Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

168 évaluations
[ArcCW] Wackass Rounds
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Tags: Cartoon, Fun
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5.352 MB
12 aout 2020 à 15h04
13 aout 2020 à 21h30
4 notes de changement ( voir )

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[ArcCW] Wackass Rounds


A bunch of bullets that you can use in your mods or something. Unknown Rounds #2 also requires TF2 and EP2


Valve - Models/Materials & Effects

8Z - Gauss Gun, I took the attachment that allows the bullet to go crazy
39 commentaires
yottasecond 3 aout 2023 à 17h25 
the amount of bullshit you can do with this pack brings me eternal happiness :steamthumbsup::steamhappy:
ACDCTNTLover 3 juin 2023 à 11h21 
MORE WHACKY ROUNDS (like a "i like ya cut g" shell)
NathanTheCanadian 24 avr. 2023 à 11h01 
[[ArcCW] Wackass Rounds] lua/entities/arccw_occelot.lua:47: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. SetPos - [C]:-1
2. unknown - lua/entities/arccw_occelot.lua:47
3. FireBullets - [C]:-1
4. unknown - lua/entities/arccw_occelot.lua:25

No idea what's causing this, how do I fix this? Or is the addon outdated?
A 5k+ hours Sandbox GMod Player. 21 janv. 2023 à 10h43 
i just witnessed a cough virus raid of the chat.
I hit jellyfish with hammers 26 nov. 2022 à 23h36 
this is the best worst arccw mod
---ㅤEpitaphㅤ--- 17 sept. 2022 à 17h43 
The Unknown round 2# has Latin in its description saying, "stipendium peccati mors est." When translated it means, "the wages of sin is death."
JojiteFoxxo 14 sept. 2022 à 15h15 
i love this pack
404_coffee.exe 17 aout 2022 à 7h47 
the amount of stupid BS you can do with this is amazing.
Rescuedcoast 18 juil. 2022 à 12h53 
[[ArcCW] Wackass Rounds] lua/arccw/shared/attachments/ammo_gauss.lua:30: attempt to call method 'Armor' (a nil value)
1. unknown - lua/arccw/shared/attachments/ammo_gauss.lua:30
2. GetBuff_Hook - lua/weapons/arccw_base/sh_attach.lua:183
3. NPC_Shoot - lua/weapons/arccw_base/sv_npc.lua:225
4. CanPrimaryAttack - lua/weapons/arccw_base/sh_firing.lua:14
5. PrimaryAttack - lua/weapons/arccw_base/sh_firing.lua:89
6. unknown - gamemodes/base/entities/weapons/weapon_base/init.lua:95
theerakjar 22 déc. 2021 à 12h39 
Mine rounds need to be nerfed.