Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

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Type: Map
Category: Coop
File Size
791.969 KB
Jan 12, 2014 @ 5:52pm
Jan 29, 2014 @ 8:50pm
5 Change Notes ( view )

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Descriton :

this map is for coop lovers with tond of monsters and secrets. i started this map with all the
bosses famous rooms then i added allot of stuff and time in this map and it's still going. i am now
working on a two path way to "hell" and "heaven". "hell" is going downwards towards the inferno and
"heaven" is going upwards the clouds. but beware, they are both deadly...


what i would need help with :

i got 3 map errors and some places i need someone really skilled with the map editor to fix them
for me, if anyone is really good with the mapster32 editor send me a message. thanks for your help!


What's in it :

- coop arena
- 2-8 players.
- huge map.
- allot of secret areas.
- allot of monsters.
- allot of ammo and items.
- map will be done "when it's done".v
- 2 path choice.
- "heaven" and "hell".
- famous boss rooms.

Update logs :

Arena-Beta Update V2.7 :

- added guns and ammo to hell relaxing room
- added guns and ammo to heaven relaxing room
- added new jumping puzzle room in heaven
- added more spawning points for coop
- added new battle room in hell
- added new battle room in heaven
- added secret shortcuts
- added sound to all doors
- added teleporter room next to starter room
- reduced all guns to 2 instead of 3
- removed the troopers in the purple lava room.
- removed some tanks in the purple lava room
- replaced the tanks with flying pig cops
- replaced the troopers with pig cops

Arena-Beta Uptade V2.6 :

- removed all non-working water droplets from jumping puzzle
- removed ammo and healthpacks from toilet
- added more sounds
- added one more secret room
- added new room in hell
- added new room in heaven
- added double to tripple to all weapons and ammo in game
- added more jumping platforms in the purple lava room near the entrance
- made platform where purple lava is wider
- made teleporter from jumping puzzle to purple lava room smaller
- moved all teleporters in main room for better space
- changed texture in the puddle of water in the bathroom from waterfall to the same as the rest