Portal 2


PAY ATTENTION! This test chamber is about killing each other, YES A BATTLE FIELD! IT IS NEW, ISN'T? I couldn't creat a score bar or something but you can have fun by counting how many kills have you scored, IT IS ALSO A NORMAL CHAMBER which goal is to reach the end, and to see who do it first. IT CONTAINS SECRETS AND PUZZLES, the funny thing is kill the partner when he's solving them, so you can steal his items to end first and win! OR YOU CAN STAY FOREVER SHOOTING PORTALS AT YOUR PARTNERS' FEET AND NOTE DOWN WHO KILLS THE MOST!!! Any problem contact me and PLEASE COMMENT WHAT DID YOU THINK ABOUT IT. ADD ME TO PLAY WITH ME, I JUST BOUGHT PORTAL BUNDLE PACK, SO I'M NEW ON STEAM AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO ADD FRIENDS TO PLAY WITH, I'M CURRENTLY WORKING ON A SMALL TOWN SO I HAVE NOONE LOCAL TO PLAU WITH ME THAT'S WHY I'M NOT TESTING MY CO-OP MAPS, ONLY WITH MYSELF SPLITSCREEN! STAY TUNED FOR FRESH CHAMBER GUYS! Thanks for reading.
1 条留言
󠀡 2014 年 9 月 22 日 上午 7:32 
If you have the developer console you can type in: bind "TAB" "+score
This allows you to see the score every time you hold down the tab key.