Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Ester (Snowfall)
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5.159 MB
2020년 5월 5일 오후 10시 44분
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Ester (Snowfall)

Ester (Snowfall) Another map! This one is meant to be played as a snowfall map... there are highway connections as well as off ramps throughout an industrial area/ harbor. I hope you enjoy! I used a theme mixer and am the ore is white to mock snow in the mountains as I wanted a mix of snow and grass-!
댓글 3
хорошая игра  [작성자] 2020년 5월 12일 오후 6시 28분 
Ah I honestly cant get it to even work in my game lol oof- like it works on editor mode sadly but I think make sure to download the mod that lets you lower the brightness alot;/ sorry
Gutter 2020년 5월 12일 오후 5시 43분 
Its working for me, both snow and greenery, but its a little too bright by default, I'm trying to mess with the brightness to get it a little darker like in the screenshots.
ZlyVlk 2020년 5월 12일 오후 5시 28분 
CZ: funguje vám to někomu prosím? mě se mapa načte ale je celá jen zimní, žádná zeleň.