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Siberia - Crime and Punishment guide [ONLY TEXT!]
By Ginopinoshow
Textual guide to the Siberia Sniper challenge map Crime and Punishment
Frothy Blanket
Eliminate any target with an exploding fire extinguisher while they are carrying it.
Set fire to some building and guards will try to extinguish them. I suggest the building on the top right of the screen because it will have 2 guards on the roof using fire extinguisher. You can set that building on fire by opening the gates in the upper right part of the prison

Collapse Of The Union
Eliminate Reznikov and Khabko by dropping the Soviet star on them.
Shoot the flag or wait to trigger Khabko release. Wait for him to reach the main building (shoot his clothes to make it faster). The targets will meet and greet and leave the building. When they are one step outside of the building shoot the big star.

Shocking Violence
Kill Khabko with a car battery.
The first thing that will happen in Khabko routine is to maul one of the prisoners with a car battery. Open the faucet nearby the aggression (a little on the left, nearby the barrack). Then after the aggression he will stand on a pool of wet with other two guards. Shoot the battery in that moment.

Wish Upon A Star
Eliminate any target by dropping the soviet star on them.
See Collapse Of The Union

This Is Fine
Cause a fire that eliminates both Reznikov and Khabko.
Two possibilities. One: trigger Khabko's release, poison the wine (see the feats) to make both of them sleep, then trigger the riot and open the gates so it reaches that building (see the feats).
Alternatively, trigger Khabko's release, shoot his clothes (both of them) wait till both targets reach the central building, then shoot to the lock at its base, so to start the riot and the fire while they are inside.

Foam Party
Eliminate Reznikov with an exploding fire extinguisher.
Make him go close to one (there is one just outside the main building, on the left part of the building) or set fire to the building in the lower part of the map. He will go close to investigate. There will be a couple of fire extinguishers on the ground.

Pink Mist
Eliminate all targets with headshots.

Tiger Hunter
Eliminate all of the Siberian Tigers after starting the evacuation.

Eliminate any target with an icicle.
Wait till a guard goes under one, then shoot it. A good one (far from other eyes) may be the one outside the left-most building.

Electric Boogaloo
Eliminate three targets by electrocution.
See Shocking Violence

Hold Your Fire
Eliminate all targets without shooting them.
Self-explanatory. Possible way of doing it: set a building on fire while they are inside, shoot fire extinguisher, shoot explosive barrels, shoot water tanks and then to the cables/plugs, shoot to electric boxes nearby lamps, shoot lamps when they are under them.

Hidden Tiger
Eliminate and hide all members of the Siberian Tigers.
Self-explanatory. Possible way of doing it: set a building on fire while they are inside, shoot them inside a snow pile, shoot them inside a toilet, shoot them out of catwalks while the riot has started, shoot them over the border of the top-most buildings.

In The Cut
Hide the bodies of both Khabko and Reznikov.
Easiest way is following This Is Fine. Alternatively, shoot Khabko while he vomits (after poisoning his food), or while he walks nearby a snow pile; shoot Reznikov while he walks nearby a snow pile.
Lullaby Of Birdland
Hit all 10 rubber ducks.
See: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1820367418

Where Are My Pants?
Destroy Khabko's clothes.
The clothes are in the left-most building, on the ground floor, on a desk. Or in the building nearby the main gate of the prison, on the upper floor.

Snitches Get Stitches
Eliminate all 6 rats.
See: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1820367418

Spread the riot to every part of the prison.
See Burning Down The House

Porcelain King
Hide three bodies in worker camp toilets.
The first two camp toilets are a bit over and a bit under Khabko's barrack. A guard routine will bring them there a few seconds after the beginning. Simply shoot them while they are in. Poison Khabko's food to make him go to the second toilet. The third toilet is in the bottom right part of the map, the routine of a guard will lead them there. If you don't wanna wait for a guard to go have a piss, you can make them come closer shooting nearby it and try to push them in with your shot. if you fail, you can try to push the body with shockwave bullets.

Fusil For Everyone
Hide a Siberian Tiger in the rioting crowd.
Start the riot, then headshoot to one of the guards standing nearby the rail of the catwalk.

Cold War
Hide five bodies in snow piles.
Self-explanatory. Attract guards nearby them and then shoot them. If they don't end up inside the pile, you can use shockwave bullets to push the bodies. Some suggestions.
The guard patrolling the bottom-most border will pass in front of many piles. One guard will take a piss in front of a pile in the central zone of the map. Khabko will pass nearby a couple of them. A guard on the right-bottom part of the map will take a break in front of a pile (nearby a burning bin). The guard that welcome the pilot stands in front of a pile until the pilot's arrival. All three the guards on the watch-towers can be shooted over the rail and into a snow pile (the one on the tower with a civilian is a bit tricky. you have to lure the civilian on the right and then lure the target a bit on the back of the tower)

Burning Down The House
Set all five prison buildings on fire.
Open all the gates but the main one (see Great Escape). Shoot the explosive stuff piled outside of the bottom-most building. For the left-most building, there is flammable material on the upper floor.
For the security building (center of the map) you have to shoot to the lock of the door at its base. For the main building, you have to shoot the gate behind the left-most building. Do not open the main gate!

The Great Escape
Cause a large prison escape.
The main gate is the one in the lowest part of the map. You can recognize it cause it has two pairs of water tanks and electric sockets on its catwalk. Through the door of the building next to it, using instinct you can see something yellow. It's the panel you have to shoot to open it. All the other panel you need to shoot to open the other gates are visible.

Black Site
Shoot 10 lamps.
Self-explanatory. Beware that if there is any guard under it, it will kill them.

A Feat For Crows
Shoot all 8 crows.
See: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1820367418

Prison Food
Poison Khabko.
At the beginning of the level, in the part of the prison closer to you (the Khabko spawn zone) there are some barracks. From Khabko barrack go up till the last barrack in the courtyard, you can see a window where someone is cooking. You can shoot a nearby emetic poison and wait for him to eat it.
Alternatively, trigger his release. Wait till he is about to reach the main building. Shoot the sedative pills in the main building, right-most window, upper floor, where he meets with the warden. They will meet and drink and they will fall asleep.

False Flag
Lower the flag to trigger Khabko's release
See the flag on top of the main building? Shoot at the thing at its base.

Na zdorovje
Destroy all five bottles of alcohol.
See: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1820367418
Second Shooter
Main building, upper floor, leftmost room. There is a locker. Shoot it to reveal Carlton Smith and a rifle. He will try to shoot down targets if the alarm is triggered.

Fragile Alliance
Trigger Khabko's release, then start the riots. Kill all the main building guards and Reznikov guards. Keep Reznikov busy with the riot. When he will reach Khabko he will assault him.
If there are guards, they will stop the fight!
I suggest to gradually increase the riot until all guards are summoned there and non one is in the building anymore. Or you can just kill all of them before they leave the building, your choice!
Dazzle Mar 22, 2022 @ 1:53pm 
brilliant guide, cheers :)
V92 Mar 2, 2022 @ 4:21am 
You're actually missing some of the achievements:
"In a League of Their Own" - Get a score above 1,000,000 points on Crime and Punishment.
"Never Knew What Hit Them" - Complete Crime and Punishment as Silent Assassin.
Tora May 7, 2021 @ 7:56am 
Thanks for the guide, lad. It was very helpful.