STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

56 ratings
RP guide for SWTOR
By MimiSFM
This is a guide towards a diffrent aspect of the game. Roleplay. I will be saying this isn't a guide for everyone, as RP isn't everyones cup of tea.

Some people love it some people hate it and some people just don't care about it. So if your someone who doesn't care about the roleplaying side of the game I sugest finding a diffrent guide on how the game really works as I won't really be touching those aspects unless they can be used for RP.

If you are someone who wishes to RP starter or returning veteran please stick around.
This will be a guide towards the roleplaying aspect of the game Star wars the old Republic. In this guide, I will be going over the different thing's that you may want to learn if your new to Roleplaying.

This guide will be mostly for new roleplayers as I will be going over everything but if you're a returning veteran of the RP community and just want to look back at how things worked its also a guide for you.

I will be saying I might get things wrong and what people see in RP might be something else then what I might see my self and standards differ between servers. But I will try my best to give what I know to those that wish to learn.
1. Servers
In the game when first starting you will be greeted by a: 'Select Server' screen. Here you will have different servers where you can join and play in. These servers will be:

-Darth Malgus:
This server is located in Europe and the player base here speaks English.

-Star Forge:
This server is located in North America and the player base here speaks English.

-The Leviathan:
This server is located in Europ and the player base here speaks French.

-Satele Shan:
This server is located in North America and the player base here speaks English.

-Tulak Hord:
This server is located in Europe and the player base in there speaks German.

Now that you know what servers there are I will now tell which servers have a standing RP community.

Darth Malgus and Star Forge.

These two servers are both the main server to chose for roleplayers as they stem from older servers that were only Roleplay servers but have been merged a long time ago.

(Their ma be roleplayers on the other servers and I will not claim there are no roleplayers what so ever on the other servers but these are the only ones I know of that have roleplayers active)
2. Your character.
It is important to have a character that will fit you and even what side you might want to pick, otherwise, it might be hard for you to explain further things you might wish to do in RP and what you might even want to avoid doing.

When creating your character you have several options to chose from. These being: Faction, Class, subclass, species, gender, and design.

I will give a short explanation on what some of these might hold for you and later on I will explain as to how this will affect your roleplaying experience.
2.1 Faction.
You have two choices when it comes to factions, these being: The galactic Republic and The sith Empire

I wouldn't be able to explain these two factions in detail without making this guide extremely long. But in basic The galactic Republic and The sith Empire are opposites of one an others. The galactic Republic is good and The sith Empire is evil. They fight one another and the The sith Empire is the biggest aggressor as they seek to dominate the galaxy.

This is where your choice will come in. To see if you wish to become a more good centered character or a more evil centered character.
2.2. Class.
2, Class:
For your class, you need to think of what you wish to be your self in character when roleplaying and this can be a very easy step.

Do you want to be a Force user or do you with yo be a Non-force user. (FU = Force user | NFU = Non force user)

A FU: will be the Jedi and Sith these are people who have a powerful gift that enhance them or give them powers like picking up items from a distance, jump higher, run faster and so much more.

Note that you do not have to be a Jedi or Sith and you can be someone with Force powers but never picked up by either faction, but you will learn the most about the Force when having been thought it.

An NFU: can be anyone ranging from your low life hobo to a high ranking noble or military officer. The NFU can be way more open and less limited then a FU do to their lack of force powers. They would live any type of life they want and are not dictated by the order of Jedi code or Sith Code.
2.3. Sub Class - Republic
When you have chosen your class you have a choice between subclasses. This is also an easy one as it mostly goes down to gameplay and were here for RP but this can still help you a lot non the less to give you a larger variety on what your character might hold in their hands.

But I will also give an example as to what you could do with the other classes so your not limited in any way.

The galactic Republic:

Class: Jedi Knight. (FU)
With the Jedi knight, you have the subclasses: Jedi Guardian and Jedi Sentinel.

I would recommend picking Jedi sentinel, this class can give you the option to hold two lightsabers at ones and so in RP if you chose to use two lightsabers at the same time you can do so but also just unequip your offhand weapon if you don't want to use two lightsabers.

Class: Jedi consular. (FU)
With the Jedi Consular, you have the subclasses: Jedi Sage and Jedi Shadow.

I would recommend picking Jedi Shadow, this class has the option to hold a two sides lightsaber or better known at the double-bladed lightsaber but can also hold a single-bladed lightsaber if you chose to do so. The Jedi shadow also has the option to go stealth which is just an added perk at times.

Class: Smuggler. (NFU)
With the smuggler class, you have the subclasses: Gunslinger and Scoundrel.

I would recommend picking Gunslinger, this class has the option to hold two blasters at the same time but you can also take off your off-hand blaster and hold a single blaster if you chose to do so.

Class: Trooper. (NFU)
With the trooper class, you have the subclasses: Commando and Vanguard.

I would recommend picking Commando, this class has the option to hold a heavy cannon which can be used as a mobile gun turret or explosives launcher. Next to holding the heavy weapon, you can also use a normal blaster rifle.
2.3. Sub Class - Empire
Class: Sith Warrior. (FU)
With this class, you have the subclasses: Sith Marauder and Sith juggernaut.

I would recommend picking Sith Marauder this class can give you the option to hold two lightsabers at ones and so in RP if you chose to use two lightsabers at the same time you can do so but also just unequip your offhand weapon if you don't want to use two lightsabers.

Class: Sith Inquisitor. (FU)
With the Sith Inquisitor, you have the subclasses: Sith Sorcerer and Sith Assassin.

I would recommend picking Sith Assassin, this class has the option to hold a two sides lightsaber or better known at the double-bladed lightsaber but can also hold a single-bladed lightsaber if you chose to do so. The Jedi shadow also has the option to go stealth which is just an added perk at times.

Note! That with the Sith Sorcerer you can be a sith sorcerer in RP and use some of your character abilities in-game for extra flair.

Class: Bounty hunter. (NFU)
With the Bounty hunter class, you have the subclasses: Powertech and Mercenary.

I would recommend picking Mercenary, this class has the option to hold two blasters at the same time but you can also take off your off-hand blaster and hold a single blaster if you chose to do so.

Class: Imperial agent. (NFU)
With the Imperial agent class, you have the subclasses: Operative and Sniper.

I would recommend going with Sniper, with this class you can equip the sniper blaster rifle for if you wish to be a sniper but you can also use a normal blaster rifle giving you the ability to also just be a regular foot soldier so to say.
2.4. species, gender and desine.
Now we're getting to my personal fun part: species, gender, and design.

This is where only a few things can limit you to who you will be playing and I will begin by explaining a few things really quickly that will help you pick what you want and go into a good story for your character.

When picking your species you need to keep a few things in mind. These things will be: Will I be able to do what I want in my faction, would this species really fit in my faction, would this race be accepted into the group.

To make this a little easier to understand for new players. will look at the factions first.

The republic will accept any species without a problem into any of its ranks, any species is welcome to be a politician or in the military and the Jedi also accept any race into their ranks as long as their a FU.

The Empire is Xenofobic, their not as welcoming to all species, and even if they let them into the military or as politicians their standing is low and humans are more favored. This however doesn't mean a non-human species wouldn't be able to get a high rank their enough that prove them selfs useful to the Empire and get a higher rank for that. The sith are mostly the same in this but they accept anyone, their just more brutal and more fave humans above the non-human species in their trials and choosing of an apprentice.

However their a few outliners in this, pirates accept anyone into their ranks and Mandalorians do as well. But there are a few species that wouldn't join a faction. For instance, the Cathar wouldn't really join the empire do to the Mandalorians and the Mandalorians wouldn't join the republic do to the Jedi.

Gender is just what you wish to do I shouldn't have to tell you that.

Designing your character is also just fully up to what you wish to do. However it's limited to what is in-game, but when writing down your character you for instance want a blind eye just write down one eye is blind and the other is just the color you wish it to be represented in-game. The same goes for hair and body figure.
3. Getting a good start in RP
The title is 3 is a bit of a lie, your start will never be good or perfect in any way shape or form, you're starting off and you still have some things to learn if you're a complete beginner. However, this is a way to get your self at least a little settled.

When you wish to get into RP you should have some knowledge of the lore, lore is a very important thing in RP as when you try and do something that isn't lore-friendly to the universe people are less likely to accept those things to even happen. So go on youtube and find out about the lore. (especially from the time the old republic is based)

A good way to also get some knowledge in and even a way to understand how factions behave is to just play the game, play the storylines of the classes and see what happens and just don't skip cutscenes there is always something you might be able to learn from it.

This is also an index in-game from things you have found in-game and they can explain some things to you that you might not even have known before.

So ones more Lore is important.
A thing to know for a bio creation
When creating a bio remember to not be a mary sue.

When creating a character the best thing to do is start at the bottom, be privet in the army, an acolyte in the sith order, or a simple starter pirate with big ideas but no funds to do it yet.

This shows that your not a mary sue, someone great in anything and everything best of the best. Someone who has done and sees everything. Don't be a mary sue.

be a new fresh day one shipped in privet or acolyte.
4. Creating a bio.
When creating a bio you need to keep a few things in mind. these being: Species, gender, class.

These will help you a lot when creating a bio for your character and having a bio is all bot needed to get into RP and even later on joining an RP guild. Without one they will most likely not even accept you into the guild when applying for one.

When creating one there is a very simple template people use.

Name: (The name of your character / can also be a nickname)

Age: (age of your character)

Gender: (gender of your character)

Race: (race of your character)

Looks: (what your character looks like)

Story: (A story of your character, their backstory, can be long or short.)

Of course, you can edit this template as to how you want, add to it as you like with things they might be afraid of. Or things they really good at. What cybernetics they might have if you have a cyborg as your race.
5. Things you should know.
Their some things you should really know when getting started as a new player in RP some rules even. These things when done or avoided might help you understand others who RP and give you a leg up when getting into RP for the first time.

OOC and IC:
OOC and IC are sort for Out Of Character and In Character. This is related to things being said. For instance guild chat, Party chat and raid chats are all OOC whiles /say /emote are IC and these two should never be mixed together.

When speaking of OOC and IC guilds also always want you to understand that IC information should not be shared with anyone who has no reason to know this information and if they do somehow get this information OOC that they can never use that information IC as this will be Meta gaming.

Metagaming is where a player uses real-life knowlege or OOC gained knowlege from a diffrent corse and use that info IC to give their character a boost that they shouldn't have gotten. This can be when a desision has been made IC by high ranking members that a lower ranking member somehow heard whiles having no reason to know anything and using that info in one way or an other.

God emoting:
God emoting describes the abuse of this system when players use emotes to describe an action that takes away the ability of another player to respond or prevent it. For example:

*Jason picks Ana's pocket and steals her phone*

IThese are considered god emotes because Ana cannot prevent the actions from happening. Here are corrected versions of the above examples:

*Jason fumbles around insides Ana's pocket and try's to steals her phone*
6. Guilds
When everything is set and done and you have a character to RP as you can start just RPing in the open and try and make friends but be warned it might at times seem like no one is around.

This is done to that most RPers are set in guilds, these guilds have a personal stronghold where they can hang out in. Players from World of Warcraft can see a stronghold as their garrison.

So the streets might seem a little dead, especially around the capital planets like Dromans Kaas or Corrisant.

The best way to find RP guilds is to go to any starter planet where your character started as there you will most likely find the best guild recruiters for what you're looking for. If non are around you can always ask in chat your self.
Well, that's all I have to say about RPing in SWTOR. I am sure I am leaving out a lot that some might wish to know but I don't have all the answers sadly and if I did it would take me much much longer to finish writing down this Guide for those that are interested in starting.

But I hope at least I have been able to help someone out with getting a start in RP in swtor!

I would also like to recommend you watch this video!

This isn't me and all things said in this video should go to Swtorista her self and not to me.
MimiSFM  [author] Apr 4, 2022 @ 12:20pm 
very true
jkmarshall Apr 3, 2022 @ 3:25pm 
Just to point out, with Mandalorians...every clan will be different. Some will work inside/with the Republic and they will all accept a Cathar of the right mentality. One RP guild I'm part of is a Mandalorian clan with a Cathar clan leader. Some Cathar would have taken more to the aggressive side of things after the Mandalorian genocide of them and some may have even accepted this. Though it would be rarer. And most Mandalorians wouldn't care as much about the past. In fact, they respect Jedi who are willing to stand up to them. Like Revan. They hold no ill will to those that beat them, though they might strive to fight them again when they're stronger. Mandalorian culture is about strength and bettering themselves through combat. That said, there are always exceptions to the rules, some of which I have mentioned. I recognise that you were being succinct in your descriptions, but I just figured I might clear it up for others.
MimiSFM  [author] Oct 23, 2021 @ 1:08pm 
Thank you didn't ask for you to care your comment is all I need. :steamthumbsup:
Koopa Oct 23, 2021 @ 12:33pm 
thank you don't care
MimiSFM  [author] Sep 18, 2020 @ 1:39pm 
Thats actualy very correct and I havent thought about that. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Vaulty ♥ Sep 17, 2020 @ 10:13pm 
The same goes for NFU classes, a smuggler OOC can be a Jedi or Sith in disguise, or using a blaster.
Vaulty ♥ Sep 17, 2020 @ 10:12pm 
I'd like to point out that just because you choose a class that gains Force powers, doesn't mean you have to RP them with those. For example, you could be a Jedi Sentinel/Sith Marauder OOC, but a Mandalorian who uses two vibroswords IC.
The Unknown Writer Jul 24, 2020 @ 6:35pm 
The bio part, do I have to create that in-game?
tmcevoy1121 Jul 24, 2020 @ 12:43pm 
The guide is very nice, especially for those new to roleplay. One thing I will add is that you need to find your own style. There is not one style for everyone. Each group has a unique way and while rp online is fun, forum roleplay can be fun just as well.
Jonifishpt Jul 22, 2020 @ 10:23am 
Gonna leave a like and a favorite since i've been meaning to start Rping since i started playing (for reference, been playing for years now and im a legendary player[all class stories completed for those who dont know]) and never got around to it since i thought it would be hard to start, but this guide gives some pointers on how to do it.
This guide seems pretty well organized and easy to understand and will be very helpfull for when i finally decide to give it a go, thanks!