

214 ratings
Threat Point Cap
Mod, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
938.301 KB
Jan 31, 2021 @ 1:43pm
Apr 10 @ 8:08am
5 Change Notes ( view )

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Threat Point Cap

This mod allows you to set a cap to your colony's threat points that are used to determine how strong of a raid you get. The last raid's threat point calculation is shown on the settings menu, so if you reach a point and you do not want your raids to get any stronger, you can set the threat point cap to the value of the last raid and all future raids will remain roughly the same difficulty. If in the future you want to increase the difficulty you can raise the cap to your liking.

Can be safely added or removed from a game in progress.

Buy why?
When I play Rimworld I like smaller colonies with only 3 or 4 fighters to defend it, and no killboxes. It doesn't take long before the game decides I've had enough fun and starts sending 50+ person raids at me. I made this mod so I can tell Rimworld to go **** itself when it decides it wants to invalidate my playstyle.

I hope that you too will use this mod to tell Rimworld to go **** itself when it tries to force you to play a specific way.

Feeling generous?
Goat Boy Apr 27 @ 12:35pm 
Thank you for this! If you ever choose to expand on this, I think a checkbox for turning air drop pod raids on/off independently of the raid difficult cap would be SO awesome.

I've looked high and low and can't find any raid mods that have an option specifically for keeping pigmen from crashing through the ceiling of my base- taking a child or two with them in the process. I don't mind the size of raids I'm getting in general, or even the frequency- I just hate getting unpreventable drop-in raids that do catastrophic base damage.
Rasta Mar 12 @ 4:41am 
Thank you for this mod! :steamthumbsup:
Murmur  [author] Oct 15, 2023 @ 10:38am 
Yes those should also be limited.
kzs583 Oct 15, 2023 @ 1:33am 
That's cool. Could it be that the difficulty of quests like Bandit Camp can also have an effect?
No Meds Jul 15, 2023 @ 12:37am 
@The Blind One, pretty sure you should only be getting solo'd raided at the very start which is a scripted 'tutorial' raid, also if you want realism you're playing the wrong game.
The Blind One Apr 16, 2023 @ 3:25am 
Ya know what would be a neat additional feature?

A minimum threat cap as well

Too often I'm starting a new game and I find that I get attacked by a lone raider who has absolutely zero % chance of winning yet still tries to attack me anyway. A minimum threat point slider would prevent ridiculous raids from occuring that just feel unrealistic to me.

Just an idea I hope you will consider.

Much love <3
Rasta Feb 19, 2023 @ 5:26am 
OMFG Thank you so much for this!!!!!
SageMan Feb 17, 2023 @ 8:25pm 
Thank you, now my colony won't have to deal with 100 Pig Men lagging my game and destroying my poorly defended base.
Murmur  [author] Feb 14, 2023 @ 9:56pm 
@gav_sobaken, I'll look into it sometime, I only make mods for myself primarily, I haven't really looked into it before because it's not a feature I would use personally. I'm not after subscribers. Wall Light gives me more subscribers than I ever imagined and it's been a never ending source of headaches for me because of it.

If I were to implement something like that I'd probably add a checkbox that when enabled makes the slider able to go up to like 1,000,000 or something.
gav_sobaken Feb 14, 2023 @ 9:19pm 
Slider, on it's own, should rewrite the game's cap as final value, and should not be affected or patched by any other mod. I'm not entirely sure, but there are mods like Threat scale changer etc.
Your mod should, possibly, do it all, to be a swiss-knife-mod for threat points all-in-one.