Team Fortress 2
โหมดเกม: Capture the Flag
8.423 MB
11 เม.ย. 2021 @ 9: 38pm
11 เม.ย. 2021 @ 9: 58pm
1 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )
after a lengthy insomnia episode and complete and utter frustration with humanity and the world, i decided that i would cause everybody pain and suffering with a hellish and downright awful map idea: hightower but ctf.

and so i cried my way through downloading a decoded version of hightower, ending up making this awful, horrible map.

have fun.

- pain and suffering
- removed the clipping for several areas of the map, allowing you to get yourself stuck/explore the roofs and small areas.
- removed the kill barrier for the canyon. enjoy getting yourself stuck.
- raised the sky-clip so you can rocket jump much higher.
- added ctf stuff
- it's just hightower. what'd'you expect?

some known bugs:
- shadows are overpronounced and buggy. this is because hammer is such an awful, backwards program, and running vvis took hours and still never finished, that i just ran vvis on fast. not going to fix the shadows.
- the payload pushing noise (not the creaking, the noise that happens when you start pushing) still activates when you go near where the payload is supposed to be.
- probably some bugs i don't know about, create a discussion if you find any
4 ความเห็น
Jess  [ผู้สร้าง] 24 เม.ย. 2021 @ 4: 17pm 
@Marty i was going to implement some but i figured since i used an official valve map, just decompiled (hence the name plr_hightower_d, because i forgot to rename it before uploading), that it wouldn't be necessary.
Jess  [ผู้สร้าง] 24 เม.ย. 2021 @ 4: 16pm 
@Tiny Desk Engineer sorry about the late reply, they shouldn't be in the same spot, unless you mean across from eachother.
Marty 17 เม.ย. 2021 @ 12: 50pm 
you could probably use func_visclusters to speed up the compile time if vvis is giving you problems
Tiny Desk Engineer 13 เม.ย. 2021 @ 3: 45pm 
Are... are both of the flags in the same spot?