Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Curse of Strahd Werewolf Den map
Type: Map
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81.908 KB
Oct 15, 2020 @ 2:41am
Mar 2, 2021 @ 3:00am
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Curse of Strahd Werewolf Den map

Cos 3d wolf den
Tabimory Mar 2, 2021 @ 10:04am 
you are a genius!) thanks! what a pity that I did not meet your cards in the first half of the module)
jehunter80  [author] Oct 22, 2020 @ 11:24pm 
the fow mod from the guy who does the one world looks like it should work pretty well but ive not fooled with it much. i usually just paste boxes over the rooms and call it a day
Harkonnen Oct 22, 2020 @ 4:01pm 
Haha, well glad we could partner up without knowing it. Have you had luck with the FoW? Its kind of crap IMO. If you come up with a strategy for using it, let me know. I'd like to jump into a game with you sometime to see it
jehunter80  [author] Oct 21, 2020 @ 6:59pm 
Yeah I've been mostly using your maps in my game actually lol and yeah adding props for the campfires and cages was on the todo list when i get around to doing the "fog of war" blocks but thats on the backburner for the moment. just thought i would get the base model up for anyone that felt like using it. I origonally started doing the single peice approch because it was easer to just pull them out of a bag to set off the side of the table for things that didnt fit right with one world and the stage mods and at the time things didnt stay locked in bags. Yeah i think amber temple will lend fairly well to it though it will likely need to be a couple of peices just due to size. when i did tomb of horrors I had to break it up into three different sections.
Harkonnen Oct 20, 2020 @ 9:18pm 
Very nice. I've been building plenty of maps, but never as a single object like this. Using blender seems like it will prevent me from having to fiddle with the somewhat shoddy placement tools in TTS. I've added your map to my overall map in my Curse of Strahd upload. I placed some items in, but not much other than that. I'm going to try and go back and update some maps, but mostly I'm going to use best practices learned here when I move forward on the Amber Temple. I think I can make use of blender on that map and save a load of time.
jehunter80  [author] Oct 20, 2020 @ 7:11pm 
if you wanted a little bit of a peak behind the curtan copying the link in the colider box and paisted it in place of the link for the object should produce the same map but without any walls. their might be a few graphical glitches though i cant recall if i made it before or after i fixed them on the object file
jehunter80  [author] Oct 20, 2020 @ 6:42pm 
the stepped bits are mostly same. for them i cut along the top edge of the clif and around the cross hatched outside edge then lifted the top part so it angled the side and steps, its a little more fiddely but not too bad. some parts being sold and some letting things pass through is from the custom made colider on the object. a lot of maps tend to have really narrow hallways like the staircase so ive found the minis work a little better if only the floor is solid so thats the only part i used to make the colider
Harkonnen Oct 19, 2020 @ 6:37pm 
Never used Blender. I'm downloading it now. Did you do the same for the small stepped areas of the cave? Also, how did you make it so that the piece has a solid top surface, but the sides allow pieces to pass through? Was that done in blender also, or in TTS?
jehunter80  [author] Oct 18, 2020 @ 3:35pm 
I loaded a cube in blender and adjusted it to about the same size as the image, then applied the image to the top surface and started tracing the edges of the walls and cliffs with the cut tool so i could extrude them.
Harkonnen Oct 16, 2020 @ 8:36pm 
This is great. I'd like to know how you made it