Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

95 ratings
StarWarsRP - Medical Stretcher
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Vehicle
Addon Tags: Roleplay, Realism
File Size
2.423 MB
Jul 3, 2020 @ 11:04pm
Jul 5, 2020 @ 6:26pm
5 Change Notes ( view )

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StarWarsRP - Medical Stretcher


Oh, this addon kinda got a few subs. That's surprising, I've updated the description to better describe everything, along with better credits and mounting the model with the addon itself now. Enjoy.

What this is:
Made for StarWarsRP servers, this addon takes the hospital bed model and makes it a functional stretcher. It will follow you around. I did my best to make it not get all buggy, but standing on it does make it a little upset. It will stop before hitting things, along with maintaining its hover high consistently. If you try hard enough, you'll get it stuck for sure. But if you don't abuse it like a drunk dad it should be alright.

This is just to add some RP to your server with a functional system rather than welding it to stuff. Pretty basic and made in 1 sitting. This addon do be kinda unoptimized tho, you've been warned.

How to use it:
- It can be spawned in any way. (Q menu, F4, custom NPC)
- Pressing E on it makes it follow you. Pressing E again stops it from following you.
- Pressing E on it while it's following someone makes you get on it (Lay in it).

- The original idea was by Joe, although he was selling it to a limited number of people (10). So once it was no longer obtainable I made another version of it so others could have it.
- The model was taken from this pack. I believe it was ported by its uploader Doctor Jew. The pack contains a lot of cool things and should be checked out in its own right.
- Legend gave me motivation and abused me the whole sitting while I made it. Without him this would not be a thing.

Enjoy the free stuff, it's rare I make stuff free (My nose is very big)

Tags: Owain Owjo, SWRP, CWRP, Star Wars, StarWars, Star WarsRP, StarWarsRP, CloneWars, Clone Wars, Clone WarsRP, CloneWarsRP, Medical, Hover Bed, Medical, Stretcher, Medic
Guardsman Mar 2, 2024 @ 11:26am 
I didn't know that, That's my bad, Though I thought I'd just touch up on that small fact to be honest.
Owain  [author] Mar 2, 2024 @ 9:45am 
He made that comment 3 years ago
Guardsman Mar 2, 2024 @ 5:06am 
If an Addon is banned, it probably didn't update properly, and the owner had to update the steam agreement or whatever it is,

I'm sorry, Don't take my words as legit, I'm only saying what I think could have happened.
Farivau May 25, 2021 @ 9:42am 
@Owain idk what happened but it isnt banned anymore, whatever banned means for an addon
Owain  [author] May 5, 2021 @ 8:35am 
What addons list?
Farivau May 4, 2021 @ 11:38am 
my addons list says this addon is banned
rymndkent Mar 5, 2021 @ 8:50am 
can someone please make a npc that can use vehicles
The Man Of All Oct 7, 2020 @ 3:00am 
Doesn't seem to be moving when I press E.
Gnaash Jul 16, 2020 @ 9:15pm 
ok is there anyway for me to lay NPCS on it? or even myself without it following anyone else?
Owain  [author] Jul 10, 2020 @ 10:00pm 
Just incase anyone else is having issues with that. It can be spawned from:
Q Menu -> Entities -> StarWarsRP - Owain -> Medical Stretcher
Hope that helps :D