aragami. You know, maybe you’re right! Perhaps aragami are reincarnations of dead warriors. Maybe you were part of Nisshoku’s forces in a past life, and that’s why you can use Shadow essence! Don’t worry. We’ll find out what your real nature is. I’m sure of it. But for now you need to keep your head. I can’t have you fall at Hikaru’s feet. The time has come. This is the only path. I don’t know what Hikaru has in store for you, but I’ll help you as much as I can... Be careful.
ARAGAMI: Don’t worry, Yamiko. I’ll deal with him.
Aragami deduced that he should have a soul inside him, but he Yamiko's confused him into thinking that this soul is by someone from Nisshoku army. actually he has Ryo's soul from Kaiho army. later it will lead to Aragami's believing that he is a reincarnation of Ryuta, which is part-true, because Aragami is a mix of everyone who Yamiko loved, infused with Ryo's soul
Aragami, 9-10
they meet Hikaru. Aragami fights him and wins

HIKARU: What is this...? You’re not just Nisshoku... It’s... It’s her... no doubt about it. The voices... the pain... my chest... Shadow Empress! What was it – “Yamiko”? Show yourself, you beast! What kind of trick is this?
ARAGAMI: I’ve come for vengeance. To avenge the pain inflicted on this land by Kaiho. Once the morning comes, this land and these people will be free once more.
YAMIKO: ...Aragami. He can’t hear you...
HIKARU: Free? Hah. Do you even know what you’re setting free? You will unleash another war. Nisshoku’s darkness will spread again... Thousands of innocents will perish. All because of you!
ARAGAMI: Just like that you have done here.
HIKARU: You... You know nothing. Nothing!
ARAGAMI: Why should I trust you? I’ll give you one chance at redemption. If your general surrenders tonight-
HIKARU: Ha! “Redemption”. I don’t need you to trust me. Nor do I need your compassion. I won’t die by your heinous blade. I won’t let you undo all that we have paid for with our sacrifices. Sacrifices Kaiho’s people made to end the war. Sacrifices I made...
YAMIKO: Aragami, run!

Hikaru detonates his body with a huge light blast
Yamiko was afraid that Aragami may learn his true identity from Hikaru or learn some other details she tried to hide - that is why she said that Hikaru cannot hear him. alternatively she actually believed that true shadow-creatures cannot be heard by a human beings, but because Aragami is not a simple case - it didn't work towards him

YAMIKO: Aragami! You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you? How did you survive that?
ARAGAMI: I’m not sure. I didn’t mean to do it. It just... happened.
YAMIKO: ...“Just happened”? Anyway – you did it! Hikaru is gone! The last Kaiho captain... You did it!
ARAGAMI: He didn’t seem to be on form... And did he call you the Shadow Empress? Yamiko... What did he mean?
YAMIKO: Uh... The fact is... I... was going to tell you when we finished. ...I am the Shadow Empress. I know, I should have told you when I summoned you... But I was worried. I said she was here, it wasn’t a complete lie-
ARAGAMI: It was! They call you a goddess!
YAMIKO: No, I’m not a goddess, not like that. I’m just... more powerful than the average...
ARAGAMI: Why didn’t you tell me?
YAMIKO: If you were considered a god, respected by all, how would you feel if you were trapped like a mouse, and the only thing you could do was summon the help of some random, fragile spirit? No offense.
ARAGAMI: ...You felt ashamed? We don’t have time for this, Yamiko. Lies won’t help us. Understand?
YAMIKO: Yes... yes... From now on, I promise, no more lies. I promise.
Aragami survived that light blast because he controls light essence and was/is a Kaiho warrior

they head to the next district
YAMIKO: Finally! This is the military district. The path to the temple begins here. According to Kurosu they put the talisman in the castle, so that’s where we’re going!

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: Did you hear something, by the way? Just a few minutes ago. Like there was an explosion out past the inner wall... I swear I saw a flash as well.
KAIHO #2: It’s muggy today – maybe it was thunder? Could be a storm coming in...
KAIHO #1: Thunder? That close? No way, you’d have heard it too. I hope something isn’t happening. It could be the intruders...
KAIHO #2: No chance. There’s no way some random intruder could waltz past the inner walls and take down Captain Hikaru.

they found the fifth trinket and witnessed Yamiko's memories
YAMIKO: Ah... That takes me back... That was when Hyo gave each of us our dark dagger: a weapon only presented to members of the guild ready to undertake the most dangerous, demanding missions. I was so proud that day...
ARAGAMI: Those boys at your side... Who are they?
YAMIKO: ...Orochi and Ryuta. I was partnered with them. We formed one of the best teams Dakudaga had ever had.
ARAGAMI: I see... You really were something else, weren’t you? Which one was on the right?
YAMIKO: Ryuta. Why do you ask?
ARAGAMI: (That armor...)
YAMIKO: Anyway, only one talisman left. I can almost smell freedom! Kurosu found a hidden path to the temple. It should save us some time. Dawn is near. Let’s hurry. We don’t want you turning into aragami soup.
ARAGAMI: Very funny. I expected a goddess to have some manners.
Aragami mistakenly considered himself to be a reincarnation of Ryuta (because of outfit)

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: Look at all these statues of the Shadow Empress... I’ve never trusted sects. Any of them. Nothing but a bunch of fanatics doing what they want in the name of a god. Nisshoku was no different.
KAIHO #2: Fanatics? Didn’t your mother teach you not to label people? As if guilds don’t do what they want as well.
KAIHO #1: Don’t you tell me-
KAIHO #2: Yes, I was in a sect before I joined Kaiho. Got a problem with that? For your information, we never met a single guild of good men.
KAIHO #1: Hey, I didn’t mean any offense-
KAIHO #2: Then think before you open your mouth.
KAIHO #1: I always thought he was a bit weird...
Aragami, 11-12
they follow to the temple
YAMIKO: Good, the shortcut worked. Almost there... Almost time for these Kaiho idiots to kiss this world goodbye...
YAMIKO: See that tower, Aragami? Kurosu says the last talisman’s there at the very top. The last one already... Can you believe it?

a patrol chatter
KAIHO #1: At this rate my heart’s going to fall out of my mouth...
KAIHO #2: You all right?
KAIHO #1: We’re so close to the temple. To the Shadow Empress. I can understand why no one wants this patrol.
KAIHO #2: Any patrol is a short straw.
KAIHO #1: This isn’t a joke! What will we do if she breaks free? Didn’t you hear about the intruder? He’s here to get her. And we can’t stop him!
KAIHO #2: Don’t lose your head just yet. The general is watching over the temple, remember? Any intruder’s guts will be decorations the second he sets foot around here.

they found the last trinket and witnessed Yamiko's memories
YAMIKO: Finally...
ARAGAMI: Those were your partners in Dakudaga, right? And the Light adepts... I’ve seen them before.
YAMIKO: The ones who killed my parents.
ARAGAMI: Were they in the war too?
YAMIKO: It had to be this memory... No, this wasn’t from the last war. This happened years before. Dakudaga sent me on a mission. It just turned out to be the same city these... “men”... were from... It was the perfect opportunity to finally avenge my parents... Orochi, Ryuta, and I struck, but they saw it coming.
ARAGAMI: Our vengeance will reach them too.
YAMIKO: Oh, that won’t be necessary... They’re dead. I killed them. All of them. I reduced their whole city to rubble. When they killed Orochi and Ryuta, the anger... A great power awoke within me. I lost my senses. But it’s all right. They deserved to die. My family and friends weren’t their only victims, you know? For years upon years they killed people from all around the continent. But from that night on, I vowed to make sure the world knew of my power. An oath to protect all the land’s subjects from any Light brotherhood’s attacks. Peace would come at last. Then, out of the blue Kaiho appeared. The Light wanted to usher in another era of oppression... and they almost managed. You’re one step away from becoming the savior of these lands, Aragami.
ARAGAMI: Let’s take that step.
YAMIKO: Kaiho’s general could appear at any moment. Be careful. I know I’ve said it a million times, but please... be careful.
ARAGAMI: Don’t worry. I’ll make it.

they head to the temple, where they are ambushed by Sora
YAMIKO: Aragami, look! That must be the general!
ARAGAMI: Her? But in the visions... Something doesn’t fit, Yamiko. I thought the general was a man...
YAMIKO: Do not hesitate now, Aragami. You have the talismans. You’ll be all right. Just set me free.
ARAGAMI: Right... Just hold on.
Yamiko told Aragami that he is bound to one of the Kaiho's generals. in Aragami's vision he has seen himself as a man. he killed one general (Hikaru), he knows that another general is dead (Yuki) and now he fights with a female general (Sora) - it makes him understand that he is bound to another, four general, and Sora isn't a person he has to kill at the end to finish his vengeance
Aragami final #1
Aragami enters the huge room with a big glowing orb and Sora. he fights her and pierces with the sword

SORA: ...Ryo?
ARAGAMI: What did you just say?
SORA: How can it be? I felt you... Ryo...
ARAGAMI: That name... Who is Ryo? Tell me!
SORA: Ryo... Kaiho’s first general. He died here... five years ago.
ARAGAMI: The first... What does that have to do with me? You are Kaiho’s general! Killing you is my duty! That’s why I’m here! Yamiko! Where are you?!
SORA: ...Yamiko? Now it makes sense...
SORA: That’s why I feel him within you... You must be him... You are Ryo.
ARAGAMI: That... That’s ridiculous!
SORA: If you’re not Ryo... Then why are you holding me? You know it. You know it as well as I do. Try to remember... We came here to defeat Nisshoku.
SORA: Yuki, Hikaru... All of us, everyone who joined to end Nisshoku’s tyranny... even old Master Tsuyoshi...
SORA: The power of the Empress was overwhelming. We had to use the forbidden technique, but it wasn’t enough. You pushed it further than anyone ever had. You sacrificed yourself to give us a chance... but we still couldn’t defeat her.
ARAGAMI: Enough!
SORA: Why resist it, Ryo?
ARAGAMI: It can’t be true... If it is, then what have I been doing all night?
SORA: Don’t let the guilt suppress your memories... Let them flow. You have to remember...

she touches his face and he remembers everything. Sora gives him a light sword
SORA: Welcome back, Ryo.
ARAGAMI: Sora... What... What have I done? I’ve slaughtered us. Slaughtered us all. My own men, as if they were animals! I forced Hikaru to kill himself... And now you... Please forgive me...
SORA: Ryo... Don’t apologize. It wasn’t your fault. You know who did this. My light... I can feel it fading... Ryo... Don’t mourn... for me...
ARAGAMI: No! I... I won’t let you die! I can’t lose you again!
SORA: It’s all right... I’m happy. Happy I saw you again... My soul... is... finally...
ARAGAMI: Sora? Sora!

Sora dies. Yamiko's soul that was in her body flies towards the Orb. also Yamiko's soul leaves Kurosu/Kibo's body and trinkets. Yamiko is free at last, but she still needs Ryo's part to get her whole powers back

YAMIKO: I’m free! I’m free! You did it, Aragami! Come here with me! You’re amazing! Even in the face of adversity, you did it! I’m so grateful! You’ve been a perfect aragami. Come, I’ll reward you.
ARAGAMI: How could you?
ARAGAMI: How could you use me like that? Those visions were fragments of my past. My mind trying to remember everything since the beginning.
YAMIKO: What are you saying?
ARAGAMI: Do you take me for a fool? I’ve remembered everything! You’re not getting in my head ever again.
YAMIKO: Impressive... Took her time, didn’t she?
ARAGAMI: Don’t touch her!
YAMIKO: Well, well... That’s how you speak to the one who gave you life?
ARAGAMI: I was right. I am a reincarnation. General Ryo of Kaiho, brought back to life by you to further your own twisted goals. You knew it the whole time... and you kept stringing me along!
YAMIKO: I didn’t plan everything. I was just as surprised as you when you started remembering things. I just summoned your soul to the cemetery and forced it into a shape. I didn’t know these memories would come with you. But the way I got you to rescue me was brilliant, right? You were so close to working it out a couple of times!
ARAGAMI: I knew you were ruthless, but this... Were those visions of your past another ruse to earn my trust?
YAMIKO: ...You were never supposed to see that. That’s the second reason I’ll kill you. But now you ask, I suppose the link between our souls – the one that let you see into my past – occurred because of the fragment of my soul that you stole from me when you died. Don’t you think it’s time to return it already? That’s the first reason, by the way.
ARAGAMI: ...Fine. You’ll kill me and your soul will become whole again. You’ll regain all your power, and I, the last Kaiho officer, will be dead. But tell me, “Shadow Empress”, what will you do then? You’re alone. We destroyed Nisshoku five years ago. Only a few lowly fanatics remain in hiding. And without your counsellor, Hyo, how far do you think you’ll get? We knew all about it, by the way. That Hyo was the brains behind Nisshoku and you were just the brute force, the tool he used to spread fear. To command these lands.
YAMIKO: How dare you... How dare you! I won’t kill you just yet. You saved me, after all... Let’s play a game.

the final battle starts and Aragami seemingly defeated Yamiko, until she suddenly attacked him with a great power, but Aragami dodged it by using Ryuta's dragon defense technique (which he able to use because, as already has been said, he is a hodgepodge of Hyo/Inari, Orochi, Ryuta and Ryo's memory
YAMIKO: You’ve been fooled again, Aragami... That technique... that’s Ryuta’s!

Kibo, without Yamiko's soul inside him (and having only Tsuyoshi's part) now can freely attack Yamiko with the light essence (couldn't do it earlier because Yamiko would read his intentions due to the soul bond)
Aragami final #2
Aragami, being a creature created from shadow essence, cannot use the light essence, but because of Ryo's presence inside him, he now can perform the light attacks - making him a rare hybrid who can command both light and dark essences. he takes a light sword and attacks Yamiko with it, much to her surprise
ARAGAMI: My arm... This body won’t withstand another trick like that. Perfect timing, Kibo. At least one of us will make it... Yamiko... I have no right to blame you for what you’ve done. The fury, the thirst for revenge in your eyes... I felt it myself when we wrought vengeance on the men who killed our families. But we had each other. We carried on as a new family, bound by revenge. But you... You were alone. You lost everything. If I had lost the others... Would I have ended up just like you? Maybe we’re not that different after all.

is his final moments Aragami realized an ugly truth, that for all that time he and Yamiko had the same reasons for their vengeance - light adepts had killed Yamiko's family, then shadow adepts killed Ryo's family. they both were motivated by revenge, which started them on their paths in life

ARAGAMI: We’re leaves trapped in a hurricane, Yamiko. A storm of vengeance. A cyclone of light and darkness that has been twirling since before you or I even existed. It has sucked us in, and now we’re the ones making it spin. It has to end, Yamiko. I died once for revenge... and I won’t let it happen again. I wish there was another way.
they both are the victims of an endless vengeance cycle that has to end. why did it start? when does it end? noone knows. light and shadow adepts have committed atrocities in the name of revenge, and those atrocities inevitably gave rise to anew force to get vengeance on them

Yamiko was powerful, but her mind was still of a child driven through vengeance. she hasn't learn comprehension and empathy and her intentions were ill-formed. perhaps, there never were people who would help her to become more powerful mentally, not only physically

with great powers comes great responsibility. She wasn't intelligently fit for the role of Goddess.

The Four Generals were assuming that Yamiko is fully aware of her atrocities and tyranny - while she was, mostly, clouded and blinded by Hyo who orchestrated the regime for the sake of Yamiko's protection. but destroying all (even meaningless) threats doesn't make that person stronger, it makes him spoiled and bitter

and the irony of all this? that Yamiko, while being the Shadow Empress was trying to prevent what happened to her from happening to others, her people. she has tried to protect them from vile and twisted light adepts. but who has she become at the end? the same vile and twisted person: she participated in genocide, manipulated Ryo, mocked his feelings to the friends. In the end, despite her noble intentions, she became the same destructive evil force she believes the light adepts to be

but Aragami also learned something about himself too. for all this day he committed murders for sake of Yamiko and her ordeal, without even questioning their justification, he just was told to. but it turns out for all that time he had a will, and did everything voluntary. it made him realized that everyone has a choice, but sometimes people are so blinded and misguided that they didn't realize it until the end. Aragami just didn't know better and he assumed that he had no option but to follow Yamiko's orders.... the same way Yamiko didn't know better and was just a young unwit child, not a ruthless tyrant

and because of the soul bond - Yamiko understood Ryo's feelings too and finally saw the things from his perspective. struck by this realization, she angrily attacked Ryo at first - but then calmed down, accepted her wrongdoings and allowed Ryo to end that pointless war
YAMIKO: So do I.

if you want to thank me...
...then check my guide about fixing various game issues: launching, crashing, optimization, stuttering, gamepads, etc. the guide is huge, but the topic is broad to begin with
10 Komentar
rarestMeow  [pembuat] 4 Jun 2023 @ 10:18pm 
@Dr. Doppietta - no, sorry. for personal reasons I will not do this for Aragami 2
Dr. Doppietta 4 Jun 2023 @ 4:03am 
Will you ever do something like that for Aragami 2 as well?
This was VERY interesting and helped me putting all the pieces together.
зеля скурился 23 Okt 2022 @ 10:35am 
sheesh, bro u cool no cap
offscreenkill 12 Jul 2022 @ 1:10pm 
Oh my god. I really hope you know that I have an incredible appreciation for the Work you did here. Amazing stuff. Thank you for breaking one of my most favorite games of all time down like this.
r0la 6 Okt 2021 @ 11:56am 
holy shit
Palenail 21 Sep 2021 @ 8:55pm 
Spaghetti 15 Jul 2021 @ 4:42pm 
You're a true legend, I'm going to translate it to Russian :D
Scourge 13 Jul 2021 @ 9:02pm 
holy shit, this is amazing
Jumpo Schreiner 13 Jun 2021 @ 11:38am 
sehr hilfreich danke ihnen :steamhappy:
1312 6 Jun 2021 @ 1:24am 