XCOM: Chimera Squad

XCOM: Chimera Squad

71 人が評価
Increased Cover Bonus (Mod Port)
タグ: Gameplay, Port
208.716 KB
2020年4月27日 12時37分
2020年4月27日 12時57分
3 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Increased Cover Bonus (Mod Port)

This is just a port of CastledCard's Increased Cover Bonus mod.

Buffs vanilla cover bonuses for all units.

Low: 20 to 30

High: 40 to 45
11 件のコメント
Rick122 2021年12月16日 23時38分 
So instead of calling it half cover its gonna be 2/3rd cover :steamfacepalm:
ADVENT Avenger 2020年7月5日 18時18分 
If this didnt exist I'd have made it myself. GJ
CastledCard 2020年5月2日 8時27分 
Aww, boo boo bear
CaptainVietnam 2020年5月1日 22時54分 
Long war Made me used to these numbers. Thanks for the mod!
GoodMan 2020年4月29日 5時40分 
I always do 45/90. Must have
Deadput 2020年4月28日 23時11分 
@Easy8ight I'm pretty sure Aiae is being sarcastic.

Almost no one ever ends a sentence with "Exactly what I need" and actually mean it
Easy8ight 2020年4月28日 0時35分 
@Stalin's Crusade
I think that's what he means. I wanted the game to be more challenging. Challenge is what all XCOM players look for.
Dzūkian Mushroom Crusade 2020年4月27日 20時32分 
Well, it also reduces the chances of the enemy hitting you. This also only effects cover, not units that are out in the open or being flanked. This actually encourage the player to flank the enemy, which becomes less useful in late game, since your soldiers usually end up with so much aim, that they can easily shoot straight through high cover at perpendicular angles.
Deathraven13 2020年4月27日 19時47分 
@Aiae you know that you subdue = 100% hit chance right ? :p
ROXAZ 2020年4月27日 16時55分 
@Alae you know that works both ways, right?