XCOM: Chimera Squad

XCOM: Chimera Squad

137 avaliações
A Better Arsenal
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Marcadores: Armas, Equipment, Balance
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1 mai. 2020 às 21:33
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A Better Arsenal

Numa coleção por Scuba Steve
A Better Start | Agent | Arsenal + (LITE)
6 itens
A serious upgrade to power and capabilities of your squad's weapons, armor, and gear.

In our history we have had to reinvent the wheel twice now. Getting our guns up to the level of lasers and plasma back when XCOM lived in a whole in the ground and then all over again when we took to they skies. The latter spanning "decades". So here we are five years later and someone misplaced that well earned tech and fire power once again. WTF. We can do better. Your Squad deserves better. They deserve.. A Better Arsenal.

A Better Arsenal overrides the game's default values that pertain to weapons, armor, and equipment. Core stats of damage, crit, added HP, added armor, etc. have been increased. Grenades can be thrown further and have a greater raidus of impact, not to mention blow up villainy reel'good.

For the detail folks below are the conventions used in increasing each characteristic of weapons and items.
buffed attribute: Full | LITE Damage +2-+3 | +0-+1 Spread +0 | +0 PlusOne +0 | +0 Crit +1 | +0 Pierce +1-+2 | +0 Shred +1-+3 | +0 ----------------------------------------------- AIM +10-+30 | +0-+10 CRITCHANCE +10%-+20% | +0-+10% ICLIPSIZE +5 | +2 ISOUNDRANGE +0 | +0 IENVIRONMENTDAMAGE +3 | +0 Items Armor bonus +2 | +1 Items HP bonus +2 | +1 Items Crit bonus +2 | +0 Items Crit Chance +20 | +10 Items clipsize +2 | +1 Items Healing HP +3 | +2
These were not strictly followed where they did not make sense to adjust to that amount.

All of my "A Better *" Mods are nothing more than config file overrides. There is no actual compiled code in these mods. If you like the mod but wished there was one thing changed about it please leave me feedback. However, if you want to make your own tweaks then follow the file paths below and open them up. I have placed comments to describe the changes I have made. A lot of the variables are pretty straight forward and verbose.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\882100\2081360690\Config XComGameData_WeaponData.ini XComGameCore.ini

* Most of theses buffed items can be applied mid game to an existing save.

29 comentários
lolic_lol 13 nov. 2020 às 2:39 
With this mod, I can increase the number of attachments for weapons and armor? There are many types of attachments in the game, but there is nowhere to put them.
Online Addict  [autor] 10 mai. 2020 às 19:26 
Women sure will! Lol
Scuba Steve  [autor] 10 mai. 2020 às 18:26 
Haha, thanks for the kind words.. There are so many things I need to be more smart at... money, career, and women. I believe it will take a life time to get smart about those things. I fear that is the point.
Online Addict  [autor] 10 mai. 2020 às 13:35 
You're so smart! :D
Scuba Steve  [autor] 10 mai. 2020 às 12:24 
I believe so, there is an association of the media assets by template and that template is associated to the gun. I would think that it is very possible to just repoint the epics to another template. Search in the WeaponsData.ini and also go take a look at the GameCore.ini from the default game config folder. Weapon behaviors are determined in the WeaponsData but things like visual and audio components happen in GameCore.
KELVEENO 8 mai. 2020 às 22:47 
is it possible to make epic weapons use the graphics and animations of the standard weapons?
Thumper 4 mai. 2020 às 2:13 
Could you make a mod so we could produce epic weapon in the CNC machine, playing through 1/3 still cant dind a single part of those.
Z405 3 mai. 2020 às 16:35 
Hey Steve, sorry for the late reply and yes I can understand that me talking about A Better Start, in the comments section of one of your other mods can be confusing :P Sorry about that.

As for the mod you suggested, I've already tried that one. It's okay, but not what I'm looking for ;)

thanks for thinking along though.
Scuba Steve  [autor] 3 mai. 2020 às 15:52 
Vegik, I'll go see if I can find it and drop the change in a comment here.

Cybil22, thanks for the feedback. I did miss a few things when it came to number of charges. I'll see if I can fix that and put out an update.
Vegik_Bloodfang 3 mai. 2020 às 12:50 
Hi Scuba Steve, I am able to find TalonRounds but I am unable to find the TranqRound there