A Hat in Time

A Hat in Time

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UDK / AHIT Editor Shortcut Keys
By Don and 2 collaborators
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀A list of shortcut keys for
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Unreal Engine 3 Editor / Unreal Development Kit / A Hat in Time Modding Tools Editor

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Note: Some keys may or may not work depending on the editor and editor version.
▶ General Shortcut Keys
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + Tab
Cycle through open windows
Ctrl + Left-Click
Select multiple things
Ctrl + Shift + F
Jump straight to the Content Browser’s search field from anywhere in the editor
Fullscreen Editor
F9 + Left-Clicking
Takes a screenshot of the current viewport.
This can be used to capture any editor viewport
(Matinee, material editor, level viewports, etc).

Screenshots appear in

⠀▸ Viewport, Render & Editor Modes
    Keys for moving (WASD) may reguire ALT to be held down with them.
    For example ALT + A + Left-Click

General Shortcut Keys
WASD or Arrow Keys
Move view around the level
PageUp / E
Move view directly Up
PageDown / Q
Move view directly Down
Shift + A
Select everything
View Actor Properties
View Surface Properties
. + Left-Click
Place pathnode at selected location
, + Left-Click
Place coverlink at selected location
Toggles widget coordinate frame between World and Local
Shift + L
Toggle show/hide Stats
Shift + H
Toggle show/hide FPS / HAT: Hides all
Ctrl + H
Unhide all
Lower grid size & Raise grid size

Preview Mesh
\ (Backslash)
Toggle preview mesh visible
SHIFT + \ (Backslash)
Cycle to a different preview mesh

    To change and add more preview meshes go to HatinTimeEditorUserSettings.ini
    [EditorPreviewMesh] PreviewMeshNames=" EditorMeshes.TexPropCube StaticMesh'EngineMeshes.Sphere' StaticMesh'HatinTime_PrimitiveShapes.TexPropCylinder'"
    Note: Only edit the file when the editor is closed.

⠀▸ All viewport modes (3D, XY, YZ, XZ views)

Left-Click (while hovering over actor)
Select actor
Double-Left mouse click or F4 (when over actor)
Open actor properties menu
Open context menu
Ctrl + W or Shift + D
Duplicate selected object
Mouse-Wheel Scroll in viewport
Move the viewport camera forward and backward
Alt + Middle-Click
Snap the pivot to the clicked location

⠀▸ Perspective viewport (Non-orthographic 3D view)

Left-Click (while hovering over actor)
Select actor
Right-Click + Drag
Free camera movement
Left-Click & Right-Click + Drag
Slew camera up & down (Z axis) or left & right (along relative X axis)
Left-Click (on BSP brush)
Select brush surface
Ctrl + Shift + Left-Click (on BSP brush)
Select BSP brush
Ctrl + Alt + Left-Click
Select all in view
Alt + Right-Click (when hovering over brush face)
Copy surface texture to "texture clipboard"
Alt + Left-Click (when hovering over brush face)
Paste (apply) texture to surface
Ctrl + Alt + Left-Click (when over brush face)
Paste (apply texture and texture coordinates to surface
Shift + Alt + Left-Click (when over brush face)
Paste (apply) texture to multiple selected brush surfaces
Right-Click hold + Mouse-Wheel Scroll
Changes camera speed while editing; speed shown in status bar at bottom
Ctrl + T + Left-Click
Teleport to Point
NumPad 1 or NumPad 3
Change perspective camera FOV
Left-Click + Right-Click and drag
Move the viewport camera left, right, up and down
Right mouse-Click and drag
Rotate the viewport camera left, right, up and down (pivot style)
Middle-Click and drag
Measures distances using the in-editor ruler
Left mouse-click and drag
Rotate the viewport camera left and right,
and move forward and backward
(in 2x2 split)

⠀▸ Orthographic viewport (XY, YZ, XZ views)

Left-Click (on BSP brush edge)
Select BSP brush
Ctrl + Alt + Left-Click drag
Box Select
Ctrl + Alt + Right-Click drag
Box De-Select
Left-Click or Right-Click + Any
Move camera in direction of mouse movement
Middle-Click + Any
Measure distance in game units
Left-Click & Right-Click + Up/Down
Zoom in/out
Ctrl + Middle-Click
Align all cameras at current camera position (in 2x2 split)
Left-Click + Right-Click and drag
Move the viewport camera in and out (similar to Mouse-Wheel Scroll)
Left-Click / Right-Click and drag
Move the viewport camera left, right, up and down

⠀▸ Viewport options
Toggle viewport to show/hide Builder Brush
C / HAT: Alt + C
Toggle viewport to show/hide Object Collision
D / Ctrl + R in HAT
Toggles viewport realtime mode on/off
E / HAT: Alt + E
Toggle viewport to show/hide Decals
Toggle viewport to show/hide Fog
Toggle Game View mode in viewport
(Toggles everything that would not be visible when playing in game)
Toggle viewport option to show/hide everything except brushes (BSP) and lighting
Toggle viewport to show / hide Level Coloration / hide Textures
Toggle viewport to show / hide Unreal Kismet References
Toggle viewport to show / hide Navigation Nodes
Toggle viewport to show / hide Volumes
Toggle viewport to show / hide Paths
Toggle viewport to show / hide BSP (Binary Space Partition)
Toggle viewport to show / hide Light Radius / Audio Radius
Toggle viewport to show / hide Terrain
Toggle static and skeletal meshes on/off
Ctrl + R
Toggle Real Time mode in viewport
Alt + F
Use Perspective viewport type
Alt + G
Use Top viewport type
Alt + H
Use Front viewport type
Alt + J
Use Side viewport type
Alt + X
Toggle fullscreen

⠀▸ Render Modes
Alt + 1
Brush Wireframe mode in viewport
Alt + 2
Wireframe mode in viewport
Alt + 3
Unlit mode in viewport
Alt + 4
Lit mode in viewport
Alt + 5
Lighting Only mode in viewport
Alt + 6
Light Complexity mode in viewport
Alt + 7
Shader Complexity mode in viewport
Alt + 8 / NOHAT
Texture Density mode in viewport
Alt + 9 / NOHAT
LightMap Density mode in viewport
Alt + 0 / NOHAT
Lighting Only with Texel Density mode in viewport
Ctrl + R
Toggle Real Time mode in viewport
Enable's 'Game View' Mode which displays a more accurate preview of the game's graphics in-game

⠀▸ Editor Modes
Shift + 1
Switch to Camera Mode
Shift + 2
Switch to Geometry Mode
Shift + 3
Switch to Terrain Editing Mode
Shift + 4
Switch to Texture Alignment Mode
Shift + 6
Switch to Mesh Paint Mode
Shift + 7
Switch to Static Mesh Mode

⠀▸ Camera

Camera Bookmarks
Ctrl + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0
Store a bookmark containing the current viewport camera data in a slot identified by the specific number. (See 1 or 2 or 3, etc., for retrieval.)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 (regular keys)
Restore the viewport camera to a previously stored bookmark from a slot identified by the specific number.
(See Ctrl + 1 or 2 or 3, etc., for saving bookmarks.)

Camera Movement
1 or 3 (numeric keypad)
Zoom camera Out or In
(same as Z or C while holding right mouse button down)
2 or 8 (numeric keypad)
Move camera Back or Forward
(same as Down or Up Arrow keys; same as S or W while holding right mouse button down)
4 or 6 (numeric keypad)
Move camera Left or Right
(same as Left or Right Arrow keys; same as A or D while holding right mouse button down)
7 or 9 (numeric keypad)
Move camera Down or Up
(same as Q or E while holding right mouse button down)

⠀▸ Other / Maya Camera Tools
"Note that you must be holding down 'U' or 'L' on your keyboard in order to activate these functions. 'U' will center the camera functions on the center of your viewport, 'L' will center the camera functions on the selected actor. These controls are available in most areas of the editor, including the main perspective viewport, static mesh editor, anim set viewer, anim tree viewer, Cascade and PhAT."

L + Left/Right Click and drag
Navigation through Maya-style mouse interactions (including pivot around the selected object)
U + Left/Right/Middle Click and drag
Alternative navigation through Maya-style mouse interactions

Left-Click + Drag
Orbit around the selected actor or view
Middle-Click + Drag
Pan camera
Right-Click + Down
Zoom camera out
Right-Click+ Up
Zoom camera in

⠀▸ Object

L + Left-click
Create a Light
A + Left-Click in viewport /
HAT: Alt + A + Left-Click
Create the selected Actor (from the Actor Classes browser) at the indicated position, one for every Left-click
D + Left-click /
HAT: Alt + D + Left-Click
With a material selected in the Content Browser, will place that material in the world as a decal
S + Left-Click in viewport
Create a Static Mesh (selected in the Content Browser)
(also see Alt + S + Left-click)
Alt + S + Left-Click in viewport
Create a Static Mesh (selected in the Content Browser) and re-orient to surface
(also see S + Left-click)

When selected
De-selects everything and closes any actor property windows that are open
Delete current object
Switch the Transform Widget between Translate, Rotate & Scale modes
` (backtick on tilde key)
Toggles the Reference Coordinate System between World and Local modes
Arrow keys /
HAT: Alt + Arrow keys
Nudge position of selected actor(s)
Makes the level of the selected actors current
Drop the selected object (i.e., a “floating” object) to the surface beneath it
“Go To Actor”, which moves and zooms all viewports to the selected object (i.e., center your viewports on a selected object)
Middle-click viewport
Makes that viewport the active one (without changing the selected object, which happens if you were to use left-click instead)
Ctrl + H
Unhide all
Shift + H
Hide all but selected objects
Left-Click (while not hovering over anything)
De-select current object
Shift + Drag actor with movement widget
Move viewport while moving actor
Shift + Home
Align only the active viewport camera to selected actor
Alt + Drag actor with movement widget
Create duplicate of selected actor and move it
Right-Click (on brush vertex)
Change brush origin to selected vertex
Ctrl + End
Move selected actor back to grid lines
Ctrl + G
Select all other actors belonging to the same groups as the currently selected actors
Ctrl + M
Moves selected actors to the current level
Ctrl + K
Find the selected actor in Kismet
Ctrl + Shift + A
Select all actors with the same class as the currently selected actors
Ctrl + B
Synchronize the currently selected actor with the generic browser
Ctrl + Left-Click + Drag
Move selected object
Ctrl + Shift + Left-Click + Drag
Move selected object and viewport camera
Ctrl + Left-Click and drag on actor in orthographic view type
Move an actor in the plane of the viewport
Ctrl + Right-Click + Drag
Free rotate selected object
Alt + Left-click and drag in viewport
Create duplicate of selected object
(See “Alt + Shift + Left-click and drag in viewport” for enhanced feature)
Shift + Left-click and drag on actor’s Translate Widget
Move the selected object while moving the viewport camera
Alt + Shift + Left-click and drag in viewport
Create duplicate of selected object, while moving viewport camera with the copy
(See “Alt + Left-click and drag in viewport” for basic feature)
Alt + Right-click in viewport, followed by Alt + Left-click
Copy and paste a material from one surface to another
(you can also just keep holding the Alt-key down between the clicks)

⠀▸ Brush, Terrain, Builder Brush

Builder Brush-specific
Select the red Builder Brush. (Especially useful when followed by the Home key to locate the Builder Brush in a busy map.)
Ctrl + Shift + Left-click on brush in viewport of Perspective type
Select the entire brush (that is, not just an edge or part of it, but all of it)
Ctrl + A in Geometry/Camera Mode
Add CSG for the current Builder Brush
Ctrl + S in Geometry/Camera Mode
Subtract CSG (that is, add a subtractive brush) for the current Builder Brush
Ctrl + I(i)
Intersect brush
Ctrl + D
De-Intersect brush
Ctrl + P
Cause the selected brush to become your builder brush
Right-click in viewport on Brush corner
Snaps Brush corner to grid

When a Brush surface is selected
Shift + B
Selects all surfaces belonging to the same brush of the currently selected surface
Shift + S
Select all brush Surfaces in the level
Shift + Q
Select all the surfaces of that brush EXCEPT the one that is currently selected
Shift + J
Selects all surfaces that are adjacent to the currently selected surface
Shift + W
Select all adjacent Wall surfaces
Shift + T
Selects all surfaces with the same material as the currently selected surface
Shift + N
Deselects all selected surfaces
Ctrl + Shift + F
'Fits' texture over the selected surfaces' polygons (without tiling UVs)

Terrain editing specific keys
Shift / Alt + Roll Middle Mouse Button
Adjust the radius of your editing circles dynamically
Ctrl + Left-click (optional drag) in viewport with Terrain Editing Mode and Paint Tool selected
Raise the terrain
Ctrl + Right-click (optional drag) in viewport with Terrain Editing Mode and Paint Tool selected
Lower the terrain

Geometry Mode
Space bar in Geometry Mode with Pen passive-modifier selected
Defines corners of the extrusion brush geometry in orthographic views
Enter in Geometry Mode with Pen passive-modifier selected
In orthographic views, completes the brush geometry loop by defining the la
Space bar in Geometry Mode with Brush Clip passive-modifier selected
Defines a plane for clipping of the brush geometry in orthographic views


Matinee shortcuts can be edited in the Shortcut Editor

Play Forward
Play Reverse
Stop Playback
Toggle Play / Pause
Add or Equals (=)
Zoom In
Subtract (−) or Underscore (_)
Zoom Out
Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + C
Copy Groups / Tracks
Ctrl + X
Cut Groups / Tracks
Ctrl + V
Paste Groups / Tracks
Delete Selection
Mark Section IN
Mark Section OUT
Increment Interpolation Position
Decrement Interpolation Position
Shift + Right
Move To Next Key
Shift + Left
Move To Previous Key
Split Animation Key
Toggle Snap To Keys
Select Previous Track
Select Next Track
Add New Key
Ctrl + W
Duplicate Selected Keys
Ctrl + I(i)
Crop Animation Beginning
Ctrl + O
Crop Animation End
Fit View to Sequence
Fit to View to Selected
Shift + A
Fit View to Loop
Ctrl + A
Fit View / Loop Sequence
Move to End of Track
Mouse-Wheel Scroll
Zoom the timeline in and out
Key Interp Mode AUTO
Key Interp Mode USER
Key Interp Mode BREAK
Key Interp Mode LINEAR
Key Interp Mode CONSTANT
Ctrl + Left-Click
Drag keyframes around
Ctrl + Alt + Left-Click
Box Select keyframes

Left-Click and drag from an output connector and drop into an input connector
Connect the output to the input connector

⠀▸ Curve Editor
Key Interp Mode AUTO
Key Interp Mode USER
Key Interp Mode BREAK
Key Interp Mode LINEAR
Key Interp Mode CONSTANT
Shift + A
Fit View Horizontally
Ctrl + A
Fit View Vertically
Fit View to All
Fit View to Selected

⠀▸ Shortcuts
Centers and scales the view to display the selected object(s) or all objects
Add a new comment for selected object(s) in main area
HAT: E + Left-Click
Console Event
D + Left-Click
Creates a new Delay object
E + Left-Click /
HAT: Shift + E + Left-Click
Creates a new External Variable
F + Left-Click
Creates a new Float Variable
G + Left-Click
Creates a new Gate miscellaneous action
I(i) + Left-Click
Creates a new Integer Variable
L + Left-Click
Creates a new Log miscellaneous action
M + Left-Click
Creates a new Matinee object
N + Left-Click
Creates a new Named Variable
O + Left-Click
Creates a new Object Variable
P + Left-Click
Creates a new Player Variable
Q + Left-Click
Creates a new Sequence object
R + Left-Click
Creates a new pair of Remote Event and Activate Remote Event nodes
S + Left-Click
Creates a new Play Sound action
T + Left-Click
Creates a new Toggle action
X + Left-Click
Creates a new Integer Counter condition
Shift + G + Left-Click
Creates a new AND Gate
Underscore (_) &
Equals (=) OR
Numpad - &
Numpad +
'Hide Unused Connectors' and
'Show All Connectors' respectively
PageUp / PageDown
Move the currently selected node into the foreground / background respectively
[ + Left-Click - Sequence Activate
] + Left-Click - Finish Sequence
Steam Formatting issues with these two

Ctrl + W or Shift + D
Duplicate selected object
Ctrl + Left-Click
Select multiple objects (or deselect the object if already selected)
Ctrl + Alt + Left-Click and drag
Box-select objects by drawing a marquee selection-box area around them in main area
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left-Click and drag
Box-select additional objects by drawing a marquee selection-box area around them in main area, which adds the new selection to the current selection
Ctrl + Left-Click and drag
Move a selected object
Ctrl (hold) + Left-Click release
Snap node placement to grid
Double-Click on a subsequence
Opens up the subsequence in the main area
Open Parent Sequence
Removes an object
Alt + Left-Click on an input / output connector
Removes any links going to / from that input / output connector
Alt + Left-Click on a link between input and output connectors
Removes the link between the input and output connectors

Ctrl + 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Create Kismet bookmarks like in viewport

⠀▸ Custom Hotkeys

Thank you to Starblaster for sharing this for the guide!

Config File: ../HatinTime/HatinTimeGame/Config/HatinTimeEditor.ini
Config Header: [UnrealEd.KismetBindings]

It is recommended to make a backup of the entire [UnrealEd.KismetBindings] block, just in-case.
As well as a backup with your custom bindings afterwards in the event an update / crash wipes your config(s). A simple TXT file in the same directory works for convenient access.
For example "HatinTimeEditor_CustomSettings.txt"

Do not touch the CommentPresets=() line. Adding additional ones has no noticeable effect. Likely an unfinished feature.
Do not edit config files while the editor is open / opening. Always fully close the editor first.

Each Bindings=() line in the [UnrealEd.KismetBindings] block represents a single Kismet binding
If you have multiple bindings for the same node, all of them will be usable in the editor.
But if you have multiple bindings for the same KEY + bShift combination but for different nodes, only the first one will work.

Key bindings should not contain any spaces!

KEY can be any non-numerical non-modifier key, including named keys (e.g. End).
Numerical keys are reserved for Kismet bookmarks.

For symbols, you will need to use their names instead of the symbol itself.
LeftBracket / RightBracket

There are several keys that are hardcoded to certain functions in the Kismet editor that cannot be used or are not recommened to be used in custom bindings.
The following includes SHIFT variants unless stated otherwise

Modifer keys alone (CTRL, ALT, SHIFT)
0-9 (Reserved for Kismet bookmarks)

Not Recommended
Works, but not practical. Brings up the New Console Event prompt every time
Works, but not practical. Brings up the New Remote Event prompt every time
Works, but if you have any nodes selected when pressing it, you'll bring up a New Comment prompt
For duplicating selected object
Underscore (_) & Equals (=)
Works, but are also bound to 'Hide Unused Connectors' and 'Show All Connectors' respectively
PageUp / PageDown
Works, but are also bound to moving the currently selected node into the foreground / background respectively
Works, but it also deletes currently selected nodes
Works, but is also bound to 'Open Parent Sequence'
Toggles fullscreen mode for the main editor window

bShift=true/false determines if SHIFT is required to be held down at the same time as KEY when using a binding.
You can omit this entirely if SHIFT is not required.
NOTE: bControl and bAlt custom Kismet bindings will NOT work!!! This also includes the default bindings that use them!

PACKAGE is the compiled script package that CLASS resides in.
Determing this is very simple; just look at which top-level (../Development/Src/) sub-folder the class source is stored in.
e.g. SeqVar_Object is in (../Development/Src/Engine/), therefore PACKAGE will be Engine.

CLASS is the classname of the Kismet node you want associated with the binding.

⠀Speaking of Kismet Hotkeys
Using a Kismet hotkey with your mouse over a node's connector will automatically connect the newly created node to it (if applicable).
If this feature is used on a connector that is already hooked up to something else, it'll insert the new node in between the connection.

▶ PIE [Play In Editor]
Render Modes
Exit / Close window
Bring up Pause Menu (may be HAT specific)
Swap controls between Player 1 & Player 2 when CO-OP is enabled
(HAT Specific)
Bring up DEV Console (Bottom)
~ (Tilde) / Ö
Bring up DEV Console (Top)
Page Up
Scroll DEV Console up
Page Down
Scroll DEV Console down
Cycle through viewport render modes backwards
Cycle through viewport render modes forwards
Take a screenshot (May be HAT specific)
Appears in [...HatinTime\HatinTimeGame\Screenshots\Win64]


Right-Click & drag
Scroll in the Content Browser, kinda like a touch screen
Refresh of Content Browser
Ctrl + F5
Full Refresh of Content Browser
Alt + Left-Click on a material
Assigns the material to all the faces that are currently selected in the perspective viewport
(Doesn't apply to static meshes)
Ctrl + S in Packages panel
Save the selected package
Stop and Play SoundCue

Private Collections
Private collections are useful for storing commonly used assets in your own collections
(Meshes, Materials, Textures, really anything in the Content Browser)

To make a collection Left-Click the plus in the corner and give the collection a name

Then simply drag & drop assets into the collection

To remove an asset from the collection simply Right-Click and select "Remove from Collection"

To delete a collection select it and Left-Click the minus button

Search Favourites
You can add more asset types to your Favourites by going to All Types and Right-Clicking a selected asset type, then selecting "Add to Favourites"

    All interactions, unless otherwise noted, are specified for the main panel of the Material Editor. Also, the keys specified to create expression nodes must be held down while pressing the mouse button to take effect.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

1 + Left-Click
Creates a one-dimensional (scalar) Constant expression
2 + Left-Click
Creates a two-dimensional constant-vector expression
3 + Left-Click
Creates a three-dimensional constant-vector expression
4 + Left-Click
Creates a four-dimensional constant-vector expression

A + Left-Click
Creates a math Add expression
B + Left-Click
Creates a Bump Offset utility expression
C + Left-Click
Creates a Component Mask utility expression
D + Left-Click
Creates a math Divide expression
E + Left-Click
Creates a math Power expression
F + Left-Click
Creates a Material Function expression
I(i) + Left-Click
Creates a If utility expression

L + Left-Click
Creates a Lerp utility expression for linear interpolation
M + Left-Click
Creates a math Multiply expression
N + Left-Click
Creates a math Normalize expression
O + Left-Click
Creates a math One Minus expression
P + Left-Click
Creates a coordinates Panner expression
R + Left-Click
Creates a Reflection Vector expression
S + Left-Click
Creates a Scalar Parameter expression
T + Left-Click
Creates a Texture Sample expression
U + Left-Click
Creates a Texture Coordinate expression
V + Left-Click
Creates a Vector Parameter expression

L (HOLD) in the viewport
Moves the Light source (hold the key down while moving the mouse)

Ctrl + Left-Click and drag
Box-select expression-nodes
by drawing a marquee selection-box area around them in main area
Ctrl + Alt + Left-Click and drag
Box-select expression-nodes
Ctrl + Shift + Left-Click and drag
Box-select more expression-nodes

Ctrl + Left-Click a connected point
Break link
Shift + Left-Click a connection point
Link & transfer links to other connection points

Ctrl + W
Duplicate selected object

More about material nodes in the documentation


Alt + Left-Click on a connection line
Removes the link going between the connectors in the main window area
Ctrl + Left-Click and drag
Move selected objects in the main window area
Ctrl + Alt + Left-Click and drag
Box-select objects by drawing a marquee selection-box area around them in main window area


AnimSet Editor
Left-Click + drag
Move the view around mesh
Right-Click + drag
Zoom in & out
Middle-Click + drag
Move viewport

Toggle movement widget between move & rotate

Z / NumPad 1
Adjust FOV wider
C / NumPad 3
Adjust FOV narrower

L (HOLD) in the viewport
Moves the Light source (hold the key down while moving the mouse)

Static Mesh Editor
Left-Click + drag
Move the view around left & right and
up & down to zoom in & out
Right-Click + drag
Move the view around mesh

Toggle movement widget between move & rotate

Z / NumPad 1
Adjust FOV wider
C / NumPad 3
Adjust FOV narrower

L (HOLD) in the viewport
Moves the Light source (hold the key down while moving the mouse)

▶ PHAT [Physics Asset Tool]

Toggle Snap on / off
Toggle Editing Mode on/off (for example, to edit constraints)
Copy Properties
Weld to body
Select Rotation Mode
Cycle the Mesh Rendering Mode
Toggle Instance Properties on / off
Cycle the Collision Rendering Mode
Cycle the Constraint Rendering Mode
Select Scaling Mode
Toggle Simulation mode on / off
Select Translation Mode
Delete current primitive

Ctrl + Left-Click on object in main window area
Kick / pop the mesh
Ctrl + Right-Click and drag on object in main window area
Grab and interact with the mesh (for example, pick it up or sling it around)

HAT Editor Specific

Currently no info :(

Credits & Sources
Special thanks to Starblaster for the Custom Hotkeys in Kismet info

Thank you to TheGreatAndPowerfulWeegee for reporting missing hotkeys & verifying hotkeys

Unreal Engine 3 / UDK Documentation
- https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Three/EditorButtons.html

- http://blog.tiaan.com/link/2010/07/24/unreal-technology-udk-hotkeys-shortcuts
- WaybackMachine Link[web.archive.org]

Missing or Incorrect Shortcut Keys
If you notice any shortcut keys missing or not behaving as expected from this list feel free to let me know!

Thanks for checking out the guide!

    Take a look at the Troubleshooting Guide if you're looking for some help.

UnDrew Nov 14, 2021 @ 5:56am 
Not exactly an editor shortcut, but you can scroll through the dev console with Page Up and Page Down