Spelunky 2
32 évaluations
Useful Seeds
De Champion Red
Seeded runs are a great way to practice and unlock journal entries. This is a small collection of good seeds I've found.
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How to Unlock Seeded Runs
I realize not everyone viewing this guide will have unlocked seeded runs, so I'll briefly explain how to do so. To start off, you want to unlock all of the characters available in the main areas. This should give you a total of 14 characters. The last 2 characters needed to unlock seeded runs can be chosen from 6 possibilities.

The easiest choice is Pilot, who can be found through trial and error from the Ice Caves shortcut in one of three places as shown in this video. Make sure to rope down so you don't take fall damage.

The next easiest choice is Guy, who is obtained from beating the normal boss. This can also be done from the Ice Caves shortcut, but you may find it advantageous to start from the beginning in order to obtain more items.

The next two choices are found in the "secret" areas of Tide Pool and Temple, which can be accessed by starting from the beginning in order to obtain the Udjat Eye, Crown/Hedjet, and Ankh (all of these are not necessarily required, but I'm keeping this guide simple).

The last two choices are available in the "secret" world. These are much harder to obtain and doing so would mean you most likely have already obtained the previously mentioned characters, so they aren't really applicable to this guide.

Once you have obtained 16 characters total, go to the place shown in this video to unlock seeded runs.
Seed List (New)
  • 0x92d34251 (Tall Gold Vortex): bomb bag and bomb box on 1-1, as well as a specialty shop with a telepack on 1-2.
  • 0x7b87a690 (Simple Onyx Eye): fairly easy 1-2 eggplant in a clothing shop with a cape and spike shoes.
  • 0xba2ee155 (Tall Clay Vortex): teleporter and telepack to choose from in 1-2 shop, there is also a bomb box in the 1-3 shop, but that may be hard to get with angered shopkeepers.
  • 0x222d7b75 (Tall Jade Vortex): jetpack, mattock, and bomb box in 1-2 shop, perfect for practicing no-teleporter speedruns. There are even more bombs and paste on 1-3, if you can manage to steal them from the shop.
  • 0x44b14c79 (Smiling Wood Vortex): lots of enemies to sacrifice for a 1-2 kapala, the pet does require a bomb to get to, but there's a bomb box in the shop to make up for it.
  • 0xdddddddd (Cracked Gold Snake): there is a rare 5-1 eggplant, however the shop is at the bottom of the level and the altar is at the top. There is no jetpack to be found in any of the normal shops, but there is one available in the ghist shop if you're willing to play cursed. Otherwise, you'll want to have a lot of ropes to get back up, so I recommend going to the black market to stock up.
Seed List (Old)
Disclaimer: These seeds will generate different levels on newer versions of the game.

  • 0xabacab00 (Tall Onyx Vortex): This is a fairly well-known seed with a jetpack+teleporter and a bomb box in the starting shop. There is also a shop present and an altar on 4-3 (Tide Pool) for late eggplant runs.
  • 0xf09e2c00 (Tall Wood Snake): This seed has access to paste and a lot of bombs, as well as spike and spring shoes. This is useful for practicing skips for the drill, Olmec, lava pit, and Excalibur.
  • 0x175081da (Cracked Onyx Vortex): This seed similarly has early bombs and paste. There is also a 2-3 (Volcana) Tun shop (accessible from the entrance to Vlad's Castle) with a powerpack and a plasma cannon. The same level also has an altar on the bottom layer for easily sacrificing the pet and Vlad's hired hands to get a Kapala.
  • 0xb0381fbf (Simple Onyx Eye): This seed features a starting shop with hover/jet/tele packs, a present, and an altar for practicing early eggplant runs.
  • 0x1f01583f (Tall Onyx Ankh): This seed has a 1-1 teleporter for practicing speedruns without angered shopkeepers. There is also a 2-3 (Volcana) jetpack, but it needs to be stolen from a shopkeeper.
  • 0x35435fdd (Smiling Onyx Vortex): This seed similarly has a 1-1 teleporter, but it also has a 1-2 eggplant, so it can be used to practice both speed and early eggplant runs.
  • 0x5dbfbcce (Simple Gold Snake): This seed has altars on 1-2, 1-3, and 2-1 (Jungle) for easily getting The True Crown. It also starts with a bomb box, not that it really matters.
  • 0x8f2edc5e, 0x51dbd6db, 0x778255f8, 0x73c1869c: These seeds have a starting jetpack+teleporter for practicing speedruns.
  • 0xbff1f256: This seed has a starting jetpack which I used for practicing Qilin skip.
Where did these seeds come from?

Short answer: random testing.

Long answer: once upon a time the game kept track of the seeds it generated in a log file, however it no longer does. I extracted a list of seeds from my log file using the grep utility. I then pasted this list of seeds into a spreadsheet to keep track of what was in them (I only kept seeds with a good starting setup). The seeds I have here all come from that spreadsheet, with exception of the first seed in the list.

For the curious, I have the raw list of seeds here.[gist.github.com] It really is just a big list of random numbers though; you could achieve the same effect by using the built in random seed generator. The main reason I did it this way was so that I didn't have to write down seeds as I was testing them. You may notice that the seeds I have here do not go very far into the list. I didn't have the time or desire to test hundreds of seeds, so this only covers the first three dozen entries. Feel free to test beyond that if you so desire.

What do the words in parentheses next to the seeds mean?

This is the ushabti which is tied to that particular seed. To avoid spoilers, this is essentially an item which allows you to access the "secret" world. I used this Python script to generate the ushabti pattern for a given seed.[gist.github.com] Note that you do not need to complete any prerequisite quests for the ushabti to work, which is a nice bonus for seeded runs (technically you can also do this in non-seeded runs if you get lucky and happen to pick the right one).
13 commentaires
bdharmer 2 févr. 2023 à 10h19 
been practicing on AAAAAAAA. Here are some detailed notes:
O starts you off with loads of health, with up to 10 HP by 2-2.
O item shop on 1-2 with climbing gloves. easy rob if you practice.
O bomb box in moon challenge. hard to access though.
O bomb box can be used for easy udjat eye skip and olmec skip.
bdharmer 2 févr. 2023 à 7h42 
0xba2ee155 dosent have telepack
Spelunky_Tryhard 20 mars 2022 à 6h41 
Divirbuc, i tried the seed you recommended, it might just be a new thing, but its a telepack instead of jetpack in the shop
Kentiam 15 aout 2021 à 22h01 
I've got a great 2 player seed. Jetpack in 1-2, along with Kali and just enough to get Kapala!
Best of all the Black Market has a Jetpack too!

For Qilin it's Jade, Cracked, Snake.

Seed: ABCDEF00
abe 22 juil. 2021 à 13h00 
69420420 has a lot of alters on it.

1-2, 1-3, 2-2, 2-3

thats as far as i went on it
Champion Red  [créateur] 20 janv. 2021 à 19h39 
It means that you have to have 16 characters to choose from when starting a game. The starting 4 characters count.
weapon x 20 janv. 2021 à 9h07 
so it says after you have obtained 16 characters, does that mean you have 16 characters? or have gotten 16 characters because i dont know if the starter ones help
PushPushPushPush 19 janv. 2021 à 8h07 
Found one. 0xDBAAA444
in 1-2: shop with jet pack, skeleton key and Spectacles.
and an altar with easy 8 - 12 "points".
in 1-3: another altar with another 8 -12 easy "points"
gives you a lot of hearts to start your jurney.
keep spelunking.
Champion Red  [créateur] 5 janv. 2021 à 15h19 
I've seen that seed used for speedruns as well. I included ABACAB00 over that since it has the eggplant option, as well as access to lots of bombs. But for anyone who wants to try it (and not do Qilin skip), the ushabti is the cracked clay eye. (By the way you're missing a 0 there, the seed is 0000009E).
catman 5 janv. 2021 à 14h43 
btw, if you want to use the seed 000009E, the new seed gives both jetpack and teleporter on lvl 1, good for speedrunning, and other good things along the way if you wanna go the distance. I do not know as of right now what ushitabi you need, but im sure someone will find out.