Total War: SHOGUN 2

Total War: SHOGUN 2

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Fall of the Samurai Enhanced - Without Defence Building Slot
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2.673 MB
27.3.2021 klo 12.13
9.6.2021 klo 1.43
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Fall of the Samurai Enhanced - Without Defence Building Slot

FotsE without defence slots. Doesn't edit startpos. Here's the full version: FotsE

FotS Enhanced seeks to improve the gameplay without resorting to drastic changes that change the feel of FotS. It's a compilation of the mods I've done so far, but also includes some other tweaks I haven't released yet, either because they were too small in scope or very similar mods were already on the Workshop. You can click on the submods to see the changes in better detail. All changes are represented in the in-game tooltips (not in the encyclopedia though, that's not moddable through Workshop).


AI: The core of this mod. Finally, HedgeKnight's Ultimate AI is updated for FotS, for an AI that better manages its recruitment, research, building orders and invasions while cheating less. AI recruitment is significantly improved without taking away the diversity, expect more artillery and rifle units. Also includes Yarki's Reduced Cheating.

Autoresolve: Improved calculation of army strengths for less lop-sided results, with the goal of providing a reliable and reasonable autocalculation, so that you don't have to play every little skirmish by yourself. Rifle infantry advantage over traditional units is reduced to sane levels, you can actually take losses now. On the other hand, naval advantage is more prominent, winning fleets will take less damage if they have a significant advantage. AI autoresolver bonuses in hard difficulty are removed, those in very hard are reduced to hard levels. Winning armies have a better chance to capture artillery units.

Battles: All unit movement is slowed by %15, melee engagements also last around ~15% longer. Fatigue decreases at a slightly lower rate. General morale radius is increased. The weather has more effect on accuracy and reload rate. Includes Freelancerx's Better Ambush Deployment, rifle units can start firing as soon as the battle begins.

Buildings: Accuracy bonuses provided by Riflemaker and Firing Range are lowered by 5 to prevent easy recruitment of supersoldiers. The AI is now aware of the synergy between these buildings and artillery unit recruitment. Both Castle and City chains gain +1 of their respective garrison units.
The artillery chain provides the following units: 1 Wooden cannon at Tier 1, 1 Parrot Gun at T2, 2 Parrots at T3, 2 Parrots and 1 Gatling at T4.

Bombardment Nerf & Tweaks: Bombardment radius is reduced and successful bombardments require more ships. Small boats cannot bombard anymore.

Campaign: Increased the zone of control for armies and navies for better strategic control of the map. Minimum unit strength requirement is also increased, making it easier to destroy units. High & very high tax levels are slightly less damaging to town growth. Sons are guaranteed to reach adulthood (and become generals) earlier. Income bonus for minors reduced.

Defence Buildings: Defences are less costly to build and research, and stronger in battles.

Units: Matchlock Kachi does not require technology, but starts weaker gains XP with Shih. Artillery units are slightly less accurate.

Fixes: Suppression fire reduces the target's movement speed.

Shouldn't conflict with anything.

Recommended mods:
ValerBOSS's Bayonet Mod

If you enjoy this mod, rate it! Rating brings more subscribers and (hopefully) more feedback, which leads to better mods. Check my workshop for similar mods that enhance the vanilla game.

Possible additions:
Further AI tweaks (may integrate reliability tweaks)
Ability tweaks (square formation for elite inf., pikewall for yari kachi etc.)
Bombardment rebalance

Credits & Thanks:
I learned modding by studying older mods on Total War Center, TROM3 and S2TR were particularly informative and inspiring. If you're interested in mods with more profound changes, be sure to check them.

TheHedgeKnight for UAI[]
Yarkis de Bodemloze & TROM3 team for Yarki's Reduced Cheating, also inspirations for fort bonus in autoresolve and unit movement speed modifiers[]
FreelancerX for Better Ambush Deployment[]
Destin Faroda for S2TR[]

Possible Issues:
The "arrows sounding like muskets/cannons" issue is a general problem with modding Shogun 2, i.e. it is not related to this mod and the CA should've fixed it a long, long time ago. You can get a community fix here
Arrowcannon_sound_fix by EnglishBob
8 kommenttia
[S.P.Q.R.] Kefkaius 17.7.2023 klo 19.29 
Hello, does this mod is compatible with Darthmod ? Because it's both an overhaul CAI
Mister Delicious 3.4.2023 klo 10.14 
Fair enough. Definitely not your fault. FotS is a tough one to fix. The AI's just so overloaded with buffs and it's hyperaggressive to boot.
nobubblegums  [tekijä] 3.4.2023 klo 10.13 
This is just rambling but I'll hopefully end my hiatus from TW and play Warhammer2 this summer. I may return to playing/modding S2 if it rekindles my interest - there were a few ideas I had given up on due to the lack of documentation for scripting. It's a long shot but some WH2 scripts may work with S2, that would make unit caps etc. so much easier to implement. I was very much bothered by how liberated clans did not change allegiance in RotS, that'd be the first thing I mod if I can work scripting
nobubblegums  [tekijä] 3.4.2023 klo 10.11 
Yeah, as far as I remember Yarki's reduced cheating pretty much only prevents the AI from getting free upgrades & experience (and maybe replenishment), so they can still pump out units.

Unit caps work better to prevent unit spam, I have one for Shogun 2 ( .
I remember that working pretty well for limiting minors to 1 full stack, but I'm not modding Shogun2/FoTS anymore. So if anyone wants to port that to FotS, be my guest. It wouldn't be hard, but it's a bit time-consuming, gotta create effects for each unit group, add them to relevant buildings, also modify the UI text for it etc.

You can also try to remove the free gold given to the AI, that may make the AI go bankrupt though. There were separate values for minors and majors, iirc I toned them down a bit (like 400/800 from 600/1200). It's easy to modify that with any pack file manager.
Mister Delicious 2.4.2023 klo 9.43 
I wanted to like this mod, but the AI cheats about as much as vanilla as far as I can tell. A 3 or 4 province enemy can field far more units than I could ever afford.
Inactive88 30.12.2021 klo 19.06 
Jozai is still bugged. The mod seems good since I didn't fully use it yet.
nobubblegums  [tekijä] 9.6.2021 klo 1.57 
@NuGuNz Yes, Jozai start seems to be bugged. All other clans seem to work, will look into Jozai when I have the time, thanks for reporting
NuGuNz 8.6.2021 klo 15.24 
playing jozai i cant select my starting army without crash, using expanded fots mod