Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

2,503 ratings
Climbable Rope with Physics
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Weapon
Addon Tags: Roleplay, Realism
File Size
26.055 KB
Nov 15, 2020 @ 5:32pm
Jul 20, 2022 @ 5:39am
15 Change Notes ( view )

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Climbable Rope with Physics


I can't guarantee compatibility with every single one of your 5000+ addons. Its known to conflict with any "infinite Ammo" mods that add bullets directly into clip/magazine. Further replies mentioning shotgun fire will be ignored.

Known Fix to make it compatible with Silent Step - write "ss_walk_override_sprint 0" into the console.
This is a SWEP, which is a rope you can climb.

These ropes have somewhat acceptable physics!
You can fly around the map with it, you can climb up a wall or even swing on it and launch yourself into the window!
You want to safely get down an uneven slope? Attach the rope nearby and slide down it with ease!
-Wanna do this tacticool SWAT raid stuff? Sure thing, we got you covered, descend into the unknown, guns blazing!

You better watch the videos to see what I mean, actually.

Simple controls:

For "Cilmb Rope"
LMB to attach/detach a rope, LShift (or your "Sprint" bind) to pull yourself up, LAlt (or your "Walk" bind) to slide down. If you holster this weapon, the rope will NOT detach automatically. You can climb it while using other weapon,
Shift+Alt to detach the rope at any time (both with rope in hands and when using other weapon)

SWEP can be found in Weapons/Night_Sniper's Stuff named "Climb Rope".
In your inventory takes First tier (crowbar, physgun, et c.) slot number 12(which is usually the last slot), so, you are less likely to switch to it instead of a weapon. Strange change, I know.

Old controls for you whinies, boo-hoo

Now also uses ConVars!

"cl_rope_climb_speed 2" - Sets the climbing speed. Default value is 2
WARNING: Do NOT set to Negative values!!!

"cl_rope_maxlength 2500" - Sets the maximum length of the rope. The defaut "2500" number is NOT counted in meters, the unit is much, much smaller. WARNING: Do NOT set to Negative values, this successfully breaks the addon to hell.

"cl_rope_material 1/2/3" - Now you can choose between differrent rope materials! Currently you can choose between classic rope, a black cable and a meme spider web, pew-pew! If any of you, guys, know rope material names, I would love to hear those.

"cl_rope_solid_bait 0/1" - Makes the bugbait on the tip of the rope solid or not for players. Default value is 1.


Attention: This SWEP has once upon a time recieved an overhaul, based on Bajenovskii's Ninja Rope"
Most notable changes can be found in update log. New videos show a bit of new style.

Also shoutouts to this great person, who took their time to help me fix most inconvenient bugs and add proper multiplayer compatibility!

Known issues:

Try avoiding killing NPC you have connected to. It doesn't break the addon, but update rate of the point of connection being existent is a bit slow. It will spazz in error for a few milliseconds. Sad thing I can't avoid that, though somehow deleting connected props doesn't cause any issue. Also don't try connecting to flying NPCs that have no physical hitbox, such as Helicopter Hunter. Again, gives out a little error. Have no idea how to fix it without breaking the ability to track NPC's position completely.

Ropes still physically work well in multiplayer, but visually connect to the single bugbait... Uh, that's strange, but I am not really working on that, maybe later.

MERCY_ALL May 15 @ 11:34am 
"I can't guarantee compatibility with every single one of your 5000+ addons.", Accurate. :steamthumbsup:
GoldSourceFan1998 Apr 6 @ 10:42pm 
i guess your a good guy corporal..
goldninja1987 Mar 19 @ 3:29pm 
it worked before now its being a @$$,it refuses to work and i dont know why
i dont know if theres any others like this one but i liked using it and now i cant
Formal Lizard Feb 1 @ 1:26pm 
I don't think there's too much of a difference between making a frankenstein's monster codebase and how most people code. I also think being able to put in the effort to put together all the code segments requires a good deal of intellect, so give yourself some credit and maybe put this on your job portfolio.

Also, if you didn't know, there's a documentation page with all the functions listed at

PS: I feel like I'd end this comment with a "kind regards" lol
Night_Sniper  [author] Feb 1 @ 9:03am 
There's a distinct difference between being able to write something like that from the scratch, and reading through other people's code and lua guides with just enough understanding to staple together such a Frankenstein.

Huge chunk of code, responsible for, basically, most of the mod has been replaced from my wacky variation (which, to be fair, junkily, but worked) to whatever I sto- tactically borrowed from linked mod.

Im not a good coder, Im just a very stubborn reader and can learn from examples.
JerryTheGuy Feb 1 @ 6:57am 
if you made a mod like this you are not stupid
Night_Sniper  [author] Feb 1 @ 6:05am 
Im stupid.
Formal Lizard Feb 1 @ 4:58am 
Can't you just get the hitnormal of the player's eye trace and convert it to an angle?
Night_Sniper  [author] Jan 31 @ 11:57pm 
The issue here is that I can't figure out how to rotate that node according to the surface it appears on. I would have went with something less unassuming, but it looked awful, so instead of learning how to code rotation, I just crutched it with funny sticky balls.
Formal Lizard Jan 31 @ 5:58pm 
I mean if you were to ever replace the bugbait, use a propeller trap lever.