Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Renegade Rapier (Style: Dextral)
職業: Spy
物品欄位: Misc
7.032 MB
2020 年 10 月 19 日 下午 5:46
2020 年 10 月 19 日 下午 7:02
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在 oB2Ko Mario 的 1 個收藏中
The Lone Musketeer
5 個項目
Buttoned onto your suit is a rather ornate antique that you grabbed from a back-alley Halloween shop while trying to complete your musketeer look. It may look real, and its emblem may strike fear into those who recognize it, but let's be real: it doesn't come out of the straps.


-Comes with LOD levels 0 and 1
-Is paintable
-See the other more sinister style!


-Wait, only compatible with most coats?
Sadly, there's a couple of Spy cosmetics that clip with this item. There's not that much I can really do about them without reworking the strap, and even then the workarounds would make the sword hang unnaturally from the Spy's hip. In particular, the Showstopper and the Chicago Overcoat have big coattails; trying to make the rapier hang from these two items would make it look bad on all the other Spy coats. I'll possibly come up with another style that would be compatible with these coats in the future.
-Will this conflict with items in that equip region, like the Canteens or the ConTracker?
This style would, unfortunately. However, you can use the left-handed Sinistral style instead to avoid model clipping. I'm giving you both options, in case you prefer to not have these items equipped and want the right-handed experience!
-Will you make this a weapon?
If someone wants to reach out and turn this into a Spy knife (shortening the blade, of course), I do have the high-poly model and the raw Photoshop file ready to go. I haven't figured out how to make weapons yet, so if you want to take a crack at it, hit me up!
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2020 年 10 月 21 日 下午 3:39
I've decided to remove the i.