100% Orange Juice

100% Orange Juice

176 ratings
Tekka's Character Compendium
By Tekkahedron
A guide that breaks the roster down into classes and briefly explains each character.
I received a lot of requests to expand the character summary section of "So You Want to Main Star Breaker" to include all characters. So, I decided to combine that with a project I've been working on to assign characters archetypes based on their stats and playstyles. This guide serves as a brief overview of each character with some arbitrary labels slapped on. I hope it helps you find a character you like or at least give you a few to try.

This guide is very long, so don't forget about the table of contents on the right if you want to skip to a particular section.

Each character has been given a class, tags, and a difficulty rating in order to better explain how they play. Even within a single character, there are multiple ways to go about playing them. Don't be afraid to experiment.


Class is based on a character's base stats and gives a general idea of what kind of play archtype they fill. Even within classes, there are many variations in passive abilities and hyper cards that make these characters feel unique. A character usually only has one class, but some characters that control multiple units may have more.


Tags further define a character's strengths and playstyle in addition to its class. Tags are based off of the character's passive and hyper card and describe the actions a character can take to try and win the game. Unlike class, a character can have any number of tags.


Difficulty represents on a scale of 1-5 of how much effort it will approximately take to learn the character. The higher the rating, the more complex the character is. Don't let this discourage you from trying harder characters however, as finding someone you mesh well with is more important in the long run. In the same sense, don't underestimate an easy-to-play character as being bad or only for newbies.

Assassins are the glass cannons of 100% Orange Juice. They have high base damage or pick potential, but poor defensive stats. While terrifying to face in battle on their terms, Assassins are often very easily KO’d if their opponent gets the chance to counterattack. Assassin characters win by taking out injured opponents opportunistically or with indiscriminate brute force damage.

Bruisers have both good offensive and defensive stats, making them a versatile combat class. While generally strong, they may lack evasion (affecting their ability to sustain through multiple fights), utility (allowing opponents to avoid them), or both. Bruisers win by being more durable than other combat classes and by rarely being on the back foot in battles.

Skirmishers have good offense and evasion, but poor defenses and HP. They excel at pestering tanks and pacifist characters as well as picking off injured opponents due to the low chance these characters have to hit them. Skirmishers win by picking advantageous fights against weaker targets, often with the help of mobility, pick, or control hypers. They are also good at farming NPCs, but are particularly vulnerable to high attack rolls that put them in dodge or die scenarios.

Jack of All Trades
Jack of all trades characters are good at everything, but excel at nothing in particular. Because they cannot beat more specialized characters in situations that favor them, they must take advantage of the opponent's weaknesses to win. This makes them highly reliant on cards and smart play, but also makes them very versatile.
Tanks go all in on HP and defense, making them incredibly hard to KO in battle. In exchange, they are ineffective at avoiding damage and are rather weak offensively. Prolonged engagements will often result in their defeat unless they can escape or heal. Tanks win by not taking risks and slowly building star advantage over time while their opponents succumb to bad RNG.

Pacifist characters sacrifice most, if not all, combat effectiveness for powerful star advantage. They rely on avoidance to stay alive and are easily bullied by offensive characters. Despite their low stats, they have the ability to swing games drastically in their favor thanks to powerful hyper cards. Pacifists win by avoiding their opponents entirely and gathering stars at an accelerated rate.

Now these characters are weird. SO weird in fact, that they’ve been given their own category. They may share traits with other classes, but do not fit into those roles well due to character-specific mechanics that drastically change the way they are played. Specialist playstyles vary greatly to the point that each could be considered a class on their own.

Burst characters can increase their combat abilities temporarily, either with direct stat boosts or manipulation of their dice. This is often achieved using boost or battle cards. If you like to take out key targets with an overwhelming show of force, then a burst character may be for you.

Collector characters have tools that increase the rate at which they gain stars, allowing them to level up and win faster than other passive characters. This can be achieved passively over time or in large bursts. Some can even steal stars from their opponents without having to fight them. Give a collector a try if you like staying out of combat and collecting stars more quickly than your opponents.

Survival characters have healing or damage-reducing abilities to help manage the damage they take. Taking damage will make it easier to be KO’d. Offensive variants can start very safe fights while defensive ones win by ignoring and outlasting their opponents. Survival characters may appeal to you if you like to push how far your health can go.

Control characters have tools that undermine their opponent's efforts to win. Usually in the form of debuffs or negative effects, they can manipulate their opponent’s rolls, cards, and star collection. They are often hyper dependent, but not always. Control characters win by putting their opponents at a disadvantage while they collect stars or move in for a KO. You may like a control character if you like messing with your opponents and making their lives difficult.

Setup characters need to build up a resource to reach full power. While they start the game weaker than other characters, they can become a terrifying force once their preparations come to fruition. Setup characters win by overpowering opponents after a weaker setup phase where they accumulate stat or card advantages. If you live for the late game and don't mind the blood, sweat, and tears required to get there, you may like playing a setup character.

Pick characters have tools to initiate combat without moving past the opponent, often from anywhere on the map. This allows them to deny enemy KOs and quickly react to battles gone wrong. If you prefer to wait until an opponent is weakened, then swoop in for the KO, then a pick character may suit your needs.

Mobility characters have tools that increase their movement speed or allow them to warp around the map. This can be used offensively to catch opponents or defensively to escape them. Mobility characters win by using their abilities to be at the right place at the right time to make plays. If positioning is the most important , then a mobility character may appeal to you.

Trapper characters have built-in synergies with trap cards. They are capable of either blanketing the board in trap cards with their hyper or benefit from hiding powerful hyper trap cards among lesser traps. If traps are your favorite card type, then a trapper is a no brainer.

Artillery characters have tools to deal damage to opponents outside of battle. These can either be used to get an opponent low or to KO them outright, usually in exchange for a small bonus. If you like taking out opponents from afar or weakening them before a battle, then artillery may be your style.

Card Advantage
Card advantage characters are good at building… well… card advantage. What this means is that these characters have tools that let them draw more cards than their opponents or let them make better uses of those cards than their opponents. If you like having access to better cards than your opponents, then give a card advantage character a try.
Comparable to “group hug” strategies in other games, support characters have powerful utility tools that also help their opponents. These symmetrical effects are often paired with strong star generation to incentivize helping opponents. If you like manipulating the game by assisting opponents while furthering your own win condition, then support could be what you are looking for.

Experts on tactical suicide, denial characters have tools to KO themselves outside of combat. While this may sound counterproductive, it is actually a strong ability to have. This is due to it allowing these characters to avoid the penalties of being KO’d in battle. By denying opponents from taking their stars, they can preserve their win condition while they heal and let their opponents reposition. Those who don't fear death will enjoy taking advantage of a denial character's unique strengths.

Master characters have non-controllable units that can fight for them in combat. These minions are used to increase the character's offensive presence by attacking opponents and occasionally netting them some stars. Some characters can even use them as a meat shield to absorb damage. If you enjoy having minions fight for your amusement, then give a master a shot.

Starburn characters have tools to waste their own stars. They sacrifice star normas to keep themselves a low-value target while they work to collect wins. This is usually accomplished with expensive hyper cards, but some characters have passives that can help with this as well. Although there are some characters that get forced into this playstyle by design, it is generally considered a niche, alternative, or even sub-optimal way to play a character. If you like to deprive your enemies their win condition and play powerful cards with impunity at the cost of consistency, then starburn might be worth looking into.

Transformers are characters that have multiple characters or statlines that they can switch between. They are effectively multiclass units that can switch modes to better suit their current situation. If you want to take advantage of a versatile unit at the cost of a higher skill ceiling, then a transformer may give you the options you are looking for.

Good for new players who are still learning. A safe character with a low skill floor and forgiving learning curve. Players can afford to make some mistakes with these characters without being completely knocked out of the game.

Good for novice players that have a few games under their belt. These characters are easy to play, but can punish players that are still new to OJ’s basic battle and card mechanics. Riskier stat spreads play a part in this as well as expensive and/or situational hyper cards that can be harmful when played poorly.

Good for intermediate players. Character-specific mechanics can start to change the way these characters are played within their archetype. They can still be picked up by new players, but require a bit of experience and practice to play optimally.

Good for experienced players who want to take advantage of more difficult character-specific mechanics. Alternative playstyles start to show up here. New players may have a hard time learning these characters due to the different mindset required to play them.

Very Hard
Good for experienced players who want a challenge. These characters require an advanced understanding of OJ and complex character-specific mechanics to be used to their fullest potential. Their high learning curve makes these characters ill advised for new players.

Character List (Assassin, Bruiser, Skirmisher)
Pick / Mobility
Shifu Robot
Burst / Setup
Burst / Card Advantage
Hoshino Reika
Survival / Card Advantage
Mio (Festive)
Artillery / Support

Artillery / Starburn
Store Manager
Control / Denial
Flying Castle
Survival / Control
Star Breaker
Starburn / Trapper
Yuki (Dangerous)
Trapper / Control / Card Advantage
Lone Rider
Mobility / Setup
Saki (Sweet Maker)
Card Advantage / Boost / Setup
Dark Lulu
Marc (Pilot)

Burst / Mobility
Burst / Mobility
Setup / Burst / Survival
Mobility / Control / Trapper
Suguri (46 BY)
Artillery / Card Advantage / Mobility / Starburn
Card Advantage / Control
Mobility / Artillery / Starburn
Hime (Moonlight)
Burst / Transformer
Mimyuu (Jailbird)
Mobility / Survival
Sora (Military)
Burst / Mobility
Suguri (Ver.2)
Control / Survival

Character List (JOAT, Tank, Pacifist)
Jack of All Trades
Denial / Burst
Control / Trapper / Survival
Sweet Breaker
Control / Setup
Setup / Artillery
Master / Collector
Burst / Setup
Sweet Creator
Collector / Trapper / Control
QP (Dangerous)
Setup / Card Advantage

Survival / Denial
Burst / Master / Trapper / Collector
Setup / Survival / Collector / Card Advantage
Survival / Collector
Fernet (Noble)
Setup / Collector / Control
Trapper / Pick / Control / Starburn
Natsumi (Sweet Blogger)
Card Advantage
Krilalaris (Pajamas)
Survival / Setup / Artillery

Support / Collector / Card Advantage
Marie Poppo
Collector / Mobility
Collector / Trapper / Control
Robo Ball
Collector / Trapper
Card Advantage / Collector
Collector / Support / Trapper
Collector / Control
Mobility / Collector
Collector / Survival / Card Advantage / Burst
Survival / Master / Burst
Master / Trapper
Mother Poppo
Survival / Setup / Artillery
Marie Poppo
Survival / Collector / Card Advantage
Aru (Scramble)
Support / Collector / Survival

Character List (Specialist, Multiclass)
Denial / Setup
Setup / Burst / Starburn
Denial / Collector / Burst
Survival / Master / Denial
Support / Survival / Collector
Transformer / Control / Collector / Support / Survival
Setup / Burst
Master / Transformer / Setup / Survival

Transformer / Burst / Setup / Card Advantage / Control
Tomomo (Casual)
Tomomo (Sweet Eater)
Setup / Transformer / Artillery


"The first one to act wins!"

Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Class: Bruiser
Tags: Survival

Pros: Balanced stats, good ATK, safe and powerful hyper
Cons: A bit bland

Kai is a great choice for players who are new to the game or more experienced players that just want a solid offensive character. Kai thanks to his +1 ATK, he has a much easier time taking out opponents unassisted than ±0 characters like QP. He also has reasonably good DEF and EVD, allowing him to both block damage and dodge small hits effectively. His stats are close enough to even across the board that he can make use of a large number of cards and playstyles to help him win. Kai's hyper, Protagonist’s Privilege, allows him to fight dangerous opponents without fear by removing their ability to counterattack. This makes boss encounters a breeze and can let him fight characters that would otherwise make his life painful safely.


"Give me some pudding as a reward!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Jack of All Trades
Tags: Denial / Burst

Pros: Extremely versatile, hyper has defensive and offensive uses
Cons: Maybe a little too versatile (no particular strengths), card reliant

If this explanation sounds like the one for the jack of all trades class, that would be because QP is the very definition of a jack of all trades. Her base stats are the perfectly balanced metric that all other characters are based around. While this does make it difficult for her to deal with more specialized characters, she can turn any conflict in her favor by exploiting their weaknesses with the right card. QP is capable of making almost any card work in the right situation. Hyper Mode exemplifies this perfectly by serving as an offensive boost and a defensive fallback.


"I'm dashing through!"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Skirmisher
Tags: Burst / Mobility

Pros: High EVD, good ATK, explosive hyper
Cons: Dodge or die playstyle, hyper can whiff, encourages bad habits

Suguri is one of the most popular characters for offense and evasion focused players. Her extremely high EVD stat allows her to dance around the attacks of weaker characters and occasionally pull off incredible dodges in cases that would be a sure KO for others. An attack roll of 2 or less doesn't even have a chance of hitting her, letting her bully these characters with little chance of repercussions. She prefers to pick on these characters due to the overwhelming advantage she has against them, but her +1 ATK lets her deal a lot of damage in combat to most characters. Accelerator is an explosive, albeit inconsistent, offensive hyper that allows Suguri to pick and win a fight with just about any character… provided she rolls well enough. Accelerator can lead to some incredibly high rolls, but is capable of whiffing. Remember, two 1s is still a 2.


"I'll go shoot them down!"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Bruiser
Tags: Artillery / Starburn

Pros: Bulky, great at farming wins early
Cons: Low sustain, expensive hyper late game

Marc is a strong character that is both powerful offensively and defensively in combat. Her low HP and EVD do give her some issues with sustain however. She can only partake in a few fights before she desperately needs to heal, as dodging is usually out of the question. Opponents that can outlast her or poke her down outside of combat will give her trouble and being at 1 HP is more or less a death sentence. x16 Big Rocket can be used to damage opponents before a lethal attack or to steal far off KOs from opponents. It is quite good for getting early normas due to the low amount of wins needed to obtain them. An early rocket KO can blast her ahead of her opponents. Later in the game, she can OHKO most players with x16 Big Rocket, but its extremely high cost can set you back unless it is used to poke opponents down before battling them.


"Do you understand how terrifying I am, now?"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Assassin
Tags: Denial

Pros: High ATK, good HP, can deny KOs with hyper
Cons: Takes a lot of damage, hyper is unreliable

Yuki is a solid character for players who like high ATK stats. Yuki's high damage output makes her great at taking out encounters and unprepared opponents. Although her low defensive stats make it tough for her to reduce or avoid damage, she does have an out with her hyper Gamble!. While "KO a random player" may sound like an offensive card, Gamble! is best used in an emergency to try to either KO your attacker to escape or to KO yourself to avoid the penalties of being KO'd in battle. It is a risky card however, as it can also KO an unrelated player, effectively wasting the hyper and leaving you in harm's way.


"You wanna help me give kids presents?"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Support / Collector / Card Advantage

Pros: Extremely high bust star collection, excellent card draw, great EVD
Cons: Weak in combat, easily bullied by offensive units, hyper gives opponents cards

Aru is a frail character that relies on evasion and extremely potent star collection in order to beat her opponents. Her stats, while not awful, are very ill-suited for combat. Despite being an excellent dodger, her offensive presence is negligible and she isn't very good at reducing damage when blocking. She can be taken out surprisingly quickly in fights by big hits and failed dodges. Instead, she should try to stay away from her opponents while collecting stars from bonus panels and her hyper. Present for You can give you a tremendous amount of stars and draws you back up to a full hand to help protect them. The downside is that it also gives your opponents cards that can be used against you, especially their hyper cards.


"Now then, shall we enjoy ourselves?"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Skirmisher
Tags: Control

Pros: Good HP and ATK, hyper counters evasion and wastes opponents' time
Cons: Takes a lot of damage

Hime is the anti-skirmisher skirmisher. Although a bit squishy, she is a pretty simple offensive character to play who is great at manipulating her opponents with her hyper. Binding Chains is an excellent card for limiting player movement that hamstrings any units that rely on evasion. That combined with her +1 ATK lets her assassinate pacifists and other skirmishers that rely on dodging to cover their poor HP and DEF. Binding Chains is also great at wasting her opponent’s time, forcing them to miss events or give Hime a chance to catch up to them.


"If we must fight, defeat is not an option."

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Skirmisher
Tags: Burst / Mobility

Pros: Strong stats, hyper eliminates RNG
Cons: Low HP, expensive hyper

Sora is another strong, yet easy to play character. In addition to her well-rounded stats, she has one of the strongest abilities in 100% Orange Juice: the ability to manipulate their own RNG. Sora has great offensive stats for picking on weaker characters while still being just bulky enough to take a hit if she needs to. Extraordinary Specs a powerful hyper that rigs all of her die rolls to be 6s for the chapter. This allows her to control where she moves, drastically boost her damage potential, dodge like a pro, block in the case they somehow roll a 7 or higher, and get a ton of stars from bonus panels.


"Good grief."

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Tank
Tags: Artillery

Pros: One of the bulkiest units in the game
Cons: Low ATK and EVD, situational hyper, low catch-up potential if things go wrong

Fernet is the only traditional tank unit available to players without purchasing DLC. Her high HP and massive DEF allow her to take hits with ease. She does, however, have lackluster offensive presence and dodging attacks is little more than a pipe dream for her most of the time. Her primary goal is to stay alive and preferably away from her enemies while she collects stars from bonus panels. Proper positioning and healing are important to making the most use of her. Air Strike is a situational hyper that can help hinder her opponents by KOing them or putting their health dangerously low. The 30 star cost can make it difficult to justify using unless she is very ahead or poised to get KO's with it however.


"No matter how many, I'll just take them all down!"

Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Class: Skirmisher
Tags: Burst

Pros: Strong, balanced stats, very strong combat hyper
Cons: Very low HP

Peat has an incredible stat spread that is justified by his far-below-average HP. While he is more susceptible to being KO'd by bad rolls and out-of-combat damage because of it, his low REC stat means that he will be back up in no time if something bad happens. His hyper Blue Crow the Second is great for brute-force damage as well as countering attackers thanks to the huge ATK and DEF buff it gives. Just be sure not to use it at 1 HP unless you are confident that your opponent will be going down before they can hit you, as it also reduces EVD by the same amount.

Marie Poppo


Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Collector / Mobility

Pros: High HP, powerful hyper, high synergy with some battle cards
Cons: Takes a lot of damage

Marie Poppo is a defensive character that forgoes all else in exchange for a massive HP pool and one of the best hyper cards in the game. All Poppo needs to do to win the game is stay out of trouble and use her hyper to get normas. Ubiquitous not only lets her warp to a player for free, but it also lets her take a large number of stars from them. While her very poor combat stats make Poppo a walking star pinata, her high HP allows her to tank a hit so she can escape if she gets jumped. Not only this, but many battle cards designed to help neutral characters, like Serious Battle and Reverse Attribute Field are extremely effective on her while debilitating her attacker.


"I suggest you surrender before I make you cry!"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Bruiser
Tags: Control

Pros: High ATK, good control hyper late game
Cons: Low HP, high REC, level 4 hyper

Tomomo is a character that uses her offensive strength to gain advantage over her opponents, then uses that lead to subjugate them further. Tomomo’s high ATK allows her to chunk squishy units and to pick off injured opponents with ease. Once Tomomo gets ahead, she can use her hyper Magical Massacre to pin her opponents down while reducing her massive recovery rolls to more reasonable levels. Despite her strength, she needs to be careful that she doesn't give other offensive characters a chance to turn the tables on her. With 6 REC and low defenses, getting KO'd before playing Magical Massacre can cause her to miss out on large chunks of the game.


"This'll bring you a lot of pain ♥"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Jack of All Trades
Tags: Collector

Pros: High HP and good EVD, extremely powerful hyper
Cons: Takes a lot of damage, hyper is very expensive and map dependent

Mio’s stats make her reasonably durable in combat. Unlike most characters with high HP, Mio has good evasion as well, allowing her to dodge smaller hits that would wear down other defensive characters. Her low DEF and mediocre ATK however make fighting offensively oriented opponents dangerous for her. Instead, Mio relies on defensive play and blowouts using her hyper. Magical Inferno can be used to KO her opponents and steal their stars, but is very situational depending on the map. Maps like Star Circuit with a lot of straight paths are far more advantageous to Mio than windy ones like Frost Cave.

Mio (Festive)

"I'm about to deliver you all a gift called fear."

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Assassin
Tags: Artillery / Support

Pros: TBD
Cons: TBD



Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Collector / Trapper / Control

Pros: Can manipulate star gain, gives less wins and stars on KO
Cons: Poor ATK, very frail, trap hyper is unreliable

Chicken is one of the most helpless characters in the game. With low offenses and defenses, Chicken is easy to KO in combat while not putting up much of a fight. The best case scenario in any fight Chicken finds itself involved in is for it to get a lucky dodge then escape in the nearest warp panel. Although frail, Chicken does have a few tools to turn the tables in its favor. When left alone, Chicken can collect stars faster than many other characters thanks to its reduced star loss on KO and the positive effect of its hyper. Golden Egg effectively turns drop panels into bonus panels, further reducing the number of stars Chicken loses in a match. Golden Egg can also be used to hamstring star-collecting opponents by causing their bonus panels to drop instead. Chicken even gets access to some niche defensive and offensive cards like Reverse Attribute Field or Accel Hyper that could be too dangerous or unhelpful for other characters.

Robo Ball

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Survival

Pros: Gives less stars and wins on KO, hyper turns the tables on attackers
Cons: Very low stats, hyper reliant, very low comeback potential

Robo Ball’s defensive stats, loss-reducing passive, and hyper can make it surprisingly difficult to dethrone once it gets ahead. Reflective Shell protects Robo Ball in the event of an attack and can even let it get a counter KO. Even when it does go down, Robo Ball gives fewer stars and wins on KO. Robo Ball does struggle with taking down opponents on its own however. Reflective Shell can only be used on defense and running offense cards is very dangerous due to its low HP and ATK. Because of this, it can be very hard for Robo Ball to catch up if an opponent pulls ahead or Robo Ball falls behind in stars.


Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Assassin
Tags: Pick / Mobility

Pros: Hyper is great for picks, gives less stars and wins on KO
Cons: Frailest unit in the game

Seagull is the most brittle of glass canons. With 3 HP and negative values in both defensive stats, it doesn’t take much to bring Seagull down. Instead, Seagull relies on suicide attacks and targeted picks using it’s hyper to pull ahead. Thanks to the star-saving passive that all the NPCs share, Seagull doesn’t lose much when KO’d. This helps support its suicidal tendencies and makes it surprisingly hard to topple if it manages to gain a lead. It also makes running powerful offensive cards far less risky, as Seagull is likely to perish even when they are not used against it.

Store Manager

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Bruiser
Tags: Control / Denial

Pros: Very strong base stats, hyper shuts off opponent's cards, can self KO
Cons: Can't play cards, no bonus panels, high REC

Store Manager is a unique character that sacrifices star generation and the ability to play most cards for raw combat stats. With a beefy +2 ATK and 6 HP, Store Manager is a force to be reckoned with in battles. The catch is that he can have trouble catching opponents and has no way to get stars outside of mugging his opponents. Although he takes damage when he discards cards, this can be used to his advantage to deny opponents from KOing him. His hyper Banned for Life can be used to prevent opponents from using cards against him, drain their stars if they pass it around, or can be discarded to toss an unneeded hand. Playing him is far more complex than his beefcake stats would lead to believe.

Shifu Robot

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Assassin
Tags: Burst / Setup

Pros: Instant revive, HP regen, hyper gives a massive and long-lasting ATK boost
Cons: Extremely vulnerable to being chain-KO'd

Shifu Robot is an offensive character with an immediate revive mechanic that leaves it at 1 HP. This makes it an amazing revenge killer, but reviving with 1 HP with -1 EVD can also put Shifu Robot into very dangerous situations when enemies are nearby. Shifu Robot still gives full stars and wins on KO, so being KO'd near a group of players can cause it to be chain KO'd and to lose stars very quickly. Therefore, it is important for Shifu Robot to heal by any means possible to improve its survivability and allow it to effectively use its hyper. Turbo Charged can boost Shifu Robot's ATK all the way up to +5 if used at full HP. This boost decays over time, but it only takes a turn or two for Shifu Robot to steamroll a few opponents.

Flying Castle

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Bruiser
Tags: Survival / Control

Pros: Massive HP pool for an offense character
Cons: High REC, no counterattack, takes a lot of damage

Flying Castle is an attacker with a massive HP pool. To balance this, Flying Castle is unable to counterattack when going second. In most cases, this means that Flying Castle cannot counterattack opponents that get behind it. This makes positioning extremely important for this character, or else it will go down without a fight and be forced to roll for revival with its 6 REC. Flying Castle's hyper Immovable Object helps remedy this weakness by allowing it to plant itself as a roadblock and force players to fight it or find another path.



Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Class: Jack of All Trades
Tags: Burst

Pros: Good defensive stats, hyper can bait opponents and turn around fights
Cons: Low ATK without battle cards, hyper is useless at full HP

Syura is a balanced character that can really bring the pain when backed into a corner. In addition to an ATK and EVD buff she gets at 1 HP, Syura’s hyper Beyond Hell gives her a boost to all of her combat stats for each HP she is missing. While this makes her extremely strong when low on health, she also becomes very vulnerable if she runs out of battle cards to boost her stats if she can't heal. This makes Syura a good character for learning to manage card use and HP.


"I'll show you all how flawless my strategies are!"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Jack of All Trades
Tags: Burst

Pros: Very good at avoiding and reducing damage, hyper gives a very efficient stat boost
Cons: Very low HP, hyper relies on RNG

Nanako can be best described as a “glass tank.” Her very high DEF and good EVD make it hard to damage her, but her very low HP severely limits her survivability. She is particularly weak to out-of-combat damage and massive attacks. This weakness can also be an advantage however, as healing effects are more efficient on Nanako than any other character due to how much damage she can prevent. Her hyper Deploy Bits gives her a large but random stat boost in battle, potentially letting her go on the offensive or survive particularly dangerous attacks.


"Please die... Just kidding!"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Collector / Trapper

Pros: Balanced stats with low REC, hyper can steal games
Cons: Frail, hyper can be triggered early, by the wrong person, or not at all

Saki’s low HP and mediocre defensive stats make battles extremely dangerous for her, but her low REC prevents her from being down for too long. Her balanced stats allow her to take advantage of her opponents cards, even ones like Big Magnum that would be too risky for her to bring herself. Saki’s hyper Big Bang Bell is an unreliable, but incredibly strong star stealing tool. No matter how many times Saki gets knocked down, a clutch BBB can steal the game for her by taking out one or more of her opponents and stealing their stars. It is up to the player to place it in a location where it will not be triggered early, but will be triggered eventually.


"Very well... I suppose it's about time to strike back."

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Tank
Tags: Transformer

Pros: Can change class on the fly
Cons: Can easily get caught with his shirt off, needs two hypers to stay safe

Kyousuke is a tank that can transform into an assassin and back using his hyper. As a tank, Kyousuke is less durable than Fernet or Kyoko, but has the advantage of a neutral EVD stat. This gives him enough evasion to dodge very small hits that the other two would not be able to consistently. In his topless assassin mode, Kyousuke has stats comparable to Yuki. His newfound +2 ATK lets him take out squishy and injured opponents with ease. Once he KO's his target, he can use another copy of his hyper to tank back up to protect his ill-gotten gains.


"I am the one trapped in darkness and hunger. Grab me some food."

Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Class: Jack of All Trades
Tags: Control / Trapper / Survival

Pros: Bulky with good sustain from hyper, hyper places very strong traps
Cons: Hyper and map dependent

Krila has a lot of HP and a fairly balanced stat spread that pairs well with her hyper for a defensive playstyle. Her hyper Plushie Master makes the game very dangerous for her opponents while also giving her extra sustain. The traps it creates cause her opponents to take a substantial amount of damage and suffer an ATK debuff unless they take sub-optimal routes around the board. Meanwhile, she is free to collect stars at her leisure.


"We're gonna have a lot of fun, okay?"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Assassin
Tags: Burst

Pros: Efficient use of battle cards, extremely high damage
Cons: Relies on OHKOs and +1 EVD

Kae is an all or nothing offense character that can boost her attack to insane levels very early in the game. Kae gets bonus ATK the lower her DEF is, making cards like I’m on Fire! and Rainbow Colored Circle extremely efficient on her. She can reach +4 ATK easily from the start of the game, and can go even higher once her hyper and Accelerating Sky are available to her. However, her reliance on one hit KOs and lowering her defense make her almost completely reliant on dodging to reduce damage, leaving her in a dangerous position if she can’t secure the KO or if a strong opponent gets the jump on her.


"I can't afford to be defeated."

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Specialist
Tags: Denial / Setup

Pros: Hyper punishes foes for KOing her, can stack up to become an assassin
Cons: Hyper dependent, hyper can be outplayed and misplayed, getting stacks is rare

Alte plays somewhere between a pacifist and a skirmisher due to her hyper and its stacking mechanic. Her kit is centered around the use of her hyper to protect her stars, set opponents back, and increase her offensive power. Self-Destruct allows her to pass the consequences of being KO’d to her opponent. Doing so gives Alte a stack that increases her ATK by +1, up to +3. This hyper can be used defensively to save her stars from being taken or offensively to suicide into a player that is ahead. The offensive boost she receives from successful Self-Destructs allow her to make more aggressive plays later in the game. She can even go full assassin after two or three stacks, although this does not happen very often and shouldn’t be her main goal. HP and card management are extremely important to playing Alte, as her poor stats make survival difficult and surviving a Self-Destruct can be disastrous.


Let's see if you can destroy my barrier.

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Tank
Tags: Survival / Denial

Pros: Highest DEF in the game, hyper destroys traps, can self KO
Cons: Incapable of dodging, low comeback potential

Kyoko is easily the most defensive character in the game. Her low ATK and complete inability to dodge make it hard for her to both deal damage and outlast her opponent without healing cards. She doesn’t even have the benefit of using Reverse Attribute Field for surprise attacks due to how hard it counters her. She does, however, have the highest DEF stat in the game, which makes her second to none in her ability to reduce damage. Combine this with Crystal Barrier, which protects her from traps and can be used to self KO, and Kyoko becomes an extremely hard character to topple once she gets ahead.


"I'm so glad you picked me! Let's have fun."

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Jack of All Trades
Tags: Control

Pros: Solid defensive stats
Cons: Hyper is difficult to use, somewhat boss dependent

Sham is a defensive unit that is good at both blocking and dodging. While cards made for more neutral characters like Reverse Attribute Field and Serious Battle are dangerous for her, she can make use of a wide variety of cards thanks to these stats. Although her ATK isn’t particularly good, she can play ATK boosting cards effectively and can combine them with her hyper to become an offensive threat. Delta Field is an excellent control card that forces opponents to roll 1s for a chapter on everything. This is usually used to force opponents onto boss panels with a heavy combat disadvantage, but can also be used to make them land on warp panels, trigger traps, or flub a revive roll.


"All right, let's get started!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Sherry
Tags: Pick

Pros: Very strong balanced stats, can use defending cards on offense and can't have them be used against her
Cons: Situational hyper, always subject to attacks in battle

Sherry has a very strong stat spread, allowing her to attack, defend, and attack with ease. In exchange, Sherry always acts second in battle, even when she attacks a unit or lands on an encounter space. This means she is always at risk of taking damage in battles and makes it difficult for her to play offensive battle cards. Most of these cards have defensive drawbacks and will negatively affect her survivability before she has a chance to attack. Whimsical Windmill is a very situational hyper card that causes Sherry to fight each opponent in order with a boost to her evasion. While strong in the right situations where dangerous opponents are already KO'd and targets are low on HP, these situations are few and far between. Despite this, her base stats easily makes her a top tier character on their own.

Star Breaker

"Fufufu, do you want to fight a war along with me?"

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Bruiser
Tags: Starburn / Trapper

Pros: Above average stats, can spend stars with impunity
Cons: No star normas, hard countered by big maps and smart play

Star Breaker is an offense character that shuns the things that make offense characters good. While she seems strong and straightforward, it can be very difficult to win games with her due to her drawbacks. Her very strong combat stats make encounters a breeze and give her the advantage against evasive and neutral characters. Even Tanks have to fear her thanks to her hyper. Star Blasting Fuse plants invisible bombs that drop opponents to 1 HP, which leaves tanky characters extremely vulnerable. Despite her strengths, Star Breaker is a very weak character due to being locked into win normas. Maps with few encounter panels and boss encounters will make her life miserable as she struggles to find wins. Her biggest counter, however, is smart play. Star Breaker destroys unprepared opponents, but skilled players know how to effectively make her useless. This gives her a reputation as a pubstomper character that does very poorly at higher levels of play.

Sweet Breaker

"Melt like chocolate."

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Jack of All Trades
Tags: Control / Setup

Pros: Balanced stats, hyper decimates opponent's hands, reversed cards give massive combat boosts
Cons: Card reliant, expensive hyper, high REC

Sweet Breaker’s neutral stats allow her to make use of a wide range of cards in a similar manner to QP. Unlike QP however, Sweet Breaker is much more focused on controlling her opponents due to the nature of her hyper. Melting Memories reverses all of her opponent’s cards, letting you know what they have while preventing them from seeing them. Since Sweet Breaker gets +1 to all combat stats for each reversed card her opponent has, it puts her opponents in a position where they have to try to empty out their hand or risk being blasted by an angry sweet god.


"Commencing my duty."

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Specialist
Tags: Setup / Burst / Starburn

Pros: Stacking mechanic gives extremely strong base stats, hyper is one of the strongest battle cards in the game
Cons: Bad stats with no stacks, hyper is disastrous when countered, games are very feast or famine

Nath uses a stacking mechanic called active extension to increase her stats to tremendous levels. Whenever the first battle card is played during a battle, Nath gains a stack that grants +1 ATK and DEF but also -1 EVD. At the full three stacks, Nath becomes an incredibly powerful and durable fighter able to take on almost any other character in the game with confidence. The downside is that each KO she suffers costs her one of her stacks. This makes playing Nath an exercise in resource management due to her dependence on battle cards and keeping her HP high. Another Ultimate Weapon is a last resort battle card that spends all of the player’s stars for a huge boost to ATK and DEF. It can save you just as easily as it can knock you out of the game, so knowing the proper time to use it is extremely important.

Tomato & Mimyuu

"Boss, let's enjoy ourselves out here!"
"Let's go, Mimyuu! We'll make the world know how great Waruda is!"

Difficulty: ★★★★★
Class: Pacifist ⬌ Assassin
Tags: Transformer / Burst / Card Advantage / Control

Pros: Quick revives, deck control, hyper boosts combat strength
Cons: Low HP, requires setup to succeed, hyper reliant, high skill floor

Tomato & Mimyuu are a pair based on stacking the deck in your favor, then reaping the rewards with a constant flow of powerful battle cards. Doing so requires juggling two low health units as well as knowing when to prep the deck. Mimyuu uses Evil Spy Work to fill the deck with damaging gift cards, dissuading opponents from playing their cards. Tomato draws these as Waruda Machine, Blast Off!, a strong battle card that scales with the number of cards in the opponent’s hand. Managing two frail characters and keeping track of key windows of opportunity to make plays make this duo very difficult to play effectively without practice.


"Sorry if I end up giving you a slightly dangerous wound. "

Difficulty: ★★★★★
Class: Specialist
Tags: Denial / Collector / Burst

Pros: Very high HP, can deny self and others with hyper, bonus stats from battle cards
Cons: Can't heal, low DEF, permanently loses HP from battle cards

Kiriko is a very strange character. She has the stats of an off-tank, but can’t heal. She can permanently sacrifice her HP to become a skirmisher for a battle as well as collect stars at an accelerated rate by offing herself and others with her hyper.


Yeah. She’s pretty weird.

While she has a massive HP pool, her low defense and inability to heal make her go down very quickly if she fights. She can’t really use battle cards defensively either, as they reduce her maximum HP for the rest of the game. Instead Kiriko should try to get herself to 1 HP in order to KO herself with Final Surgery. Battle cards are best used for the offensive boost when important picks need to be made.


"Where'd that perfect body of mine go...?"

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Specialist
Tags: Survival / Master / Denial

Pros: Very hard to KO
Cons: Hard to play well, needs the boss to use hyper

NoName is a slippery opportunist that can be very difficult to take down once he gets ahead. His kit gives him a lot of hidden durability, making it far safer to play defensively and wait for an easy KO. NoName needs to be KO’d twice in order to steal his stars, which can be easier said than done. Overseer allows him to nope his way out of any fight, provided the boss is active on the field. Even if he does go down once, he can still hop his disembodied head back to a home panel to recover as if nothing had ever happened. His safety backed up by his good ATK make him one of the best characters in the game when played well.


"My magic makes me invincible!"

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Specialist
Tags: Survival

Pros: Damage-blocking passive and hyper, good against other offense characters
Cons: Easy to KO when under 2 HP, healing reliant

Miusaki has a unique niche as an anti-offense offense character. Her damage-blocking passive and hyper give her windows of opportunity where she cannot be KO'd in battle. This allows her to walk up to the scariest bullies in the game, play offensive battle cards right in their face, and smack them for high amounts of damage while not having to fear for her own life. HP management skills are a must to fully take advantage of Miusaki's kit. Knowing when to fight, heal, and run as well as which battle cards to play in a given situation turn a good Miusaki into a terrifying Miusaki.


"Ceoreparque... You can call Repa Repa."

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Skirmisher
Tags: Control

Pros: Hyper has a ton of utility, strong against defensive units
Cons: Poor stats, reliant on EVD boosting cards against offense characters

Ceoreparque is a skirmisher that uses dodging as a part of her offensive abilities. Whenever Repa dodges an enemy attack, she deals 1 damage to them. This lets her bully units with low ATK, especially tanks who do not appreciate the extra chip damage. Her hyper Witch’s Hair Lock is a high utility card that blocks player movement during their next turn. While this is great for forcing opponents to stay still or land on a detrimental panel twice, this card can target the user as well. Repa can use her hyper to hold back her movement and land on a space twice, most notably including home panels to norma two turns in a row if she meets the conditions. However, her low HP, subtle hyper, and reliance on dodging can make her seem rather underwhelming in matchups against more offense-focused characters.

Yuki (Dangerous)

"Kukuku, I'll be the winner."

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Bruiser
Tags: Trapper / Control / Card Advantage

Pros: Can easily steal cards, benefits from her cards more than her opponents
Cons: Can't get wins from encounters, traps are unreliable, hyper dependent

Yuki (Dangerous) is a bruiser with a game plan centered around trap cards, specifically Tragedy in the Dead of Night. By converting pudding cards into this card, Yuki ensures that she is getting the most mileage out of these cards when they are in the deck. Tragedy in the Dead of Night is great for stealing cards from opponents, which is important when Yuki herself will be bringing mostly traps. This is further encouraged with her hyper Evil Mastermind, which fishes trap cards out of the deck for her to play. Although she gains a win whenever an opponent triggers her traps, Yuki (Dangerous) doesn't usually achieve win normas due to her inability to gain wins from encounters and the general lack of traps in the decks of most other characters. Instead, it is better to focus on the control aspect and use your opponent's cards against them.

Tomomo (Casual & Sweet Eater)

"The strongest magical girl, Sweet Eater Tomomo, is here!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Pacifist ⬌ Bruiser
Tags: Setup / Transformer / Artillery

Pros: Godlike offensive unit when transformed
Cons: Setup is extremely difficult, casual form is very weak, KO's set both forms back immensely

Tomomo (Casual) is an incredibly high risk, high reward character who is extremely dependent on her hyper and the transformation it invokes. Tomomo starts the game in her Casual form, a frail character with a weak offensive presence. Her strength comes from her hyper card, Miracle Red Bean Ice Cream. On use, she heals to full HP and transforms her into her Sweet Eater form. Sweet Eater has the highest ATK of any unit in the game and a sizable HP pool. Her downside is that KOs in either form are extremely punishing. In Sweet Eater form, being KO’d reverts her back to her Casual form, discards her hand, and leaves her trying to revive with 6 REC. Even being KO’d in Casual form will make her drop her ice cream if it happens during battle, so playing this character requires a lot of risk assessment and careful play.


"Well then, I be helping myself to your stars."

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Tank
Tags: Burst / Master / Trapper / Collector

Pros: Passive deters attackers, bulky, pirates minions, great card synergies
Cons: Very poor EVD, high REC, unreliable hyper, hard to go on the offensive without cards

Tequila is a reasonably bulky character with a lot of tricks up his sleeve. In addition to his good bulk, his passive dissuades opponents from attacking him in fear of a massive counterattack. That same passive turns Big Magnum into a tactical nuke of a battle card, allowing him to take out targets that would shy away from attacking him. He also had good synergy with trap-based playstyles thanks to his hyper and pirate crew members. Between his offensive and defensive strength, board control, and passive star theft, Tequila is a very versatile defensive character.


"Muoooh! I'll crush you to death so haaard!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Skirmisher
Tags: Setup / Burst / Survival

Pros: Can greatly boost ATK with cards, high EVD
Cons: Dependent on gift cards, dodge or die

Tsih has a very similar stat spread to Suguri that requires a bit more setup. Before setting up, Tsih is a fairly weak offensive unit among skirmishers due to her low ATK and HP. When holding a gift card however, Tsih’s ATK exceeds Suguri’s at +2. Her hyper Stealth On can also provide an additional +2 ATK, for a whopping total of +4 when they are used together. Thanks to her evasion, mobility gifts like Lost Child or Windy Enchantment, and Stealth On’s challenge-negating effect, Tsih can be a difficult character to catch when played well. She does however run into issues holding on to her precious gift cards, as many of them are either discarded on KO or prevent norma checks.


"Red, Blue, we're going to go all out!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Jack of All Trades
Tags: Setup / Artillery

Pros: Strong stats with Red & Blue, hyper punishes attackers
Cons: Poor stats without Red & Blue, has to discard cards to be effective

Mei has the stats of a jack of all trades, but her passive discourages hanging on to cards or playing cards with a high level requirement. Instead, Mei makes the best use of low level cards and cards that removes cards from her hand. Once her hand is empty, Mei receives Red & Blue, a gift card that boosts her ATK, DEF, and EVD by 1 and turns her hyper into an AOE nuke. Red & Blue defines her playstyle and obtaining it should be a priority due to the power spike it provides while held. She is quite strong once she has it, as her stats allow her to fight most opponents and True White Christsmasher will take care of anyone she can't. Getting to that point can be a pain if she draws a card that she can't get rid of easily. Luckily, White Christsmasher can be used at any time to clear her hand, even if no opponents are in range.


"We're going to play a lot, okay?"

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Specialist
Tags: Support / Survival / Collector

Pros: Heals opponents to increase star collection, heals herself as well
Cons: Very weak offensively, heals back damage she deals

Natsumi is a unique character that functions as a weird hybrid between a support character and a bruiser. She is encouraged to fight weaker opponents in order to damage them and take advantage of her healing passive. Whenever Natsumi heals an opponent, she gains a few stars. Ending her turn on the same panel as another unit will heal them both, allowing her to pester bulky units for relatively safe star income due to their low ATK and EVD. Combined with her hyper, she can play aggressively against tanks and off-tanks while using Cooking Time to deny offense characters and save herself. She does however have trouble KOing units. She tends to heal back the little damage she deals, making it tough for her to make a come back when behind after a late game KO.


"Ehehe! Nico'll play someone's hyper card!"

Difficulty: ★★★★★
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Card Advantage / Collector

Pros: Gets bonus stars from gift cards, can get any hyper
Cons: Low HP, high REC for a frail character, hyper is inconsistent

Nico is a character that seeks to gain a lead early with increased star collection, then uses her unique hyper to protect that lead. Gift cards lose their effects when held by Nico, instead giving her a bonus to all stars collected. This allows her to run gift cards like Bloodlust or Unlucky Charm that would be detrimental for most characters. Her balanced stats let her get away with playing almost any card, which is a good thing considering Miracle Walker can give her any character’s hyper card. Nico has a vast array of buffs, debuffs, utility, and control at her disposal, even if she doesn’t get to choose which at any given moment. Throw some enhanced star collection on top of that from her gift passive and you have a highly versatile character for players that like to think on their feet or take it easy and accrue stars over time.


"For the future of my toy store!"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Collector / Trapper / Support

Pros: High HP, can set up strong passive star generation
Cons: Takes a lot of damage, hyper reliant, shops are destroyed by traps

Arthur is a bulky unit with a unique method of collecting stars. By placing stores created with his hyper Branch Expansion Strategy, Arthur gains more stars over time as well as small bursts when opponents land on the shops. This combined with his high HP can make it difficult for other characters to take him down once he gets set up. However, he does have some weaknesses. Although he has high HP, he also takes a lot of damage in fights due to his low defensive stats. His shops can be overwritten with trap cards, which the shops naturally help pull out of the deck sooner. Star Blasting Light practically deletes him from the game by eliminating all of his shops. Lastly, he is very hyper reliant, and sacrifices his hand whenever he goes to make more shops, leaving him without defensive or healing options until he draws more.


"All right, I'll give this my best shot!"

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Assassin
Tags: Artillery

Pros: Instant KO against 1 HP targets
Cons: Offensive opponents are hard to fight, hyper is random and countered by high HP characters

*Note: This section is inaccurate due to some significant changes Iru received recently.

Iru is a character defined by her unique passive. When she challenges an opponent to combat, she deals 1 damage to her opponent at the start of the battle, but attacks second. Against an opponent with 1 HP, the damage is a guaranteed KO before they have a chance to protect themselves with a battle card or dodge. However, always attacking second can make it difficult to whittle down more offensive opponents, as they will always get a dangerous counterattack in unless they are at 1 HP. To help avoid this, cards like Long-Distance Shot can be used to damage opponents outside of combat. Defensive battle cards like Rbits and Shield can be used to mitigate damage. Extended Photon Rifle can be an awkward tool collecting wins, as the damage it deals is low and distributed randomly. A single opponent with high HP like Poppo can render it mostly useless when they sponge up the shots. Using this while one or more opponents are KO'd can help narrow down the targets for more precise aiming.


"You're in our attack range!"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Skirmisher
Tags: Mobility / Control / Trapper

Pros: Good HP, hyper has a lot of utility, bonus effect to traps
Cons: Takes a lot of damage, trap cards are inconsistent

Mira has the same stats as Hime, but uses them to be an ultra mobile opportunist instead. Their hyper places a mark at Mira's position, which can then be teleported to later. This can be used to jump on enemy units, escape, or return to your home base for a norma. Doing so even slows enemies that were near the mark for a few chapters, letting Mira continue their assault over the next few turns. They also have some synergies with traps due to the bonus slowing effect from Blinding Smoke. However, this more effective on smaller maps where the traps are more likely to be triggered in a position where Mira can capitalize on them.


Sora: "Uu, I'm not sure if I'll be able to perform cutely."
Sham: "Yes, you will! You're absolutely cute!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Collector / Control

Pros: Enhanced star collection, hyper protects steals stars
Cons: Hyper can be escaped, unpredictable stats

The Cuties can battle using Sora’s or Sham’s base stats, making fighting unreliable and a bit dangerous. Instead, they should focus on their other passive that rewards them for playing lots of different event cards. Doing so permanently increases their star gain over the course of the game, making them a potent star collector. Their hyper Special Stage is another star collection tool that doubles as an attack deterrent. For a few turns, the Cuties cannot be attacked or targeted and any opponents that land near them will be forced to pay them stars. Players have to be very careful when engaging the Cuties, as they could pop hyper at any moment to protect themselves while draining the attacker of their stars.


"The one in the middle is the main body?"
"Do you see something we don't?"

Difficulty: ★★★★★
Class: Specialist
Tags: Transformer / Control / Collector / Support / Survival

Pros: Can be offensive or tanky, hyper has multiple uses
Cons: Confusing passive, opponents can take advantage of mode changing, Devil Hand is unreliable

Yuuki is a difficult character to play around. Every other chapter, Yuuki flip-flops between an offensive assassin and a defensive tank. It can be tough to manage these two modes as well as the two forms her hyper takes. Angel Hand is good for denying opponents by healing their target or even yourself in a pinch. Devil Hand lets the player play russian roulette with the loser being dropped to 1 HP. Both cards will give her stars equal to the change in HP, so playing them on units with high HP stats or using President's Privilege will get her a ton of stars. Playing Yuuki requires a lot of foresight, as you not only need to plan your moves based on her forms, but also predict how opponents will play around her as well.


"What's the easy way to get this done?"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Tank
Tags: Pick

Pros: Very strong balanced stats, hyper gives easy picks
Cons: Cannot initiate combat against players without cards

Islay’s playstyle is dictated almost entirely by her passive that prevents her from challenging other units. Because of this, she is forced into a more passive role than her base stats would lead to believe. Even so, she still makes for an excellent defensive unit due to her good all-round stats both protecting her in battles and discouraging opponents with dangerous counterattacks. Her hyper Rivals gives the player some agency in picking their fights, allowing the user to fight anyone on the field with a +1 ATK boost. Islay can be tough to topple once she gets a good pick, making her a very strong unit.

Suguri (46 Billion Years)

"I'll show you my ultimate move... Wait, I forgot how to do it."

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Skirmisher
Tags: Artillery / Card Advantage / Mobility / Starburn

Pros: High EVD, deals good out of combat damage, damaging cards also give a speed boost
Cons: Low HP and ATK, overloading cards is expensive, hyper is unreliable

Suguri (46BY) trades in some of her offensive power for poke damage in the form of her passive and hyper. Observer of Eternity helps her keep up a steady supply of damaging cards which she can then overload with her passive for double damage. By paying and additional 50% star cost for a damaging card, the card will deal double the damage and Suguri (46BY) will gain an additional movement die that turn. While this makes cards like Long-Distance Shot and Cloud of Seagulls particularly potent on her, it also puts her in an awkward position with respect to her more expensive cards. Later in the game when stars normas and her scaling cards are much more expensive, she either needs to abstain from using her unique ability, or funnel all of her stars into it and go for win normas or high value picks. This combined with the fact that many of the damaging cards are situational or downright bad *cough cough Star Blasting Light* can make it feel like playing her to her strengths also means fighting against her kit.


"Sumika's calculated that this will work well!"

Difficulty: ★★★★★
Class: Skirmisher
Tags: Card Advantage / Control

Pros: Good HP, hyper can copy strong cards and make them free
Cons: Takes a lot of damage, dependent on opponents for powerful cards, hyper has incredibly complex interactions

Once again, Sumika has the same base stats as Hime, differing only in her hyper. However Reproduction of Records turns Sumika into a playmaker's dream come true. Playing it copies the last two cards from the discard pile and allows Sumika to play them for free with no level restriction. The threat of Sumika’s hyper can be just as powerful as the hyper itself, forcing opponents to carefully consider when they play their most powerful cards. This gives Sumika a large number of options to affect the game and synergizes with cards like Brutal Prank and Flamethrower that control opponents’ hands. However, this also means that Sumika requires the most complex knowledge of card interactions of any character in the game. Did you know that Miracle Walker hypers never go to the discard pile? How about the order cards get discarded in from a Flamethrower activation? Well, you will have to know these things among a number of other interactions in order to get the best usage out of Reproduction of Records. Aside from that, Sumika depends on using her opponent's cards against them, so opponents with weak hypers can make it hard for her to get the best use out of her hyper.


"Ahaaa ♥ You look so miserable."

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Bruiser
Tags: Burst

Pros: Balanced stats, massive stat boost from hyper
Cons: Hyper is weak early and expensive late game

Ellie has the same stats as Kai, but has a hyper more geared towards explosive offense rather than safety. Ellie’s Miracle scales incredibly hard as the game goes on, providing a boost to her ATK and one of her defensive stats for a couple turns for each norma she has completed. This massive stat boost over a two turn duration can let her crush her opponents later in the game. While it is an amazing snowball card, it is a bit lackluster early and becomes an incredibly expensive card late game. It also causes her to sacrifice some of the deckbuilding options that Kai has access to. Defensive cards increase the chance that she won't capitalize off of her expensive hyper and Reverse Attribute Field, Shield Counter, and Serious Battle are far more dangerous for her than the more neutral Kai.


"Awawa, what do you want from Lulu?!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Tank
Tags: Setup / Survival / Collector / Card Advantage

Pros: Great stats, hyper has extremely powerful effects
Cons: Very expensive hyper, can whiff by drawing cards or rolling low for stars

Lulu is a good tank for players that want to play defensively, but still be able to take risks. Her statline gives her good durability thanks to her +1 DEF, but isn’t suited to fighting more than is necessary. Her kit revolves around her hyper Lulu’s Lucky Egg, a 40 star gamble for one of three extremely powerful effects. Playing this can grant her a 20x bonus roll, a five card draw, or full HP heal and a permanent +1 boost to ATK, DEF, and EVD. The boost puts her stats on par with a fully stacked Nath, making her really hard to take down if she manages to get it. However, using this card is not without its risks since it can only be played at 2 HP, has an extremely high star cost, and is subject to RNG.


"Shouldn't have been in front of me!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Skirmisher
Tags: Mobility / Starburn / Artillery

Pros: EVD scales with opponent's ATK
Cons: Expensive hyper that can whiff, stats are below average compared to similar characters

Alicianrone is an evasion based character designed to try to counter the thing evasion based characters have the most trouble with: units with high ATK. Her passive gives her a scaling EVD boost that grows with her opponent's ATK stat. However, this does leave her EVD lower against units with more neutral offensive stats, preventing her from dominating them as well as other characters with similar stats like Suguri. Full Speed Alicianrone is a risky hyper card that greatly boosts Rone's mobility and lets her take out enemies. Although it is capable of cleaning up an entire board of opponents, it is also extremely easy to roll poorly and miss your target or overshoot and KO an opponent that you were aiming to KO in battle.


"I'm so pumped up! Awooo!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Jack of All Trades
Tags: Collector / Master

Pros: Immune to encounter panels, good base stats, hyper provides free star generation
Cons: Boss makes hyper useless, opponents need to get KO'd by NPCs for hyper to be useful

Teotoratta has very good base stats for a jack of all trades, giving her a lot of leeway with what cards she can bring to a game. Her inability to trigger encounter panels also gives her immunity to a dangerous source of chip damage for most characters in exchange for being unable to obtain wins from encounters. Her hyper, however is a bit inconsistent, as it relies on encounters to do the work for you. Late game, the boss renders it almost completely useless, forcing you to go without a hyper card until someone defeats it. In the late game after the boss is gone however, a random 7 gull can easily steal you the game by KOing one of your unprepared opponents.


"Here starts the treasure hunt!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Assassin
Tags: Burst / Card Advantage

Pros: Can see the top card of the deck, powerful stat boosts from hyper
Cons: Takes a lot of damage, hyper relies deck composition

Arnelle is an opportunist that uses information scouted from the deck to make calculated picks using her hyper. Although Intelligence Officer is a battle card, it's strongest feature is the interaction it has with Arnelle's passive. When held, Arnelle can see the top card of the deck, giving her insight into her opponent's plans and allowing her to pluck important cards from the deck. Given the opportunity, Intelligence Officer is a powerful tool for taking out targets or protecting Arnelle's stars. However, opponents simply drawing cards can change the buff it provides, causing a less desirable result. Deck composition is particularly important for improving the odds of having the correct card type for the hyper, as a poor ratio of event, boost, and other cards will make it difficult for Arnelle to get picks.


"Maynie will make you pay for this..."

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Specialist
Tags: Setup / Burst

Pros: Ludicrous stat boosts from hyper
Cons: Requires setup, hyper countered if target is KO'd by other means

Despite her defensive statline, Maynie has a surprisingly aggressive playstyle centered around building rage to go on a terrifying rampage. Instances of damage Maynie takes will cause her to gain rage stacks. Using her hyper Raging Madness will consume these stacks for a massive ATK and EVD boost that lasts until a target is KO'd. Other players can be caught in the crossfire, but KOing them will give fewer stars. Since healing effects reduce her rage, opting instead for self KOs can allow her to get her rage to ridiculous levels. In the same vein however, the target of her rage can self KO as well, ending the effect. Maynie is incredibly strong if not countered, so learning to deckbuild and play around her is important.


"I'll show you the power of my Saint Eyes!"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Jack of All Trades
Tags: Burst / Setup

Pros: Stacking hyper gives ATK and DEF
Cons: No hyper boost when attacked, mediocre stats

Kyupita is defined by the buff granted by his hyper. The Saint Eyes buff effectively gives him +1 ATK for each odd stack and +1 DEF for every even stack when attacking first. Each time he attacks, one stack is used up at the end of the battle. These stacks can be stacked, allowing for huge power boosts when multiple hyper cards are used. However, since these stacks only buff Kyupita when he initiates combat, it can be tough for him to protect himself when the opponent has the initiative. He also has issues using battle cards specialized for neutral units like Serious Battle, as they can be used to counter his Saint Eyes.

HP: 4 | ATK: +1 | DEF: 0 | EVD +1 | REC: —

HP: 4 | ATK: +3 | DEF: +2 | EVD -1 | REC: —

"I'll warn you: He's pretty strong!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Specialist
Tags: Master / Transformer / Setup / Survival

Pros: Minions fight for you and protect stars
Cons: Weak base stats, can't initiate combat without minion, minions can't use battle cards

Chris is a unique character can have minions fight on her behalf for extended periods of time. Chef provides a relatively cheap option to protect Chris's stars and go on the offensive. Store Manager has a larger cost and requires more setup, but also provides a much larger stat boost. Chris's two summons only give wins on KO, so they are great at protecting her stars, even allowing her to fight opponents for positioning that would otherwise be suicidal. Without Chef or Manager however, Chris is a lackluster unit with the huge downside of not being able to initiate combat against other players. Do not underestimate how often a -1 ATK unit uses combat to position or pick off wounded opponents. In addition, the summons are AI controlled and Chris cannot use battle or healing cards to help them. This leaves them to fend for themselves while putting their lives in the hands of the AI.


"A fun journey begins with the first step."

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Tank
Tags: Survival / Collector

Pros: Good EVD for a tank, hyper blocks traps and out-of-combat damage
Cons: Poor offenses, low DEF for a tank

Halena is a very passive unit with a balanced defensive statline. While she plays like a tank, her lower DEF and positive EVD set her apart from other more traditional tanks. She tends to be more effective against weaker characters she can dodge who's low damage can still chip away at other tanks. However, her lower defense makes her more vulnerable to strong offensive characters who can brute-force their way through her defenses. In addition to her bulk, her hyper Safe Journey blocks many things that cripple other defensive units, like traps and chip damage. It's usefulness however depends on her opponents, making it very situational. She also has a really hard time catching up as her whole kit revolves around protecting her lead.


"Cook goes where she wants!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Mobility / Collector

Pros: Highest base EVD in the game, extremely mobile with hyper, generates a lot of stars
Cons: Prone to being bullied, very squishy, hyper has a high upfront cost

Cook is a highly mobile and highly fragile unit that can run away with the game just as easily as she can throw it. Cook has the highest base EVD in the game at +3, but she loses some of it each time she dodges. This combined with her frailty make it extremely important for her to keep her distance from her opponents while she safely collects stars. Her hyper, Guidance of the Weathercock, does just that, giving her a huge mobility and utility boost for an entire norma. While the doubled dice do not affect battles, they do affect movement, bonus panels, and even revival rolls, making her a star-collecting monster who can be very difficult to catch. Once caught however, offensive characters can make quick work of her. Her matchups can be very polarizing depending on the offensive strength and mobility of her opponents and the size of the map. Larger maps give her more room to roam and isolate while smaller maps will leave her with nowhere to run from her opponents.


"If you think my train's an easy mark, you've got another thing coming!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Collector / Survival / Card Advantage / Burst

Pros: Can nope out of battles multiple times, extra star collection, surprise ATK boost
Cons: Mediocre stats, very weak against discard and most battle cards

Merchant is a slippery fellow with money on the mind. His stats are decent apart from his high recovery, but he has a lot of tricks to keep opponents from getting to his stars. Those tricks are all Freight. These battle cards can be used to thwart an attacker or be turned in at your home for a small number of stars. Merchant gains these cards from his hyper Zealous Salesman or by landing on another player's home. While they can be extremely effective at keeping opponents at bay, any battle card will negate the Freight and put Merchant in the line of fire. In addition, discard effects like Scrambled Eve and Flamethrower can be disastrous for him.

Lone Rider

"Be careful you don't end up roadkill."

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Bruiser
Tags: Mobility / Setup

Pros: Gets great value from MOV cards, strong base stats that get even stronger, fast
Cons: Needs setup or cards for stat boosts, stopping reduces Upshift stacks

Unsurprisingly, Lone Rider is a character that loves to go fast. Any time he rolls a 6 or higher for movement, his combat stats become +1 across the board until his next turn. This extremely powerful statline can be easily achieved with the help of movement cards like Dash! and his hyper. Upshift gives Lone Rider a semi-permanent +2 MOV that can stack all the way up to +6 for a very low star cost. Stopping for things like normas, battles, bounties, etc will cause him to lose stacks of his speed boost. While this does make him a bit card dependent to maintain his speed, he is still a force to be reckoned with even in short bursts.

Hime (Moonlight)

"I'm great at dodging, am I not?"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Skirmisher
Tags: Burst / Transformer

Pros: High evasion, hyper can deal a lot of damage
Cons: Very fragile, full moon plays are telegraphed

Hime (Moonlight) takes the +2 EVD motto of dodge or die to the end zone, into the stands, and out of the stadium. With -2 DEF, Hime needs to be very careful about who she picks fights with. Characters with high attack can make dodging very difficult for her. Dance in the Moonlit Night is a powerful combat trick, especially during the full moon. Dealing direct damage in combat regardless of her opponent's DEF and EVD is very strong, provided she can pull of the dodge. Full moon gives her a higher EVD stat to work with and doubles the damage it deals, but is also telegraphed. Engaging opponents during full moon can open her up to being smacked down by Reverse Attribute Field, Deceptive Disarming, or other battle cards that counter it.

Fernet (Noble)

"You are all cordially invited to my debut. Be grateful!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Tank
Tags: Setup / Collector / Control

Pros: Tanky, passive and hyper make fighting her a pain, Affluence is a huge payoff
Cons: Affluence is telegraphed and easily countered

Fancy Fernet is a little less tanky than her base game counterpart, but has a few more tools to dissuade players from messing with her. New Nobility is a decent tool for weakening her opponents as they try to take her out. This combined with her star-generating passive can make whittling her down a real pain, especially if she heals.

Her second hyper, Affluence, is extremely risky and situational. While it can be great for closing out games due to the huge amount of stars it can generate, it is also easily countered by certain common cards. Cards that mess with her hand like Gift Exchange or Scrambled Eve will ruin any attempt to charge it up and result in a lot of wasted stars. Battle cards like Reverse Attribute Field and Serious Battle that negate the ATK debuff can turn her big moment into a big disaster. Given how telegraphed it is, you will be hard pressed to pull it off against anyone knows how to deal with it. However, if you are sure nobody is decking these cards or have nothing to lose, Affluence can easily win you the game if it goes off.


"Hrmh. I will make the sky mine."

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Tank
Tags: Trapper / Pick / Control / Starburn

Pros: Very strong balanced stats, hyper gives more opportunities to collect wins
Cons: Cannot initiate combat against players without cards, wins normas are unreliable

Malt has an amazing statline and a hyper with a surprising number of uses. It can be used to force opponents to land on boss panels, creates more opportunities for him to gain wins, and interferes with your opponents by shutting off their star income. More often than not though, you will find yourself wandering around collecting stars with your opponents too afraid to interact with you, wondering why you didn't pick Islay instead. That being said, when he does work out he is capable of some incredible map control that is hard to beat.


"You guys had better not lose, you hear!"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Survival / Master / Burst

Pros: Hard to deal damage to
Cons: Pirate can feed wins, low offensive presence, pirates rely on RNG

Mescal can be surprisingly difficult to take down if she gets ahead. Her defensive stats are pretty solid, if you can even reach them. Her pirate minion can defend for her 50% of the time when attacked. While he isn't very sturdy, he completely prevents the opponent from getting to Mescal when he procs and is capable of some nasty counterattacks. Speaking of nasty counterattacks, her hyper Little Magnum gives her a big edge when defending. She does still need to watch out for offensive characters however, as they can punch right through her minion and can be dangerous to face without battle cards.


"Excuse me, I'm just a regular unarmed human."

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Master / Trapper

Pros: Can passively gain wins from NPC Robo Balls, can place traps on homes from anywhere
Cons: Takes a lot of damage in combat, hyper boobytraps your own home

While Shifu has a lot of HP, his extremely poor defense makes him one of the most bulliable characters in the game. Even neutral characters can take big chunks out of his health if he gets he gets unlucky against them in combat. Avoiding other players to collect stars should be his priority, although his kit does leave room to collect wins for gutsier players looking to take some risks.

Shifu can utilize his Robo Ball army to farm wins and be a general inconvenience to his opponents. Cards like Piyopiyo Procession and Invasion alongside his hyper Ideal World create many opportunities to engage Robo Balls in battle. His +2 damage bonus against NPC Robo Balls makes any attack that connects an instant KO, even when boosted by Pet Snacks. He does not have immunity to his own Invasion traps however, meaning he is still subject to a priority Robo Ball attack before he gets the chance to hit if he lands on one. He can also just miss, as his 0 ATK doesn't really aid him much in landing the lethal blow in the first place.

Hoshino Reika

"So this game's about gathering stars, huh."

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Assassin
Tags: Collector

Pros: Star generation and offensive power in one character
Cons: Extremely frail

Reika is a character that you can't afford to be reckless with, due to her extremely low HP stat and lack of built-in defensive tools. Despite her frailty, she is one of the only characters that can utilize enhanced star collection along side strong offenses to quickly achieve star normas. Her +2 ATK can be used to dissuade opponents allowing her to mingle among friendlier units until she has a chance to take them out. Other offensive units are the bane of her existence however, as they can quickly dispatch her for a huge star bounty before she gets the chance to attack, especially with the help of battle cards or indirect damage. Luckily for Reika, her hyper lets her maintain her star lead even while wandering around with no one in sight.


"Do I have to keep playing?"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Tank
Tags: Setup / Survival

Pros: Bulky, hits back hard
Cons: Weak against damaging effects, buff stacks only lasts 3 turns, miserable offenses without stacks

Although Watty isn't as bulky as some other tanks, she makes up for it with the ability to boost her offensive strength and slap attackers silly. Damage prevented by blocking can easily boost her up to +2 ATK, or even higher while her hyper is active. Taking her down can be a nightmare for units with high ATK, but anyone that can damage her out of combat or pick away at her HP in small chunks can easily get around her passive.


"With elegance."

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Class: Assassin
Tags: Survival / Card Advantage

Pros: TBD
Cons: TBD


Sweet Creator

"Fu-fu, I'm Sweet Creator, the leader of the Sweet Gods."

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Jack of All Trades
Tags: Collector / Trapper / Control

Pros: Good card control and star generation
Cons: Limited deckbuilding options, lacks offensive tools

The leader of the Sweet Gods is not a unit that can be left alone on the battlefield. Sweet Creator can passively generate stars just from other characters using sweet cards or landing on sweet traps. Common cards like Saki's Cookie, Pudding, and Dangerous Pudding will bring her closer to winning the game no mater who plays them. However, her reliance on sweets cards can limit her deckbuilding options, forcing her to pick between low impact sweets cards and other utility options. This tends to leave her with few tools for catching up to pick characters or recovering after a KO.

Saki (Sweet Maker)

"I'm gonna use you as a dessert ingredient!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Bruiser
Tags: Card Advantage / Boost / Setup

Pros: TBD
Cons: TBD

Evaluation in progress.

Natsumi (Sweet Blogger)

"I brought a lot of snacks with me... Do you want some?"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Tank
Tags: Card Advantage

Pros: TBD
Cons: TBD

Evaluation in progress.

Krilalaris (Pajamas)

"Let me sleep for a bit... What? We're just getting started?"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Tank
Tags: Survival / Setup / Artillery

Pros: TBD
Cons: TBD

Evaluation in progress.

Mimyuu (Jailbird)

"If there's no path to go, you just gotta make one."

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Skirmisher
Tags: Mobility / Survival

Pros: TBD
Cons: TBD

Evaluation in progress.

Mother Poppo

"Mother's gonna see... how strong her daughter is."

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Survival / Collector / Card Advantage

Pros: TBD
Cons: TBD

Evaluation in progress.

Dark Lulu

"Lulu seems... different now? She wonders why."

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Bruiser
Tags: Control

Pros: TBD
Cons: TBD

Evaluation in progress.

QP (Dangerous)

"I'll protect Pudding!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Jack of All Trades
Tags: Setup / Card Advantage

Pros: Holding cards gives stat boosts
Cons: Requires setup, weak to hand disruption, must choose stats or utility

QP (Dangerous) has a unique ability to build her own base stats by holding pudding cards in her hand. Each card held provides a stat boost depending on which card it is. This system allows QPD to customize her base stats by holding different cards to meet the current situation. Her hyper Sweet Guardian helps her with this by producing two pudding cards at random. While her base stats can become very strong this way, she sacrifices a bit of utility by filling up her hand with mostly low impact trap cards and healing. Striking a balance between pudding and other cards while adapting your stats to the game are important when playing QP (Dangerous).

Marie Poppo (Mixed)


Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Mobility / Collector / Card Advantage

Pros: High HP and mobility, gains bonuses from warping
Cons: Map dependent, takes a lot of damage, low comeback potential

Marie Poppo (Mixed) is a more warp focused alternative to the normal Poppo. Every time she warps, she gains stars or draws a card depending on her level. On maps with a lot of warp panels, Marie Poppo (Mixed) can be very hard to catch as she quickly gains stars and cards. Even if the map is not in her favor, her hyper Subspace Tunnel can be used to create her own warp move panels from which to escape and profit from.

Sora (Military)

"Even in games, I won't settle for second best.

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Skirmisher
Tags: Burst / Mobility

Pros: Instant revives for quick counterattacks, versatile hyper removes RNG
Cons: Can be chain-KO'd, easy to feed if not careful

Sora (Military) is a great character for players that love to fight. Her stats are well suited to picking on weaker characters. She is also very good at getting revenge KOs thanks to her revival passive and her hyper. Although she revives quickly, Sora (Military) still gives 2 wins and full stars on KO. Being overly aggressive can feed wins and stars to her opponents and potentially set her up for more KOs as more opponents pass by. Like her normal counterpart, she can use her hyper to rig her rolls. Although her rolls are 5s rather than 6s, Awakening of Talent is much cheaper than Extraordinary Specs and can be played as a battle card for better defensive utility.

Aru (Scramble)

"I'm going to show you my Santa powers!"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Pacifist
Tags: Support / Collector / Survival

Pros: Enhanced star collection over time, great EVD
Cons: Takes a lot of damage, must sacrifice cards for star gen, one KO can cost you the game

Aru (Scramble)’s hyper Santa's Job offers a more steady alternative to regular Aru's burst collection by having her give away her cards one at a time in exchange for stars. This makes her a much slower collector, but also lets her potentially gather more stars over time and can prevent opponents from attacking her. This also means that she has far less comeback potential when compared to the original Aru. Santa's Gift is lost on KO, so not only will she have to find another copy to resume collecting stars, but she will not usually have time afterward to gather stars due to her opponent finishing the game.

Suguri (Ver.2)

We managed to get through this.

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Class: Skirmisher
Tags: Control / Survival

Pros: Suguri, but with HP regen and an anti-aggro hyper
Cons: Two card hand size, still rather dodge or die

Suguri (Ver.2) is a more utility focused version of Suguri. While she lacks Suguri’s explosive hyper and can only hold 2 cards in her hand, she gains health regeneration and a hyper that stabilizes the game for a few turns. Revival of Stars replaces encounter and drop panels with flower-covered draw and bonus panels. These panels reduce the ATK of any units standing on them, which synergizes with Suguri (Ver.2)’s high EVD stat. This hyper can be used to delete boss panels for a few turns, deny opponents pursuing win normas, and help maintain leads by making the board safer and more profitable for her.

Marc (Pilot)

"Red Barrel is ready to fly!"

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Class: Bruiser
Tags: Artillery

Pros: Marc, but with a cheaper hyper
Cons: Hyper is telegraphed and has lower max damage

Marc (Pilot) sacrifices a bit of damage and reaction speed in order to better manage how many stars she spends on her hyper. Rocket Canon only deals 1 damage uncharged. The turn spent charging it gives opponents a chance to heal or KO your target. Even so, a lot of the good points of Marc also carry over to Marc (Pilot) due to them having the same unit card and similar hypers. Over all, she's a just as good, if not better, alternative for players who think x16 Big Rocket is too expensive late game.

Thanks for reading!

Let me know if you have any suggestions or if you felt this guide was missing something.

Images: 100% Orange Juice Wiki[100orangejuice.gamepedia.com]

Special thanks to the 100% Orange Juice R&D discord[discord.gg] for discussing characters with me and providing feedback!

Click here for more OJ guides!

Everything from here onward is just some sorted lists for people who want to view the characters grouped by tags or difficulty, so feel free to skip it.

Grouped by Tag
Shifu Robot
Tomato & Mimyuu
Hime (Moonlight)
Sora (Military)

Marie Poppo
Fernet (Noble)
Hoshino Reika
Marie Poppo (Mixed)
Aru (Scrambled)

Robo Ball
Flying Castle
Suguri (Ver.2)

Store Manager
Flying Castle
Sweet Breaker
Tomato & Mimyuu
Yuki (Dangerous)
Fernet (Noble)
Suguri (Ver.2)

Shifu Robot
Sweet Breaker
Tomato & Mimyuu
Lone Rider
Fernet (Noble)
QP (Dangerous)


Marie Poppo
Suguri (46 Billion Years)
Lone Rider
Marie Poppo (Mixed)
Sora (Military)

Star Breaker
Yuki (Dangerous)

Tomomo (Casual & Sweet Eater)
Suguri (46 Billion Years)
Marc (Pilot)

Card Advantage
Tomato & Mimyuu
Yuki (Dangerous)
Suguri (46 Billion Years)
Marie Poppo (Mixed)

Aru (Scramble)

Store Manager


Star Breaker
Suguri (46BY)

Tomato & Mimyuu
Tomomo (Casual & Sweet Eater)
Hime (Moonlight)

Sorted by Difficulty
Marie Poppo

Fernet (Noble)
Marc (Pilot)

Robo Ball
Yuki (Dangerous)
Tomomo (Casual)
Lone Rider
Hoshino Reika
QP (Dangerous)
Marie Poppo (Mixed)
Sora (Military)
Aru (Scramble)
Suguri (Ver.2)

Store Manager
Shifu Robot
Flying Castle
Star Breaker
Sweet Breaker
Suguri (46 Billion Years)

Tomato & Mimyuu

baconesp Dec 19, 2023 @ 11:02am 
thx for the guide
BosoBr0 Apr 23, 2021 @ 11:47am 
As a deadly Miusaki main myself, can confirm Miusaki is a survivalist and a brute.
Roxas713 Mar 13, 2021 @ 6:28pm 
dodge or die description is mostly right except in scenarios at full hp where -1 defence can save you over 2 evade when you have 4 hp (if the opponent does 5 damage rolling a 3 defend saves you but a 3 evade will no), but for the most part its right both about evade or die and most of the characters
=| Oct 23, 2020 @ 1:36am 
maynie is either a bruiser or a specialist
=| Oct 10, 2020 @ 6:30am 
your guides are pretty competent
heres a suggestion for a guide:coop guide for every character
Wise Wizard JPP Sep 3, 2020 @ 9:38pm 
I don't agree with absolutely everything in the guide but it's generally a very fantastic guide and will definately help new and intermediate players alike. Good Job!
Kurimia Aug 19, 2020 @ 10:26pm 
This is a pretty awesome guide! well explained :cocochan2: