Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Binds that everyone should have
By TTV/Normie614
A small list of useful bind / aliases.
About the guide
These are just some binds that I use and I find them quite useful and I want to share them with those who read the guide.
I will assume that everyone already knows what a bind / alias is and that they know where the cfg's are, etc.

If you don't know what a bind / alias is, here is a link to a guide on the TF2 wiki.
All that said, I hope you find a bind that is useful to you.
All the binds / aliases that you are going to see below must go in binds.cfg.
In your autoexec.cfg you must have exec binds and exec aliases written in one line depending on where you want to put the binds that you are going to see in the guide.
General Binds
Changing sets of items
These binds allow us to change item sets with the "/" "*" "-" keys of the numeric keyboard.

bind "kp_slash" "load_itempreset 1"
bind "kp_multiply" "load_itempreset 2"
bind "kp_minus" "load_itempreset 3"

Quick class switcher
These binds allow us to change classes with the keys from 1 to 9 on the numeric keyboard.

bind "KP_END" "join_class scout"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "join_class soldier"
bind "KP_PGDN" "join_class pyro"
bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "join_class demoman"
bind "KP_5" "join_class heavyweapons"
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "join_class engineer"
bind "KP_HOME" "join_class medic"
bind "KP_UPARROW" "join_class sniper"
bind "KP_PGUP" "join_class spy"

"Streamer mode"
What stream snipers generally want is attention or kill you to take that beautiful screenshot of your death screen and post it anywhere saying they killed you, and they are a pro player.

alias "streamerhudon" "cl_hud_minmode 0;hud_saytext_time 0;voice_scale 0;hud_freezecamhide 1"
bind "+" "streamerhudon"
alias "streamerhudoff" "cl_hud_minmode 1;hud_saytext_time 12;voice_scale 1;hud_freezecamhide 0"
bind "=" "streamerhudoff"

I'll briefly explain what the alias commands do
  • cl_hud_minmode 1/0: Enables and disables the hud minmode (it can be changed at will).
  • hud_saytext_time 12/0: The time that the chat text can be seen.
  • voice_scale 1/0: It is the compression that the game applies when transmitting voice 1 being the best value to hear clearly and 0 silences it (never set a value higher than 1 or you will listen to people like an old radio).
  • hud_freezecamhide 1/0: Enable / disable the killcam, 0 making you not see the name of the person who killed you, etc.

See the net graph next to the scoreboard
If you find it annoying to have the net graph always visible in a corner of your screen then this alias is for you. What it does is that it is only visible when the scoreboard is active, something very simple but very useful.

bind "TAB" "+BOARD";
alias "+BOARD" "+showscores; net_graph 1";
alias "-BOARD" "-showscores; net_graph 0";

"Free wallhack" (Community Servers)
As you already know, community servers generally have !fp / !tp commands (first person and third person) which increase the fov (obviously), we are going to use this to our advantage to surprise the enemy team by catching them in corners of the map, etc.

bind Shift fp_tp
alias fp_tp_toggle "say /fp; alias fp_tp tp_fp_toggle"
alias tp_fp_toggle "say /tp; alias fp_tp fp_tp_toggle"

Enable/Disable viewmodels
This is self-explanatory.

bindtoggle i "r_drawviewmodel"

Null movement
In TF2 if you press A and D or W and S at the same time you stay still, that's something that everyone knows, but with this alias we can press them at the same time without us staying still in the place, this gives us better mobility either if you are a spy trying to trickstab, a soldier with a market, someone who surfs, bhop, etc.

alias null ""

alias +nmov_forward "-back ; +forward; alias nmov_reforward +forward"
alias +nmov_back "-forward; +back ; alias nmov_reback +back"

alias -nmov_forward "-forward; nmov_reback ; alias nmov_reforward null"
alias -nmov_back "-back ; nmov_reforward; alias nmov_reback null"

alias +nmov_moveleft "-moveright; +moveleft ; alias nmov_removeleft +moveleft"
alias +nmov_moveright "-moveleft ; +moveright; alias nmov_removeright +moveright"

alias -nmov_moveleft "-moveleft ; nmov_removeright; alias nmov_removeleft null"
alias -nmov_moveright "-moveright; nmov_removeleft ; alias nmov_removeright null"

alias nmov_reforward null
alias nmov_reback null

alias nmov_removeleft null
alias nmov_removeright null
bind w +nmov_forward
bind s +nmov_back
bind a +nmov_moveleft
bind d +nmov_moveright
Uber activated
Send a message to the team stating that you activated the uber.

// Uber
alias "+uber" "slot2;+attack2;say_team "***UBERED***"
alias "-uber" "-attack2;"
bind "mouse2" +uber

Fake uber
Activate the uber ready voice command, you will probably be able to scare someone and get them to give false information to their team.

// Fake uber
alias "fakeuber" "voicemenu 1 7"
bind "mouse4" "fakeuber"

Mask uber
Use it to stop the medic's voice yelling that he has the uber.

// Mask uber
alias "maskuber" "voicemenu 2 5"
bind "mouse5" "maskuber"
Ambassador Zoom
This is self-explanatory.

alias "+zoom" "zoomin"
alias "-zoom" "zoomout"
alias zoomin "r_drawviewmodel 0; fov_desired 70"
alias "zoomout" "r_drawviewmodel 1; fov_desired 90"
unbind z
bind "z" "+zoom"
coke and fries halo Jul 19, 2022 @ 5:27pm 
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rui Feb 4, 2021 @ 3:07am 
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Blase Feb 3, 2021 @ 7:36pm 
bro where's the explode bind? :shaft:
goya~ Feb 1, 2021 @ 3:59pm 
thanks, the uber, streamer mode, and Ambassador is really useful since the other script you put here i already used. i really recommend go get a null cancelling movement script since it's very useful when it comes to movement class like scout and soldier.
a stranger Jan 29, 2021 @ 1:37pm 
These are some really useful useful commands bro! , more people should see this. I never thought about binding class changes to the numeric keyboard XD, thanks for the idea.