827 평점
OvN - Chaos Dwarfs (Requires Decos Expanded Roster Mod)
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2020년 11월 27일 오전 4시 03분
2022년 2월 12일 오전 7시 21분
변경 사항 80개 ( 보기 )

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OvN - Chaos Dwarfs (Requires Decos Expanded Roster Mod)

The Dawi-Zharr are an industrious, dark-souled and merciless warrior race of Daemonsmiths, slavers and brutal killers that dominate the dark and cheerless landscape of the Dark Lands. At the centre of the Dark Lands lies a region filled with innumerable blackened factories, of hellish forges and massive armories, a dark, heartless and nightmarish industrial empire the likes of which surpasses all others in the greater world. Long separated from their fading kin of the west, the Chaos Dwarfs have given themselves over to their dark master, and Chaos has worked subtle changes on their bodies.

This optional submod allows you to play as or against the Chaos Dwarfs in the Mortal Empires campaign.

  • Fully playable custom faction
  • Custom buildings and garrisons
  • Loads of custom Landmarks
  • Over 40 unit roster
  • Custom Lords and Heroes
  • Custom Mechanic to unlock units, bonuses and Legendary lords by sacrificing slaves
  • Removes Chaos Dwarf units, lords, buildings and technology tree changes from the Warriors of Chaos faction.

Technical Info & Compatibility
ThIs optional submod requires Mixu's unlocker, Chaos Dwarfs Expanded Roster and OvN Lost Factions, links are to the right. Compatible with most mods including overhauls like SFO (Possibly not atm). Chaos Dwarfs are only present for Mortal Empire campaigns and is savegame compatiable but requires a new game for them to appear. This is an optional submod, you do not need it to run either Chaos Dwarfs Expanded Roster or the Lost Factions mods.

I noticed if you run Mixus LL mod and OvN Second Start the chorfs starting army is missing, there is no script error so it must just be script overload. Separately they both work fine with this mod, so if you want to play as the Chorfs I reccomend only having one of these mods active.

Recommended Mods
Feel the Darklands are a little empty, try out OvN - Second Start which gives factions a second settlement in exotic locations increasing the diversity of the campaign map.
Better Unit Cards for Chaos Dwarfs by r1kko and ss7877.

Thanks and Credits
Thanks to Deco and Mixu for all their work and help on the mod.
Thanks to r1kko and ss7877 for Warrhak's 2D portrait.

C&C Discord
If you want to discuss, have questions or share ideas about my mods, Total War, Modding or see the latest updates go to my channel #ovn on the C&C discord C&C - OvN Discord Link[]

Please rate up if you enjoy, upvotes feed the Hell Forges of Zharr-Naggrund so the Daemonsmiths can continue their unholy work!

인기 토론 모두 보기(2)
2021년 2월 15일 오전 11시 27분
I'mma gonna need some advice
2021년 11월 14일 오후 4시 20분
Possible rite/tree bug?
댓글 379
madpoet 2023년 5월 26일 오후 6시 35분 
WH3 is inferior to WH2
ahcwestend 2023년 5월 1일 오후 6시 51분 
wh3 is out for the dudes still playing wh2
emerald10005 2023년 3월 14일 오후 2시 43분 
@danielskipp Do not put off playing this mod. It's fantastic
danielskipp 2023년 1월 26일 오후 2시 12분 
Got very excited to see this mod but the recent critical comments put me off playing it...
Lux 2022년 12월 12일 오전 7시 26분 
- 50 is child play lmao
Play grom the pauch and feel what's like to be surround by -100 aversion. Pretty much everyone will declare war that include Empire, WE, HE, Bretonia, Dwarf.
TRIALON 2022년 9월 27일 오전 10시 45분 
Update: If you want to change the diplomacy penalties, look into effect_bundles_to_effects_junction_tables via pack file manager.

I'd recommend to set the -50 penalty (prejudice) to 0 because the chorfs receive "aversion" penalties anyways, depending from which factions they meet. Not even mentioning the power lvl penalty. This way you'll at least be able to establish some relations with Skaven, who're unreliable, while most other races will dislike you anyways. It just won't start to escalate into absolute bs at turn one, both for player and AI chorfs.
This is also how I see it about other evil OvN factions like the Rotbloods, no need for an artificial "prejudice" penalty when "aversion" keeps the diplomacy balance in check anyways, without entirely screwing diplomacy with other norscan tribes from the beginning.
TRIALON 2022년 9월 8일 오전 2시 41분 
The -50 diplomacy penalty to the CD is way too harsh for a faction that's so isolated like them.
I made a dwarf campaign and wanted to get into war with the CDs, but the problem is that even as AI faction, they just get bodied by Rictus Clan Nest, all other surrounding factions will declare war too.The autoresolve isn't in their favour either. They simply don't stand a chance and won't survive for long, even when I used the campaign editor to give them additional starting provinces and to upgrade their starting settlements.

Also turning casters into is just outright lame, it's not like imperial battlemages die of old age after 200 turns either.
Sai 2022년 9월 3일 오전 7시 32분 
1 90% of the world declares war.
2 Dreadquake mortars have 43 seconds reload time after skilling reduction making them useless.
3 Constant chaos rebelions spawning with hellcannons since turn 1
4 f*cked autoresolve forcing player to fight every battle
5 casters turning to stone
emerald10005 2022년 8월 14일 오후 3시 20분 
I'm not getting anymore slaves from events/instances where I should be getting them
Zeth.exe 2022년 7월 27일 오후 5시 46분 
Why no skill dump bruh