Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic 워커스 앤 리소스: 소비에트 리퍼블릭

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic 워커스 앤 리소스: 소비에트 리퍼블릭

34 평점
Roysk Island Peninsula
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2021년 2월 28일 오전 3시 01분
2021년 2월 28일 오전 3시 59분
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Roysk Island Peninsula

Sausage and mash님의 1 모음집
Wholesome hand made map collection
아이템 10개
--- Roysk Island Peninsula ---
(original version)
Variations Hub
you are here> ORIGINAL-
Welcome to Roysk Island Peninsula! my third map so far, the map as usual is completely hand made with no heightmap and is completely fictional! its only loosely inspired by former soviet areas. the map is meant to feel like a slightly run down area of a soviet republic, although not totally ruined. as usual i put a good amount of effort into this map over the course of about a week, so i hope you all enjoy playing on it.
this map is meant to be a little bit more of a challenge as it focuses on an island and its surrounding bodies of land, but it should still be easy enough to play and have fun on. the map in question features 3 main bodies of land, the main island roughly in the centre of the map with most of the resources, the peninsula in the south east with most of the customs posts, and a smaller body of land in the north west split into two, with 2 customs posts. there are also smaller islands scattered around too. the map encourages you to use boats (i know, a re-occurring theme with my maps) to import and export products and resources, but other modes of transport will suit the map fine too. there are multiple customs posts but less then usual, as this is a very water focused map.
There are two main towns, one on the peninsula, and one on the main island. the town on the peninsula has a small construction project under way, which you can pick up on if you wish. there are multiple smaller settlements scattered around with derelict piers and functioning ones too scatted around also.
the map of course features the earlier stated bodies of land, smaller islands, a river on the main island, some marshy areas, some old fields, some mountains, plenty of rugged hilly areas, large forests, bare and shrub covered areas, plenty of coastline, multiple customs posts, lots of open areas of water, cliffs and other smaller features. perhaps a little Easter egg too ;)
The map includes all the current resources.
  • Coal
  • Iron
  • Oil
  • Uranium
  • Bauxite
All of which should be sufficient enough for industry without being too rich, if your unhappy with the resources there is a more and less resources version of the map. the resources are mainly on the main island in the original and less resources versions, look at the resource maps to see for yourself.
the Roysk Island and its peninsula, whilst aren't abandoned, see little work or changes done in the area. roads have never been drastically improved, and unused ones simply left to fade away, the area is traditionally very conservative, reluctant to see any big new changes go ahead. however the area possesses un-used resources and great water-way connections that it has never exploited. and its geographical location on its peninsula could serve as a great location for trade and commerce for the rest of the peoples republic.
the biggest change the area has ever seen is the current small construction of homes and services in the main peninsula town of Tozno. so really not much can be said about the area when it comes to economic importance, but given the right person to lead this area in the future, the area could see itself prosper to new heights, so, will you be the one to guide these people comrade?
-Final message-
As always thanks for checking out my map, i wanted to make an island map like this for a while, and so, here it is! If you enjoyed the map don't forget give it a positive rating, as this really helps to get my map out there for others to see, and by all means if you have any ideas or criticisms, or even questions, feel free to drop by in the comments, as i never seem to leave a comment unanswered. Also, if you have any issues or find any bugs make sure to leave a comment in the pinned bugs/issues discussion, ill try my hardest to fix, and to look into what's causing the issue, but i can never promise it'll be a easy fix, or a possible one at that.
feel free to look at my other maps I've made in my workshop, and hopefully on that note ill continue to make more maps in the future.
but as always i hope you enjoy my map, and have fun!
- Sausage and mash.

Feel free to check out my other maps via my workshop :)
(map was made .21/02/2021<->27/02/2021. UK)
(Updates will appear in the changelogs)
인기 토론 모두 보기(1)
2021년 5월 31일 오전 8시 38분
고정됨: Bugs (and/or) Issues
Sausage and mash
댓글 3
Sausage and mash  [작성자] 2021년 3월 5일 오후 5시 41분 
@JO of Spanners, good to hear it! the map should be a little bit more of a challenge then usual, but still completely enjoyable.
emmy swiff 2021년 3월 5일 오후 5시 29분 
Lookin good, gonna give this one a go
Sausage and mash  [작성자] 2021년 2월 28일 오전 3시 42분 
To the few people who saw this get released about 12 hours prior to now, but then saw it immediately taken down. i had technical issues with the maps is all i can say, but its fixed now.