Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

1,282 ratings
MTG 4 player table - scripted
Type: Game
Game Category: Card Games, Strategy Games
Complexity: Low Complexity
Number of Players: 4
Play Time: 180+ minutes
File Size
2.470 MB
Nov 23, 2020 @ 12:39am
Dec 2, 2024 @ 6:14pm
971 Change Notes ( view )

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MTG 4 player table - scripted


(contains a link to an active EDH Discord server on TTS)

Primary functions
  • Scripted Mulligan, Untap, Draw, Scry, Mill, Reveal buttons
  • Right click context menu options that automate some common mechanics:
    ‣ right click your library to Cascade, Reveal until Type, Fetch Basic Land
    ‣ right click a card in hand to Sort Hand by CMC, Random Discard
    ‣ certain individual cards have more options, e.g. clone, morph and cascade
  • Scripted card buttons enable easy/clean tracking of pow/tou, +1/+1 counters, loyalty etc.
  • Support for playmats (experimental): type "playmat imageURL" into chat (imageURL needs to be a link to a publicly hosted jpg or png image)

Key bindings
(numpad keys by default, unless you changed TTS settings):
  • 0 - pass turn (also enables turns if they are off)
  • 1-6 - same as the physical buttons in front of each player: 1untap, 2draw, 3scry, 4mill, 5revealFan, 6revealStack
  • 7 - move selected cards to exile
  • 8 - move selected cards to graveyard
  • 9 - move selected cards to the bottom of library (in a random order)

Card importers
A lot of the automation at the table is only possible if you use one of the THREE different importers at the table. Each one lets you load in a deck by copy-pasting the link to a decklist from a supported deck-building website (e.g. archidekt, moxfield, scryfall) or by copy-pasting a card list directly into TTS.
  • Amuzet's chat importer - works via chat commands: type "scryfall deckURL" into chat, and the deck will spawn at your mouse cursor. If you're new to MTG on TTS, I suggest you just learn to use this one importer - it's the most powerful one. Look here all the various chat commands.
  • Omes' mat importer - looks like this. Drag a mat out from the bag on the edge of the table. This one separates decks into individual piles, and preloads all the tokens.
  • rikrassen's GUI importer - click the button on the edge of the table that looks like this to open the GUI. It works for loading in decks and cubes, and can even do drafts!
How to change cardbacks/sleeves
You have to set the cardback image *before* you import your cards in. Each importer has its own way to do that:
  • Amuzet's chat: type "scryfall back imageURL" into chat
  • Omes mat: click the ••• button on the bottom right of the mat
  • rikrassen's gui: click ⚙ in top right of the interface
How to get specific prints
If you make your deck on archidekt, moxfield, or scryfall, then the importers at the table will import precisely the print you've selected on the website.

You can also import all prints for a specific card by typing "scryfall print cardName" into chat. Do *not* do this for basic lands or any other common cards that would result in 50+ printings -- it will overload the importer!

With the power of scryfall's search syntax[] you can import just about anything by using the "scryfall search" chat command within TTS.

Support for custom-art cards
You can load in custom-art cards individually.
To spawn an existing MTG card with alternate art, type "scryfall imageURL cardName" into chat.
To spawn any image (as a card), just type "scryfall imageURL" into chat.

"The table is broken! There are random huge labels and numbers all over the place and buttons/scripts don't work."
This is an annoying TTS bug that I cannot do anything about: sometimes TTS loads in "ghost cache scripts" from a previous game from the host, which then break all sorts of stuff.

The optimal solution is: if you're going to host a table, restart TTS entirely before loading the one you want.

Alternatively, once *all* the players are connected, reload the workshop table (ctrl-Z to do this quickly).

I want less clutter // I wish to change the room background
Click the X on the instruction panels on the blackboard

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

Just like everybody else and their grand-ma, I pulled components and scripts from a bunch of other tables and mods out there. Then, I did a whole bunch of scripting myself to make the optimal table for my playgroup. I think it turned out quite alright :) a smooth playing experience.
  • Anile8er's table is where it all started (liked his design, made scripts to make it better)
  • Adapted Easy Modules for MtG Encoder by Tyrant and Encoder by Tipsy Hobbit: *major* components allowing for a ton of awesomeness
  • zachstover's sticker module
  • DXHHH101's morph module
  • ulia's room for nice background that doesn't leave the table floating in space
Further inspiration, assets, and good ideas were adapted from: Amuzet's, Izzet's and schoob's tables.

I ended up making a few tables with the same assets for different amounts of players:
4 person table
6 person table
8 person table

read the table description above before posting questions!
If you're asking something that I clearly answered above, I'll just ignore it, sorry :(

If you're reporting some bug or error, provide as much detail as possible. If I can't recreate the bug from your description, I can't fix it. If there's a red error message in the game, what is the message?

If it's about importing cards, you have to indicate which of three importers you're using and precisely which link you were trying to load.

read the table description above before posting questions!
Psychalgia Mar 8 @ 2:16pm 
guys, is there a way to draft specific sets?
i wanted to do an old theros block draft in my playgroup, and i'm looking for tools to do that on cheap
Oops I Baked a Pie  [author] Mar 6 @ 4:00pm 
My tip towards most things in life is "try googling it" ^.^
Reddit: Keep on getting black and yellow textures
Paxx Mar 6 @ 1:05am 
some alternate card arts wont load itll just be yellow lines cant find a fix anywhere any tips?
You should add this particular link to all your mods, in case folks want show you their kudos.
Painless8319 Mar 4 @ 6:33am 
I've come back to this several times; hands down the best way to play magic remotely with friends. The scripting is top notch and blows me away every time. Is there a donate button somewhere? Because this project deserves it.
Joe Tarow Feb 27 @ 10:31am 
Yellow Angel (o.W.n.; M&EA) Feb 24 @ 10:59am 
There should be a River Song enabler somewhere in some pie.
Portapuppy Feb 23 @ 6:42pm 
Love the table. Would it be possible to add a draw from the bottom option to the library? Its the one thing stopping me from playing my pet deck.
P!necone Feb 20 @ 1:17am 
Has anyone been getting an issue with the Planechase map? I've been getting a small issue with my playgroup where once the Planechase deck is registered and the initial spread is laid out, all the cards are oriented away from the table. It's a very minor inconvenience, and most of us use the alt feature to bring up the image of the card anyway, but it would be nice to know if it's an error on our side or if this is a common issue.