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Fallout et tu as Fallout (deprecated)
By azumukupoe
(I will not delete this guide to let people know of the mod)

Let's run Fallout et tu as Fallout via Steam
What is Fallout et tu?
A Fallout to Fallout 2 engine conversion (also called Fallout 1@2, 1at2, or 1in2) brought to you by Rotators (the people who made FOnline: 2238 and stuff).
The aim of this project is to bring the first Fallout game into the engine of the second while utilizing Fallout 2's features wherever we can (within reason). Generally we do not try to make a 1:1 copy of the first game. So, if you want to play the 100% real deal, the very pure experience so to speak, you should grab the original Fallout 1 instead of this mod.
However, if you do not mind the one or the other change in mechanics, then Fallout et tu can be your way to go!
See the installation instruction on GitHub[github.com].
Creating FALLOUTW.exe to run \Fallout2\Fallout1in2\Fallout2.exe as Fallout
  • Create a folder in your download folder and name it "FALLOUTW"

  • Inside the FALLOUTW folder, create a new .txt file and name it FALLOUTW.bat (make sure you have File name extensions enabled in File Explorer)

  • Open the .bat file with text editor of your choice

  • Copy and paste
    start /d "[Your Steam Library path here]\Fallout 2\Fallout1in2" Fallout2.exe
    and replace [Your Steam Library path here]

  • Copy fallout.ico from your Fallout 1 installation directory and paste it to the FALLOUTW folder

  • Download BAT 2 EXE (free open source software) from https://bat2exe.net/ (ignore any warning)

  • Open bat2exe.exe you've just downloaded


  • Select your Fallout 1 installation directory as TARGET

  • Press any key to continue (twice)
Running Fallout et tu
  • Play Classic Fallout from the official Steam client (shortcut won't work)

  • Click CREDITS on main menu

  • It should start with - FALLOUT ET TU - if everything was done right

You can use "Verify integrity of game files" if you wish to play Classic Fallout again
texhnolyze Jan 31, 2021 @ 10:45pm 
It works, thanks!