Better Ammo EX
Content types: graphics, scripting
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25 ส.ค. 2020 @ 12: 30pm
1 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )
Back after 2 years of inactivity! I am proud to bring you Better Ammo EX! This is a continuation of my old better ammo mod that strives to be more balanced and fun than ever before. Max ammo values for most weapons have been buffed or nerfed to allow more useful weapons/ammo and more balance. Other than changes highlighted here, all other features remain vanilla. The assault rifle and pulse rifle now have their own ammo so no need to share anymore! Large cell and ammo box pickups now give pulse ammo and AR bullets respectively. AR bullets, pulse ammo and the chronoscepter now have their own icons (scepter used the cell icon before). The backpack is now more useful as some weapons did not give increased repositories with the backpack, but they do now! Make the best of your ammo supply! For notes on specific changes, please refer to the project files.

All coding and the pulse icon were done by me (FairInHeight). Big thanks to DoomMarine23 for fixing up the AR bullets HUD icon as I am graphically challenged. The chrono icon is just the reused inventory icon for the scepter pieces. Also a special thanks to Smoke39 for getting me into this hobby and teaching me almost everything I know about Turok modding and c++ as well as having his Turok modding guide available online. Also a special thanks to badger for teaching me how to use the editor, giving great advice, and being very supportive. DoomMarine, Smoke and Badger are easily my biggest influences and inspirations in the community and I would not be where I am without these fine gentlemen. Some of the funnest projects of my life were done with these guys.

Future plans:
-Add an alt ammo for the pistol and maybe more
-Make custom pickups to allow the use of the old pickups again
-Make pickups a bit more scarce to add balance
-Redesign some HUD icons to look better or more realistic
-Tweak values as more testing gets done and suggestions are made
-Possibly add a Turok+ addon version

Notes from the developer:
Sorry about the long break everyone. Life hit hard and I lost all my work and my PC in the process of breaking up with my ex and then moving 300 miles away from home. I am now settled down and I was able to get the ultimate overhaul files back so we are working on that again! I am also making a level for the next community map jam. I hope to be a big part of this community like before, maybe an even bigger part than before and I am a software developer now and my knowledge of programming and computer science has grown tenfold. Thank you everyone for your continued support over the years, I am glad to be back and I'm not going anywhere. Enjoy Better Ammo EX. There is so much more to come...
4 ความเห็น
DoomMarine23  [ผู้สร้าง] 25 ส.ค. 2020 @ 1: 06pm 
Glad I could help you out :)
FairInHeight5  [ผู้สร้าง] 25 ส.ค. 2020 @ 12: 59pm 
Sorry bout it being blank at first as well. My editor doesn't like to play nice fsr
FairInHeight5  [ผู้สร้าง] 25 ส.ค. 2020 @ 12: 58pm 
I uh, used a blue one for the pulse icon xD
Phantron 25 ส.ค. 2020 @ 12: 42pm 
theres a blue version of the energy icon for this weapon :p