166 ratings
Flying Saucers
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Sep 16, 2020 @ 12:29pm
Aug 25, 2022 @ 12:30pm
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Flying Saucers

In 1 collection by WolfETPlayer
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Flying Saucers
Original author: Depro777
Remastered by: WolfETPlayer
Playable levels: 10

You are soviet spy who was sent far behind enemy lines to retrieve secret documentation about new German super weapon - Flying Saucers.

Thanks to: community for valuable tips when designing the addon.
Texts translated by: Ronboy, Vicpas and David Parhzek

Depro777(RU), Ron Boy, Vicpas, InterruptoR, Horst, Shurr, Yo$hik, Eugeny, Semwolf and
mike gamer May 24 @ 3:44am 
One of the best Wolfenstein mods ever made i enjoyed this mod never got tired of started slow once you get to the base with the ufo i was into it nonstop i give this a big treasure chest well deserved. i give this mod 9/10
Yukich Apr 23 @ 8:07am 
First of all, this addon ACTUALLY WORKS (shame on Capuzzo, Devil's manor and basically everything that Yoshik did)

This addon is challenging but now awfully challenging, its using pretty much the same gameplay recipe as the original game, except the fact that locations are REALLY big and qute maze-like

Level design is great tho, each room has its purpose aesthetic-wise
The variety is also great, there's a village, a castle, a dungeon with undead, a couple of forest levels and also lab levels

Finally, there are secrets, which are hidden quite good

Very enjoyable overall
C!P Apr 12 @ 1:26pm 
Потные коридоры
Doughnut Drake Mar 4 @ 12:28am 
Мод очень понравился. Классный сюжет и превосходный дизайн карт - громадные, продуманные, лабиринтообразные локации, на прохождение которых уходит по 30-40 минут, с кучей неочевидных секретов. Но, эти лабиринты часто начинают бесить, в них легко заблудиться, куча изначально запертых дверей после каких-то манипуляций открывается, и это все нужно держать в голове. Постоянно оказываешься в ситуации, где неясно куда идти и что делать. При подборе оружия часто указываются неправильные наименования стволов, видимо, баг.
basement guy Sep 2, 2023 @ 7:20pm 
The atmosphere is very like the original game (especially for zombies fans) but the lack of direction/clear map progression takes a lot away.
Going through an entire map to kill 4 enemies makes a previously closed door open (which is too often on the far side of the maze), but none will tell, why would anybody think your time is valuable?
Small bugs like when picking up weapons, they often bear a wrong name, and lack of consistency with doors gets tricky: some are closed and marked as such, some are marked as open but aren't, some are inactive, with so many doors leading to so many doors, it all could be more clear.

Castle level is great, with good enemy placement and timing. Labs are a cumbersome maze, with a nice Far Cry look. I liked the Indiana Jones traps (though levers in small catacombs rooms are a give away), nice ideas, (many) maps and story, lots of secrets, overall a good RTCW experience. Thanks! :steamthumbsup::Spirit:
rotted nightmare Jul 15, 2023 @ 9:54am 
I think you should redesign the first 3 maps.
WhereTheFunBegins Jun 23, 2023 @ 11:01am 
Ignore the more critical comments, this is easily the best mod I've played for RTCW. Sure there might be some annoying secret areas and some maze-like maps, but the quality is there. The levels are just the right length, the enemies are just challenging enough without being overly frustrating, and the story is very stolid. Builds off of real history surrounding Nazi projects to develop flying saucers. Ultimately this is a very high quality story and mod, which is incredibly faithful to the vanilla game. It genuinely feels like dlc or a sequel.
OmegaDawn May 20, 2023 @ 11:06am 
It's heart is in the right place but this is the most annoying mod i played so far. Enemies camping all around the place and the maze-like overdesigned levels with the flip a switch/push a button dead end. Going back to previously locked door, now with more camping enemies spawning on your way back to actually at least tell you that it's the right direction. Some very rough small rooms with tanky enemies like the catacomb fire demons (abuse their rising animation with knife attacks i guess but still). Lot of secrets are plain nonsense too (grab a chair and climb a hidden ladder at a tree trunk, interact button on random wall piece while hiding the icon prompt). This mod also made me sick of kicking in doors, quiet the achievement!
djsergeich Mar 9, 2023 @ 9:21am 
Хлам. Запутанные лабиринты с бэктрекингом.
DeMonT Dec 30, 2022 @ 8:51am 
so nice map