The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Proudspire Manor Z-fighting Fix
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Category: Graphics, Houses
711.000 B
4. Apr. 2012 um 8:11
5. Apr. 2012 um 8:03
2 Änderungshinweise (anzeigen)

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Proudspire Manor Z-fighting Fix

Fixes the Z-fighting in the Proudspire Manor enchanting area.

This MAY not be compatible with mods that remove walls from this area of Proudspire Manor. No harm in trying though, eh?

Might be updates coming soon, depends if I find any more Z-fighting.


- Revision 2:
Minor positional tweak.

- Revision One:
Original version.
3 Kommentare
slomax 12. Aug. 2012 um 3:40 
Remarkable how this is the only 'bug fix' Proudspire that actually bloody fixes this. Well done.
Graal Otonami 17. Mai 2012 um 15:02 
True dat, this cures an eyesight that made me cringe every time I saw it.
Kurmudge 5. Apr. 2012 um 17:42 
I can't believe they shipped with that one.