Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

15-B Bishop
Blueprint: Capital Vessel
Custom: Airtight
標籤: Blueprint
439.423 KB
2020 年 12 月 19 日 上午 6:14
1 項更新註記 (檢視)

15-B Bishop

在 Jarvis1563 的 2 個收藏中
NSI Capital Vessel Line Up
77 個項目
Artemis Assault Division
12 個項目
The Bishop is the Refit version of the 15th-A Capital Vessel in the Nexus Space Industries Line to be put into service under NSI. And the third Capital vessel to be put under the Artemis Assault division.

This vessel was built to be the next generation on the famous Bishop line of starships. The B generations of this ship is larger, has new thruster layout and with that a larger cargo capacity then the A.
The ship is a CPU T4 CV made for planetary support missions. It has 1 HV hangars on the front and 1 sv platform on the top back of the ship. The ship comes equiped with some storage.

This CV comes with a little amount of devices. This CV is warpcapable and has a large amount of armor with T2 shields. This vessel comes equipped with 12 minigun.

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