Tribal Hunter

Tribal Hunter

104 평점
Tribal Hunter Detailed Map (Not Yet Updated for 1.0!)
PrettyTerrible 님이 작성
A detailed map of the island in Tribal Hunter.
즐겨찾기 해제
This guide contains a detailed map of every major area of the island. The maps are quite large. You may need to download them so you can zoom in to them further to see the smaller details. The maps are also listed in the intended order of completion.
  • The names of individual levels are written underneath them in bold, underlined white text. If the connections between levels are unclear, they are indicated with white lines. If an exit or entrance leads to another major area, white text will indicate which level the entrance or exit will lead to.

  • Checkpoints that Munch can rest at to heal and save your progress are marked with green, downward arrows.

  • Mushrooms that Munch can eat to expand his maximum capacity are marked with red hearts.

  • Bird Statues that Munch can fly to and from using To-Ri are marked with blue lightning.

  • Chests that Munch can open to acquire gold and other treasures are marked with tan squares.

  • Blockades that impede Munch's progress, such as locked doors and breakable ground, are marked with grey-blue squares with rounded edges. Only blockades that can be permanently disabled or destroyed are marked.

  • Cows that can be rescued by Munch and returned to the Village are marked with white clouds.

  • Kitora's flight courses are marked with pink circles.

  • Artists that can be rescued by Munch and returned to the village are marked with orange triangles.

  • Other things and individuals that Munch can interact with are marked with gold stars. Additional information about them is clarified with white text.

  • Boss fights are marked with black, four-pointed stars with dark red outlines. Their names are noted in dark red text.
Slime Caverns
Crystal Mines
Shark Beach
Jungle Trail
Giant Hive
Sacred Mountains
Lord Darkdread's Castle
댓글 11
I'm out of username ideas 2024년 5월 28일 오후 11시 44분 
@Giorgio you unlock the upgrade to double jump after one of the bosses, and use that to get up there-
Now how in the world do you get the mushroom in the wall on cave 4...?
Giorgio 2024년 3월 31일 오전 10시 19분 
Hi. Could someone help me how to get bottom left mushroom on forest 5 after you unlock the body slam? I am confused how to get it
pokenegro 2023년 8월 10일 오후 5시 41분 
Arch 2022년 9월 27일 오전 5시 58분 
@Zwei, Workaround is to click the URL in the pop-up window. That opens a new window with the map on it.
Zwei 2022년 9월 26일 오전 8시 44분 
Says the URL's are invalid when I try to click on any of the maps?
Batabii • Echoes of Wisdom 2022년 9월 6일 오후 10시 46분 
Nevermind, you get +10 when you spend the night with the fox kids.
Batabii • Echoes of Wisdom 2022년 9월 6일 오후 10시 23분 
Same problem as goldie. Every map (in-game) says I found every single mushroom.
Goldie 2021년 10월 11일 오후 2시 00분 
i can't figure out how to get my capacity past 1490, how do i do this? also, i can't find the second dog outside of the village
Wato1876 2021년 4월 30일 오후 4시 26분 
thank you! really helpful!
Arch 2021년 4월 20일 오전 3시 16분 
These maps are so super usefull and detailed! Thank you!